TAPPS 5A District 06 Championship 2020 vs TAPPS 5A District 6 XC Championship 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -12 54 66
Overall Average -1:08.26 20:43.10 21:51.36
1st-10th Place -32.40 17:05.68 17:38.08
1st-25th Place -26.94 18:20.66 18:47.60
1st-50th Place -15.71 20:13.97 20:29.68
1st-100th Place -3:14.22 11:11.28 14:25.50
Common Athletes -- -- 32
Ran Faster 8 20 12
Ran Season Best 8 22 14
Average Time -19.04 20:47.60 21:06.65
Median Time -25.91 20:17.89 20:43.80
Middle 80% Times -21.34 20:54.08 21:15.43
Top 10% Times -24.33 17:02.79 17:27.12
Top 25% Times -17.32 17:51.48 18:08.79
Top 50% Times -14.61 18:42.88 18:57.49
Bottom 50% Times -23.48 22:52.33 23:15.81
Bottom 25% Times -39.57 24:16.39 24:55.96
Bottom 10% Times +0.72 25:39.41 25:38.68
Average Difference -19.04 -- --
Median Difference +1:36.17 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -20.79 -- --
Top 10% Difference -24.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference -20.80 -- --
Top 25% Difference -11.32 -- --
Top 50% Difference -20.80 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -17.29 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:01.85 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2.33 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Zachary Bagnoli The Woodlands Christian -1:07.53 16:38.92 17:46.45
Matthew Gaitan Houston Lutheran South -19.37 16:42.67 17:02.04
Marcus Gaitan Houston Lutheran South -18.15 16:45.14 17:03.29
Lucas Trevathan The Woodlands Christian +7.72 18:04.42 17:56.70
Andrew Langley Spring Frassati Catholic High School +52.40 19:01.79 18:09.39
Leighton Chapman Houston Second Baptist -1:08.50 18:17.99 19:26.49
Schuyler Clark Houston Second Baptist -38.68 18:28.74 19:07.42
Seth Culberson The Woodlands Christian -9.18 18:52.14 19:01.32
Phillip Catron The Woodlands Christian +2.25 19:06.49 19:04.24
Elijah Ward Houston Lutheran South +1:09.50 20:16.42 19:06.92
Davis Johnson The Woodlands Christian -3.20 19:10.35 19:13.55
Owen Jadlot The Woodlands Christian -1:20.00 19:12.80 20:32.80
Nathan Mendoza Houston Lutheran South -24.23 19:24.07 19:48.30
Jack Miggins Spring Frassati Catholic High School -1:34.37 19:33.55 21:07.92
Oliver Coco Houston Emery Weiner +2:45.43 22:23.45 19:38.02
Wilson Whiles Fort Bend Christian Academy +1:36.17 21:21.77 19:45.60
Collin Dufrene Spring Frassati Catholic High School -4:48.50 19:53.77 24:42.27
Jett Strack Houston Lutheran South -2:19.53 19:56.77 22:16.30
Lucas Wells Houston Lutheran South -19.43 20:17.89 20:37.32
Luke Anderson Houston Lutheran South -21.98 20:21.82 20:43.80
Ellis Coco Houston Emery Weiner +51.95 21:54.02 21:02.07
Enze Hao Houston Lutheran South +34.50 21:53.30 21:18.80
Nathan Hernandez Cristo Rey Jesuit +40.75 22:11.30 21:30.55
Ryan Rohrlich The Woodlands Christian -54.27 21:40.30 22:34.57
Jackson Champion Fort Bend Christian Academy -1:39.40 22:05.74 23:45.14
Carson Bohannon Houston Second Baptist +23.09 22:34.30 22:11.21
Colton Leimkuehler Houston Lutheran South -1:31.25 22:24.17 23:55.42
Haitham Manna Houston Lutheran South -24.95 24:11.60 24:36.55
Wyatt Carranco Houston Lutheran South -32.14 24:17.21 24:49.35
Evan Riekert Houston Lutheran South -3:15.65 24:34.45 27:50.10
Luke Stewert Houston Lutheran South +3:44.00 28:19.82 24:35.82
Gabriel Demandante The Woodlands Christian +13.12 25:26.14 25:13.02