Athlete Entries

Freshman Boys 100 Meter 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cherry, Samuel Houston Spring Woods
Morera Chavez, Emilio Houston Spring Woods
Cruez, Gael Houston Spring Woods
Martin, Bennett Houston Memorial
Krenz, Alexander 11.36 Houston Memorial
Jones, Quinton 11.50h Jersey Village
Johnson, Kyzler 11.60 Cypress Creek
Shelvin, Damian 11.78 Cy-Fair
Daniels, Demarcus 11.88 Cypress Ridge
Jackson, Brad 11.92 Cypress Creek
Nguyen, Collin 11.92 Cypress Ridge
White, Gregory 12.00 Cypress Creek
Jones, Khaymon 12.22 Cy-Fair
Lewis, Beau 12.35 Jersey Village
Julun, Joseph 12.56 Houston Stratford
Ausbrooks, Kaleel 12.74 Jersey Village
Markovich, Stephen 12.90h Houston Memorial
Austin, Jaden 13.82 Cypress Ridge
Wilson, John 14.14 Houston Stratford
Miller, Jackson 15.57 Houston Stratford
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Freshman Boys 110 Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leger, Thomas 18.02 Cypress Ridge
Ramirez, Dominic 18.93 Cypress Creek
Cervantes, Jayden 19.93 Cypress Creek
Shinette, Derrick 19.94 Cypress Ridge
Tillman, Detrick 20.17 Cypress Ridge
Chau, Steve 20.53 Jersey Village
Dawson, Rylan 21.90 Cypress Creek
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Freshman Boys 1600 Meters 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Blake Houston Spring Woods
Jones, Brian 4:54.77 Houston Memorial
Requejo, Marco 4:55.40 Jersey Village
Rushing, Daylan 4:59.56 Houston Stratford
Kalwahali, David 5:03.76 Houston Stratford
Lucia, Jacob 5:04.44 Jersey Village
Morford, Jona 5:12.56 Houston Stratford
Buckley, Giovanni 5:20.88 Cypress Ridge
Moreno, Joseph 5:23.60 Cypress Creek
Jones, Keith 5:24.06 Houston Memorial
Leger, Thomas 5:24.91 Cypress Ridge
Perez, Alexander 5:26.00h Jersey Village
Ramsey, Diego 5:27.64 Cy-Fair
Jamison, Patrick 5:35.82 Houston Memorial
Buie, Anthony 5:40.03 Cypress Ridge
Lucas, Jeremiah 5:57.63 Cypress Creek
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Freshman Boys 200 Meters 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomez, Fidel Houston Spring Woods
Duvvuri, Gabriell Houston Memorial
Morera Chavez, Emilio Houston Spring Woods
Cherry, Samuel Houston Spring Woods
Carey, Gavin 23.46 Jersey Village
Curtis, Josiah 23.57 Cypress Ridge
Jackson, Brad 23.80 Cypress Creek
Spears, Trevion 24.36 Cypress Ridge
Jones, Khaymon 24.51 Cy-Fair
Geiger, Jaxon 24.71 Cypress Creek
Miller, Jackson 24.90 Houston Stratford
Garcia, Abel 25.21 Cypress Creek
Morales, Mathew 25.24 Jersey Village
Krenz, Alexander 25.37 Houston Memorial
Morales, Lucas 25.38 Jersey Village
Julun, Joseph 25.40 Houston Stratford
Markovich, Stephen 26.30h Houston Memorial
Wilson, John 29.06 Houston Stratford
Austin, Jaden 29.12 Cypress Ridge
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Freshman Boys 300 Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harrison, Joseph 43.80 Cy-Fair
Lewis, Beau 46.00h Jersey Village
Ramirez, Dominic 46.22 Cypress Creek
Chau, Steve 46.82 Jersey Village
Leger, Thomas 47.07 Cypress Ridge
Shinette, Derrick 47.33 Cypress Ridge
Tillman, Detrick 47.41 Cypress Ridge
Cervantes, Jayden 49.50 Cypress Creek
Robinson, TaMarcus 52.70 Cypress Creek
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Freshman Boys 3200 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Brian 10:46.67 Houston Memorial
Kalwahali, David 10:53.15 Houston Stratford
Lucia, Jacob 11:08.70 Jersey Village
Rushing, Daylan 11:19.74 Houston Stratford
Jones, Keith 11:24.48 Houston Memorial
Moreno, Joseph 11:27.00 Cypress Creek
Morford, Jona 11:32.81 Houston Stratford
Reyes, Anderson 11:33.51 Cypress Ridge
Ramsey, Diego 11:35.05 Cy-Fair
Buckley, Giovanni 11:35.36 Cypress Ridge
Villatoro, Alan 11:37.19 Jersey Village
Perez, Alexander 12:00.00 Jersey Village
Buie, Anthony 12:14.41 Cypress Ridge
McCormack, Ian 12:22.86 Houston Memorial
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Freshman Boys 400 Meters 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cruez, Gael Houston Spring Woods
Frank, Cambrian Cy-Fair
Pham, Henry 1:00.30 Jersey Village
Carlton, Brayden 1:02.16 Cy-Fair
Briggs, Beau 1:02.53 Houston Memorial
Dessens, Sean 1:02.70 Houston Stratford
Rojas, Christian 1:03.75 Houston Memorial
McCown, Justice 1:05.19 Houston Memorial
Deis, Michael 1:08.02 Houston Stratford
Lowe, Juan 54.72 Cypress Creek
Nunez, Joshua 54.91 Jersey Village
Basra, Amardeep 55.37 Cypress Ridge
Simmons, Jayden 56.47 Cy-Fair
Babers, Triston 56.59 Cypress Ridge
Dominguez, Gabriel 56.69 Cypress Ridge
Marshall, Robert 56.90 Jersey Village
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Freshman Boys 4x100 Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.29 Houston Stratford
Relay Team A 45.50h Jersey Village
Relay Team A 45.61 Cypress Ridge
Relay Team A 46.29 Cy-Fair
Relay Team A 46.30 Cypress Creek
Relay Team A 50.85 Houston Memorial
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Freshman Boys 4x200 Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:31.06 Houston Stratford
Relay Team A 1:34.90h Jersey Village
Relay Team A 1:36.06 Cypress Ridge
Relay Team A 1:37.61 Cypress Creek
Relay Team A 1:41.13 Cy-Fair
Relay Team A 1:46.07 Houston Memorial
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Freshman Boys 4x400 Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:32.60 Houston Stratford
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Jersey Village
Relay Team A 3:41.78 Cypress Ridge
Relay Team A 3:55.83 Cypress Creek
Relay Team A 4:06.13 Cy-Fair
Relay Team A 4:08.92 Houston Memorial
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Freshman Boys 800 Meters 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Blake Houston Spring Woods
Requejo, Marco 2:13.08 Jersey Village
Basra, Amardeep 2:15.72 Cypress Ridge
Pham, Henry 2:16.49 Jersey Village
Jamison, Patrick 2:17.67 Houston Memorial
Babers, Triston 2:18.50 Cypress Ridge
Marshall, Robert 2:19.12 Jersey Village
Dominguez, Gabriel 2:19.35 Cypress Ridge
De La Cruz, Ashtan 2:21.80 Cy-Fair
Frank, Cambrian 2:27.68 Cy-Fair
Ball, Hays 2:27.87 Houston Memorial
Hare, Jacob 2:30.72 Houston Stratford
Cobos, Lucas 2:33.09 Houston Memorial
Lucas, Jeremiah 2:35.26 Cypress Creek
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Freshman Boys Discus 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Brian 108-8 Cypress Creek
Barajas, Jeremy 98-8 Cypress Ridge
Garcia, Jose 94-7 Jersey Village
Montecino, David 81-3 Cypress Ridge
Perez, Joseph Houston Spring Woods
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Freshman Boys High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
French, Austin 5-8 Cy-Fair
Jackson, Brad 5-8 Cypress Creek
Hutton, Pace 5-6 Jersey Village
Lewis, Beau 5-6 Jersey Village
Miller, Jackson 5-4 Houston Stratford
Shinette, Derrick 5-4 Cypress Ridge
Curtis, Josiah 5-2 Cypress Ridge
Koenig, Zachary Houston Memorial
Markovich, Stephen Houston Memorial
Robinson, Nicholas Cypress Creek
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Freshman Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nunez, Joshua 20-6 Jersey Village
Carter, Owen 18-11.75 Cy-Fair
Shinette, Derrick 18-3 Cypress Ridge
Vah, David 18-2.5 Cy-Fair
Robinson, Nicholas 18-1 Cypress Creek
Curtis, Josiah 17-7.5 Cypress Ridge
Hutton, Pace 17-6 Jersey Village
Young-Russell, Kam 17-6 Jersey Village
Jones, Khaymon 17-0.5 Cy-Fair
Ramirez, Dominic 16-9 Cypress Creek
Miller, Jackson 16-5.5 Houston Stratford
Duvvuri, Gabriell 16-5 Houston Memorial
Nguyen, Collin 16-1.5 Cypress Ridge
Mack, Elijah 15-9.5 Cypress Creek
Martin, Bennett 15-0 Houston Memorial
Yates, Jude 14-10 Houston Stratford
McCown, Justice 13-11.5 Houston Memorial
Dodson, Samuel 13-7 Houston Stratford
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Freshman Boys Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mucher, Ted 9-6 Houston Memorial
McCulloch, Cameron 8-0 Cy-Fair
Long, Christopher 8-0 Cy-Fair
Marr, Jyeshua 8-0 Jersey Village
Ma, Vincent 7-6 Houston Memorial
Dominguez, Gabriel 7-0 Cypress Ridge
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Freshman Boys Shot Put 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dawson, Jordan 38-7 Cypress Creek
Montecino, David 34-4 Cypress Ridge
Barajas, Jeremy 34-0.5 Cypress Ridge
Martinez, Brian 33-6 Cypress Creek
Cruz, Julian 33-4 Houston Northbrook
Garcia, Jose 32-9 Jersey Village
Davis, Treveyon 32-3.5 Cypress Creek
Prudhomme, Zachary 31-6 Houston Stratford
Perez, Joseph Houston Spring Woods
Guzman, Sebastian Houston Northbrook
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Freshman Boys Triple Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carter, Owen 40-9.5 Cy-Fair
Nunez, Joshua 40-9 Jersey Village
Hutton, Pace 39-2 Jersey Village
Babers, Triston 38-10 Cypress Ridge
Shinette, Derrick 37-5 Cypress Ridge
Vah, David 37-1.5 Cy-Fair
Robinson, TaMarcus 36-3.75 Cypress Creek
Moore, Ray 33-8 Cypress Creek
Mucher, Ted 33-4.5 Houston Memorial
Young-Russell, Kam 32-9 Jersey Village
Leger, Thomas 32-9 Cypress Ridge
Duvvuri, Gabriell 30-8 Houston Memorial
Schmidt, Cameron 29-7.75 Houston Memorial
Dodson, Samuel 28-5 Houston Stratford
Wilson, John 28-5 Houston Stratford
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Negreros, Ulises Houston Spring Woods
Garcia, Jovanny Houston Spring Woods
Tshamala, Salem Houston Spring Woods
Johnson, Cole 11.31 Houston Memorial
Warth, Ryan 11.37 Cy-Fair
Soto, Ordim 11.50h Houston Northbrook
Long-Craine, Alex 11.58 Cypress Creek
Harrison, Jacob 11.69 Cypress Ridge
Wilson, Ty 11.7 Houston Northbrook
Estes, Rashon 11.75 Jersey Village
Charles, Orion 11.81 Houston Memorial
Buckley, Javon 11.87 Cy-Fair
Rendon, Isaac 11.95 Cypress Ridge
Johnson, Darius 12.00h Jersey Village
Delva, Dade 12.01 Houston Northbrook
Melgar, Edgar 12.03 Cypress Creek
McMahon, Gage 12.10h Cy-Fair
Peterson, Sean 12.11 Cypress Ridge
Haywood, Josh 12.13 Cypress Creek
Badger, Will 12.55 Houston Stratford
Saadi, Wael 12.58 Houston Memorial
Daniels, Blake 12.85 Houston Stratford
Muckridge, Cameron 12.98 Houston Stratford
Hoang, Howard 14.13 Jersey Village
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arenas, Brandon 16.15 Houston Stratford
Edwards, Carson 16.64 Cy-Fair
Lozano, Jacob 17.16 Cypress Ridge
Botary, Jared 17.25 Houston Stratford
Serna, Julian 17.94 Houston Stratford
Orendain, Jordi 18.00 Houston Memorial
Bailey, Abraham 18.39 Cypress Ridge
Malard, Paul 18.57 Houston Memorial
Boggio, Beau 21.04 Houston Memorial
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tran, Huy Houston Spring Woods
Wylie, William 4:54.11 Houston Stratford
Gandy, Kristian 4:56.57 Cypress Creek
Countiss, Jackson 4:56.61 Cypress Creek
Mendoza, Ricardo 4:57.00h Houston Northbrook
Caranti, Andy 4:59.27 Houston Memorial
Thornton, Josh 5:04.11 Houston Stratford
Bolanos, Jonathon 5:04.54 Cypress Ridge
Hernandez, Gabriel 5:04.87 Jersey Village
Engvall, Trey 5:07.35 Houston Memorial
Rosenquist, Cade 5:09.02 Cy-Fair
Kaimann, Justin 5:10.00 Houston Stratford
Estrada, Damian 5:12.00h Houston Northbrook
Ruggiero, Vincent 5:13.50 Cypress Creek
Nambo, Isaac 5:18.36 Jersey Village
Wheeler, Wesley 5:18.70 Jersey Village
Perez, Andy 5:20.00h Houston Northbrook
Bhakta, Sahaj 5:24.09 Houston Memorial
Campbell, Caden 5:25.84 Cy-Fair
Flores, Nathaniel 5:30.76 Cy-Fair
Pardo, Mathew 5:46.40 Houston Spring Woods
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Negreros, Ulises Houston Spring Woods
Le, Nicholas Houston Memorial
Garcia, Jovanny Houston Spring Woods
Tshamala, Salem Houston Spring Woods
Taylor, Nashibo 22.39 Cypress Ridge
Santulli, Nicolas 23.34 Cy-Fair
Podraza, Issac 23.38 Jersey Village
Richardson, Tav'ren 23.44 Cypress Ridge
Nnyina, Freddy 23.99 Jersey Village
Tolliver, De'Vaughn 24.06 Cy-Fair
Silmon, Sly 24.09 Cy-Fair
Soto, Ordim 24.20h Houston Northbrook
Wilson, Ty 24.4 Houston Northbrook
Rendon, Isaac 24.43 Cypress Ridge
Soward, Reuven 24.44 Cypress Creek
Victorian, Damian 24.45 Cypress Creek
Butler, Brennan 24.47 Houston Memorial
Long, Rayland 24.63 Cypress Creek
Walker, Deon 24.94 Houston Stratford
Cuhel, Anthony 25.12 Houston Stratford
Delva, Dade 26.00 Houston Northbrook
Saadi, Wael 26.24 Houston Memorial
Badger, Will 26.94 Houston Stratford
Ha, Edward 28.06 Jersey Village
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Centeno, Elijah Houston Spring Woods
Newman, Andrew 45.93 Cypress Ridge
Bailey, Abraham 45.97 Cypress Ridge
Arenas, Brandon 45.98 Houston Stratford
Rankin, Nash 46.72 Houston Stratford
Lozano, Jacob 46.84 Cypress Ridge
Isaiah, Skinner 46.92 Jersey Village
Serna, Julian 47.02 Houston Stratford
Chavarria, Adolfo 47.43 Jersey Village
Orendain, Jordi 47.44 Houston Memorial
Mendez-Garcia, Martin 50.07 Houston Spring Woods
Malard, Paul 55.05 Houston Memorial
Boggio, Beau 58.92 Houston Memorial
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pardo, Mathew Houston Spring Woods
Wylie, William 10:08.92 Houston Stratford
Countiss, Jackson 10:50.00 Cypress Creek
Engvall, Trey 10:54.60 Houston Memorial
Thornton, Josh 10:55.90 Houston Stratford
Bolanos, Jonathon 11:00.74 Cypress Ridge
Rosenquist, Cade 11:09.02 Cy-Fair
Tiangco, Cole 11:18.00 Cypress Creek
Campbell, Caden 11:18.36 Cy-Fair
Wheeler, Wesley 11:21.74 Jersey Village
Bhakta, Sahaj 11:24.87 Houston Memorial
Franklin, Anthony 11:46 Cypress Creek
Oosthuizen, Chris 11:47.06 Houston Memorial
Taranto, Hugh 11:49.22 Cy-Fair
Rangel, Cristian 11:49.88 Jersey Village
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salazar, Hector Houston Spring Woods
Fuentes, Emanuel Houston Spring Woods
Herrera, Sergio Houston Spring Woods
Espinosa, Daniel 1:00.00h Houston Northbrook
Ramirez, Isaiah 1:00.43 Jersey Village
Garza, Jonathan 1:01.88 Cypress Creek
Pattison, Daniel 1:03.00h Houston Northbrook
Estrada, Jacob 1:07.00h Houston Northbrook
Nguyen-Phuoc, Don 1:09.49 Jersey Village
Taylor, Nashibo 53.98 Cypress Ridge
Matthews, Charles 54.35 Houston Memorial
Ledet, John 55.09 Houston Stratford
Banan, Ryan 55.12 Houston Stratford
Edwards, Carson 55.81 Cy-Fair
Jefferson, Zuri 55.90 Cypress Ridge
Benson, Kolby 56.67 Houston Stratford
Jackson, David 57.00 Cy-Fair
Sanor, Allen 57.13 Cypress Ridge
Ribeiro, Carllos 58.90 Jersey Village
Harris, Josh 58.94 Houston Memorial
Finnila, Henry 58.96 Houston Memorial
Paura, Dominic 59.49 Cy-Fair
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.15 Cypress Ridge
Relay Team A 45.22 Cy-Fair
Relay Team A 45.25 Houston Spring Woods
Relay Team A 45.50h Jersey Village
Relay Team A 45.51 Houston Stratford
Relay Team A 45.81 Cypress Creek
Relay Team A 46.60h Houston Memorial
Relay Team A 48.46 Houston Northbrook
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Houston Northbrook
Relay Team A 1:34.74 Cypress Ridge
Relay Team A 1:36.00h Jersey Village
Relay Team A 1:36.03 Houston Spring Woods
Relay Team A 1:37.00 Houston Stratford
Relay Team A 1:37.41 Cy-Fair
Relay Team A 1:38.21 Cypress Creek
Relay Team A 1:39.64 Houston Memorial
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Houston Northbrook
Relay Team A 3:40.68 Cypress Ridge
Relay Team A 3:45.69 Houston Spring Woods
Relay Team A 3:48.16 Houston Stratford
Relay Team A 3:50.00h Jersey Village
Relay Team A 3:52.35 Cypress Creek
Relay Team A 3:54.90h Houston Memorial
Relay Team A 3:55.13 Cy-Fair
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendoza, Ricardo 2:08.00h Houston Northbrook
Jefferson, Zuri 2:08.34 Cypress Ridge
Kaimann, Justin 2:10.16 Houston Stratford
Hernandez, Gabriel 2:13.00h Jersey Village
Caranti, Andy 2:13.66 Houston Memorial
Mattingly, Jarrett 2:17.71 Cypress Creek
Newman, Andrew 2:18.96 Cypress Ridge
Perez, Andy 2:20.00h Houston Northbrook
Salinas, Josh 2:22.14 Cypress Creek
Nason, Nathaniel 2:23.48 Cy-Fair
Yeagley, Blake 2:23.66 Cy-Fair
Marrs, Bradley 2:24.48 Houston Memorial
Finnila, Henry 2:28.43 Houston Memorial
Huerta, Deacon 2:29.82 Cypress Creek
Tran, Huy 2:38.81 Houston Spring Woods
Kunick, Fred 2:42.33 Houston Stratford
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HS Boys Discus Throw 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gill, Regan 133-3 Jersey Village
Esparza, Lorenzo 126-2 Cy-Fair
Phan, Brandon 114-9 Jersey Village
Tenney, Colin 113-6 Houston Stratford
Houston, Sam 110-5.5 Cypress Creek
Mouton, Michael 102-4 Houston Stratford
Wagner, Pierson 94-0 Cypress Creek
Vanderzyeden, Tyler 88-10 Cy-Fair
Vaughn, Justin 87-6 Cy-Fair
Spurlock, Caleb 86-7 Houston Stratford
Rosenstein, Connor 68-4 Houston Memorial
Averil, Starson Houston Spring Woods
Emerson, Joseph Houston Spring Woods
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HS Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Soldevilla, Emiliano 5-6 Cypress Ridge
Johnson, Darius 5-4 Jersey Village
Soward, Reuven 5-4 Cypress Creek
Adams, Jacob 5-4 Cypress Creek
Estes, Rashon 5-2 Jersey Village
Silmon, Sly 5-0 Cy-Fair
Anjom, Raein Houston Memorial
Kang, Stephen Houston Memorial
Espinosa, Daniel Houston Northbrook
Pattison, Daniel Houston Northbrook
Dillard, Brandon Houston Northbrook
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HS Boys Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ribeiro, Carllos 19-3 Jersey Village
Warth, Ryan 19-0 Cy-Fair
McMahon, Gage 18-10 Cy-Fair
Long-Craine, Alex 18-8.75 Cypress Creek
Long, Rayland 18-4.75 Cypress Creek
Harrison, Jacob 18-4 Cypress Ridge
Matthews, Jarius 18-1 Jersey Village
Bailey, Abraham 18-0 Cypress Ridge
Millan, Juan 17-9.5 Cypress Ridge
Adams, Jacob 17-6.5 Cypress Creek
Cuhel, Anthony 17-2 Houston Stratford
Jackson, David 16-9 Cy-Fair
Castell, Ian 16-8.5 Houston Stratford
Orendain, Jordi 15-10.5 Houston Memorial
Tellepsen, Kaid 15-10 Houston Memorial
Charles, Orion 15-0 Houston Memorial
Muckridge, Cameron 14-10 Houston Stratford
Fuentes, Emanuel Houston Spring Woods
Dillard, Brandon Houston Northbrook
Wilson, Ty Houston Northbrook
Pattison, Daniel Houston Northbrook
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HS Boys Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stephan, Thomas 10-6 Houston Memorial
Tellepsen, Kaid 10-6 Houston Memorial
Holt, Jackson 10-6 Houston Stratford
Bakht, Tim 9-6 Houston Memorial
Chelala, Giancarlo 9-6 Houston Stratford
Peterson, Sean 9-0 Cypress Ridge
Centeno, Elijah Houston Spring Woods
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HS Boys Shot Put 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Phan, Brandon 39-10.5 Jersey Village
Hawkins, Andre 39-4 Cy-Fair
Smith, Geremiah 38-11 Cypress Creek
Martinez, Alejandro 38-2 Cy-Fair
Hyland, Josh 37-5 Houston Stratford
Foeng, George 36-10 Houston Memorial
Garcia, Lennon 36-10 Houston Stratford
Gale, Ian 36-7 Cy-Fair
Gill, Regan 36-3 Jersey Village
Houston, Sam 35-7 Cypress Creek
Scales, Jacob 34-3 Cypress Creek
Soldevilla, Emiliano 34-0 Cypress Ridge
Herrera, Jose 33-11 Houston Stratford
Emerson, Joseph 29-7 Houston Spring Woods
Rosenstein, Connor 27-10 Houston Memorial
Averil, Starson Houston Spring Woods
Belloso, Charley Houston Northbrook
Reyes, Angel Houston Northbrook
Pecina, Bayron Houston Northbrook
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HS Boys Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Warth, Ryan 41-8 Cy-Fair
Bailey, Abraham 39-10 Cypress Ridge
Harrison, Jacob 38-1 Cypress Ridge
Millan, Juan 37-9.5 Cypress Ridge
Matthews, Jarius 37-4 Jersey Village
Esparza, Lorenzo 36-11.5 Cy-Fair
Ramirez, Isaiah 35-9.75 Jersey Village
Ribeiro, Carllos 35-6 Jersey Village
Walker, Deon 35-5.75 Houston Stratford
Tellepsen, Kaid 35-5 Houston Memorial
Hadidi, Ahmad 34-5.5 Houston Memorial
Kang, Stephen 34-0 Houston Memorial
Fuentes, Emanuel Houston Spring Woods
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dillard, D'asha Houston Northbrook
Gallegos, Zhara Houston Spring Woods
Martinez, Stefani Houston Northbrook
Akpan, Sarah 12.62 Houston Stratford
Click, Caprice 13.09 Cypress Ridge
Buckner, Baliey 13.17 Jersey Village
Pearson, Grace 13.32 Cy-Fair
Naka, Emily 13.41 Houston Memorial
Naka, Karen 13.53 Houston Memorial
Carvelli, Angie 13.56 Houston Stratford
Johnson, La'Kadence 13.75 Cy-Fair
Smalls, Autumn 13.95 Jersey Village
Jones, Carmella 13.97 Cypress Creek
Colin, Zayna 14.25 Houston Memorial
Knight, Alexandria 14.43 Cypress Ridge
Hughes, Chase 14.58 Cypress Creek
Ixchop, Daisy 14.73 Houston Spring Woods
Davis, Tiana 14.97 Cypress Creek
Torres, Ania 15.23 Cy-Fair
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Akpan, Sophia 16.49 Houston Stratford
Spears, Charlize 17.22 Houston Stratford
Davis, Avery 17.69 Cypress Ridge
Sanchez, Christine 17.70 Cy-Fair
Fan, Rachel 17.95 Houston Memorial
Presley, Kara 18.97 Houston Stratford
Finley, Season 19.33 Cypress Creek
Yang, Susanna 20.10 Houston Memorial
Vargas, Hailie 20.54 Cypress Ridge
Jackson, Ariel 20.77 Cypress Creek
Dailey-Brown, Celebrity 20.93 Cypress Creek
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Santiago-Rojas, Ana Houston Spring Woods
Huerta, Gracie Houston Spring Woods
Bulux, Ingrid Houston Spring Woods
Broom, Megan 5:45.02 Houston Stratford
Bommer, Amelia 5:50.57 Houston Stratford
Yoder, Siena 5:50.79 Houston Stratford
Ballew, Lola 5:51.83 Houston Memorial
De Lemos, Naomi 6:07.43 Houston Memorial
McMillin, Karli 6:11.77 Cypress Creek
Nguyen, Caitlin 6:21.47 Jersey Village
Shoaf, Caroline 6:24.11 Houston Memorial
Randle, Shayla 6:27.91 Cy-Fair
Beaumier, Abigail 6:34.40 Cy-Fair
Watkins, Joy 6:36.86 Cypress Ridge
Gutierrez, Karla 6:47.88 Jersey Village
Camarillo, Gloria 6:52.25 Cypress Creek
Vanarsdal, Madison 7:12.47 Cy-Fair
Lopez, Jasmine 7:20.00 Houston Spring Woods
Paz, Samantha 7:48.16 Cypress Creek
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Franco, Hay-Leigh Houston Spring Woods
Dillard, D'asha Houston Northbrook
Naka, Karen Houston Memorial
Hernandez, Wendoly Houston Northbrook
Naka, Emily Houston Memorial
Rice, Mia Houston Northbrook
Trettin, Sophia Houston Memorial
Click, Caprice 27.97 Cypress Ridge
Steber, Lina'yah 28.68 Cypress Creek
Johnson, La'Kadence 28.71 Cy-Fair
Pearson, Grace 28.97 Cy-Fair
Torres, Ania 29.18 Cy-Fair
Knight, Alexandria 29.70 Cypress Ridge
Brown, Alayshia 29.75 Jersey Village
Carvelli, Angie 29.88 Houston Stratford
Riley, Mia 30.51 Cypress Ridge
Jackson, Ariel 31.04 Cypress Creek
Jones, Kelise 31.83 Cypress Creek
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huerta, Gracie Houston Spring Woods
Yang, Susanna 1:00.46 Houston Memorial
Akpan, Sophia 47.41 Houston Stratford
Kelly, Katelyn 52.96 Jersey Village
Fairley, Saionna 54.23 Cypress Creek
Davis, Avery 54.34 Cypress Ridge
Vargas, Hailie 54.84 Cypress Ridge
Nault, Elise 55.19 Houston Stratford
Spiers, Charlize 55.26 Houston Stratford
Fan, Rachel 56.27 Houston Memorial
Sanchez, Christine 57.45 Cy-Fair
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Jasmine Houston Spring Woods
Bulux, Ingrid Houston Spring Woods
Yoder, Siena 12:10.63 Houston Stratford
Broom, Megan 12:16.59 Houston Stratford
Bommer, Amelia 12:30.39 Houston Stratford
Ballew, Lola 12:37.26 Houston Memorial
Lopez, Delyla 13:50.49 Cy-Fair
Beaumier, Abigail 14:17.45 Cy-Fair
Valdes, Alexia 14:20.15 Houston Memorial
Schutt, Elizabeth 14:21.94 Houston Memorial
Randle, Shayla 14:33.58 Cy-Fair
Nguyen, Caitlin 15:30 Jersey Village
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rice, Mia Houston Northbrook
Ross, Leah Houston Northbrook
Cantero, Melina Houston Spring Woods
Nazario, Jacquelin Houston Northbrook
Isherwood, Natallia Houston Memorial
Osborne, Mikayla 1:02.56 Houston Stratford
Pearson, Destiny 1:03.78 Cy-Fair
Garcia, Elissa 1:05.67 Jersey Village
Perez-Mendoza, Victoria 1:08.11 Cypress Ridge
Ten Wolde, Ella 1:10.68 Houston Stratford
Rau, Madalyn 1:12.93 Houston Memorial
Guzman, Emerson 1:13.41 Houston Memorial
George, Annah 1:17.64 Cy-Fair
Gil, Citlalic 1:18.55 Cy-Fair
Akpan, Sarah 57.61 Houston Stratford
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.60 Houston Spring Woods
Relay Team A 53.38 Cy-Fair
Relay Team A 53.50 Jersey Village
Relay Team A 54.29 Cypress Creek
Relay Team A 55.72 Houston Memorial
Relay Team A 57.48 Cypress Ridge
Relay Team A 58.05 Houston Northbrook
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:53.57 Jersey Village
Relay Team A 1:55.16 Cy-Fair
Relay Team A 1:56.78 Houston Spring Woods
Relay Team A 1:57.53 Houston Memorial
Relay Team A 1:58.31 Cypress Creek
Relay Team A 2:09.29 Houston Northbrook
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Houston Northbrook
Relay Team A 4:14.23 Houston Stratford
Relay Team A 4:39.52 Houston Memorial
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Jersey Village
Relay Team A 5:05.00h Cy-Fair
Relay Team A 5:31.91 Cypress Ridge
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huerta, Gracie Houston Spring Woods
Olive, Adelisse Houston Spring Woods
Perez-Mendoza, Victoria 2:32.11 Cypress Ridge
De Lemos, Naomi 2:33.12 Houston Memorial
Pearson, Destiny 2:38.30 Cy-Fair
Lyons, Kendall 2:41.02 Houston Memorial
Hubbard, Avery 2:45.16 Houston Memorial
Hensley, Kara 2:47.03 Houston Stratford
Kelly, Katelyn 2:49.00h Jersey Village
Watkins, Joy 2:50.02 Cypress Ridge
Mitchell, Mary 2:50.12 Houston Stratford
Mota Velazquez, Alma 2:56.54 Cypress Ridge
Camarillo, Gloria 2:58.74 Cypress Creek
George, Annah 3:00.12 Cy-Fair
Castaneda, Aurora 3:02.26 Cypress Creek
Rougeau, Destiny 3:04.52 Houston Spring Woods
Gil, Citlalic 3:09.56 Cy-Fair
Plata, Chelsea 3:13.68 Cypress Creek
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HS Girls Discus Throw 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gordon, Jayla 79-11 Cypress Ridge
Darling, Reagan 73-4 Jersey Village
Braun, Brandee 73-1 Cypress Creek
Willis, Na'Lani 72-9 Cypress Creek
Perez-Mendoza, Victoria 71-9 Cypress Ridge
Carrizal, Erin 69-5 Houston Spring Woods
Andres, Alexi 65-2 Houston Stratford
Parks, Jillian 64-11 Houston Stratford
Pierson, Kiley 64-10 Cy-Fair
Warren, Shelby 63-9.5 Cy-Fair
Reyes, Gizzel 60-8.5 Houston Memorial
Olayiwole, Mofogofoluwa 58-6 Houston Memorial
Benitez, Carolina 57-4 Cypress Ridge
Johnson, Aerial 54-1 Jersey Village
Campbell, Avery 51-0 Cy-Fair
Sanchez, Leilah 44-7 Jersey Village
Barron, Diana Houston Northbrook
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HS Girls High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chavez, Yesenia 5-0 Cypress Ridge
McWilliams, Ella 4-8 Houston Stratford
Blake, Lauren 4-2 Houston Memorial
Lauritsen, Caris 4-2 Houston Memorial
Riley, Mia Cypress Ridge
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HS Girls Long Jump 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carter, Aiyana 15-9.5 Cy-Fair
Click, Caprice 15-1.5 Cypress Ridge
Casid, Nicole 15-0.5 Houston Memorial
Osborne, Mikayla 14-7.75 Houston Stratford
Fan, Rachel 14-0 Houston Memorial
Knight, Alexandria 13-10.5 Cypress Ridge
Dailey-Brown, Celebrity 13-7.5 Cypress Creek
Key, Syble 13-6 Houston Memorial
Jones, Kelise 11-4.25 Cypress Creek
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HS Girls Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burkhart, Belle 7-6 Houston Stratford
Carter, Savanah 6-0 Cypress Ridge
Sanchez, Claire 6-0 Houston Memorial
Velazquez, Zoe Houston Spring Woods
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HS Girls Shot Put 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Aerial 30-6 Jersey Village
Braun, Brandee 29-10.5 Cypress Creek
Aigberadion, Nora 28-11 Cy-Fair
Olayiwole, Mofogofoluwa 28-5.5 Houston Memorial
Andrews, Alexis 28-0 Houston Stratford
Willis, Na'Lani 27-1 Cypress Creek
Warren, Shelby 25-6 Cy-Fair
Darling, Reagan 24-9 Jersey Village
Gordon, Jayla 24-5.5 Cypress Ridge
Sanchez, Leilah 20-5 Jersey Village
Benitez, Carolina 19-8 Cypress Ridge
Reyes, Gizzel 19-7.5 Houston Memorial
Carrizal, Erin 19-6 Houston Spring Woods
Pendleton, Queniyah 14-0 Cypress Creek
Davis, Lena Cy-Fair
Barron, Diana Houston Northbrook
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HS Girls Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spears, Charlize 31-5 Houston Stratford
Le, Jasmine 30-3 Houston Memorial
Fan, Rachel 30-0.5 Houston Memorial
Santiago, Alyssa 29-0.75 Cy-Fair
Medrano, Elena 28-3 Houston Memorial
Guerra, Juliette 28-0.5 Cy-Fair
Metoyer, Savannah Cy-Fair
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