Marcus Coach T Invitatonal 2021

Denton, TX

Marcus Coach T Invitatonal 2021 vs Marcus Coach T Invitational 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -1310 476 1786
Overall Average +46.74 22:33.97 21:47.23
1st-10th Place +46.29 16:10.20 15:23.91
1st-25th Place +48.30 16:27.12 15:38.82
1st-50th Place +54.70 16:49.58 15:54.88
1st-100th Place +1:14.29 17:32.16 16:17.86
Common Athletes -- -- 222
Ran Faster -150 36 186
Ran Season Best -11 4 15
Average Time +1:36.83 21:53.38 20:16.55
Median Time +1:23.30 21:26.50 20:03.20
Middle 80% Times +1:30.45 21:38.05 20:07.61
Top 10% Times +44.98 16:57.75 16:12.77
Top 25% Times +55.08 17:49.63 16:54.54
Top 50% Times +1:06.18 19:04.87 17:58.69
Bottom 50% Times +2:07.48 24:41.89 22:34.41
Bottom 25% Times +2:46.25 26:51.04 24:04.79
Bottom 10% Times +3:22.95 29:11.37 25:48.41
Average Difference +1:36.83 -- --
Median Difference -24.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:26.32 -- --
Top 10% Difference +33.46 -- --
Top 50% Difference +54.33 -- --
Top 25% Difference +37.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference +54.33 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:19.34 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +3:07.75 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +4:09.62 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jack Johnston Prosper +1:09.20 16:30.80 15:21.60
Andrew Mullen Coppell +29.50 16:06.40 15:36.90
Hunter Jackson Wylie High School +31.80 16:11.00 15:39.20
Caden Biltz Wylie High School +1:13.80 16:58.80 15:45.00
Parker Noffz Lewisville Marcus +2:05.50 17:55.20 15:49.70
Owen Cole Flower Mound +32.60 16:24.30 15:51.70
Dawson Svoboda Prosper +31.50 16:27.10 15:55.60
Christopher Miller Prosper +1:47.00 17:44.90 15:57.90
Robert Freeman Carroll High School -10.60 16:09.40 16:20.00
Noah Green Allen +32.80 16:44.90 16:12.10
Devon Cartwright Lewisville Hebron +40.30 16:56.10 16:15.80
Jack Litwin Carroll High School +1:19.30 17:37.50 16:18.20
Samuel Martinson Coppell +1:03.70 17:25.40 16:21.70
Tyler Ortiz Carroll High School +43.50 17:06.20 16:22.70
Asheer Jiwani Coppell +1:36.50 18:00.00 16:23.50
Ryan Mckee Lewisville Hebron +1:29.50 17:56.30 16:26.80
Hogan Heikkinen Plano West -8.60 16:28.00 16:36.60
Landin Wolfe Wylie High School +56.90 17:26.70 16:29.80
Diego Donald Prosper +36.80 17:10.40 16:33.60
Kavin Chengavarayan Coppell +40.60 17:16.60 16:36.00
Logan Fabrega Plano West +1:00.80 17:38.60 16:37.80
Conrad Trezza Flower Mound +22.40 17:02.20 16:39.80
Griffin Cords Carroll High School +3:17.20 19:58.80 16:41.60
Vivek Reddy Carroll High School -1.40 16:42.40 16:43.80
Terry Scott Allen +1:09.80 17:57.80 16:48.00
Carter Haskell Carroll High School +3:27.50 20:17.60 16:50.10
Dominic Piccolo Coppell +4:39.40 21:32.20 16:52.80
William Shepherd Plano West +1:50.00 18:47.60 16:57.60
Tyler Epps Prosper +45.70 17:43.80 16:58.10
Hayden Tomancak Lewisville Hebron +15.10 17:13.70 16:58.60
Mateo Guzman Wylie High School +3:56.20 20:58.40 17:02.20
Shewaye Johnson Prosper +43.30 17:52.10 17:08.80
Luke Finch Dallas Highland Park +1:06.30 18:16.40 17:10.10
William Locknane Plano West +2:27.80 19:42.10 17:14.30
Nathan Moore Wylie High School +19.40 17:35.70 17:16.30
Sam Falkstein Allen -2.40 17:16.90 17:19.30
Samantha Humphries Flower Mound +47.20 18:07.20 17:20.00
John Adam Kieda Carroll High School +1:23.90 18:47.80 17:23.90
Remington Martin Prosper +1:23.30 18:48.60 17:25.30
Hunter Hegi Dallas Highland Park +12.50 17:39.10 17:26.60
Jacob Whitten Allen +24.40 17:54.00 17:29.60
Nicole Humphries Flower Mound +1:38.00 19:08.20 17:30.20
Austin Jackson Wylie High School +2:43.60 20:15.30 17:31.70
Cameron Churchill-Dowd Coppell +2:26.00 19:59.00 17:33.00
Alvin Williams Flower Mound +7:51.60 25:25.60 17:34.00
Edward Graham Dallas Covenant +58.80 18:33.50 17:34.70
Alexandra Walsh Carroll High School +2:16.20 19:51.80 17:35.60
Jett Jones Carroll High School +3:23.60 21:00.20 17:36.60
Kavish Patel Lewisville Hebron +2:11.80 19:51.70 17:39.90
Josh Hook Dallas Covenant +46.80 18:33.60 17:46.80
Ava Bushaw Carroll High School +1:30.10 19:17.80 17:47.70
Caleb Lo Carroll High School +3:10.10 20:59.80 17:49.70
Jake Richter Dallas Highland Park +13.70 18:03.90 17:50.20
Jase Wilson Coppell +1:40.00 19:34.30 17:54.30
Ethan Contreras Lewisville Marcus +21.00 18:16.00 17:55.00
Alexandra Fox Flower Mound +1:13.60 19:09.60 17:56.00
Mason Yates Flower Mound +2:11.40 20:07.50 17:56.10
Enrique Caraveo Alvarado +45.40 18:42.50 17:57.10
Ethan Thomas Carroll High School +2:27.90 20:27.40 17:59.50
Elliott Moncada Alvarado +7.30 18:07.50 18:00.20
Mark Philbin Dallas Highland Park -17.80 18:04.30 18:22.10
Haley Harper Plano West +3:56.10 22:01.20 18:05.10
Ryan Krasinski Carroll High School +1:38.20 19:45.20 18:07.00
Robert Wohlitz Lewisville Marcus -9.30 18:08.00 18:17.30
Matthew Choe Flower Mound +1:59.00 20:07.90 18:08.90
KJ Seale Lewisville Hebron +15.60 18:32.30 18:16.70
Nicholas Anderson Lewisville Marcus -26.50 18:19.70 18:46.20
Parker Eagan Prosper +4:41.80 23:12.90 18:31.10
Blake Lyons Lewisville Marcus -28.20 18:31.70 18:59.90
Grant O'Neal Coppell +1:00.90 19:33.10 18:32.20
Joshua Pittner Flower Mound +2:58.60 21:32.10 18:33.50
Carson DeRoussel Allen -25.30 18:33.80 18:59.10
Dillon Khera Coppell +1:36.30 20:14.50 18:38.20
Noah Thomason Dallas Covenant +4.40 18:45.00 18:40.60
Alex Ezell Lewisville Hebron +3:10.50 21:52.90 18:42.40
Sylvia Schwedler Carroll High School +1:12.70 19:55.20 18:42.50
Andrew Morgan Dallas Covenant +59.70 19:42.90 18:43.20
Jose Rangel Decatur +1:53.20 20:37.70 18:44.50
Parker Shaw Flower Mound +4:56.10 23:41.10 18:45.00
Chase Vogler Allen +2:57.20 21:43.80 18:46.60
Audrey Dunn Carroll High School +33.20 19:23.60 18:50.40
James Garcia Carroll High School -37.50 18:50.60 19:28.10
Srija Venna Lewisville Hebron +3:39.90 22:31.50 18:51.60
Bennett Blevins Dallas Highland Park +3:52.40 22:46.10 18:53.70
Ryan Lowe Lewisville Hebron -2:18.00 18:54.20 21:12.20
Andrew Nystrom Carroll High School -57.50 18:57.90 19:55.40
Jack Sibbett Carroll High School -1:40.00 18:59.00 20:39.00
Caden Kocher Lewisville Hebron -10.40 19:07.80 19:18.20
John Wallace Allen +5.00 19:13.50 19:08.50
Mia McGlade Allen +54.60 20:03.30 19:08.70
Zachary Maier Flower Mound +2:33.30 21:42.60 19:09.30
Ryann Flores Carroll High School +2:22.80 21:43.80 19:21.00
Raahem Siddiqui Carroll High School -12.60 19:21.50 19:34.10
Quentin Gourdon Carroll High School +1:51.20 21:13.90 19:22.70
Ben Bautista +1:21.60 20:45.70 19:24.10
Sarayu Veluri Carroll High School +4:05.60 23:33.90 19:28.30
Seth Buraglio Flower Mound +1:31.50 21:01.40 19:29.90
Devin Masson Carroll High School -43.60 19:30.80 20:14.40
Mallory Sherrer Coppell +1:04.00 20:35.10 19:31.10
Archer Stahl Dallas Highland Park +55.60 20:27.90 19:32.30
Abbey Coberly Flower Mound +37.60 20:11.90 19:34.30
Sara Cavey Dallas Highland Park -40.70 19:38.40 20:19.10
Brendan Donnelly Prosper +1:48.60 21:27.50 19:38.90
Charlotte Martin Carroll High School +2:31.60 22:12.40 19:40.80
Leah Heil Plano West +47.50 20:28.60 19:41.10
Grayson Dowdy Lewisville Hebron +1:42.70 21:26.60 19:43.90
Tanner Pinabel Plano West +2:03.00 21:47.30 19:44.30
Liv Lambert Wylie High School +20.00 20:04.40 19:44.40
Natalie Ng Carroll High School +16.40 20:01.20 19:44.80
Ellie Preston Dallas Highland Park +31.00 20:16.10 19:45.10
Caleb Hook Dallas Covenant +42.40 20:36.20 19:53.80
Mia Lay Carroll High School +3:54.20 23:49.80 19:55.60
Manny Lester Lewisville Hebron +39.30 20:35.50 19:56.20
Ezra Ramirez Allen +3:34.50 23:31.40 19:56.90
Kate Parsons Prosper +1:11.70 21:09.00 19:57.30
Rohan Kumar Carroll High School +2:37.10 22:40.30 20:03.20
Aidan Bedwell Carroll High School -1:10.00 20:05.20 21:15.20
Jorge Nava Alvarado +19.20 20:29.10 20:09.90
Lily Dunn Lewisville Hebron -25.70 20:15.40 20:41.10
Jenna Topott Allen +55.10 21:11.40 20:16.30
Claire Bettencourt Flower Mound +2:31.50 22:48.20 20:16.70
Lucas Robertson Dallas Covenant +2:01.50 22:22.20 20:20.70
Jonas Rogers Coppell -2:07.80 20:21.10 22:28.90
Kyle Mobley Coppell +4.80 20:29.40 20:24.60
Grace Hathaway Dallas Highland Park +1:00.40 21:25.80 20:25.40
Parker Eiben Wylie High School +1:00.20 21:26.50 20:26.30
Samuel McKneely Allen +2:40.20 23:06.90 20:26.70
Ian Matthews Flower Mound +1:12.60 21:42.50 20:29.90
Bryn Daugherty Lewisville Hebron -7.60 20:33.80 20:41.40
Campbell Jordan Allen +1:07.00 21:43.40 20:36.40
German Vivanco Carroll High School +3:34.20 24:15.50 20:41.30
Chase Mader Carroll High School +21.20 21:03.40 20:42.20
Thomas Hall Carroll High School +2:30.50 23:13.80 20:43.30
Lennon Dawson Allen +1:06.40 21:51.00 20:44.60
Christopher Crespo Dallas Highland Park +2:30.80 23:16.80 20:46.00
Aditya Pulipaka +50.60 21:37.90 20:47.30
Maximiliano Villasana Dallas Highland Park +56.00 21:43.80 20:47.80
Mia Tesoriero Carroll High School -15.40 20:48.60 21:04.00
Kai Speier Carroll High School +6:48.90 27:40.10 20:51.20
Cade Crockett Decatur +1:11.30 22:03.30 20:52.00
Anthony Thomas Carroll High School +58.80 21:53.10 20:54.30
Alex Bautista +3:34.80 24:33.70 20:58.90
Kaylee Gray Lewisville Marcus +3:12.50 24:11.40 20:58.90
David Luna Wylie High School +54.20 21:58.30 21:04.10
Madeline Patel Prosper +1:38.90 22:43.50 21:04.60
Landen Fischer Prosper +3:35.30 24:40.50 21:05.20
Abby Olague Alvarado -45.10 21:06.10 21:51.20
Sophia Medina Carroll High School +1:20.30 22:27.10 21:06.80
William Orr Dallas Covenant +7.70 21:14.60 21:06.90
Noah Guthrie -24.40 21:09.40 21:33.80
Carter Calvin Carroll High School -38.70 21:12.10 21:50.80
Elizabeth Walker Coppell -1:08.00 21:19.90 22:27.90
Ryan Goldstein +1:19.00 22:40.60 21:21.60
Sawyer Mills Dallas Highland Park +28.20 21:51.30 21:23.10
Emilio Rangel Allen +4:24.30 25:50.10 21:25.80
Lauren Sims Carroll High School +1:32.00 22:58.20 21:26.20
William Petrie Flower Mound +5:22.30 26:49.70 21:27.40
Kristjana Miller Prosper +2:04.70 23:35.80 21:31.10
Raquel Iturrino Carrollton Creekview +1:58.90 23:30.30 21:31.40
Mia Dunagan Carroll High School +3:45.20 25:21.10 21:35.90
Annie Reeder Coppell +3:19.50 24:57.80 21:38.30
Greta Choi Plano West +3:24.90 25:08.70 21:43.80
Jane Carvajal Allen +1:30.60 23:14.70 21:44.10
Will Price Carroll High School +8:24.60 30:12.40 21:47.80
Katelynn Johnson Lewisville Marcus -1:05.00 21:48.40 22:53.40
Grace Jiranek Lewisville Hebron -40.60 21:50.50 22:31.10
Lucy Pettigrew Carroll High School +1:08.70 23:01.10 21:52.40
Nolan Leal Dallas Covenant -2.40 21:55.70 21:58.10
Corbin Chen Coppell +1:22.60 23:24.20 22:01.60
Karol Martinez Lewisville Hebron +55.00 23:03.70 22:08.70
Lynn Hendrickson Flower Mound +8.50 22:17.50 22:09.00
Dominic Marotta Carroll High School -47.10 22:09.30 22:56.40
Krish Sirpal Coppell +5:07.90 27:19.00 22:11.10
John Wolverton Dallas Covenant +3:05.80 25:18.80 22:13.00
Andria Harris Alvarado -40.40 22:13.60 22:54.00
Adrian Vargas Decatur +1:50.80 24:09.10 22:18.30
Grayson Kerigan Carroll High School +4:27.90 26:48.20 22:20.30
Jordan Anderson Decatur +2:30.50 24:55.40 22:24.90
Ashley Cusick Carroll High School +2:12.60 24:39.00 22:26.40
Celina Prieur Greenhill +3:14.90 25:43.50 22:28.60
Daniel Lee Prosper +50.70 23:25.20 22:34.50
Mahek Khandelwal Coppell +2:30.50 25:05.30 22:34.80
Gary Melson Alvarado +1:34.30 24:16.90 22:42.60
Marissa Martinez Carroll High School +3:25.70 26:16.30 22:50.60
Zella Stutz Lewisville Marcus +1:10.10 24:02.30 22:52.20
Ashton Adams Allen +2:34.40 25:28.70 22:54.30
Audrey Hendrickson Carroll High School -1:58.80 22:56.90 24:55.70
Katie Hurrell Carroll High School +4:24.70 27:26.70 23:02.00
Riley Higginbotham Carroll High School +2:38.20 25:40.70 23:02.50
Erin Young Prosper +6:22.70 29:28.70 23:06.00
Addison Gittelman Lewisville Marcus +2:33.60 25:45.70 23:12.10
Jillian Copeland Lewisville Hebron -25.10 23:12.70 23:37.80
Andrew Wang Carroll High School +2:45.10 25:59.10 23:14.00
Oliver Burke +2:04.30 25:19.10 23:14.80
Mallory Embry Lewisville Marcus +30.40 23:51.40 23:21.00
Amy Olalde Alvarado +2:48.70 26:13.10 23:24.40
Zoey Mcbain Flower Mound +1:14.00 24:44.40 23:30.40
Jack Clarke Carroll High School +5:46.50 29:17.30 23:30.80
Nate Pederson Dallas Covenant +3:23.80 27:05.90 23:42.10
Ace Malone Prosper +1:55.40 25:40.00 23:44.60
Kelsey Walton Carroll High School +1:56.50 25:43.30 23:46.80
Price Rhodes Dallas Highland Park +2:08.10 26:08.90 24:00.80
Riley Reece Flower Mound +4:02.10 28:08.20 24:06.10
Lailah Utnage Alvarado -8.70 24:07.30 24:16.00
Avery Adams Allen +1:44.40 26:09.10 24:24.70
Mary Susan Scheble Dallas Highland Park +50.60 25:18.50 24:27.90
Lauren Courtney Dallas Highland Park +25.80 25:00.40 24:34.60
Jacob Van Boerum Allen +5:39.30 30:19.10 24:39.80
Clare Kelly Carroll High School +1.10 24:43.50 24:42.40
Estevan Fernandez Decatur +1:51.30 26:36.50 24:45.20
Ashlyn Wilbanks Coppell +4:57.00 29:51.50 24:54.50
Maya Winterburn Flower Mound +43.50 25:41.00 24:57.50
Dakota Sellards Decatur +2:06.00 27:22.40 25:16.40
Elizabeth Mann Greenhill +1:12.90 27:14.20 26:01.30
Kennedy Foy Dallas Highland Park -4:30.70 26:01.90 30:32.60
Brianna Henderson Coppell +1:10.60 27:35.60 26:25.00
Khushi Chhaya Greenhill +1:13.90 27:39.30 26:25.40
Senes Clark Carroll High School +10:00.60 36:51.10 26:50.50
Paisley Bowles Carroll High School +9:48.60 36:42.80 26:54.20
Ava Swanson Carroll High School +4:13.30 31:18.70 27:05.40
Allison Miner Decatur -24.70 28:59.50 29:24.20
Nick Price Carroll High School +4:11.70 34:18.20 30:06.50