Athlete Entries

Boys 235 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jaquez, Xavier Tison Middle School
Huskey, Ryan Kerr Middle School
Matai, Kai Stephenville Middle School
Howard, Josiah Granbury Middle School
Betancourt, Ben Aledo Middle School
Guyden, Adrian Brewer Middle School
Soltow, Erik Aledo Middle School
Miranda, Gerardo Hall Middle School
Followill, Taylor Smith Cleburne Middle School
Tuin, Lincoln Aledo Middle School
Nobis, Nash Tison Middle School
Morton, Camden Kerr Middle School
Barnes, Jessie Stephenville Middle School
Meza-Montiel, Anthony Loflin Middle School
Rue, Shaun Hughes Middle School
Ayon, Tanner Hall Middle School
Medina, Eder Smith Cleburne Middle School
Vallejo, Daniel Wheat Middle School
Hodges, Hudson Kerr Middle School
Gutierrez, Dominic Loflin Middle School
Riddle, Cohen Hughes Middle School
Silva, Gabriel Aledo Middle School
Arledge, Reid Hughes Middle School
Mulhall, Finn Aledo Middle School
Espino, David Smith Cleburne Middle School
Atkins, Dawson Acton Middle School
Boles, Zeke Wheat Middle School
Cambre, Grant Aledo Middle School
Jordan, Kaden Aledo Middle School
Zuniga, Daniel Tison Middle School
Sandlin, Grayson Kerr Middle School
Williams, Travis Stephenville Middle School
Culton, Seth Acton Middle School
Santana, Junior Wheat Middle School
Moore, Luke Nichols Middle School
Archer, Jesse Hughes Middle School
Price, Kaleb Brewer Middle School
Garcia, Nathan Hall Middle School
Forrest, Eli Granbury Middle School
Price, Isaac Aledo Middle School
Reedy, Trevor Tison Middle School
Wright, Cade Kerr Middle School
Gonzalez, Xavier Stephenville Middle School
Rauschuber, Eli Aledo Middle School
Scott, Tug Hall Middle School
Ramirez, Aiden Smith Cleburne Middle School
Schwind, John Kerr Middle School
Smith, Caleb Stephenville Middle School
Thurston, Clayton Loflin Middle School
Gregory, Kolton Hughes Middle School
Pearce, Myles Brewer Middle School
Glenn, Jaxon Acton Middle School
Ortega, Jose Wheat Middle School
Hernandez Castillo, Edwa Loflin Middle School
Fountain, Zane Hughes Middle School
Pierce, Andrew Aledo Middle School
Brown, Daniel Hall Middle School
Hernandez, Jean Smith Cleburne Middle School
Daniels, Will Aledo Middle School
Holbrook, Brennan Aledo Middle School
Ludlow, Daniel Smith Cleburne Middle School
Ewers, Landon Stephenville Middle School
Aguire, Nathan Nichols Middle School
Gamez, Lucio Acton Middle School
Mora, Noah Wheat Middle School
Burge, Jaxon Nichols Middle School
Emanuel, Caiden Hughes Middle School
Asucro, Zavier Tison Middle School
Davis, Zachary Kerr Middle School
Womack, Hudson Stephenville Middle School
Rangel Hernandez, Jairo Granbury Middle School
Bernard, Tanner Aledo Middle School
Ledezma, Julian Brewer Middle School
Gorman, Tony Hall Middle School
Juarez, Miguel Smith Cleburne Middle School
Barrera, Dominick Aledo Middle School
Perkins, Joshua Tison Middle School
Dunn, Jacob Kerr Middle School
Taylor, Rowdy Stephenville Middle School
Boroson, Jackson Loflin Middle School
Hernandez, Jayden Hughes Middle School
VanLenthe, Aaron Hall Middle School
Meeks, Kainan Smith Cleburne Middle School
Doldorf, Landon Wheat Middle School
Collins, Ty Kerr Middle School
Webber, Colton Loflin Middle School
Shipp, Gregory Hughes Middle School
Smith, Anderson Aledo Middle School
Bogert, WIlliam Hughes Middle School
Murray, Reed Aledo Middle School
Garcia, Anthony Smith Cleburne Middle School
Atkins, Daniel Acton Middle School
Cruz, Harold Wheat Middle School
Chasteen, Noah Aledo Middle School
Gabbard, Lincoln Aledo Middle School
Gray, Wyatt Tison Middle School
Barlen, Hunter Smith Cleburne Middle School
Frantz, Cason Kerr Middle School
Sanchez, Ethan Stephenville Middle School
Harrison, Tyler Acton Middle School
Anderson, Jacoby Wheat Middle School
Coffee, Dawson Nichols Middle School
Blackwood, Jaycob Hughes Middle School
Berner, David Brewer Middle School
Coker, Trace Granbury Middle School
Ferreira, Maxton Aledo Middle School
Saldivar, Saul Tison Middle School
Seabourn, Brandon Kerr Middle School
Monk, Jansen Stephenville Middle School
Cordell, Theodore Aledo Middle School
Lewis, Brandt Hall Middle School
Rivera, Sebastain Smith Cleburne Middle School
Marquart, Ethan Kerr Middle School
Tousley, Brennen Stephenville Middle School
Lanctot, Colby Loflin Middle School
Key, Aiden Hughes Middle School
Gonzalez, Adrian Brewer Middle School
Robinson, Wyatt Acton Middle School
Ortegon, Andrew Wheat Middle School
Lyon, Hudson Loflin Middle School
Mack, Andrew Hughes Middle School
Robbins, Ian Aledo Middle School
Ham, Kaleb Hall Middle School
Hillary, Carson Smith Cleburne Middle School
Levens, Austin Hughes Middle School
Durnil, Lincoln Aledo Middle School
Matthews, Ethan Aledo Middle School
Arnold, Tanner Smith Cleburne Middle School
Ronck, Alexander Stephenville Middle School
Einhaus, Eli Nichols Middle School
Hailey, Bryan Acton Middle School
Sills, Robert Wheat Middle School
Howard, Cayden Nichols Middle School
Bowen, Dylan Acton Middle School
Martinez, Emiliano Tison Middle School
Duran, Micheal Kerr Middle School
Navarro, Stetson Stephenville Middle School
Sanders, Brayden Granbury Middle School
Cavanagh, Dylan Aledo Middle School
M, Braeden Hughes Middle School
Chavez, Alex Brewer Middle School
Blake, Landon Hall Middle School
Wynn, Jackson Smith Cleburne Middle School
Davis, Trapper Aledo Middle School
Petersen, Ethan Tison Middle School
Nead, McCoy Kerr Middle School
Stone, Gunner Stephenville Middle School
Sanchez, Josheph Loflin Middle School
Waugh, Hunter Aledo Middle School
Colodney, Jayden Hall Middle School
Orren, Hudson Smith Cleburne Middle School
Yarbough, Cooper Kerr Middle School
Espejel, Angel Loflin Middle School
Vega, Marcus Hughes Middle School
Utterback, Nolan Brewer Middle School
Bohney, Chase Acton Middle School
Deskins, Brayden Wheat Middle School
Quinn, Granger Loflin Middle School
Comer, Lucas Hughes Middle School
Nelson, Tobin Aledo Middle School
Gillaspie, Braden Smith Cleburne Middle School
Childress, Asher Aledo Middle School
Hoover, Dylan Aledo Middle School
Williamson, Brenden Tison Middle School
Horton, Jack Smith Cleburne Middle School
Gonzalez, Mathew Stephenville Middle School
Erwin, Ethan Acton Middle School
Arelleano, Carlos Wheat Middle School
Harris, Donovan Nichols Middle School
Busby, Brayden Hughes Middle School
Mittendorf, Jake Tison Middle School
Buckley, Gavin Kerr Middle School
Herbst, Houston Stephenville Middle School
Montano, Jair Brewer Middle School
Coker, Trevin Granbury Middle School
Bartholomew, Noah Aledo Middle School
Farris, Khyler Brewer Middle School
Douglas, Mateo Aledo Middle School
Galloway, Maddox Hall Middle School
Amya, Jose Smith Cleburne Middle School
Brackeen, Hudson Kerr Middle School
Mader, Garrett Stephenville Middle School
Holinbaugh, Austin Loflin Middle School
King, Noah Hughes Middle School
Proctor, Milo Hall Middle School
Lucas, Jackson Smith Cleburne Middle School
Rodriguez, Giovani Wheat Middle School
Coleman, Cade Loflin Middle School
Peters, Dylan Hughes Middle School
Riffe, Keller Aledo Middle School
Toth, Mason Acton Middle School
Youngblood, Connor Hughes Middle School
Leija, Dereek Wheat Middle School
Kasich, Kantyn Aledo Middle School
Mejia, Leon Aledo Middle School
Brumfield, Landen Smith Cleburne Middle School
Tooley, Jacoby Stephenville Middle School
Cortinas, Peyton Nichols Middle School
Marak, Jackson Acton Middle School
Armendariz, Elijah Wheat Middle School
Folsom, Demetrius Nichols Middle School
Winkelman, Cooper Granbury Middle School
Carlgren, Jacob Aledo Middle School
Oneel, Aiden Tison Middle School
Sando, Luke Kerr Middle School
Casteneda, Alix Stephenville Middle School
Sterling, Dwayne Brewer Middle School
Ingram, Cole Hall Middle School
Geremia, Luigi Smith Cleburne Middle School
Merrill, Bo Aledo Middle School
Bush, Kelan Tison Middle School
Key, Lochlan Kerr Middle School
Tomlinson, Colson Stephenville Middle School
Sloan, Robby Aledo Middle School
Lund, Carson Hall Middle School
Perez, Angel Smith Cleburne Middle School
Jones, Cade Kerr Middle School
Torres, Rene Loflin Middle School
Bermea, Luis Hughes Middle School
Sunday, Elijah Brewer Middle School
Hansen, Henry Acton Middle School
Luna, Dahir Wheat Middle School
Graham, Caden Loflin Middle School
Eades, Kacen Hughes Middle School
Perez, Ian Aledo Middle School
Hernandez, Christian Smith Cleburne Middle School
Connelly, Tyler Aledo Middle School
Kinchen, Carter Aledo Middle School
Juarez, Isaac Smith Cleburne Middle School
Ellibee, Reid Stephenville Middle School
Young, Seth Nichols Middle School
Wolf, Riley Acton Middle School
Forcey, James Wheat Middle School
Jackson, Parker Nichols Middle School
Drennon, Archer Hughes Middle School
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Girls 189 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huber, Azriela Wheat Middle School
Goodling, Trinity Loflin Middle School
Austrum, Alyssa Hughes Middle School
Douglas, Auriana Brewer Middle School
McQuatters, Maggie Aledo Middle School
Pando, Maya Hall Middle School
Burks, Arajai Smith Cleburne Middle School
Ibarra, Abigail Kerr Middle School
Lacy, Addyson Wheat Middle School
Nichols, Harley Kerr Middle School
Tally, Presley Stephenville Middle School
Farner, Scarlett Acton Middle School
Miller, Austyn Nichols Middle School
Griffin, Elizabeth Aledo Middle School
Bettencourt, Julia Aledo Middle School
Jamru, Nevaeh Tison Middle School
Whitley, Kiele Kerr Middle School
Cordes, Rose Stephenville Middle School
McClure, Reagan Smith Cleburne Middle School
McBride, Loryn Nichols Middle School
Truong, Kaleena Hughes Middle School
Blake, Paige Hall Middle School
Hernandez, Melany Smith Cleburne Middle School
Clark, Addison Granbury Middle School
Perez-Martinez, Karen Wheat Middle School
Farrell, Avery Loflin Middle School
Bolanos, Kasandra Smith Cleburne Middle School
Cook, Alyssa Hughes Middle School
Wisneski, Payton Brewer Middle School
Young, Kerstyn Aledo Middle School
Hoang, Jenny Hughes Middle School
Williams, Sadie Aledo Middle School
Caldwell, Lyric Smith Cleburne Middle School
Valdez, Alyiah Wheat Middle School
Camp, Abigail Loflin Middle School
Tucker, Micah Kerr Middle School
Haney, Elizabeth Stephenville Middle School
Espino, Miriam Acton Middle School
Jones, Jaycee Wheat Middle School
Brumfield, Laila Smith Cleburne Middle School
Vallejo, Brooklyn Nichols Middle School
Doshi, Alexa Aledo Middle School
Arroyo, Alyssa Kerr Middle School
Arvizu, Karen Stephenville Middle School
Velarde, Baylee Aledo Middle School
Clark, McKenzie Hall Middle School
Sanchez, Jasmelin Smith Cleburne Middle School
Smith, Chloe Granbury Middle School
Hernandez, Brylee Tison Middle School
Smith, Clara Kerr Middle School
Puga, Leslye Smith Cleburne Middle School
Stafford, Raegan Hughes Middle School
Roman, Kaylee Brewer Middle School
Boyd, Alexis Wheat Middle School
Ellis, Lauren Loflin Middle School
Alford, Samantha Hughes Middle School
Bell, Faith Brewer Middle School
Helms, Kelsie Aledo Middle School
Whittle, Amelia Hall Middle School
Cary, Lexi Smith Cleburne Middle School
Mitchell , Mayden Aledo Middle School
Bryner, Channing Kerr Middle School
Michael, Hailey Wheat Middle School
Tolentino, Angela Kerr Middle School
Cooley, Karleigh Stephenville Middle School
Williams, Jillian Acton Middle School
Lacey, Madilyn Nichols Middle School
Brandenburg, Sofia Aledo Middle School
Mullens, Peyton Aledo Middle School
Nobis, Reese Tison Middle School
Preiskorn, Kendall Kerr Middle School
Singleton, Abi Stephenville Middle School
Todd, Mihyla Smith Cleburne Middle School
VanRiper, Kaitlyn Nichols Middle School
Cooper, Keira Hughes Middle School
Michaels, Addison Hall Middle School
Jackson, Ja'niya Smith Cleburne Middle School
Chastain, Remi Granbury Middle School
Mullen, Brooklynn Loflin Middle School
Deanda, Kasandra Smith Cleburne Middle School
Maness, Elizabeth Hughes Middle School
Williams, Clara Brewer Middle School
Weimer, Allyson Aledo Middle School
Zurita-Bello, Maleny Hughes Middle School
Howard, Caroline Aledo Middle School
Adams, Stella Hall Middle School
Turner, Arrisa Smith Cleburne Middle School
Wurster, Jessilyn Wheat Middle School
Garza, Celia Loflin Middle School
Davidson, Hunter Kerr Middle School
Crites, Madison Stephenville Middle School
Zschiesche, Kambry Acton Middle School
Barnes, McKayla Wheat Middle School
Bonilla, Italia Smith Cleburne Middle School
Miller, Kynli Nichols Middle School
James, Alyssa Aledo Middle School
Burney, Mallory Kerr Middle School
Medina, Marinna Stephenville Middle School
Roark, Ava Aledo Middle School
Kechnie, Olivia Hall Middle School
Thalken, Cailyn Smith Cleburne Middle School
Saldivar, Mia Tison Middle School
Fry, Bailee Kerr Middle School
Reyna, Joelie Smith Cleburne Middle School
Contino, Emily Hughes Middle School
Payne, Kylie Wheat Middle School
Palacios, Karen Loflin Middle School
Alonso, Ashleen Hughes Middle School
Nunez, Mia Brewer Middle School
Ceron, Natalia Aledo Middle School
Jester, Libby Hall Middle School
Conner, Cadence Smith Cleburne Middle School
Larsen, Madison Aledo Middle School
Hooper, Abigial Kerr Middle School
Ortiz, Cayle Wheat Middle School
Bagley, Kindle Kerr Middle School
Howell, Gracie Stephenville Middle School
Crabtree, Angelia Acton Middle School
Casillas, Autumn Wheat Middle School
Gray, Brinley Nichols Middle School
Gent, Jaylin Smith Cleburne Middle School
Smith, Riley Nichols Middle School
Hernandez, Rebecca Aledo Middle School
Boone, Remi Tison Middle School
Gonzalez, Jacklyn Kerr Middle School
Bishop, Emma Stephenville Middle School
Watson, Cambrie Aledo Middle School
Jaime, Zodi Hall Middle School
Leyva, Alexis Smith Cleburne Middle School
Ensminger, Liberty Granbury Middle School
Heltzel, Hannah Kerr Middle School
Quigley, Anaysia Loflin Middle School
Garey, Addison Smith Cleburne Middle School
Murphy, Caylyn Hughes Middle School
Rushing, Bridgette Brewer Middle School
Miller, Micah Wheat Middle School
Walker, Alyx Loflin Middle School
Keith, Maci Hughes Middle School
Wood, Jane Aledo Middle School
McElhaney, Addyson Hall Middle School
Braulin, Grace Smith Cleburne Middle School
Pringle, Selia Kerr Middle School
Garcia, Ashleigh Stephenville Middle School
Davila , Presley Acton Middle School
Johnson, Kaysha Wheat Middle School
Bravo, Sophia Kerr Middle School
Derrington, Hannah Stephenville Middle School
Jernigan, Elyse Acton Middle School
Chatham, Dani Smith Cleburne Middle School
Dollar-Daugherty, Rhyan Nichols Middle School
Neal, Micah Aledo Middle School
Black, Opal Aledo Middle School
Collazo, Nora Smith Cleburne Middle School
Cashman, Halee Tison Middle School
Wainscott, Ella Kerr Middle School
Varela, Diana Smith Cleburne Middle School
Sansvang, Balen Hughes Middle School
Avery, Orrellana Hall Middle School
Groom, Annabelle Smith Cleburne Middle School
Lovell, Senae Wheat Middle School
Bryant, Morgan Loflin Middle School
Chittenden, Sophie Hughes Middle School
Johnson, Janiah Brewer Middle School
Hedger, Kailee Aledo Middle School
Eades, Jacelyn Hughes Middle School
Murry, Mykel Aledo Middle School
Phelps, Abby Kerr Middle School
Ortiz, Haylen Wheat Middle School
Lynch, Thalia Loflin Middle School
Conaway, Alexis Kerr Middle School
Leija, Araceli Stephenville Middle School
Sedgewick, Ziva Acton Middle School
Allen, Trinitie Wheat Middle School
Vincent, Ruby Nichols Middle School
Aguilar, Giselle Smith Cleburne Middle School
Cumins, Keira Nichols Middle School
Jackson, Kate Aledo Middle School
Dunning, Kira Tison Middle School
Caine, Alessandra Kerr Middle School
Slaby, Sofia Stephenville Middle School
Toscano, Bailey Aledo Middle School
Williams, Peyton Hall Middle School
Rios, Kaylee Smith Cleburne Middle School
Ward, Aubrey Granbury Middle School
White, Sofia Tison Middle School
Vancleef, Isabella Kerr Middle School
Lara, Ariel Smith Cleburne Middle School
Russell, Kailyn Hughes Middle School
Leonguerrero, Peyton Brewer Middle School
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