Cowtown Challenge 2022

Fort Worth, TX

Cowtown Challenge 2022 vs Cowtown Challenge HS & MS 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +57 256 199
Overall Average -1:12.40 22:59.35 24:11.75
1st-10th Place -31.81 16:59.21 17:31.02
1st-25th Place -29.21 17:41.13 18:10.34
1st-50th Place -40.95 18:17.62 18:58.56
1st-100th Place -58.94 19:23.73 20:22.67
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster -20 10 30
Ran Season Best 1 2 1
Average Time +43.94 22:48.96 22:05.03
Median Time +1:16.48 22:47.21 21:30.73
Middle 80% Times +1:01.57 22:42.04 21:40.48
Top 10% Times +20.45 17:43.46 17:23.02
Top 25% Times +40.41 18:43.51 18:03.10
Top 50% Times +59.94 20:13.33 19:13.39
Bottom 50% Times +27.94 25:24.60 24:56.66
Bottom 25% Times -16.73 26:59.35 27:16.08
Bottom 10% Times -1:13.61 28:49.80 30:03.41
Average Difference +43.94 -- --
Median Difference +54.78 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:03.27 -- --
Top 10% Difference +16.52 -- --
Top 50% Difference +39.93 -- --
Top 25% Difference +31.79 -- --
Top 50% Difference +39.93 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +47.94 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +13.63 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:23.35 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jack Fink Aledo +9.78 16:41.66 16:31.88
Ostan Hernandez Boyd +24.89 17:58.46 17:33.57
Javier Trejo Irving MacArthur +41.14 18:23.12 17:41.98
Isaiah Cox Birdville +28.86 18:13.50 17:44.64
Dominick Barrera Aledo +2.55 18:00.24 17:57.69
Luke Schabel Aledo +45.56 18:45.91 18:00.35
Rylan Prichard Birdville +2:08.33 20:30.17 18:21.84
Bo Merrill Aledo +2:01.51 20:32.32 18:30.81
Anderson Smith Aledo -4.20 18:54.20 18:58.40
Nicholas Duderstadt Birdville +50.82 20:00.65 19:09.83
Baron Bradstreet Birdville +5:33.07 24:59.70 19:26.63
Lincoln Tuin Aledo +3:59.29 23:37.16 19:37.87
Ian Robbins Aledo +2:50.37 22:36.73 19:46.36
Molly Garrison Aledo -9.87 19:47.14 19:57.01
Dillon Brussow Birdville +3:24.64 23:43.95 20:19.31
Ben Hickman Birdville +42.12 21:09.99 20:27.87
Sofia Brandenburg Aledo +25.68 21:06.82 20:41.14
Elizabeth Griffin Aledo -50.42 20:46.99 21:37.41
Tucker Braswell Birdville +1:45.30 22:46.40 21:01.10
Cody Fulenwider Dallas Adams -24.64 21:03.60 21:28.24
Parker Freeman Dallas Adams +3:23.43 24:34.76 21:11.33
Tatum Kling Boyd +58.37 22:29.10 21:30.73
Faith Farrar Irving MacArthur +16.47 21:59.74 21:43.27
Lilah West Birdville +54.78 23:15.33 22:20.55
Greta Hamre Birdville +16.03 22:39.83 22:23.80
Caden West Aledo -1:43.00 22:47.21 24:30.21
Anderson Spisak Birdville +1:16.22 24:15.70 22:59.48
Preston Whittaker Dallas Adams +30.17 23:36.11 23:05.94
Cohen Topley Birdville +1:01.83 24:26.53 23:24.70
Finley Hill Birdville +33.91 24:05.35 23:31.44
Aubrey Connelly Aledo +21.27 23:56.31 23:35.04
Camden Kling Boyd +2:07.33 26:04.14 23:56.81
Sadie Williams Aledo -25.27 24:37.76 25:03.03
Hayden Doom Birdville +30.86 26:08.39 25:37.53
Samuel Daroche Dallas Adams -24.16 26:20.87 26:45.03
Tyler Criswell Birdville -2:00.19 26:23.44 28:23.63
Anthony Morale Dallas Adams +3:45.40 30:19.96 26:34.56
Joseph Gardner Dallas Adams +27.82 27:26.48 26:58.66
Alyson Reyes Dallas Adams -58.65 27:14.69 28:13.34
Natalie Longoria Dallas Adams -6:19.95 30:18.08 36:38.03