Paschal Invitational 2022

Fort Worth, TX

Paschal Invitational 2022 vs Paschal Invitational MEET #1 FULL 8am 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +568 713 145
Overall Average +1:57.44 23:37.46 21:40.03
1st-10th Place -42.26 16:48.56 17:30.82
1st-25th Place -50.37 17:13.30 18:03.67
1st-50th Place -1:02.61 17:41.00 18:43.62
1st-100th Place -1:39.80 18:17.29 19:57.08
Common Athletes -- -- 16
Ran Faster -- 10 10
Ran Season Best -4 -- 4
Average Time -26.41 20:30.39 20:56.80
Median Time -27.56 19:45.24 20:12.80
Middle 80% Times -33.57 20:25.04 20:58.61
Top 10% Times -51.26 16:29.03 17:20.29
Top 25% Times -56.93 16:51.23 17:48.16
Top 50% Times -50.72 17:44.02 18:34.74
Bottom 50% Times -2.10 23:16.76 23:18.86
Bottom 25% Times -1.75 25:32.41 25:34.16
Bottom 10% Times -27.87 27:13.21 27:41.08
Average Difference -3.15 -- --
Median Difference +10.37 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -25.73 -- --
Top 10% Difference -43.71 -- --
Top 50% Difference -44.93 -- --
Top 25% Difference -53.05 -- --
Top 50% Difference -44.93 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +44.44 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:05.42 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:11.02 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Chase Gunn Ft Worth Arlington Heights -1:15.93 15:54.59 17:10.52
Vincent Luffey Aledo -36.22 17:03.47 17:39.69
Hector Barajas Ft Worth Arlington Heights -1:45.91 17:08.28 18:54.19
Henry Zedler Aledo -11.48 17:18.57 17:30.05
Jet Richard Ft Worth Arlington Heights -1:28.58 17:23.80 18:52.38
Esteban Romero Ft Worth Arlington Heights -1:04.78 17:56.05 19:00.83
Matthew Vasquez Ft Worth Arlington Heights -4:34.36 19:31.59 24:05.95
David Calderon Fort Worth Paschal +11.72 19:45.24 19:33.52
Stratton Whitworth Fort Worth Paschal -20.89 19:35.83 19:56.72
Emerson Barrett Fort Worth Paschal +2:15.53 22:28.33 20:12.80
Fernando Acosta Fort Worth Paschal +10.37 20:38.32 20:27.95
Sidney Tillotson Aledo -59.00 21:12.54 22:11.54
Anderson Berger Fort Worth Paschal +3:21.85 24:43.79 21:21.94
Caroline Browning Aledo +1:37.18 24:25.72 22:48.54
Mattie Collins Ft Worth Arlington Heights -4:18.36 23:17.49 27:35.85
Laura Torres Fort Worth Paschal +1:56.33 29:42.63 27:46.30