LCU JH Invitational 2022

Lubbock, TX

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Elan Lubbock Christian High
Watts, Braden Cotton Center
Grubb, Axton Tahoka
Castillo, Autilano Anton Middle School
Yoder, Daven Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Gill, Gurvir Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Bigham, Grady Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Hernandez, Hayden Hart
Guillotte, Ty Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Searsy, Heath Kress
Grant, Collin O'Donnell
Solis, Reneah Anton Middle School
Betancourt, Josh Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Heinrich, Michael Tahoka
Butler, Michael Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Acosta, Jaylen Borden County Middle School
Crawford, Riley Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Couture, Chase Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Oswald, Will Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
DelaGarza, Nehemiah Cotton Center
James, Kasen O'Donnell
Rodriguez, Rito Hart
Taylor, Ryan Tahoka
Amador, Kason Kress
Lowe, Jonah O'Donnell
Bumstead, Nate Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Soltero, Yael Hart
Starns, Kaden Anton Middle School
Mendez, Chris Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Beck, Luke Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Cribbs, Cason Borden County Middle School
Johnson, Caleb Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Drake, Dalton Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Burns, Rayce Borden County Middle School
Doyle, Jackson Lubbock Christian High
Flores, Eliaz Cotton Center
Graham, Lincoln O'Donnell
Williams, Joseph Tahoka
Garcia, Xane Kress
Sizer, Andreas Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Diaz, Kaleb Hart
Montes, Julian Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Andrade, Juan Borden County Middle School
Reyes, Brenden Kress
Wilson, Beck 13.34 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Haley, Josh 14.00 Lubbock Christian High
Jewell, Denver 15.28 Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Guthrie, Andrew 16.78 Lubbock Christian High
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Boys 100 Meter Hurdles 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perez, Frank O'Donnell
Graham, Lincoln O'Donnell
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Law, Bryson Borden County Middle School
Bolton, Jaken O'Donnell
Bradshaw, Riley Kress
Law, Kason Borden County Middle School
Bowser, Benjamin Lubbock Christian High
Bolton, Jonathan O'Donnell
Quevedo Villa, Santiago Kress
Lovvorn, Jayston Kress
Richardson, Ryan Lubbock Christian High
Brumley, Kingston Kress
Toman, Ryder 21.46 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Mandry, Blake 21.62 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Atkins, Dai Dai 21.63 Lubbock Christian High
Haden, Stetson 25.05 Lubbock Christian High
Ashley, Dawson 25.55 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Andrew Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Pankratz, Luke Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
McCallister, Ryan Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Klingensmith, Cameron Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Ochoa, Juan Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Pesina, Kraegan Kress
Barrera, Draedon O'Donnell
Stahmer, Reagan Lubbock Christian High
Cain, Liam Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Grigsby, Eli Borden County Middle School
Driskill, Case Lubbock Christian High
Galindo, Alvaro Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Cribbs, Cason Borden County Middle School
Machuca, Bibiano Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Grigsby, Landon Borden County Middle School
Pedroza, Juan O'Donnell
Johnson, Beau Lubbock Christian High
Abarca, Noah Kress
Gomez, Eric Tahoka
Wymore, Evan Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Renteria, Cameron O'Donnell
Grellhesl, Axel Lubbock Christian High
Vela, Kaiden O'Donnell
Kalivoda, Maddox 6:28.73 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Oswald, Will 7:25.74 Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yoder, Daven Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Crawford, Riley Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Hernandez, Hayden Hart
DeLaCruz, Jordan Tahoka
Williams, Randen Borden County Middle School
Flores, Eliaz Cotton Center
Bumstead, Nate Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Bryan, Carrasco Hart
Torres, Josh Borden County Middle School
Starns, Kaden Anton Middle School
Perez, Frank O'Donnell
Craven, Zachary Lubbock Christian High
Morphis, Drew Kress
Betancourt, Josh Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Perez, Jasiah Tahoka
Bigham, Grady Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Mendieta, Gage Cotton Center
Sanchez, Luck Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Cortez, Damien Kress
Watt, Caleb Tahoka
Sanders, Garrett O'Donnell
Craig, Nathan Cotton Center
Sizer, Andreas Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Santana, Angel Hart
Castillo, Autilano Anton Middle School
Atkins, Ka'mal Lubbock Christian High
Perez, Storm O'Donnell
Brewer, Jack Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Jones, Kason Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Watts, Braden Cotton Center
Moncha, Caleb Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Reyna, Andrew Kress
Castillo, Conlin O'Donnell
Montes, Julian Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Bozeman, Blaze Lubbock Christian High
Osborne, Wes Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Scott, Ethan Borden County Middle School
Jimenez, Jose Hart
Stansell, Luke Borden County Middle School
Solis, Reneah Anton Middle School
Guillotte, Ty Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Castillo, Adrian Kress
Li, Eric Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Gonzales, Boston Tahoka
Hubik, Hays 27.96 Lubbock Christian High
Skelton, Daniel 30.97 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Shropshire, Sam 31.35 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Jewell, Denver 33.09 Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Anderson, Jorden 34.96 Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Phan, Anthony 37.28 Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Butler, Christoper 43.44 Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
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Boys 2400m Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Machuca, Bibiano Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Renteria, Cameron O'Donnell
Stahmer, Reagan Lubbock Christian High
Wymore, Evan Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Cisneros, Aiden Hart
Driskill, Case Lubbock Christian High
Barrera, Draedon O'Donnell
Grigsby, Eli Borden County Middle School
Pedroza, Juan O'Donnell
Higgins, Lucas Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Ochoa, Juan Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Johnson, Beau Lubbock Christian High
Grigsby, Landon Borden County Middle School
Vela, Kaiden O'Donnell
Evans, Andrew Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Dyess, Colson Lubbock Christian High
Cortez, Damien Kress
Kalivoda, Maddox 10:23.57 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Oswald, Will 11:01.28 Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hawley, Cole Lubbock Christian High
Sanchez, Sean Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Brumley, Kingston Kress
Bolton, Jonathan O'Donnell
Richardson, Ryan Lubbock Christian High
Fry, Jaycob Borden County Middle School
Law, Bryson Borden County Middle School
Bradshaw, Riley Kress
Mendez, Chris Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Law, Kason Borden County Middle School
Carthel, Cooper Lubbock Christian High
Quevedo Villa, Santiago Kress
Lovvorn, Jayston Kress
Bolton, Jaken O'Donnell
Atkins, Dai Dai 53.89 Lubbock Christian High
Mandry, Blake 57.55 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vickers, Kellen Borden County Middle School
Vela, Kaiden O'Donnell
Gibbs, Jack Lubbock Christian High
Castillo, Adrian Kress
Johnson, Caleb Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Garza, Andrew Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Metcalf, Maddox Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Watts, Braden Cotton Center
Machuca, Joshua Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Scott, Ethan Borden County Middle School
Montes, Julian Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Galvan, Sonne Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Craven, Zachary Lubbock Christian High
Morphis, Drew Kress
Butler, Michael Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Starns, Kaden Anton Middle School
Pesina, Kraegan Kress
Jordan, Josh Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Moncha, Caleb Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Batchelor, Bryan O'Donnell
Gutierrez, Adam Tahoka
Yoder, Daven Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Bozeman, Blaze Lubbock Christian High
Liendo, Hurley Tahoka
DelaGarza, Nehemiah Cotton Center
Sizer, Andreas Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Blazek, Ethan Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Castillo, Autilano Anton Middle School
Acosta, Jaylen Borden County Middle School
Guillotte, Ty Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Reyna, Andrew Kress
Perez, Storm O'Donnell
Carroll, Eric Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Batchelor, Jace O'Donnell
Summers, Colton Tahoka
Galindo, Alvaro Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Sauerwein, Kai Lubbock Christian High
Kline, Lane Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Mendieta, Gage Cotton Center
Lopez, Nathan Tahoka
Cribbs, Cason Borden County Middle School
Craig, Nathan Cotton Center
Jewell, Denver 1:09.10 Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Highley, Rhett 1:11.23 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Anderson, Jorden 1:21.15 Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Kress
Relay Team A Tahoka
Relay Team A O'Donnell
Relay Team A Lubbock Christian High
Relay Team A Tahoka
Relay Team A Borden County Middle School
Relay Team A Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Lubbock Christian High
Relay Team A Kress
Relay Team A Hart
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Relay Team A 52.50h Borden County Middle School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Borden County Middle School
Relay Team A Lubbock Christian High
Relay Team A Kress
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Relay Team A Kress
Relay Team A Tahoka
Relay Team A O'Donnell
Relay Team A Lubbock Christian High
Relay Team A Tahoka
Relay Team A Borden County Middle School
Relay Team A Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hart
Relay Team A Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Relay Team A Kress
Relay Team A Tahoka
Relay Team A O'Donnell
Relay Team A Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Relay Team A Lubbock Christian High
Relay Team A Tahoka
Relay Team A Borden County Middle School
Relay Team A Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Lubbock Christian High
Relay Team A Kress
Relay Team A 4:34.00h Borden County Middle School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dyess, Colson Lubbock Christian High
Huffaker, Peyton Tahoka
Hafizoglu, Berk Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Grigsby, Eli Borden County Middle School
Galindo, Alvaro Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Cortez, Damien Kress
Dotson, Talan Tahoka
Roberts, Nathaniel O'Donnell
Espinoza-Horn, Grayson Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
McCallister, Ryan Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Grellhesl, Axel Lubbock Christian High
Machuca, Joshua Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Luera, Willie O'Donnell
Cribbs, Cason Borden County Middle School
Stipe, Ty Borden County Middle School
Abarca, Noah Kress
Galvan, Sonne Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Wymore, Evan Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Anderson, Jorden Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Boss, Brodie O'Donnell
Williams, Randen Borden County Middle School
Higgins, Lucas Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Muehlbrad, Luke Lubbock Christian High
Cain, Liam Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Sanchez, Luck Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Pesina, Kraegan Kress
Lopez, Marcos Tahoka
Batchelor, Jace O'Donnell
Brewer, Jack Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Klingensmith, Cameron 2:47.34 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Gibbs, Jack 3:05.06 Lubbock Christian High
O'Hair, Boston 3:39.77 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
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Boys Discus 42 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tucker, Major 80-4.75 Lubbock Christian High
Skelton, Daniel 71-10.5 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Guthrie, Andrew 50-5 Lubbock Christian High
Phan, Anthony 48-4 Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Stilwell, Silas Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Garcia, Xane Kress
Burns, Jordan Kress
Reyna, Andrew Kress
Carlisle, Michael Anton Middle School
Carlock, Caleb Anton Middle School
Crouch, Kaleb Anton Middle School
Anderson, Jorden Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Brewer, Jack Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Jewell, Denver Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Rendon, Oscar Tahoka
Santibanez, Brendan Tahoka
Perez, Dominic Tahoka
Saldana, Bradly Tahoka
Blazek, Ethan Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Baker, Devion Kress
Carroll, Eric Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Vu, An Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Alexander, Noah Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Hernandez, Hayden Hart
Bryan, Carrasco Hart
Rodriguez, Rito Hart
Lujan, Diego Hart
Dietz, Levi Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Gerron, Jax Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Oswald, Will Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Grellhesl, Axel Lubbock Christian High
Johnson, Luke Lubbock Christian High
Grant, Collin O'Donnell
Castillo, Nathaniel O'Donnell
Boss, Brodie O'Donnell
James, Kasen O'Donnell
Mendieta, Gage Cotton Center
Watts, Braden Cotton Center
Estes, Keller Borden County Middle School
Williams, Cooper Borden County Middle School
Cheatham, Mason Borden County Middle School
Burns, Rayce Borden County Middle School
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Boys High Jump 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marrero, Joshua 5-2 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Highley, Deacon 5-0 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Hubik, Hays 4-8 Lubbock Christian High
Franco, Jonah Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Ashley, Dawson Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Brumley, Kingston Kress
Lovvorn, Jayston Kress
Quevedo Villa, Santiago Kress
Oswald, Will Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Anderson, Jorden Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Jewell, Denver Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Evans, Andrew Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Lopez, Alejandro Tahoka
Vera, Martin Tahoka
Bradshaw, Riley Kress
Garcia, Dante Tahoka
Richardson, Ryan Lubbock Christian High
Atkins, Ka'mal Lubbock Christian High
Carthel, Cooper Lubbock Christian High
Lowe, Jonah O'Donnell
Nelson, Derrick O'Donnell
Graham, Lincoln O'Donnell
Perez, Storm O'Donnell
Flores, Eliaz Cotton Center
DelaGarza, Nehemiah Cotton Center
Mendieta, Gage Cotton Center
Sosa, Adam Borden County Middle School
Torres, Josh Borden County Middle School
Law, Kason Borden County Middle School
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Boys Long Jump 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Toman, Ryder 16-1 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Huey, Jevin 15-4.5 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Espinoza-Horn, Grayson 12-1.5 Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Thane, Eli 9-3.25 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Reyes, Zavrian Kress
Flores, Zaiden Kress
Pacheco, Zavian Kress
Morphis, Drew Kress
Sizer, Andreas Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Crawford, Riley Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Guerrero, Asher Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Castillo, Autilano Anton Middle School
Evans, Andrew Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Garcia, Dante Tahoka
Liendo, Hurley Tahoka
Watt, Caleb Tahoka
Mendez, Chris Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Diaz, Kaleb Hart
Soltero, Yael Hart
Jimenez, Jose Hart
Hernandez, Hayden Hart
Hogg, Becton Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Cypert, Nate Tahoka
Higgins, Lucas Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Martinez, Elan Lubbock Christian High
Cunningham, Brylan Lubbock Christian High
Haley, Josh Lubbock Christian High
Carthel, Cooper Lubbock Christian High
Barrera, Draedon O'Donnell
Castillo, Conlin O'Donnell
Luera, Willie O'Donnell
James, Kasen O'Donnell
DelaGarza, Nehemiah Cotton Center
Craig, Nathan Cotton Center
Watts, Braden Cotton Center
Fry, Jaycob Borden County Middle School
Thomas, Conner Borden County Middle School
Martinez, Jonathan Borden County Middle School
Sosa, Adam Borden County Middle School
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Boys Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Solis, Reneah Anton Middle School
Starns, Kaden Anton Middle School
Flores, Zaiden Kress
Searsy, Heath Kress
Quevedo Villa, Santiago Kress
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Boys Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tucker, Major 28-5.5 Lubbock Christian High
Kalivoda, Maddox 24-9.75 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Stilwell, Silas Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Galvan, Jayden Kress
Burns, Jordan Kress
Baker, Devion Kress
Runnels, Tripp Kress
Bumstead, Nate Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Carlisle, Michael Anton Middle School
Carlock, Caleb Anton Middle School
Crouch, Kaleb Anton Middle School
Gomez, Eric Tahoka
Kessler, Sam Tahoka
Ortiz, Rodolfo Tahoka
Quinonez, Josiah Tahoka
Bosman-Ontiveros, Julian Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Phan, Anthony Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Carroll, Eric Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Blazek, Andrew Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Bryan, Carrasco Hart
Santana, Angel Hart
Lujan, Diego Hart
Rodriguez, Rito Hart
Rivera, Ezra Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Harp, Eli Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Dietz, Levi Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Bottoni, Justice Lubbock Christian High
Olivas, Dominic Lubbock Christian High
Christ, Thatcher Lubbock Christian High
Castillo, Nathaniel O'Donnell
Sanders, Garrett O'Donnell
Pedroza, Juan O'Donnell
Rickman, Kolten O'Donnell
Estes, Keller Borden County Middle School
Williams, Cooper Borden County Middle School
Cheatham, Mason Borden County Middle School
Vickers, Kellen Borden County Middle School
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Boys Triple Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Highley, Rhett 30-6.25 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Crow, Garrett 30-3.5 Lubbock Christian High
Klingensmith, Cameron 28-1.5 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Lee, Keaton 26-7.25 Lubbock Christian High
Franco, Jonah Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Reyes, Zavrian Kress
Rojas, Loenardo Kress
Flores, Zaiden Kress
Lovvorn, Jayston Kress
Sizer, Andreas Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Guerrero, Asher Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Castillo, Autilano Anton Middle School
Higgins, Lucas Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Johnson, Caleb Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Solorazano, Isaiah Tahoka
Williams, Joseph Tahoka
Mendez, Chris Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Carriker, David Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Martinez, Elan Lubbock Christian High
Doyle, Jackson Lubbock Christian High
Lowe, Jonah O'Donnell
Nelson, Derrick O'Donnell
Boss, Brodie O'Donnell
Graham, Lincoln O'Donnell
Craig, Nathan Cotton Center
Flores, Eliaz Cotton Center
Mendieta, Gage Cotton Center
Cribbs, Cason Borden County Middle School
Fry, Jaycob Borden County Middle School
Stipe, Ty Borden County Middle School
Martinez, Jonathan Borden County Middle School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Golightly, Briley O'Donnell
Hall, Zalynn Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Flake, Kambri Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Hernandez, Hannah Hart
Hudson, Jocelynne Cotton Center
Searsy, Drue Kress
May, Sawyer Tahoka
Elizondo, Serenity Cotton Center
Stansell, Evie Gail Borden County
Gonzales, Alesia Hart
Ericson, Kennedi Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Kaufman, Cecily Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Beaza, Jaylean Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Rodriguez, Naxavia Tahoka
Lowe, Micah O'Donnell
Geophfert, Braylynn Hart
Gibson, Divine Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Alafa, Alisiah Anton Middle School
Castillo, Mariah Anton Middle School
Mendoza, Marrisa Kress
Franklin, River Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Pierce, Lianna Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Hill, Harbor Gail Borden County
Spitzer, Abbey Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Rivas, Shelby Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
DeLeon, Janelle Tahoka
Ramos, Raya O'Donnell
Blacklock, Mylee Lubbock Christian High
Hind, Hayden Lubbock Christian High
Mancias, Alyssa Anton Middle School
Redwine, Reece O'Donnell
Cooper, Rylen Anton Middle School
Lauderdale, Brylee Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Boynton, Avery Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Proctor, Gretchen Gail Borden County
Martinez, Addisyn Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Garza, Adrianna Kress
Reese, Macie Cotton Center
DeLeon, Kaleili Tahoka
McCray, Marlee Lubbock Christian High
Geldenhuys, Kaleigh Cotton Center
Walker, Brogen Gail Borden County
Dominguez, Leslie Hart
Blacklock, Whitlee 14.17 Lubbock Christian High
Profitt, Anzley 14.97 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Underwood, Ellie 15.76 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Ngyuen, Kacie 17.26 Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Karr, Emily Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Simons, Breanna Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Whitley, Kathryn Tahoka
Peek, Liberty Anton Middle School
Altman, Kennadi Lubbock Christian High
Neufeld, Ashton Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Imiere, Jeanelle Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Stone, Natalie Tahoka
Gonzalez, Giselle Kress
Evans, Katy 17.82 Lubbock Christian High
Wischmeyer, Blair 19:59.00 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Wheatley, Ava 21.45 Lubbock Christian High
Lee, Carlee 21.71 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Akin, Berkley 22.82 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Underwood, Addie 23.78 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spencer, Eliana Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Hernandez, Gracie Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Vasquez, Aliyah Tahoka
Shipman, Alyssa Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Frausto, Parker Lubbock Christian High
Barry, Haley O'Donnell
Garrett, Alex Lubbock Christian High
Pineda, Madisyn Cotton Center
Saenz, Azelyn Kress
Richmond, Rebecca Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
De La Cruz, Anaya Tahoka
Mires, Jaitin O'Donnell
Danhiem, Jadyn 6:43.34 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Felton, Reya 6:44.31 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Brown, Claire 6:52.96 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Broadbeck, Erin 7:16.75 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Williams, Kinsley 7:47.57 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Liu, Lia 8:15.00h Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Castillo, Mariah Anton Middle School
Garza, Breanna Kress
Hill, Harbor Gail Borden County
Clark, Chandlyr Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Sauerwein, Maycen Lubbock Christian High
Lee, Carlee Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Trevino, Aleeyah Kress
Lowe, Micah O'Donnell
Gibson, Divine Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Van Osdale, Milynna Lubbock Christian High
Mancias, Alyssa Anton Middle School
Cooper, Rylen Anton Middle School
Briones, Cecilia Kress
Flake, Kambri Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Spencer, Eliana Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Garrido, Simone Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Proctor, Gretchen Gail Borden County
Mendez, Faustina Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Spitzer, Abbey Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Garza, Adrianna Kress
McDougal, Emma Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Whitley, Kathryn Tahoka
Reese, Macie Cotton Center
Pickrell, Hanna Tahoka
Avila, Sofia O'Donnell
Wilson, Temperance Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Walker, Brogen Gail Borden County
Hernandez, Hannah Hart
Redwine, Reece O'Donnell
Saldana, Maria Midland Texas Leadership Charter
morales, sarah Hart
Pierce, Lianna Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Owen, Hannah Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Karr, Emily Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
DeLeon, Janelle Tahoka
Prutzman, Mylee Cotton Center
Segovia, Aerianna Tahoka
Altman, Kennadi Lubbock Christian High
Stansell, Evie Gail Borden County
Marin, Mylie Hart
Cox, Briley O'Donnell
Grube, Shiloh Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Culpepper, Sydney Lubbock Christian High
Alafa, Alisiah Anton Middle School
Kaufman, Cecily 36.18 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
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Girls 2400m Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Kinsley Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Flores, America Hart
Richmond, Rebecca Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Barry, Haley O'Donnell
Shipman, Alyssa Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Mires, Jaitin O'Donnell
Felton, Reya 10:24.68 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Codding, Gabrielle 10:26.46 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Danhiem, Jadyn 10:38.72 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Imiere, Jeanelle Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Peek, Liberty Anton Middle School
Mastin, Hartley Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Brashear, Lauren Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Akin, Berkley 1:08.53 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Underwood, Addie 1:08.60h Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Evans, Katy 56.47 Lubbock Christian High
Wischmeyer, Blair 58.21 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stone, Natalie Tahoka
Prutzman, Mylee Cotton Center
Granados, Elizabeth Tahoka
Elizondo, Serenity Cotton Center
Hernandez, Hannah Hart
Castillo, Miliana Anton Middle School
Patterson, Summer Lubbock Christian High
Runge, Tatum Gail Borden County
Vasquez, Lola O'Donnell
Kidd, Raven Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Garrido, Simone Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Scott, Sydney Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
McNeely, Averie Tahoka
Rodriguez, Naxavia Tahoka
Hudson, Jocelynne Cotton Center
Altman, Kennadi Lubbock Christian High
Walker, Brogen Gail Borden County
Cox, Briley O'Donnell
Talsma, Tessa Kress
Flake, Kambri Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
McCray, Marlee Lubbock Christian High
Spencer, Eliana Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Rodriquez, Reggina Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Zavala, Katelynn O'Donnell
Wilson, Temperance Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Geldenhuys, Kaleigh Cotton Center
Alafa, Alisiah Anton Middle School
Saenz, Brooklyn Kress
Cruce, Elizabeth Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Clark, Chandlyr Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Maddux, Addison 1:25.31 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Cohen, Claire 1:28.42 Lubbock Christian High
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A O'Donnell
Relay Team A Kress
Relay Team A Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Hart
Relay Team A Lubbock Christian High
Relay Team A Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Relay Team A Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Relay Team A Tahoka
Relay Team A Gail Borden County
Relay Team A Lubbock Christian High
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Tahoka
Relay Team A Lubbock Christian High
Relay Team A Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Relay Team A Gail Borden County
Relay Team A Kress
Relay Team A O'Donnell
Relay Team A Lubbock Christian High
Relay Team A Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Relay Team A Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A O'Donnell
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Tahoka
Relay Team A Hart
Relay Team A Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Relay Team A Tahoka
Relay Team A Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Relay Team A Gail Borden County
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Girls 800 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cruce, Elizabeth Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Woodley, Jadyn Tahoka
Broadbeck, Erin Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Hinojos, Lindsey Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Pineda, Madisyn Cotton Center
Castillo, Miliana Anton Middle School
Vinson, Lillie Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Gill, Klaire Tahoka
Codding, Gabrielle Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Frausto, Parker Lubbock Christian High
Schmidt, Addison Gail Borden County
Flanagan, Layni Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Saenz, Azelyn Kress
Stansell, Evie Gail Borden County
Liu, Lia Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Vasquez, Lola O'Donnell
Garrett, Alex Lubbock Christian High
Allen, Selah Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Hernandez, Gracie Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
De La Cruz, Anaya Tahoka
Zavala, Katelynn O'Donnell
Morales, Adamari Hart
Ramirez, Giselle Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Talsma, Tessa Kress
Culpepper, Avery Lubbock Christian High
Broadbeck, Erin 2:55.57 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Brown, Claire 3:03.83 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Ellison, Lauryn 3:04.35 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Wood, Sadie 3:16.27 Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Liu, Lia 3:17.66 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Culpepper, Sydney 3:28.67 Lubbock Christian High
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Girls Discus 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McKinnon, Cassidy 60-2 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Kirkland, Peyton 58-9 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Sutterfield, Allison 51-11 Lubbock Christian High
Lane, Emma 48-9 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Garcia, Jenevie Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Pavon, Alexa Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Harlien, Kate Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Stewart, Kylie Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Scolaro, Sophie Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Antu, Alex Tahoka
Garza, Serenity Tahoka
DeLeon, Janelle Tahoka
Saenz, Brooklyn Kress
Goss, Avery Kress
Cooper, Rylen Anton Middle School
Miller, Mariah Anton Middle School
Lowe, Micah O'Donnell
Acosta, Jill O'Donnell
Martinez, Addisyn Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Mendez, Faustina Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Chavez, Imelda Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Gonzales, Alesia Hart
Marin, Mylie Hart
Dominguez, Leslie Hart
Franklin, River Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Spencer, Eliana Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Randers, Ellie Lubbock Christian High
Garrett, Alex Lubbock Christian High
Hind, Hayden Lubbock Christian High
Hudson, Jocelynne Cotton Center
Reese, Macie Cotton Center
Buchanan, Anslee Gail Borden County
Runge, Tatum Gail Borden County
Schmidt, Addison Gail Borden County
Cagle, Cailey Gail Borden County
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Girls High Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Karr, Emily Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Biggins, Zion Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Reglin, Claire Tahoka
Woodley, Jadyn Tahoka
Alafa, Alisiah Anton Middle School
Castillo, Miliana Anton Middle School
Zavala, Katelynn O'Donnell
Ramos, Raya O'Donnell
Scott, Sydney Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Buckley, Pamela Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Lauderdale, Brylee Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Wood, Sadie Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Watts, Tessa Lubbock Christian High
Sauerwein, Maycen Lubbock Christian High
Geldenhuys, Kaleigh Cotton Center
Prutzman, Mylee Cotton Center
Schmidt, Addison Gail Borden County
Runge, Tatum Gail Borden County
Walker, Brogen Gail Borden County
Hill, Harbor Gail Borden County
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Girls Long Jump 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Evans, Katy 15-0 Lubbock Christian High
Blacklock, Whitlee 13-4 Lubbock Christian High
Owen, Hannah 12-7 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Brashear, Lauren 12-4 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Dickson, Mycha 11-3 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Trout, Teagan 9-5 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Byers, Bri Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Biggins, Zion Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Garcia, Jackie Tahoka
Reglin, Claire Tahoka
Rodriguez, Naxavia Tahoka
Stone, Natalie Tahoka
Gonzalez, Giselle Kress
Searsy, Drue Kress
Trevino, Aleeyah Kress
Saldana, Maria Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Beaza, Jaylean Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Golightly, Briley O'Donnell
Renteria, Brylee O'Donnell
Gutierrez, Jesse O'Donnell
Rodriquez, Reggina Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Ngyuen, Kacie Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Cruce, Elizabeth Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Pierce, Lianna Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Flake, Kambri Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
morales, sarah Hart
Geophfert, Braylynn Hart
Hernandez, Hannah Hart
Morales, Adamari Hart
Lauderdale, Brylee Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Wood, Sadie Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Blacklock, Mylee Lubbock Christian High
Cross, Emersyn Lubbock Christian High
Elizondo, Serenity Cotton Center
Pineda, Madisyn Cotton Center
Hudson, Jocelynne Cotton Center
Prutzman, Mylee Cotton Center
Guthrie, Kersten Gail Borden County
Hill, Harbor Gail Borden County
Stansell, Evie Gail Borden County
Walker, Brogen Gail Borden County
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Girls Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguirre, Adaceli Anton Middle School
Castillo, Mariah Anton Middle School
Mancias, Alyssa Anton Middle School
Peek, Liberty Anton Middle School
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Girls Shot Put 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Harlien, Kate 25-6 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Lane, Emma 22-2 Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Daniel, Keelyn 22-0.5 Lubbock Christian High
Garcia, Jenevie Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Pavon, Alexa Midland Texas Leadership Charter
Kirkland, Peyton Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Scolaro, Sophie Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Fillingim, Kenadie Tahoka
Garza, Serenity Tahoka
Reed, Addi Kress
Ellis, Lexi Kress
Cooper, Rylen Anton Middle School
Miller, Mariah Anton Middle School
Fielder, Jaeda O'Donnell
Acosta, Jill O'Donnell
Lowe, Micah O'Donnell
Mastin, Hartley Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Martinez, Addisyn Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Chavez, Imelda Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Hernandez, Gracie Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Marin, Mylie Hart
Gonzales, Alesia Hart
Dominguez, Leslie Hart
Spencer, Eliana Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Frausto, Parker Lubbock Christian High
McCray, Marlee Lubbock Christian High
Marquette, Holly Lubbock Christian High
Hudson, Jocelynne Cotton Center
Reese, Macie Cotton Center
Cone, Kimber Gail Borden County
Cagle, Cailey Gail Borden County
Runge, Tatum Gail Borden County
Buchanan, Anslee Gail Borden County
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Girls Triple Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Byers, Bri 34-0.5 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Blacklock, Whitlee 30-0.5 Lubbock Christian High
Payne, Hadley 26-1.5 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Underwood, Ellie 24-7.5 Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
McKown, Jacy 24-4 Lubbock Christian High
Profitt, Anzley Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
McDougal, Emma Lubbock All Saints Episcopal
Perez, Abigail O'Donnell
Ramos, Raya O'Donnell
Neufeld, Ashton Lubbock Trinity Christian Middle
Rodriquez, Reggina Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Ngyuen, Kacie Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Boynton, Avery Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Garrido, Simone Lubbock Christ the King Cathedra
Flake, Kambri Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Allen, Selah Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Franklin, River Lubbock Southcrest Christian Sch
Blacklock, Mylee Lubbock Christian High
Cross, Emersyn Lubbock Christian High
Geldenhuys, Kaleigh Cotton Center
Pineda, Madisyn Cotton Center
White, Taytum Gail Borden County
Behrens, Briar Gail Borden County
Stansell, Evie Gail Borden County
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