UIL 5A - District 7 2022

Fort Worth, TX
Hosted by Denton
Timing/Results Cowtown Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 213 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Christopher Lake Dallas
Chiselita, Jadon Colleyville Heritage
Henry, William Denton High
Brugman, Noah Colleyville Heritage
Muntz, Will Grapevine
Hausler, Michael Lake Dallas
Esquivel, Diego Denton Ryan
Oba Fiallos, Joseph Lake Dallas
Ojinnaka, Daniel Lake Dallas
Brazzell, Avery Lake Dallas
Athey, Wyatt 14:56.29 Denton High
Burlison, Adam 14:57.98 Grapevine
Rayon, Alberto 15:09.21 Grapevine
Westrom, Tyler 15:30.55 Argyle
Woolums, Brian 15:38.49 Argyle
Jackson, Brady 15:47.05 Denton Ryan
Smith, Charles 15:53.30 Grapevine
Leathers, Justin 16:00.20 Grapevine
Baxter, Tyler 16:14.65 Grapevine
Kennedy, Ryan 16:21.89 Denton High
Bradford, Blayne 16:26.65 Grapevine
Roswell, Paul 16:27.70 Birdville High School
Sandoval, Aaron 16:28.37 Colleyville Heritage
McLaughlin, Shane 16:32.91 Denton High
Kerr, Ryan 16:33.02 Grapevine
Barborka, Matthew 16:35.60 Grapevine
Davenport, Joe 16:39.10 Argyle
Richardson, Breck 16:41.99 Argyle
Suh, Truman 16:45.10 Grapevine
Naja, Jason 16:48.20 Colleyville Heritage
Gist, Jack 16:53.30 Birdville High School
Richardson, Cohen 17:04.69 Argyle
Bullock, Wallace 17:05.70 Colleyville Heritage
Erickson, Connor 17:05.99 Denton High
Youngblood, Trevor 17:07.02 Richland
Tjio, Sam 17:10.10 Grapevine
Marsh, Mason 17:10.48 Colleyville Heritage
Armor, Alden 17:10.81 Denton High
Abraham, Dan 17:12.30 Argyle
Jacobs, Brett 17:12.59 Colleyville Heritage
Johnson, Braden 17:12.80 Birdville High School
Cox, Isaiah 17:16.47 Birdville High School
Ellis, Aiden 17:16.97 Denton High
Partain, Mason 17:19.90 Grapevine
Eichelberger, Jack 17:20.90 Colleyville Heritage
Pluscht, Julian 17:21.67 Denton High
Simon, George 17:22.27 Argyle
Witman, George 17:24.40 Colleyville Heritage
Gonzalez, Evan 17:25.10 Grapevine
Comer, Cole 17:26.80 Grapevine
Bullock, Patrick 17:26.97 Colleyville Heritage
DeYoung, Andrew 17:31.30 Grapevine
Barnett, Boston 17:31.33 Argyle
Garcia, Luis 17:31.34 Colleyville Heritage
Finnigan, Drew 17:32.80 Grapevine
Brockway, JT 17:33.07 Denton Ryan
Vandivort, Masen 17:41.20 Grapevine
Schnurbusch, Cole 17:43.60 Lake Dallas
Ndemo, Peter 17:46.39 Denton Ryan
Boyd, Matthew 17:46.51 Birdville High School
Killeen, Griffin 17:47.10 Grapevine
Garcia, Andre 17:52.30 Grapevine
Dorner, Logan 17:55.70 Colleyville Heritage
Garcia, Jorge 17:58.00 Grapevine
Pichon, Dylan 18:04.80 Grapevine
Speaks, Dylan 18:05.60 Richland
Comer, Owen 18:05.80 Grapevine
Leal, Francisco 18:09.14 Denton High
Duderstadt, Nicholas 18:13.73 Birdville High School
Taylor, Caleb 18:13.88 Colleyville Heritage
Thompson, Evan 18:18.50 Richland
Medina, Justice 18:19.00 Richland
Ferguson, Kayden 18:22.68 Colleyville Heritage
McIntyre, Javontae 18:23.58 Denton High
Plata, Alejandro 18:23.71 Richland
Regalado, Ethan 18:24.40 Argyle
Plata, Armando 18:25.03 Richland
Tomlinson, Lane 18:32.10 Grapevine
Saunders, Brice 18:36.63 Grapevine
Rennick, Colin 18:41.04 Denton High
Donohue, Jacob 18:44.69 Denton High
Kim, Ryan 18:45.10 Grapevine
Pope, Carson 18:46.31 Birdville High School
Freeman, Lance 18:46.83 Richland
Littlehales, Hayden 18:49.05 Argyle
Caruthers, Brighton 18:49.52 Denton High
Lucero, Andres 18:49.97 Grapevine
Prince, Greyson 18:51.09 Grapevine
Smith, Tobin 18:52.19 Denton High
Large, Logan 18:53.33 Colleyville Heritage
Bowman, Steven 18:55.10 Richland
Nchoroke, Brian 18:55.24 Denton Ryan
Monson, Luke 18:55.80 Grapevine
Zimmerer, Tim 18:59.89 Colleyville Heritage
Beltran, Roberto 19:02.00 Richland
Bissett, Tuscan 19:03.35 Argyle
Barnett, Rex 19:03.86 Argyle
Sanabria, Lucca 19:04.16 Argyle
Abraham, Nicholas 19:05.63 Grapevine
El-khodor, Saif 19:11.00 Richland
Bell, Kyle 19:11.80 Grapevine
Espinosa, Angelo 19:13.40 Grapevine
Osbourne, Owen 19:14.37 Colleyville Heritage
Pinto, Jesse 19:20.20 Richland
Wellman, Connor 19:21.52 Argyle
Rocha, Chris 19:27.64 Denton Ryan
Giorgio, Guy 19:27.91 Lake Dallas
Prichard, Rylan 19:29.20 Birdville High School
Hurley, Patrick 19:30.37 Argyle
Hedrick, Caden 19:32.47 Lake Dallas
Atkinson, Noah 19:35.32 Richland
McGovern, Ethan 19:44.46 Lake Dallas
Gonzalez, Emelio 19:44.46 Argyle
Hogg, Erik 19:47.40 Colleyville Heritage
Nguyen, Kevin 19:47.65 Colleyville Heritage
Arnold, Tyler 19:53.47 Argyle
Beckmann, Dylan 19:58.23 Colleyville Heritage
Scott, Jackson 20:02.15 Grapevine
Dubose, Corbin 20:02.54 Birdville High School
Norvell, Collin 20:05.27 Argyle
McCord, Cash 20:06.24 Lake Dallas
Woolums, Boden 20:07.30 Argyle
Woodson, DeJuan 20:08.14 Denton High
Brown, Maddox 20:08.46 Argyle
Ross, Regan 20:09.17 Argyle
Burtzlaff, Brody 20:10.40 Grapevine
Haynes, Isaac 20:11.00 Colleyville Heritage
Davidson, Chad 20:13.56 Argyle
Moody, J.c. 20:17.54 Colleyville Heritage
Gallegos, Diego 20:17.93 Colleyville Heritage
Campbell, Porter 20:19.90 Colleyville Heritage
Lara, Adrian 20:25.33 Denton Ryan
Hickman, Ben 20:26.40 Birdville High School
Parr, Landon 20:29.00 Argyle
Shawulak, Ryan 20:31.70 Richland
Kennedy, Peter 20:39.17 Birdville High School
Pellegrin, Drew 20:43.20 Grapevine
Topley, Cohen 20:44.34 Birdville High School
Manzi, Giulianno 20:47.35 Denton Ryan
Gomez, Jacob 20:51.37 Denton High
Brussow, Dillon 20:53.15 Birdville High School
Curry, Peyton 20:56.96 Argyle
Jurica, Ben 20:58.90 Birdville High School
Martino, Jonathan 21:00.35 Denton Ryan
Sabaj, Antonio 21:03.43 Colleyville Heritage
Nguyen, Dylan 21:06.36 Colleyville Heritage
Hogan, Nicholas 21:06.90 Denton High
Braswell, Tucker 21:08.60 Birdville High School
Shawulak, Jeremiah 21:13.70 Richland
Gallegos, Sebastion 21:14.80 Richland
Tieken, Jack 21:16.63 Colleyville Heritage
Winfield, Ryder 21:16.72 Argyle
FUENTES, MATIAS 21:16.90 Richland
Ibarra, Geovanni 21:18.85 Lake Dallas
Bradstreet, Baron 21:19.53 Birdville High School
Bridgman, Jack 21:22.50 Argyle
Gonzalez, Horacio 21:26.74 Argyle
D'Souza, Ethan 21:29.89 Colleyville Heritage
Iqbal, Kaif 21:32.26 Colleyville Heritage
Flowers, Grant 21:34.88 Richland
Medaris, Gavin 21:36.15 Denton High
Morgan, Finnegan 21:37.50 Birdville High School
Lowe, Kendall 21:40.20 Richland
Way, Charlie 21:42.00 Birdville High School
Putman, Ian 21:50.70 Argyle
MCNEELY, BECK 21:54.69 Richland
Navarro, Ismael 21:59.19 Richland
Phelps, Samuel 22:00.89 Denton Ryan
Roadifer, Jake 22:05.37 Grapevine
Hainley, Dawson 22:16.09 Denton High
Chuah, Ethan 22:21.96 Denton High
Reid, Lucas 22:25.78 Denton High
Fritz, Zach 22:29.12 Argyle
Pichon, Ryan 22:31.50 Grapevine
Alonso, Omar 22:33.80 Richland
Beck, Marcus 22:35.26 Colleyville Heritage
Rogers, Ben 22:42.50 Grapevine
Bhangoo, Arshan 22:43.33 Argyle
Spisak, Anderson 22:43.94 Birdville High School
Jones, Evan 22:47.07 Lake Dallas
Ramirez, Alex 22:47.50 Argyle
Koon, Madik 22:48.07 Argyle
Anaya, Adrian 22:52.86 Lake Dallas
Tippet, Noah 22:56.85 Richland
Ashley, Christian 22:59.50 Lake Dallas
Callihan, Jackson 22:59.70 Colleyville Heritage
Mazon, Hunter 23:01.22 Argyle
Melendez, Kevin 23:01.23 Grapevine
Doom, Hayden 23:03.55 Birdville High School
Vandeventer, Hunter 23:39.29 Grapevine
Lee, Joseph 23:39.70 Colleyville Heritage
Badyna, Owen 23:51.72 Lake Dallas
Sanchez, Jonathan 23:55.79 Denton Ryan
Walsh, Will 24:03.49 Colleyville Heritage
Gonzalez Carriedo, Andres 24:10.14 Denton Ryan
Eason, Aiden 24:44.66 Argyle
Thurston, Parker 24:47.17 Denton High
Salazar, Philip 24:54.05 Denton Ryan
Criswell, Tyler 25:09.56 Birdville High School
Velinov, Mario 25:20.15 Colleyville Heritage
Laws, Andrew 25:25.76 Argyle
Chen, Alan 25:38.08 Denton Ryan
Kirkwood, Kaden 26:15.67 Richland
Gravley, Dominick 26:33.66 Lake Dallas
Hogg, Kyle 26:43.90 Grapevine
Hayes, Levi 26:58.40 Birdville High School
CONTREAS, BRIAN 27:06.19 Richland
Ocana, Angel 27:13.37 Birdville High School
Gonzalez, Alexander 28:31.02 Denton Ryan
Bonilla, Jose 29:37.46 Colleyville Heritage
Adamcik, Franklin 31:40.94 Argyle
Rodriguez, Jose (Rodolfo) 32:46.72 Denton Ryan
Flores, Aiden 36:45.71 Birdville High School
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Girls 156 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Velasquez, Ariana Colleyville Heritage
Phillips, Emily Birdville High School
Joshi, Sriyam Colleyville Heritage
Bott, Melissa Colleyville Heritage
Nichols, Cora Birdville High School
Sandoval, Kinsley Birdville High School
Seeley, Camille Colleyville Heritage
Manning, Ava Birdville High School
Rosales, Lisa Colleyville Heritage
Love, Allie 17:11.68 Colleyville Heritage
Love, Gabbie 17:23.01 Colleyville Heritage
Himes, Kylie 18:26.57 Grapevine
Keith, Cambria 18:37.20 Colleyville Heritage
Diggikar, Arya 18:44.30 Colleyville Heritage
Dixon, Quinn 18:47.03 Birdville High School
Osbourne, Josie 19:04.92 Colleyville Heritage
McCown, Katelyn 19:11.47 Grapevine
Cowdery, Haiden 19:17.40 Colleyville Heritage
Jaecks, Cassilyn 19:33.99 Denton High
Reed, Mara 19:36.36 Argyle
Miller, Bonnie 19:36.74 Colleyville Heritage
Journagan, Maura 19:40.95 Argyle
Halliburton, Ryan 19:53.62 Grapevine
Sandoval, Olivia 19:53.95 Colleyville Heritage
Tran, Lenna 19:57.08 Denton High
Edmondson, Lilly 20:01.30 Grapevine
Schnautz, Mary 20:05.00 Grapevine
Navarro, Alexandria 20:05.39 Grapevine
Butler, Annabelle 20:06.07 Colleyville Heritage
Gomez, Carleigh 20:10.10 Grapevine
Gomez, Myleigh 20:12.50 Grapevine
Francis, Breelyn 20:13.50 Grapevine
Halliburton, Sara 20:19.67 Grapevine
Schroder, Lauren 20:24.30 Richland
Robinson, Rylee 20:26.09 Richland
Safranek, Erika 20:29.63 Denton High
Garcia, Natalie 20:34.50 Colleyville Heritage
Jacobson, Claire 20:36.96 Birdville High School
Voss, Quinlan 20:37.60 Grapevine
Himes, Blaikley 20:39.38 Grapevine
Thiru, Amrita 20:41.82 Colleyville Heritage
Granados, Sirenia 20:45.85 Grapevine
West, Lilah 20:48.20 Birdville High School
Lessley, Sydney 20:57.60 Argyle
Sanchez, Sophia 20:58.25 Argyle
Kobes, Avery 21:09.46 Colleyville Heritage
Picotte, Kiana 21:10.52 Birdville High School
Braswell, Mckinnan 21:14.08 Birdville High School
Dallas, Emily 21:14.42 Argyle
Hamre, Greta 21:29.74 Birdville High School
Miller, Hayden 21:31.07 Colleyville Heritage
Rickman, Hannah 21:35.63 Colleyville Heritage
Thiru, Akshita 21:37.71 Colleyville Heritage
Schwomeyer, Aria 21:39.11 Colleyville Heritage
Iman, Brooklyn 21:40.70 Birdville High School
Hamre, Lottie 21:41.40 Birdville High School
Li, Maggie 21:45.00 Grapevine
McCreight, Geneva 21:46.70 Grapevine
Pacione, Veronica 21:48.71 Birdville High School
Hill, Finley 21:48.76 Birdville High School
Gazzam, Elizabeth 21:49.95 Grapevine
Woods, Leilani 21:50.80 Denton High
Lopez, Caitlin 21:52.20 Richland
Jacobs, Tara 21:57.22 Colleyville Heritage
Chavarria, Briseida 21:58.85 Denton High
Benham, Abigail 22:00.93 Birdville High School
Wolber, Rylee 22:03.06 Argyle
Beaulieu, Jade 22:05.71 Argyle
Kremer, Julia 22:12.90 Grapevine
Lidstrom, Avalon 22:18.69 Richland
Donaldson, Kamiyah 22:19.84 Denton High
Deneault, Sophie 22:21.57 Argyle
Reed, Hannah 22:23.29 Lake Dallas
Villalobos, Perla 22:24.56 Argyle
Hernandez, Isabella 22:26.30 Richland
Petros, Piper 22:27.53 Denton High
Hammock, Bailey 22:34.61 Grapevine
Seeley, Cooper 22:34.70 Colleyville Heritage
Moloughney, Addison 22:37.30 Grapevine
Andrade Gutierrez, Valeria 22:45.01 Lake Dallas
Jadhav, Shreya 22:51.40 Colleyville Heritage
Demaree, Sage 22:52.94 Birdville High School
Bidwell, Chloe 22:59.70 Lake Dallas
Dezurik, London 23:13.50 Grapevine
Moreland, Avery 23:15.42 Grapevine
Rosales, Hailey 23:20.80 Birdville High School
Hernandez, Valeria 23:21.79 Denton Ryan
Smay, Emily 23:27.00 Birdville High School
Hohman, Addison 23:33.03 Richland
Murray, Addison 23:44.12 Colleyville Heritage
Mitchell, Clara 23:45.13 Grapevine
Jackson, Milana 23:53.40 Richland
Pasechnikov, Allison 23:55.59 Birdville High School
Diaz, Leilany 23:57.43 Colleyville Heritage
Wilson, Skylar 23:57.56 Birdville High School
Karim, Lahak 24:08.24 Colleyville Heritage
Wilson, Reagan 24:16.60 Richland
Salaices, Brianna 24:17.58 Colleyville Heritage
Woode, Jessa 24:18.32 Denton Ryan
Savage, Faith 24:25.00 Richland
Kaspar, Rilee 24:30.35 Colleyville Heritage
Hamilton, Ally 24:36.00 Birdville High School
Brown, Rylee 24:38.26 Birdville High School
Sankey, Ava 24:41.90 Argyle
Lindenberger, Joelle 24:44.40 Birdville High School
Stokely, Elly 24:47.50 Birdville High School
Cannon, Fallon 24:47.69 Argyle
Rivet, Sydney 24:48.38 Argyle
Paone, Julie 24:48.50 Grapevine
Dennehy, Abaigeal 24:50.46 Denton Ryan
Renegar, Ella 24:57.10 Grapevine
Smith, Adelyn 25:01.47 Argyle
Rennick, Catie 25:02.69 Denton High
Hilborn, Camille 25:04.22 Denton Ryan
Sweetland, Hollie 25:09.29 Lake Dallas
Lange, Zoe 25:12.80 Grapevine
Villalobos, Zayra 25:41.33 Argyle
Hawarden, Ariana 25:43.10 Colleyville Heritage
Nwachukwu, Chidinma Franca 25:44.66 Denton Ryan
Decker, Jordyn 25:55.70 Richland
Hernandez, Ariana 26:00.92 Argyle
Pope, Mia 26:04.00 Birdville High School
Trinidad, Ryland 26:04.50 Birdville High School
Savage, Reese 26:05.85 Denton High
Gonzalez, Brianna 26:05.90 Grapevine
Campbell, Kailey 26:23.89 Denton High
Bhatt, Tanvi 26:23.95 Colleyville Heritage
Keeling, McKenzie 26:25.52 Denton Ryan
Rosales, Paulina 26:26.86 Denton Ryan
Martin, Ryliegh 26:31.00 Colleyville Heritage
Ponce, Amy 26:37.87 Denton Ryan
Gomez, Lisette 26:43.20 Grapevine
Wyatt, Araceli 26:48.53 Denton High
Marion, Olivia 26:52.28 Denton Ryan
Artho, Ella 27:00.01 Argyle
Puga-Maroquin, Daniela 27:01.19 Denton Ryan
LOPEZ, VANIA 27:36.20 Richland
Gnanapazham, Thanu 27:38.17 Colleyville Heritage
Tschirhart, Keely 27:41.70 Colleyville Heritage
O'Keefe, Evan 27:42.60 Grapevine
Simon, Denay 27:52.56 Denton High
Ogden, Camille 27:57.75 Denton High
Hilcher, Emory 28:02.60 Grapevine
Ramirez-Ulloa, Abril 28:09.69 Denton Ryan
Trejo, Shaii 28:10.17 Denton Ryan
Velazquez-Morales, Angelynne 28:10.72 Denton Ryan
Santos, Soliyana 28:25.23 Lake Dallas
Hernandez, Sofia 28:34.95 Richland
Carlos, Maria 28:48.32 Denton Ryan
Fry, London 29:59.83 Argyle
Serna, Cadence 30:15.80 Denton High
Anderson, Brinkley 30:39.41 Richland
Santos, Gabi 30:41.79 Colleyville Heritage
McWilliams, Lily 31:16.81 Denton Ryan
McCullough, Alexandra 32:58.86 Grapevine
Atich, Ariana 33:44.00 Denton Ryan
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