UIL 6A - District 6 2022

Denton, TX

Athlete Entries

1. Varsity Girls 5000 Meter 55 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gasca, Sara Lewisville Hebron
Humphries, Nicole 17:09.60 Flower Mound
Humphries, Samantha 17:11.10 Flower Mound
Harper, Haley 17:22.50 Plano West
Fox, Alexandra 17:44.60 Flower Mound
Spangher, Natalie 18:22.70 Flower Mound
Heil, Leah 18:34.20 Plano West
Cole, Ava 18:48.20 Flower Mound
Sherrer, Mallory 18:51.07 Coppell
Venna, Srija 18:51.60 Lewisville Hebron
Ehinger, Louisa 18:56.22 Coppell
Dunn, Lily 19:00.05 Lewisville Hebron
Gilberti, Katie 19:01.65 Lewisville Marcus
Ladner, Gracie 19:06.00 Plano Senior HS
Murray, Annalise 19:08.50 Flower Mound
Delay, Hannah 19:11.94 Lewisville Hebron
Daugherty, Bryn 19:13.11 Lewisville Hebron
Garner, Sibley 19:21.60 Plano West
Coberly, Abbey 19:28.66 Flower Mound
Susko, Raquel 19:31.00 Lewisville Marcus
Godinez Chavez, Ana Sofia 19:36.80 Lewisville Marcus
Trotter, Trinity 19:46.60 Lewisville
Hattrup, Alex 19:56.80 Plano West
Daniels, Kendall 19:58.90 Plano Senior HS
Rogers, Paige 19:59.00 Plano West
Sorenson, Sara 20:00.20 Plano Senior HS
Dowers, Taylor 20:06.60 Lewisville Hebron
Ledoux, Meghan 20:08.81 Plano East
Graham, Savannah 20:08.90 Plano Senior HS
Mayes, Sydney 20:11.40 Lewisville Marcus
Kaleba, Audrey 20:15.70 Plano West
Edwards, Hannah 20:16.20 Lewisville Marcus
Mercado, Angeline 20:16.40 Plano Senior HS
Willis, Callie 20:16.50 Plano East
Walker, Elizabeth 20:37.20 Coppell
Beaty, Ava 20:37.90 Coppell
Allen, Emma 20:40.10 Plano West
Valls, Andrea 20:40.28 Plano East
Cotton, Natalie 20:41.40 Plano East
Tecuatl, Dyan 20:43.90 Plano East
Gray, Kaylee 20:45.30 Lewisville Marcus
Gaddam, Saanvi 20:45.60 Coppell
Martin, Kelsie 20:45.67 Plano Senior HS
Arrington, Rachel 20:45.70 Coppell
Rushton, Ayla 20:46.90 Lewisville Marcus
Anding, Ella 20:49.50 Lewisville Hebron
Chaffin, Camryn 21:06.70 Plano East
Peltier, Megan 21:24.50 Coppell
Reeder, Annie 21:25.90 Coppell
Kao, Megan 21:42.40 Plano Senior HS
Nguyen, Natalie 21:55.20 Plano East
Stone, Anna 22:27.50 Lewisville
FRANCIS, LUCA BELLA 22:32.40 Lewisville
Guerrero Martinez, Jaquelin 22:46.90 Lewisville
GODINEZ, IZEL 25:24.03 Lewisville
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2. Varsity Boys 5000 Meter 56 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bhattacharyya, Vedant 15:12.00 Coppell
Kennedy, Brayden 15:14.95 Flower Mound
Mullen, Andrew 15:16.90 Coppell
Heikkinen, Hogan 15:32.70 Plano West
Noffz, Parker 15:34.20 Lewisville Marcus
Henze, Henry 15:38.50 Coppell
Dubey, Samarth 15:39.30 Coppell
Ramirez, Aaron 15:41.35 Lewisville Marcus
Cole, Owen 15:49.79 Flower Mound
Dennis, Drew 15:51.80 Lewisville Hebron
Rivera - Campos, Elijiah 15:56.80 Lewisville Hebron
Mckee, Ryan 15:57.45 Lewisville Hebron
Mckee, Jack 15:58.60 Lewisville Hebron
Bush, Donovan 15:58.70 Plano East
Cartwright, Devon 16:02.95 Lewisville Hebron
Chengavarayan, Kavin 16:05.70 Coppell
Trezza, Conrad 16:09.90 Flower Mound
Fabrega, Logan 16:11.10 Plano West
Martinson, Samuel 16:13.23 Coppell
Gonzales, Noah 16:15.40 Plano East
Patel, Avinash 16:19.20 Flower Mound
Tomancak, Hayden 16:21.34 Lewisville Hebron
Luvianos, Angel 16:22.20 Lewisville Hebron
Wiederkehr, Nicolas 16:22.20 Flower Mound
Churchill-Dowd, Cameron 16:25.60 Coppell
Cortina, Junior 16:32.31 Lewisville
Shepherd, William 16:34.70 Plano West
Jensen, Kohen 16:36.10 Flower Mound
Locknane, William 16:38.50 Plano West
Springer, Levi 16:44.30 Plano Senior HS
Blad, Gavin 16:45.30 Flower Mound
Adel, Martin 16:46.80 Plano West
Masud, Ayad 16:47.40 Plano Senior HS
Vepa, Varun 16:51.30 Lewisville Marcus
Narayanan, Rishi 16:51.64 Plano West
Stubenazy, Matthew 16:51.80 Lewisville Marcus
Wohlitz, Robert 16:54.99 Lewisville Marcus
Adkins, Blake 16:55.30 Plano West
Lemma, Hunter 16:57.20 Plano Senior HS
Ramey, Jake 17:01.71 Plano East
Castaneda, Jacob 17:11.65 Lewisville Marcus
Bulmer, Samuel 17:32.90 Lewisville Marcus
Pike, Carson 17:42.20 Plano Senior HS
Heise, Cole 17:45.50 Plano East
Rodriguez, Jessie 17:46.60 Plano Senior HS
Bessey, Matthias 17:53.70 Plano East
Bhakta, Shaan 17:54.80 Plano East
Israel, Chandler 18:05.30 Plano East
Gregorash, Trent 18:16.11 Plano Senior HS
Permezel, Christopher 18:26.50 Plano Senior HS
Perez, Saul 18:38.05 Lewisville
Gutierrez Vargas, Adan 19:00.10 Lewisville
Nagel, Christian 19:04.70 Lewisville
Santos, Adrian 19:11.90 Lewisville
Jaegers, Lawson 19:14.20 Lewisville
GONZALEZ, JESUS 19:40.46 Lewisville
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3. JV Girls 5000 Meter 186 entries

Athlete Seed Team
arcuri , ashlin Lewisville Marcus
Pope, Dakota Lewisville Marcus
Raisinghani, Aria Lewisville Marcus
Brancadori, Anita Flower Mound
Taylor, Skylar Lewisville Marcus
Platt, Camille Lewisville Marcus
Staudinger, Sofia Flower Mound
Johnston, Micah Plano Senior HS
Clardy, Mackenzie Lewisville Marcus
Doll, Riley Lewisville Marcus
Hooley, Bailey Flower Mound
Cortez, Kyah Lewisville Marcus
Cortes Pinedo, Camila Lewisville Marcus
Doll, Reagan Lewisville Marcus
Gasca, Sara Lewisville Hebron
Garcia, Erika Lewisville Marcus
Manderfield, Audrey Lewisville Marcus
Hoffman, Madison Lewisville Marcus
Cortez, Kallan Lewisville Marcus
McDermott, Maggie Plano West
Ortolani, Selene Plano Senior HS
Doll, Ryan Lewisville Marcus
Johnson, Katelynn 19:08.80 Lewisville Marcus
Gilberti, Gabrielle 19:09.80 Lewisville Marcus
Hirniak, Eva 19:15.80 Flower Mound
Turati, Alexa 19:18.31 Coppell
Clayton, Ava 19:31.89 Flower Mound
Embry, Mallory 19:38.20 Lewisville Marcus
Henry, Elizabeth 19:46.67 Flower Mound
Jiranek, Grace 19:50.50 Lewisville Hebron
Coleman, Danielle 19:58.80 Flower Mound
Kohutek, Mckayla 20:05.60 Flower Mound
Bettencourt, Claire 20:16.70 Flower Mound
Huckeba, Ella 20:20.35 Lewisville Hebron
Braich, Jasmeet 20:21.12 Flower Mound
Anderson, Avery 20:27.30 Flower Mound
Larson, Emma 20:35.50 Flower Mound
Deboer, Ariana 20:44.60 Flower Mound
Hall, Elle 20:48.47 Flower Mound
Choi, Greta 20:53.80 Plano West
Romero, Anna 20:54.10 Lewisville Marcus
Hendrickson, Lynn 20:58.90 Flower Mound
Mccarroll, Autumn 21:07.90 Lewisville Marcus
Henderson, Catherine 21:09.30 Flower Mound
Gittelman, Addison 21:19.90 Lewisville Marcus
Cheverton, Emma 21:23.47 Flower Mound
Donohue, Sophia 21:24.20 Lewisville Marcus
Lehmann, Caroline 21:24.20 Lewisville Marcus
Yustiz Celis, Juliana 21:29.10 Lewisville Marcus
Wong, Madeline 21:29.74 Flower Mound
Matthews, Page 21:34.26 Flower Mound
Martinson, Lucy 21:40.50 Coppell
Martinez, Karol 21:45.00 Lewisville Hebron
Scheurich, Jeana 21:47.70 Coppell
Clark, Kailyn 21:49.27 Lewisville Marcus
Williams, Bess 21:53.30 Coppell
Lemon, Avery 21:55.50 Lewisville Hebron
Jackson, Mikai 22:01.10 Lewisville Hebron
Khandelwal, Mahek 22:02.94 Coppell
Arora, Tavishka 22:04.10 Coppell
Hubiak, Emma 22:08.70 Lewisville Hebron
Barajas, Shaina 22:10.60 Plano West
Copeland, Jillian 22:11.47 Lewisville Hebron
Romero, Mireya 22:11.50 Plano Senior HS
Vazquez, Valerie 22:16.80 Plano East
Stutz, Zella 22:16.90 Lewisville Marcus
Wilbanks, Ashlyn 22:17.72 Coppell
Tullos, Caitlin 22:18.95 Flower Mound
Baeza, Isabella 22:19.20 Lewisville Marcus
Darst, Lauren 22:24.20 Plano Senior HS
Rao, Amala 22:24.84 Coppell
Worth, Aubrey 22:25.60 Plano Senior HS
Wilson, Katherine 22:28.49 Flower Mound
Wilsey, Taylor 22:29.40 Lewisville Marcus
Tschantz, Maddie 22:29.52 Plano West
Embess, Olivia 22:41.80 Plano West
Nguyen, Alina 22:42.00 Plano East
Espinoza, Alexa 22:48.60 Lewisville Hebron
McQuaid, Caroline 22:53.48 Plano West
Cartwright, Tori 22:53.50 Lewisville Hebron
Mcbain, Zoey 22:53.71 Flower Mound
Pham, Dana 22:54.06 Plano East
Gonzalez, Ana Liz 22:57.00 Plano East
Barve, Saakshi 22:58.62 Coppell
Reece, Riley 23:01.47 Flower Mound
Gandotra, Mehak 23:01.70 Coppell
Horner, Mekenzie 23:05.23 Flower Mound
Fitzgerald, Lauren 23:08.80 Lewisville Marcus
Winterburn, Maya 23:15.10 Flower Mound
Doan, Lena 23:15.50 Plano East
Kaneira, Lauren 23:17.74 Flower Mound
Guerra, Sophia 23:21.29 Plano East
Immaneni, Tanvi 23:23.96 Flower Mound
Rowe, Gabriela 23:25.30 Plano Senior HS
Ortega, Aaliyah 23:25.60 Plano Senior HS
Cheverton, Amy 23:26.70 Flower Mound
Awad, Haneen 23:35.60 Coppell
Tran, Hue-Trinh 23:37.93 Plano East
Andrews, Bree 23:49.65 Lewisville Hebron
Bodine, Kamryn 23:49.74 Lewisville Marcus
Reber, Kayla 24:00.50 Flower Mound
Moody, Natalie 24:01.28 Flower Mound
Parris, Sophia 24:05.20 Flower Mound
Hopkin, Whitney 24:06.90 Flower Mound
Rojo, Arianna 24:15.90 Plano Senior HS
Melton, Holdyn 24:16.20 Plano Senior HS
Rajadurai, Lydia 24:17.10 Flower Mound
Gonzales, Olivia 24:17.70 Plano East
Henderson, Brianna 24:21.70 Coppell
Mele, Charlotte 24:23.10 Plano Senior HS
Valiga, Elliotte 24:24.10 Lewisville Hebron
Goeke, Stephanie 24:25.50 Lewisville Marcus
Bradley, Braeden 24:30.10 Plano Senior HS
Ferrell, Abigail 24:33.40 Lewisville Hebron
Boone, Elliot 24:36.10 Lewisville Hebron
Laskowski, Sophie 24:38.40 Flower Mound
Adnan, Zamzam 24:44.10 Plano East
Shariff, Maya 24:44.60 Plano East
Fino, Sarita 24:50.65 Plano East
Chavez, Lydia 24:53.40 Plano East
Moriarty, Ava 25:00.60 Plano East
Jones, Jillian 25:08.17 Plano East
Grubenhoff, Jillian 25:09.20 Plano Senior HS
Opaleye, Mercy 25:10.50 Plano West
Jacobson, Catherine 25:15.80 Plano West
Tran, Katie 25:16.19 Plano East
Johnson, Jessica 25:19.63 Plano West
Syed, Nisha 25:28.10 Plano Senior HS
Tan, Celine 25:28.24 Plano East
Brennan, Abby 25:35.90 Plano Senior HS
Romero, Abigail 25:43.94 Lewisville Marcus
Sivakumar, Ritu 25:45.00 Flower Mound
deSantiago, Scarlett 25:45.60 Plano Senior HS
Stout, Allison 25:46.40 Plano Senior HS
Schiffman, Allison 25:46.70 Plano Senior HS
Picard, Bella 25:51.94 Lewisville Marcus
Kulkarni, Pranjali 25:54.85 Coppell
Callahan, Ava 25:56.00 Lewisville Marcus
Ferenczhalmy, Megan 25:57.99 Plano East
Coleman, Elizabeth 25:59.80 Plano Senior HS
Noel, Reagan 26:13.16 Plano East
Kaup, Ashlyn 26:13.30 Lewisville Hebron
Spehar, Cael 26:14.30 Lewisville Marcus
Markley, Lauren 26:17.30 Plano Senior HS
Shaw, Kate 26:17.99 Plano East
Dashiell, Mary 26:18.20 Plano Senior HS
Salinas, Andrea 26:25.70 Plano West
Venancio Avellaneda, Yaneth 26:27.01 Lewisville
Murphy, Chloe 26:43.90 Lewisville
Epping, Mai 26:56.25 Flower Mound
Whitman, Carissa 26:56.86 Lewisville Marcus
Adhikari, Alisma 27:02.70 Coppell
Kissinger, Olivia 27:03.80 Lewisville Marcus
Currey, Laine 27:11.80 Lewisville Marcus
Cornuaud, Elaine 27:25.90 Plano Senior HS
Mendiola Prado, Monica 27:32.81 Lewisville
Akridge, Piper 27:38.90 Plano Senior HS
Moss, Brigan 27:44.96 Lewisville
Martinez Perez, Melissa 27:48.40 Plano Senior HS
Romero, Jacqueline 28:04.60 Plano Senior HS
Benguesmia, Selina 28:07.80 Plano Senior HS
Bellamy, Vivian 28:15.10 Plano Senior HS
Hua, Claire 28:25.80 Coppell
Martin Amesquita, Nicole 28:40.60 Plano Senior HS
Odumosu, Oluwakorede 28:43.90 Plano West
Hinze, Abrielle 28:56.10 Plano Senior HS
Castillo, Serenity 29:08.39 Plano East
Covington, Zoey 29:21.00 Lewisville Hebron
Daniels-Wooldridge, Ikema 29:28.80 Plano West
Davis, Ava 29:40.70 Lewisville Marcus
Palma, Mikhaila 29:55.57 Flower Mound
Dalton, Ellie 29:57.00 Coppell
Abu Rahma, Jude 30:25.00 Coppell
Brinkerhoff, Aislyn 30:27.20 Flower Mound
Cotten, Makayla 30:28.11 Lewisville Marcus
Collins, Avery 31:07.40 Plano Senior HS
Beckham, Samantha 31:54.60 Plano Senior HS
Kupurangi, Vithasree 31:56.10 Plano West
Garcia, Emily 32:03.90 Lewisville Marcus
Bonilla, Genesis 32:31.70 Plano Senior HS
Kuffel, Olivia 33:17.50 Plano Senior HS
Hoover, Courtney 34:39.70 Plano Senior HS
Delgado, Vanessa 34:42.95 Plano East
Nunez, Miranda 35:50.20 Plano Senior HS
MORALES, GRACIELA 36:09.30 Lewisville
Lee, Philia 39:06.40 Plano Senior HS
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4. JV Boys 5000 Meter 211 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Grimes, Tanner Lewisville Marcus
Smith, Ryan Lewisville Marcus
Early, Noah Lewisville Marcus
Ignatio, Enrique Lewisville Hebron
Morgan, Timothy Lewisville Marcus
Bulmer, Fred Lewisville Marcus
Pueskens, Keidan Lewisville Marcus
Shelby, Jaydon Lewisville Marcus
Agrawal, Aryan Plano East
Clark, Lancelot Lewisville Marcus
Amosson, Ignatio Lewisville Hebron
Ruiz, Daniel Lewisville Marcus
Lagat, Allen Plano East
Holec, Kade 16:16.30 Plano West
Jiwani, Asheer 16:21.15 Coppell
Warner, Blaine 16:23.45 Coppell
Piccolo, Dominic 16:35.60 Coppell
Kalpathy, Rohit 16:37.30 Coppell
Anderson, Nicholas 16:44.40 Lewisville Marcus
Blad, Gavin 16:45.30 Flower Mound
Martin Tan, James 16:52.00 Coppell
Taylor, Evan 17:02.20 Lewisville Hebron
Potts, Jeremy 17:11.30 Lewisville Hebron
Contreras, Ethan 17:11.90 Lewisville Marcus
Vellani, Simone 17:12.20 Plano West
Stehly, Cole 17:12.40 Coppell
Shanbhag, Rohan 17:13.60 Coppell
Singhal, Ansh 17:16.60 Coppell
Lechleitner, Brackston 17:19.80 Lewisville Hebron
Bodwell, John 17:20.40 Lewisville Hebron
Lechleitner, Tripp 17:21.30 Lewisville Hebron
Lyons, Blake 17:21.70 Lewisville Marcus
Hunter, Ian 17:22.10 Flower Mound
Debbas, Landon 17:22.30 Plano West
Williams, Alvin 17:22.50 Flower Mound
Vinish, Krish 17:23.80 Coppell
Wilson, Jase 17:25.20 Coppell
Contreras, Nick 17:25.25 Lewisville Marcus
Lowe, Ryan 17:29.00 Lewisville Hebron
Patel, Kavish 17:29.80 Lewisville Hebron
Seale, KJ 17:30.00 Lewisville Hebron
Khera, Dillon 17:38.30 Coppell
McDonald, Ryan 17:38.54 Plano Senior HS
Rudrangi, Srivanth 17:39.30 Coppell
Kocher, Caden 17:41.82 Lewisville Hebron
Shaw, Parker 17:42.50 Flower Mound
Habeeb, Ahsan 17:43.60 Coppell
Ezell, Alex 17:43.60 Lewisville Hebron
Reyes, Enrrique 17:46.30 Lewisville Hebron
Messett, Lochlan 17:51.80 Flower Mound
Yates, Mason 17:56.10 Flower Mound
Harris, Bunker 17:56.30 Coppell
Pittner, Joshua 17:56.70 Flower Mound
Goodlin, Justin 17:56.70 Plano West
Thomas, Patrick 17:58.30 Plano West
Clark, Jacob 17:58.60 Lewisville Marcus
Lester, Manny 17:59.79 Lewisville Hebron
Pollock, Andrew 18:00.00 Plano West
Redding, Leonardo 18:00.60 Flower Mound
Lyda, Austin 18:01.80 Flower Mound
Bragalone, Blake 18:03.40 Lewisville Hebron
Choe, Matthew 18:04.70 Flower Mound
O'Neal, Grant 18:07.10 Coppell
Sankar, Aadarsh 18:08.62 Coppell
Bathish, Hudson 18:09.31 Lewisville Marcus
Buemi, Aaron 18:10.10 Flower Mound
Finnane, Ben 18:14.10 Lewisville Hebron
Brunette, Jack 18:14.36 Lewisville Marcus
Lorenzo, Sebastian 18:14.48 Lewisville Hebron
Lightfoot, Dylan 18:14.90 Lewisville Hebron
Parker, Jonah 18:15.36 Flower Mound
Pinabel, Tanner 18:15.73 Plano West
Urias, Anthony 18:17.30 Lewisville Hebron
Kaup, Drew 18:17.80 Lewisville Hebron
Maier, Zachary 18:19.60 Flower Mound
Dowdy, Grayson 18:20.80 Lewisville Hebron
Buckles, Garrett 18:23.50 Lewisville Marcus
Contreras, Jack 18:24.60 Lewisville Marcus
Ganesh, Vishruth 18:29.81 Plano Senior HS
Jones, Ethan 18:34.11 Lewisville Hebron
Padhy, Bipul 18:39.70 Plano East
Harvey, Dash 18:40.20 Plano East
Nguyen, Nathan 18:40.90 Plano East
Mobley, Kyle 18:43.50 Coppell
Portillo, Edwin 18:45.02 Plano West
Lin, Jeffrey 18:45.50 Plano West
Jagtap, Sarvesh 18:45.90 Coppell
Abrego, Rodrigo 18:48.47 Coppell
Schmidt, Tyler 18:49.03 Flower Mound
Tomlinson , Robert 18:53.60 Lewisville Hebron
Lester, Jonathan 18:57.10 Lewisville Hebron
Brown, Luke 18:57.20 Lewisville Marcus
Jiranek, Cole 18:57.31 Lewisville Hebron
Penner, Zion 18:58.22 Lewisville Marcus
Condensa, Christian 18:59.53 Lewisville Hebron
Colon, Andrew 19:00.00 Lewisville Marcus
Gryglas, Spencer 19:00.10 Plano East
Harris, Hugh 19:00.30 Coppell
Buraglio, Seth 19:01.17 Flower Mound
Gunde, Amal 19:06.90 Plano West
Condensa, Dominic 19:10.15 Lewisville Hebron
Rogers, Jonas 19:10.70 Coppell
Osorio, Damieyan 19:10.70 Plano East
Potdar, Aarav 19:11.50 Flower Mound
Zhang, Henry 19:13.90 Plano West
Quiles-Hernandez, Alex 19:14.40 Plano East
Wood, Caleb 19:15.50 Lewisville Marcus
Cash, Aiden 19:16.20 Plano Senior HS
Cox, Will 19:16.70 Lewisville Hebron
Samuels, Mitchell 19:18.70 Lewisville Marcus
Smith, Erek 19:22.30 Plano Senior HS
George, Aiden 19:25.80 Coppell
O'Keefe, Conner 19:25.90 Lewisville Marcus
Jimenez, Erik 19:26.00 Coppell
OHUMAEGBULEM, Emeka 19:27.50 Lewisville Hebron
Baker, Oliver 19:28.27 Flower Mound
Gloor, Zach 19:29.20 Lewisville Hebron
Ruml, Spencer 19:29.30 Plano Senior HS
Boyle, Tanner 19:30.30 Flower Mound
Sirpal, Krish 19:30.70 Coppell
Choe, Kang 19:32.60 Flower Mound
Smith, Sam 19:38.00 Plano West
Yu, Paul 19:38.40 Lewisville Hebron
Huffenberger, Luke 19:41.00 Plano Senior HS
Ali, Tahir 19:42.70 Coppell
Dirks, Nolan 19:46.20 Lewisville Marcus
Matthews, Ian 19:49.67 Flower Mound
Swanner, Preston 19:52.20 Plano East
Vineyard, Cody 19:52.82 Lewisville Marcus
Olsen, Hunter 19:58.29 Lewisville Marcus
Lu, Ricky 19:58.50 Lewisville Marcus
Haruvy, Ethan 20:01.60 Plano West
Becerra Mendoza, Jerman 20:02.70 Lewisville
Brown, Jackson 20:03.10 Plano Senior HS
Bissonnette, Jayden 20:08.50 Plano Senior HS
Richardson, Ethan 20:10.50 Plano West
Shelton, Kameron 20:13.09 Lewisville
Gilley, Karch 20:14.50 Plano Senior HS
Velarde, Jacob 20:15.69 Lewisville
Tzivon, Amit 20:15.90 Plano West
Davis, Cameron 20:20.00 Plano Senior HS
Wing, Wesley 20:25.00 Plano Senior HS
Roberts, Dominic 20:26.03 Lewisville Marcus
Rahman, Faraz 20:27.60 Plano East
Vegiraju, Pranav 20:33.00 Coppell
Petrie, William 20:33.24 Flower Mound
Chen, Corbin 20:34.50 Coppell
De Silva, Cameron 20:36.10 Plano Senior HS
Sammon, Grant 20:41.60 Plano East
Nankas, Cash 20:43.90 Lewisville Hebron
Lynch, Jack 20:44.80 Lewisville Marcus
Hays, Ethan 20:55.60 Plano Senior HS
Bennett, Ronin 20:56.87 Flower Mound
Wong, Everett 21:03.32 Plano East
Patel, Ansh 21:03.90 Coppell
Potluri, Varun 21:05.70 Coppell
Gournay, Benjamin 21:11.40 Plano Senior HS
Bunch, Maddox 21:15.70 Plano Senior HS
Moss, James 21:17.70 Plano Senior HS
Chaput, Aaron 21:19.53 Plano Senior HS
Mirza, Ayan 21:23.61 Plano East
Caldwell, Patrick 21:36.32 Plano East
Sanghvi, Amar 21:37.70 Plano West
Pepi, Alexander 21:38.20 Lewisville Marcus
Moreno Silva, Joshua 21:38.40 Lewisville
Harper, Austin 21:38.50 Lewisville Hebron
Macias, Benjamin 21:44.40 Flower Mound
Tran, Hao 21:55.96 Plano East
Gangisetty, Shaan 21:56.40 Lewisville Marcus
Hood, Dylan 21:59.20 Plano Senior HS
Spieth, Tyler 22:05.59 Plano East
Brons, Pierce 22:11.40 Lewisville Hebron
Emdy, Jeremy 22:11.90 Lewisville Hebron
Hoel, Lukas 22:19.10 Plano Senior HS
Brittain-Hernandez, Paul 22:21.00 Plano Senior HS
Ng, Eric 22:23.30 Plano Senior HS
Patel, Aryan 22:30.62 Plano East
Glowski, Conner 22:38.27 Plano East
Robles, Erick 22:38.70 Plano Senior HS
Timsina, Harshit 22:39.00 Coppell
Alvarez, Oscar 22:44.89 Lewisville
Lamb, Connor 22:51.08 Flower Mound
Mcgee, Rocco 23:24.90 Flower Mound
Robinson, Dylan 23:25.00 Lewisville Marcus
BUENO, NIKKO 23:41.70 Lewisville
POLLARD, ALERIC 23:47.96 Lewisville
Brown, Beau 23:48.10 Plano Senior HS
Lopez, Marco 23:53.50 Plano Senior HS
Rodriguez, Xavier 24:06.70 Lewisville Marcus
Vuong, Dylan 24:16.00 Plano Senior HS
McQuigg, Aidan 24:20.50 Lewisville Hebron
Shock, Steven 24:29.40 Plano Senior HS
Abbott, Ryan 24:34.60 Flower Mound
Bowen, Dylan 24:39.50 Plano Senior HS
Le, Anthony 24:43.30 Lewisville Hebron
Hagins, Grant 24:43.75 Plano Senior HS
Lourenco, Lucas 24:55.30 Plano Senior HS
Lin, Noah 24:55.50 Lewisville Marcus
Rodriguez, Eli 25:02.90 Plano Senior HS
Diaz, Andres 25:23.20 Plano East
Casey, Maxwell 25:43.61 Plano Senior HS
Molina, Evan 26:03.80 Lewisville Hebron
Crawford, Carter 26:10.90 Lewisville Marcus
Ruiz, Daniel 26:41.50 Plano Senior HS
Ochoa, Santigo 27:32.50 Lewisville Marcus
Cox, Joshua 27:52.70 Lewisville Hebron
Rios, Rodrigo 28:03.50 Coppell
Lucio, Cruz 28:13.79 Plano Senior HS
Azeem, Muhammad 36:24.92 Coppell
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