Meet Information
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2023 XC Viking Invitational
We would like to invite you to the Viking XC invitational hosted by Lago Vista HS On Sept. 16th 2023.
Location:Lago Vista HS Track, 5185 Lohman Ford Rd, Lago Vista, TX 78645
Date:Saturday, September 16th, 2023
5A-6A VG
1-4A VG
1A-6A VB
JV Girls
JV Boys
8th Boys
Entry Fee:All
HS and MS teams $100 per division/per gender OR $20 individuals (May be mailed
ahead or brought to meet)
Mail Entry Fees to: 8039 Bar-K Ranch Road, Lago Vista TX 78645.
Please make checks payable to "Lago Vista ISD: XC Meet" - NO REFUNDS
Registration: will be through
Course:Start/finish on track
(packed dirt terrain with rocks) THIS IS A TOUGH COURSE!
6:30AM* coaches/team check in
8:00AM* 5A-6A VG 5K (MAX 10)
8:30AM* 1A-4A VG 2 Miles (MAX 10)
9:00AM* 1A - 6A VB 5K (MAX 10)
9:30AM-1A - 6A JVG 2 Miles Unlimited
10:00 AM - 1A - 6A JVB 5K Unlimited
10:30 AM - 7th Girls 2 miles
11:00AM* 7th Boys 2 miles
11:30AM-8th Girls 2 miles
12:00PM* 8th Boys 2 miles
Awards:Top10 individuals and 1st place team award per division
*Please email ALL Divisions you'd like to participate in ASAP*
DO NOT send more than 10 per Varsity Division Entries due by August 31st Midnight.
*If you have any questions or concerns, please
Rachel Karg (
Roque Palomino (
Thank You,
Lago Vista Cross Country