Waxahachie Woodhouse Invitational 2023

Maypearl, TX

Waxahachie Woodhouse Invitational 2023 vs Waxahachie Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +515 583 68
Overall Average -0.95 21:08.63 21:09.58
1st-10th Place -41.13 15:33.55 16:14.68
1st-25th Place -1:36.29 15:55.00 17:31.29
1st-50th Place -3:08.58 16:19.83 19:28.41
1st-100th Place +2:34.65 16:57.96 14:23.32
Common Athletes -- -- 47
Ran Faster -9 19 28
Ran Season Best -2 15 17
Average Time +23.86 20:00.60 19:36.74
Median Time +40.15 20:11.40 19:31.25
Middle 80% Times +27.16 20:08.21 19:41.05
Top 10% Times +0.36 15:41.56 15:41.20
Top 25% Times -6.05 16:22.52 16:28.57
Top 50% Times +20.11 17:47.88 17:27.77
Bottom 50% Times +26.62 21:23.30 20:56.68
Bottom 25% Times +17.78 23:13.52 22:55.74
Bottom 10% Times +20.99 23:58.18 23:37.19
Average Difference +23.86 -- --
Median Difference -36.88 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +26.78 -- --
Top 10% Difference +6.56 -- --
Top 50% Difference +9.86 -- --
Top 25% Difference -6.86 -- --
Top 50% Difference +9.86 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +35.34 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +14.35 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +30.78 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Toby Eaton Mansfield Legacy -4.72 15:06.30 15:11.02
Graham Scott Waxahachie -5.19 15:32.10 15:37.29
Brock Morales Waxahachie -36.84 15:47.50 16:24.34
Cooper Grady Waxahachie -2.48 15:48.00 15:50.48
Lucas Whitt Waxahachie +30.10 16:18.50 15:48.40
Joshua Odums Mansfield Legacy +15.11 16:13.90 15:58.79
Jonathan Marsh Waxahachie -14.43 16:14.70 16:29.13
Lucas Acevedo Waxahachie +1.53 16:20.50 16:18.97
Ezra Perez Waxahachie -51.65 16:41.50 17:33.15
Colton Thompson Mansfield Legacy -34.47 17:04.90 17:39.37
Lincoln Wright Mansfield Legacy +28.93 17:44.20 17:15.27
Riley Markham Mansfield Legacy +10.70 17:47.30 17:36.60
Elijah Hanlon Mansfield Legacy -8.19 17:38.10 17:46.29
Richard Bailey Waxahachie +57.77 18:42.80 17:45.03
Jadyn Arriaga Mansfield Legacy +3.38 17:49.30 17:45.92
Oscar Harms Waxahachie +33.37 18:29.60 17:56.23
Mateo Molina Waxahachie +1:52.66 19:49.20 17:56.54
Joaquin Molina Waxahachie +1:49.59 20:03.20 18:13.61
Lucas Gonzalez Waxahachie +2:07.00 20:42.40 18:35.40
Jet Lockett Mansfield Legacy +23.68 19:01.20 18:37.52
William Blocker Mansfield Legacy +2:36.49 21:30.70 18:54.21
Gavin Galasso Mansfield Legacy -11.08 19:05.30 19:16.38
Saleh Bani Mustafa Mansfield Legacy +2:52.26 21:57.60 19:05.34
Aedan Helton Waxahachie +11.35 19:42.60 19:31.25
Monica Sanchez Mansfield Legacy +12.47 20:01.70 19:49.23
Ethan Snider Waxahachie -36.88 19:55.40 20:32.28
David Holloway Waxahachie +1:34.18 21:38.70 20:04.52
Matthew Young Waxahachie -8.05 20:11.40 20:19.45
Diego Lopez Waxahachie +1:26.63 21:39.00 20:12.37
Ivan Hernandez Mansfield Legacy +1:06.14 21:24.10 20:17.96
Kingston Maddock Mansfield Legacy +55.12 21:15.20 20:20.08
Conner Schmidt Waxahachie -32.97 20:29.50 21:02.47
Lyndsay Giles Waxahachie -8.56 20:47.20 20:55.76
Yareli Mendoza Mansfield Legacy -1:55.68 21:16.40 23:12.08
Chloe Villalpando Mansfield Legacy -1.48 21:56.20 21:57.68
Yizel Castillo Mansfield Legacy +52.06 22:51.60 21:59.54
Tyrie Gloster Waxahachie -1.99 22:05.90 22:07.89
Lorenzo Sierra Waxahachie +1:22.76 23:38.40 22:15.64
Giancarlo Olivares Mansfield Legacy +30.46 22:55.00 22:24.54
Keevan Steward Waxahachie +2:10.91 24:38.50 22:27.59
Samantha Coronado Waxahachie +23.17 22:52.80 22:29.63
MALYAH REEVES Waxahachie -5.60 22:32.60 22:38.20
Mireille Camargo Waxahachie -1:02.69 22:37.20 23:39.89
Allison Dominguez Mansfield Legacy +16.77 22:56.20 22:39.43
Zakiyah Piper Waxahachie +17.07 23:02.30 22:45.23
Zariyah Piper Waxahachie -56.76 23:29.60 24:26.36
Kaylee Blake Waxahachie +59.69 25:02.10 24:02.41