Strake Jesuit XC Invitational 2023

Houston, TX

Strake Jesuit XC Invitational 2023 vs Strake Jesuit XC Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -116 225 341
Overall Average -1:36.19 19:55.10 21:31.29
1st-10th Place -32.30 15:43.27 16:15.57
1st-25th Place -34.60 16:01.36 16:35.96
1st-50th Place -37.64 16:28.43 17:06.07
1st-100th Place -25.13 17:20.74 17:45.87
Common Athletes -- -- 54
Ran Faster -24 15 39
Ran Season Best 7 11 4
Average Time +24.35 20:07.31 19:42.96
Median Time +33.90 19:42.50 19:08.60
Middle 80% Times +28.51 20:09.59 19:41.08
Top 10% Times -11.67 16:11.32 16:22.98
Top 25% Times +2.54 16:56.96 16:54.43
Top 50% Times +16.88 17:55.35 17:38.47
Bottom 50% Times +31.83 22:19.27 21:47.45
Bottom 25% Times +29.98 23:41.51 23:11.54
Bottom 10% Times +22.85 24:52.63 24:29.78
Average Difference +24.35 -- --
Median Difference +55.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +27.16 -- --
Top 10% Difference -8.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference +15.80 -- --
Top 25% Difference -6.06 -- --
Top 50% Difference +15.80 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +32.91 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +35.54 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +21.20 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Benjamin Pearce Houston Stratford +5.40 15:36.90 15:31.50
Evan Fry Houston Strake Jesuit -34.10 16:09.30 16:43.40
Noah Williams Houston St Pius X -1:55.10 16:12.80 18:07.90
Bryson Williams Houston Lamar +3.90 16:20.30 16:16.40
Mason Collette Houston St Pius X -12.20 16:23.80 16:36.00
Nicolas Hutchinson Houston Westside -21.70 16:24.80 16:46.50
Andrew Hopkins Houston Stratford +9.10 16:43.40 16:34.30
Emilio Natareno Houston Lamar +2:34.80 19:11.10 16:36.30
John Fowler West Brook +58.50 17:57.40 16:58.90
Owen Duggan Houston Stratford +5.20 17:08.80 17:03.60
Jonathan Jacoby Houston Strake Jesuit +32.10 17:40.20 17:08.10
Jatin Presse Houston Bellaire -11.60 17:16.10 17:27.70
Marcus Rohrig Houston Strake Jesuit +47.70 18:04.70 17:17.00
Samuel Jordan Houston Stratford -29.10 17:19.20 17:48.30
Logan Warner Houston Strake Jesuit +44.30 18:38.30 17:54.00
Brian Zhang Houston Bellaire +1:02.00 18:56.90 17:54.90
David Bonilla Spring Dekaney -23.00 17:59.80 18:22.80
Ethan Shuck Houston Stratford +19.00 18:27.30 18:08.30
Frank Fowler West Brook +49.70 19:06.50 18:16.80
Nathan Scott Houston Stratford +52.80 19:10.80 18:18.00
Gideon Sanregret Houston Strake Jesuit +7.80 18:29.30 18:21.50
Jacob Lee Houston Bellaire +2:14.90 20:42.40 18:27.50
Regis Penn Houston Strake Jesuit +15.80 18:48.70 18:32.90
Diego Ruiz Houston Stratford +34.10 19:13.60 18:39.50
Nathan Zoboroski Houston Stratford -4:29.80 18:44.60 23:14.40
Matthew McGauley Houston Lamar +41.70 19:26.40 18:44.70
Sophia Hamdani Houston Bellaire -46.80 18:49.40 19:36.20
Cade Hart Houston Bellaire +55.60 19:45.80 18:50.20
Jonathan Nguyen Houston Bellaire +50.70 19:42.50 18:51.80
Esaam Zaman Houston Bellaire +25.50 19:34.10 19:08.60
Kevin Perez West Brook +1:11.20 20:20.80 19:09.60
Thomas Darmodjo Houston Bellaire +3:33.40 22:51.90 19:18.50
Yousef El-Miari Houston Westside +3:16.10 22:45.50 19:29.40
Kaleb Bernat Houston Stratford +12.70 20:05.70 19:53.00
Jack McConnell Houston Strake Jesuit +26.10 20:24.40 19:58.30
Liam Osbon Houston Stratford -1:11.10 20:26.30 21:37.40
Victor Graves Houston Lamar +1:27.40 21:57.20 20:29.80
Victor Montano Romero Spring Dekaney -9.10 20:47.50 20:56.60
Elizabeth Gamero Houston Bellaire +27.10 21:32.30 21:05.20
Kyle Gray Houston Stratford -1.40 21:22.50 21:23.90
Magda Rajszewski Houston Lamar +14.50 21:47.60 21:33.10
Joseph Jack West Brook +29.20 22:06.70 21:37.50
Levi Richards West Brook +3:37.80 25:20.30 21:42.50
John Richard Houston Worthing -2:43.10 22:04.20 24:47.30
Jacob Zeiter Houston Westside +48.70 22:52.90 22:04.20
Timothy Allen Houston Lamar +1:10.50 23:15.70 22:05.20
Elise Soika Houston Lamar +1:18.20 23:24.60 22:06.40
Diego Herrejon Trevino Houston Bellaire +1:05.20 23:26.20 22:21.00
Lucas Aleman Houston Lamar +13.90 22:45.50 22:31.60
Joaquin Gomez Houston Bellaire -32.00 22:44.90 23:16.90
Laura Gonzalez Houston Stratford -47.20 23:02.30 23:49.50
Addy Maurer Houston Lamar +5.00 23:32.20 23:27.20
Jacob Bergman West Brook +59.90 26:20.10 25:20.20
Courtland Courtland Houston Worthing +54.80 27:12.40 26:17.60