UIL 5A - District 28 2024

San Antonio, TX
Timing/Results Track For Life

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alaniz, Reuben San Antonio Southside
Suazo, Cristofer Medina Valley
Mendez, Noah South San Antonio
Leandry, Jewlius San Antonio McCollum
Hernandez, Raymond San Antonio McCollum
Martinez, Isaiah South San Antonio
Rodriguez, Martin San Antonio McCollum
Bruce, Calvin Southwest CAST High School
Hewitt, Carter 10.61 Medina Valley
Mills, Jah 10.97 San Antonio Southwest
Rosales, Luis 11.07 Eagle Pass Winn
Montez, Joehl 11.18 Southwest Legacy
Gardner, Maurice 11.32 Medina Valley
Zapata, Dominik 11.40 San Antonio McCollum
Gonzales, Aiden 11.43 Southwest Legacy
Voss, Aazeryuan 11.43 San Antonio Southwest
Fuller, David 11.50h Southwest Legacy
Quintanilla, Tristin 11.53 San Antonio Southwest
Viesca, Jared 11.57 South San Antonio
Mendoza, Oliver 11.58 Southwest Legacy
Kollie, George 11.67 Medina Valley
Leos, Luis 11.69 Eagle Pass Winn
Jackson, Elijah 11.69 South San Antonio
Martinez, James 11.75 Medina Valley
Gonzales, Hayden 11.80h San Antonio McCollum
Perez, Aden 11.81 South San Antonio
Reyna, Sonny 11.93 San Antonio McCollum
Hernandez, Isaiah 12.01 San Antonio Harlandale
Olveda, Abelardo 12.16 Eagle Pass Winn
Garcia, Aiden 12.23 San Antonio Southside
Ross, James 12.24 Southwest Legacy
VAN AUSDALL, NOAH 12.24 San Antonio Southside
Ramirez, Noah 12.28 San Antonio Southside
Gonzalez, Seferino 12.29 San Antonio Southside
Salcido, Haziel 12.32 San Antonio Southwest
Sanchez, Derek 12.39 South San Antonio
Rivas, Santiago 12.40h San Antonio Harlandale
Hernandez, Romaeus 12.41 San Antonio Southwest
Perez, Isacc 12.5 San Antonio Harlandale
Silva, Giovanni 12.5 San Antonio Harlandale
Rodriguez, Nicohlas 12.50h San Antonio Harlandale
Martinez, Garard 12.57 San Antonio Southwest
Chagoy, Adrian 12.58 San Antonio Southside
Gonzalez, Xavier 13.03 Medina Valley
Rodriguez, Jesus 13.05 Eagle Pass Winn
Gutierrez, Damin 13.2 San Antonio Harlandale
Acosta, Abraham 13.22 Eagle Pass Winn
Aguilar, Adrian 13.23 Southwest Legacy
Hurtado, Edward 13.94 Eagle Pass Winn
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Diaz, Robert South San Antonio
Flores, Davion South San Antonio
Thompson, Elegant 16.23 South San Antonio
Munoz, Jesus 16.56 South San Antonio
Pusateri, Peter 17.20h San Antonio Southwest
Lara, Joel 17.75 Southwest Legacy
Stanton, Javonni 18.01 Medina Valley
Arismendez, Harley 18.20h Medina Valley
Guzman, Isaac 18.22 South San Antonio
Navarro, Gonzalo 18.23 San Antonio McCollum
Espinoza, Daniel 18.4 San Antonio Southwest
Pacheco, Alec 18.51 San Antonio McCollum
Lopez, Diego 18.84 Medina Valley
Barrientos, Justin 19.24 San Antonio McCollum
Kraft, Joseph 19.49 Medina Valley
Riojas, Cayden 19.73 South San Antonio
Bleys, Rene 19.93 Southwest Legacy
Obregon, Jose 20.03 San Antonio Southside
Pritchard, Joelijah 20.57 San Antonio Southside
Fleming, Conner 20.67 Medina Valley
Townsend, Elijah 21.24 Southwest Legacy
Morales, Jesus 22.00 San Antonio Southside
Martinez, Sebastian 23.24 Eagle Pass Winn
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Delgado, Paul San Antonio Southside
Salas, Emilio San Antonio McCollum
Garza, Arturo San Antonio McCollum
Sanchez, Maximus San Antonio Southside
Zapata, Anthony 4:17.68 Southwest Legacy
Castro, Marc 4:36.20 Medina Valley
Ramirez, Javier 4:36.38 Eagle Pass Winn
Gonzalez, Ezra 4:37.36 Medina Valley
Lorenzana-Molina, Darshan 4:52.76 San Antonio Southwest
Narro, Abraham 4:55.12 San Antonio Southwest
James, Jaxon 4:55.15 Medina Valley
Carpenter, Kyle 4:59.06 Medina Valley
Vazquez, Nathan 4:59.18 Southwest Legacy
Griffin, Seth 5:02.23 San Antonio Southwest
Gatica, Nicholas 5:02.26 South San Antonio
Bohl, Harvey 5:04.93 Medina Valley
Pedroza, Mauricio 5:05.84 San Antonio Harlandale
Moreno, Aden 5:13.13 Southwest Legacy
Garcia, Andrew 5:13.18 Medina Valley
Trevino, Carlos 5:14.00h Southwest Legacy
Regallado, Trustin 5:15 San Antonio Harlandale
Urbina, Aiden 5:18.00h San Antonio Harlandale
Flores, Ryan 5:19.00 South San Antonio
De Hoyos, Albert 5:28.11 San Antonio Southwest
Rico, Dominic 5:35 San Antonio Harlandale
DeHoyos, Brian 5:37.00h Southwest Legacy
Hernandez, Devin 5:40 San Antonio Harlandale
Carillo, Romeo 5:40 San Antonio Harlandale
Rodriguez, Jose 5:43.32 Eagle Pass Winn
Walters, Michael 5:54.34 San Antonio Southwest
Davis, Cyrus 5:55.78 San Antonio Southwest
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 49 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guedea, Zacarie Eagle Pass Winn
Rodriguez, Javier San Antonio McCollum
Flores, Dominic South San Antonio
Bruce, Calvin Southwest CAST High School
Sullivan, Andre San Antonio Southwest
Rodriguez, Rudy San Antonio McCollum
Gonzalez, Xavier Medina Valley
Mata, Anthony South San Antonio
Heneke, Micah San Antonio Southside
Hernandez, Raymond San Antonio McCollum
Orantes Merlos, Joshua San Antonio Southside
Suazo, Cristofer Medina Valley
Ortiz, Adam South San Antonio
Hewitt, Carter 22.03 Medina Valley
Palomino, Michael 22.50h San Antonio Harlandale
Jimenez, Francisco 23.41 Eagle Pass Winn
Gonzales, Aiden 23.50h Southwest Legacy
Shamsid-Deen, Tyson 23.76 San Antonio Southwest
Dominguez, Roger 23.84 San Antonio Harlandale
Gonzales, Hayden 23.90h San Antonio McCollum
Polk, Ahmad 23.91 Southwest Legacy
Calderon, Johan 23.93 South San Antonio
Gardner, Maurice 24.03 Medina Valley
Fuller, David 24.10h Southwest Legacy
Guerra, Nik 24.30h Southwest Legacy
Leos, Bryan 24.47 Eagle Pass Winn
Villegas, Miguel 24.49 Eagle Pass Winn
Maldonado, Cristian 24.49 Medina Valley
Rivas, Santiago 24.50h San Antonio Harlandale
Sudaki, Kevin 24.55 Eagle Pass Winn
Chagoy, Adrian 24.58 San Antonio Southside
Jackson, Elijah 24.59 South San Antonio
Reyna, Sonny 24.63 San Antonio McCollum
Carrasco, Dominick 25.10h Southwest Legacy
Martinez, Savian 25.23 Southwest Legacy
Valdez, Nowa 25.29 Eagle Pass Winn
Conyers, LaMarjae' 25.35 San Antonio Southwest
Ruiz, Jason 25.50h San Antonio McCollum
Martinez, Garard 25.76 San Antonio Southwest
Butler-Fields, Dieh-Mario 25.76 San Antonio Southwest
Perez, Aden 25.83 South San Antonio
Stuart, Kornail 25.86 San Antonio Southside
Barrera, Sergio 25.9 San Antonio Harlandale
Schindler, Jacob 25.90h San Antonio Harlandale
Kollie, George 26.02 Medina Valley
Hernandez, Marcos 26.12 San Antonio Southwest
Jaramillo, Urijah 27.81 San Antonio Southside
Longoria, Jeremy 28 San Antonio Harlandale
Bazan, Lincoln 28.17 San Antonio Southside
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Diaz, Robert South San Antonio
Flores, Davion South San Antonio
Pritchard, Joelijah San Antonio Southside
Munoz, Jesus 42.24 South San Antonio
Pusateri, Peter 43.62 San Antonio Southwest
Reed, Rouklyn 44.91 San Antonio Southwest
Lara, Joel 45.00h Southwest Legacy
Barrientos, Justin 45.23 San Antonio McCollum
De Los Santos, Martin 45.32 Medina Valley
Fleming, Conner 45.83 Medina Valley
Guzman, Isaac 45.88 South San Antonio
Durham, Zamere 46.20 Medina Valley
Navarro, Gonzalo 46.32 San Antonio McCollum
Bleys, Rene 47.30h Southwest Legacy
Espinoza, Daniel 47.6 San Antonio Southwest
Kraft, Joseph 47.65 Medina Valley
Pacheco, Alec 47.99 San Antonio McCollum
Arismendez, Harley 48.20h Medina Valley
Cesto, Unyces 49.08 San Antonio Harlandale
Riojas, Cayden 49.49 South San Antonio
Gutierrez, Aaron 50.15 South San Antonio
De Los Santos, Matthew 51.12 Medina Valley
Townsend, Elijah 51.50h Southwest Legacy
Morales, Jesus 51.61 San Antonio Southside
Obregon, Jose 53.77 San Antonio Southside
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garza, Cesar Eagle Pass Winn
Apaez, Atticus Medina Valley
Salas, Emilio San Antonio McCollum
Castro, Nicholas 10:13.19 Medina Valley
Ramirez, Javier 10:14.63 Eagle Pass Winn
Gonzalez, Ezra 10:15.73 Medina Valley
James, Jaxon 10:26.12 Medina Valley
Griffin, Seth 10:49.19 San Antonio Southwest
Lorenzana-Molina, Darshan 10:53.44 San Antonio Southwest
Gatica, Nicholas 10:59.36 South San Antonio
Carpenter, Kyle 11:02.67 Medina Valley
Regallado, Trustin 11:06 San Antonio Harlandale
Vazquez, Nathan 11:16.25 Southwest Legacy
Flores, Ryan 11:17.00 South San Antonio
Singleton, Jacob 11:23.11 San Antonio Southwest
Trevino, Carlos 11:29.15 Southwest Legacy
Limas, Jaden 11:54.32 Medina Valley
De Hoyos, Albert 12:11.99 San Antonio Southwest
Rodriguez, Jose 12:45.79 Eagle Pass Winn
Walters, Michael 13:32.99 San Antonio Southwest
Douglas, Hunter 14:36.12 San Antonio Southwest
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Serrano, Aaron South San Antonio
Gonzalez, Xavier Medina Valley
Bruce, Calvin Southwest CAST High School
Reyes, Noah San Antonio Southside
Carrasco, Robert South San Antonio
Flores, Juan San Antonio Southside
Castro, Mackaveli 1:00.15 San Antonio Southwest
Levine, Paul 1:00.69 Southwest Legacy
Chavarria, Luis 1:02.04 San Antonio Southwest
Hernandez, Felix 1:04.57 San Antonio Southwest
Tolentino, Anwar 1:06.00h San Antonio Harlandale
DeFelippis, Payton 52.75 Medina Valley
Sanchez, Eli 52.93 Southwest Legacy
Gonzalez, Roman 52.98 San Antonio Southwest
Paul Moreno, John 53.49 Eagle Pass Winn
Perez, Marcos 53.66 Medina Valley
Winkler, Jonah 54.06 Medina Valley
Casarez, Samuel 54.57 San Antonio McCollum
Aguilera, Austin 54.88 Eagle Pass Winn
Apolinar, Chris 55.00 San Antonio McCollum
Shirvanian, Jacob 55.02 Medina Valley
vanpelt, logan 55.40 Medina Valley
Owens, Kendall 55.88 San Antonio Southwest
Martinez, Randy 56.05 Eagle Pass Winn
Martinez, Dionicio 56.14 Southwest Legacy
Uriegas, Joseph 56.24 San Antonio Southside
Rivas, Santiago 56.29 San Antonio Harlandale
PEREZ, ETHAN 56.39 San Antonio Southside
Gonzales, Richard 56.40h Southwest Legacy
Medrano, Matthew 56.77 San Antonio Southwest
Rodriguez, Nicohlas 57.04 San Antonio Harlandale
Vazquez, Ariel 57.32 Southwest Legacy
Gonzales, Hayden 57.80h San Antonio McCollum
Ruiz, Jason 57.90h San Antonio McCollum
Pardo, Elijah 57.99 South San Antonio
Martinez, Julius 58.19 South San Antonio
Reyes, Zack 58.45 San Antonio McCollum
Valdez, Sergio 58.48 Eagle Pass Winn
Tilley, Adam 58.50 San Antonio Southside
Rodriguez, Jordan 58.64 Southwest Legacy
Pesina, Elijah 58.80h San Antonio McCollum
Villasenor, Matthew 59.16 Eagle Pass Winn
Diaz, Juan 59.83 San Antonio Southside
Lopez, Gerardo 59.93 Eagle Pass Winn
Aguinaga, Joel 65 San Antonio Harlandale
Jhuelitl, Sebastian 68 San Antonio Harlandale
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 44.34 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 44.49 San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A 44.56 South San Antonio
Relay Team A 45.18 San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 45.18 San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 45.39 Eagle Pass Winn
Relay Team A 45.39 Eagle Pass Winn
Relay Team A 45.44 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 45.44 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 45.70h San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 45.71 Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 45.81 Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 46.96 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 47.07 South San Antonio
Relay Team A 47.54 San Antonio McCollum
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 1:32.83 Eagle Pass Winn
Relay Team A 1:32.83 Eagle Pass Winn
Relay Team A 1:33.00 South San Antonio
Relay Team A 1:33.00h San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A 1:34.14 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 1:35.00h San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 1:35.28 Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 1:36.15 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 1:36.15 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 1:36.24 Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 1:36.85 San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 1:36.85 San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 1:37.97 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 1:39.50h San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A 1:43.00 South San Antonio
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 3:30.00h Medina Valley
Relay Team A 3:35.59 Eagle Pass Winn
Relay Team A 3:35.59 Eagle Pass Winn
Relay Team A 3:35.63 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 3:35.94 Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 3:36.00h San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 3:37.00 South San Antonio
Relay Team A 3:37.68 San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A 3:39.95 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 3:44.72 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 3:50.00h San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A 3:50.46 San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 3:50.46 San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 4:00.49 Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 4:04.00h South San Antonio
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garza, Arturo San Antonio McCollum
Flores, Davion South San Antonio
Serrano, Aaron South San Antonio
Flores, Juan San Antonio Southside
Puente, James San Antonio McCollum
Perez, Christopher San Antonio Southside
Zapata, Anthony 1:54.30 Southwest Legacy
Reed, Rouklyn 20:10.12 San Antonio Southwest
Gonzalez, Roman 2:00.28 San Antonio Southwest
DeFelippis, Payton 2:00.34 Medina Valley
Salazar, Josiah 2:01.81 Medina Valley
Aranguiz, Diego 2:05.63 Medina Valley
Narro, Abraham 2:06.00h San Antonio Southwest
Ruiz, Darren 2:08.44 San Antonio McCollum
Apaez, Atticus 2:10.53 Medina Valley
Pedroza, Mauricio 2:12.75 San Antonio Harlandale
Vazquez, Nathan 2:12.92 Southwest Legacy
Bohl, Harvey 2:14.53 Medina Valley
Carrasco, Robert 2:17.00h South San Antonio
Reyes, Zack 2:17.33 San Antonio McCollum
Garcia, Andrew 2:17.61 Medina Valley
Mendoza, Federico 2:18.05 Southwest Legacy
DeHoyos, Brian 2:18.92 Southwest Legacy
Urbina, Aiden 2:20 San Antonio Harlandale
Hernandez, Joe 2:23.64 Southwest Legacy
Hernandez, Devin 2:24.66 San Antonio Harlandale
Rico, Dominic 2:25 San Antonio Harlandale
Carillo, Romeo 2:25 San Antonio Harlandale
Sanchez, Maximus 2:26.92 San Antonio Southside
Delgado, Paul 2:28.68 San Antonio Southside
De Hoyos, Albert 2:34.37 San Antonio Southwest
Braud, Isaiah 2:36.70 San Antonio Southwest
Hernandez, Oziel 2:38.88 Southwest Legacy
Esquivel, Cesar 2:39.60 Eagle Pass Winn
Arizola, Felix 2:56.17 San Antonio Southwest
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HS Boys Discus Throw 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Conard, Gibson 150-9 Medina Valley
Burns, Jonathan 148-11 Medina Valley
Barrientos, Jaime 128-9 Eagle Pass Winn
Rivera Perez, Alexander 122-2 Southwest Legacy
Fears, Xaiver 117-4 Medina Valley
Butler, Brennen 112-9 Medina Valley
Manzano, Noah 112-6 San Antonio Southwest
Escobedo, Eyan 110-7 San Antonio McCollum
Morales, Gerard 110-4 San Antonio McCollum
Rodriguez, Desmius 110-0 Southwest Legacy
Diaz, Aldo 108-4 Eagle Pass Winn
Lopez, Mario 108-3 Eagle Pass Winn
Rangel, Gabriel 105-9 San Antonio Harlandale
Varela, Fabian 100-10 San Antonio Southside
Cruz, Malakai 100-7 South San Antonio
Cano, Aidan 100-3 San Antonio McCollum
Aguinaga, Jeshua 100-1 Eagle Pass Winn
Marchan, Juan 100-0 Southwest Legacy
Rojas, Fransisco 97-8 Medina Valley
Clark, Jonathan 95-0 Medina Valley
Dillard, Robert 95-0 Southwest Legacy
Leal, Jonathan 90-0 Southwest Legacy
Kypuros, Ethan 88-0 Eagle Pass Winn
Alanis, Juan 85-9 San Antonio Southside
Salinas, Jacob 85-4 San Antonio Southside
Maciel, Nathan 74-10 San Antonio Southside
Thompson, Elegant South San Antonio
Gonzalez, Alex South San Antonio
Jimenez, Joel San Antonio Southside
Sada, Willy Eagle Pass Winn
Gonzalez, Fabian South San Antonio
Salazar, Johnny South San Antonio
Cesto, Unyces San Antonio Harlandale
Maldonado, James San Antonio Harlandale
Uribe, Regal San Antonio Harlandale
Trevino, Jerry South San Antonio
Ornelas, Hector San Antonio Southwest
Hurtado, Harley San Antonio Southwest
Griffin, Grant San Antonio Southwest
Sanchez, Draycen San Antonio McCollum
Samarripa, Michael San Antonio McCollum
Garza, Gabriel San Antonio McCollum
Friesenhahn, Ty San Antonio Southwest
Kilpatrick, Rian San Antonio Southwest
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HS Boys High Jump 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marquez, Noah 6-4 Medina Valley
Voss, Aazeryuan 6-3 San Antonio Southwest
Escobar, Jessiah 5-10 San Antonio Southside
Aranda, Giovanni 5-10 Southwest Legacy
Thompson, Elegant 5-8 South San Antonio
Garza, Isaac 5-8 San Antonio Southwest
Hune, Travis 5-8 San Antonio Southwest
Vasquez, Azariah 5-6 San Antonio Southside
Krout, Darrin 5-5 South San Antonio
Rodriguez, Raymond 5-4 Medina Valley
Gomez, Devin 5-4 Southwest Legacy
Rodriguez, Jordan 5-4 Southwest Legacy
Jacobs, Nathan 5-4 San Antonio Southwest
Haan, Joseph 5-2 Medina Valley
Stuart, Kornail 5-2 San Antonio Southside
Valdez, Nowa 5-2 Eagle Pass Winn
Corea, Cedric 5-0 Medina Valley
Suazo, Cristofer 5-0 Medina Valley
Martinez, Savian 5-0 Southwest Legacy
Gallardo, Jimmy San Antonio Harlandale
Abundis, Jonah San Antonio Harlandale
Hernandez, Eathan San Antonio Harlandale
Diaz, Robert South San Antonio
Mendez, Noah South San Antonio
Serrano, Aaron South San Antonio
Martinez, Steven Medina Valley
Cesto, Unyces San Antonio Harlandale
Jimenez, Eduardo Eagle Pass Winn
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HS Boys Long Jump 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hewitt, Carter 21-10 Medina Valley
Conyers, LaMarjae' 21-0 San Antonio Southwest
Palomino, Michael 20-4 San Antonio Harlandale
Thompson, Elegant 20-3.75 South San Antonio
Shamsid-Deen, Tyson 20-1 San Antonio Southwest
Dominguez, Roger 19-11 San Antonio Harlandale
Escobar, Jessiah 19-8 San Antonio Southside
Huff, Giovonn 19-7.75 Medina Valley
Aguilera, Austin 19-7 Eagle Pass Winn
Esquivel, Cano 19-2 Southwest Legacy
Montez, Joehl 19-0 Southwest Legacy
Ortiz, Andrew 18-9.25 Medina Valley
Moxley, Dorian 18-7 San Antonio Southwest
Gonzales, Aiden 18-6.5 Southwest Legacy
Estrada, Isaiah 18-5 Medina Valley
Safi, Gherat 18-4 Southwest Legacy
Rodriguez, Nicohlas 18-1 San Antonio Harlandale
Ross, James 18-1 Southwest Legacy
Diaz, Seth 17-11 Southwest Legacy
Battles, Burnie 17-10 San Antonio Southwest
Conyers, Jamarcus 17-10 San Antonio Southwest
Wade, Paxton 17-9 San Antonio Southwest
Stuart, Kornail 17-8 San Antonio Southside
Villarreal, Gael 17-5.5 Eagle Pass Winn
Zapata, Dominik 17-3 San Antonio McCollum
Bello, Malik 17-2.5 Medina Valley
Barrera, Sergio 17-2 San Antonio Harlandale
McCool, Kaedon 17-0 Medina Valley
Landa, Luke 17-0 San Antonio McCollum
Longoria, Jeremy 16-9 San Antonio Harlandale
Schindler, Jacob 16-8 San Antonio Harlandale
Shipman, Gary 16-2 San Antonio Southside
Flores, Kalub 16-0 San Antonio Southside
Reyna, Sonny 16-0 San Antonio McCollum
Lopez, Adam 15-9 Eagle Pass Winn
Mendez, Noah 15-8.25 South San Antonio
Lopez, Angel 15-5 Eagle Pass Winn
Hopkins, Treyvon 15-1.5 Eagle Pass Winn
Vasquez, Jeremy 13-2 San Antonio Southside
Calderon, Johan South San Antonio
Calderon, Kristopher South San Antonio
Martinez, Isaiah South San Antonio
Sanchez, Derek South San Antonio
Corona, Sammuel San Antonio Southside
Leandry, Jewlius San Antonio McCollum
Pacheco, Alec San Antonio McCollum
Pesina, Elijah San Antonio McCollum
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HS Boys Pole Vault 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vela, Maverick 12-6 San Antonio Southside
Ostrander, Landen 11-6 Medina Valley
Neuman, Carson 11-0 Medina Valley
Kipp, James 10-9 San Antonio Southwest
Granado, Jakob 10-3 South San Antonio
Anderson, Aaron 10-0 San Antonio Southwest
Rivas, Christopher 10-0 San Antonio Southwest
Velasquez, Sonny 9-6 South San Antonio
Ruisi, Anthony 9-6 Medina Valley
Guzman, Isaac 9-0 South San Antonio
Shipman, Gary 8-6 San Antonio Southside
Bernal, Nico 8-6 Southwest Legacy
Martinez, Dionicio 8-6 Southwest Legacy
Rodriguez, Carmelo 8-0 Southwest Legacy
Zacarias, Miguel 6-6 San Antonio Southside
Granado, Kris South San Antonio
Mata, Anthony South San Antonio
Mangum, Cade Medina Valley
Zurovec, Trevor Medina Valley
Rivera, Luis Medina Valley
DeLuna, Devin San Antonio Harlandale
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HS Boys Shot Put 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Friesenhahn, Ty 46-6 San Antonio Southwest
Ramirez, Jermaine 45-6 San Antonio Harlandale
Ceja, Ignacio 45-5 San Antonio Harlandale
Burns, Jonathan 43-3.25 Medina Valley
Hernandez, Alejandro 41-7 Medina Valley
Morales, Lorenzo 41-4 Medina Valley
Alonzo, Jonny 41-2 San Antonio Harlandale
Sanchez, Eli 41-0 Southwest Legacy
McIver, Juan 40-10 Medina Valley
Cano, Aidan 40-8 San Antonio McCollum
Niemietz, Jagger 40-1 Medina Valley
Rivera Perez, Alexander 40-0 Southwest Legacy
Kilpatrick, Rian 40-0 San Antonio Southwest
Manzano, Noah 39-8.5 San Antonio Southwest
Rosas, Anthony 39-0 Southwest Legacy
Escobedo, Eyan 38-8 San Antonio McCollum
Estrada, Jimmy 38-6 South San Antonio
Smith, Dawson 38-1 Medina Valley
Cazares, Jeremy 38-0 Southwest Legacy
Varela, Fabian 37-6 San Antonio Southside
Alanis, Juan 37-2 San Antonio Southside
Salinas, Jacob 36-8.75 San Antonio Southside
Diaz, Aldo 36-0 Eagle Pass Winn
Juarez, Bryan 36-0 Southwest Legacy
Vargas Jr, Carlos 35-3 Eagle Pass Winn
Flores, Joshua 33-0 Southwest Legacy
Jimenez, Joel 30-6 San Antonio Southside
Maciel, Nathan 30-1 San Antonio Southside
Escamilla, Hugo 27-8 Eagle Pass Winn
Negrete, Luis 27-3 Eagle Pass Winn
Mauricio, Anthony Eagle Pass Winn
Rodriguez, Joe San Antonio Harlandale
Uribe, Regal San Antonio Harlandale
Maldonado, James San Antonio Harlandale
Gomez, Emir Eagle Pass Winn
Gonzalez, Alex South San Antonio
Cruz, Malakai South San Antonio
Trevino, Jerry South San Antonio
Gonzalez, Fabian South San Antonio
Guerrero, Mauricio South San Antonio
Chessher, Blaine San Antonio Southwest
Dominguez, David San Antonio Southwest
Escobar, Aiden San Antonio Southwest
Sanchez, Draycen San Antonio McCollum
Samarripa, Michael San Antonio McCollum
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HS Boys Triple Jump 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zinsmeyer, Charlie 41-6.5 Medina Valley
Aguilera, Austin 41-3 Eagle Pass Winn
Montez, Joehl 40-1 Southwest Legacy
Butler-Fields, Dieh-Michael 39-9 San Antonio Southwest
Dominguez, Roger 39-7 San Antonio Harlandale
Thompson, Elegant 39-6.25 South San Antonio
Palomino, Michael 39-6 San Antonio Harlandale
Huff, Giovonn 39-2 Medina Valley
Ortiz, Andrew 38-6 Medina Valley
Bermudez, Jesus Jenai 37-2 San Antonio Southwest
Molina, Zion 37-0 San Antonio Harlandale
Escobar, Jessiah 37-0 San Antonio Southside
Gonzalez, Xavier 37-0 Medina Valley
Butler-Fields, Dieh-Marquse 37-0 San Antonio Southwest
Alba, Luis 36-6 San Antonio Southwest
Guerra, Jeremiah 36-4.5 San Antonio McCollum
Gonzales, Hayden 36-3 San Antonio McCollum
Calderon, Kristopher 36-0 South San Antonio
Gutierrez, Damin 35-7 San Antonio Harlandale
Navarro, Gonzalo 35-5 San Antonio McCollum
Corona, Sammuel 35-3 San Antonio Southside
Orantes Merlos, Joshua 35-2 San Antonio Southside
Barrera, Sergio 35-1 San Antonio Harlandale
Schindler, Jacob 34-10 San Antonio Harlandale
Mendoza, Oliver 34-10 Southwest Legacy
Levine, Paul 34-7 Southwest Legacy
Jimenez, Eduardo 34-1 Eagle Pass Winn
Stuart, Kornail 33-9.75 San Antonio Southside
Flores, Kalub 33-0 San Antonio Southside
Casias, Rogelio 33-0 Southwest Legacy
Hopkins, Treyvon 32-6.5 Eagle Pass Winn
Mendez, Noah 31-9.75 South San Antonio
Manglona, Jasiah 31-2 San Antonio Southwest
Calderon, Johan South San Antonio
Diaz, Robert South San Antonio
Martinez, Isaiah South San Antonio
Hewitt, Carter Medina Valley
McCool, Kaedon Medina Valley
Leandry, Jewlius San Antonio McCollum
Pacheco, Alec San Antonio McCollum
Pesina, Elijah San Antonio McCollum
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomez, Ahava South San Antonio
Rodriguez, Madalyn San Antonio McCollum
Nieto, Juliana San Antonio Southside
Cavazos, Karla Eagle Pass Winn
Gallegos, Karina San Antonio Southwest
Blanco, Savanah San Antonio Southwest
Rosales, Andrea Eagle Pass Winn
Martinez, Zoey 12.26 San Antonio Southside
Terrazas, Charlize 12.28 Medina Valley
Smith, Maliya 12.37 San Antonio Southwest
Straughter, Destiny 12.69 Medina Valley
Ybarra, Leann 12.88 San Antonio Harlandale
Ybarra, Alexis 13.06 San Antonio Harlandale
Villafane, Danieliz 13.28 San Antonio Southwest
Bonilla, Catalina 13.38 South San Antonio
Harmon, Jamiah 13.40h Southwest Legacy
WALKER, MYA ANN, MYA ANN 13.44 Medina Valley
Ibarra, Carisma 13.50 San Antonio McCollum
Solis, Giuliana 13.50 San Antonio Southside
Lee, Janasia 13.50 Medina Valley
Herrera, Destiny 13.52 San Antonio Harlandale
Stiggers, Amaya 13.56 Medina Valley
Reyes, Gabrielle 13.64 San Antonio Harlandale
Uresti, Alita 13.88 San Antonio McCollum
Coffman, Taniya 13.96 Southwest Legacy
Padilla, Kayla 14.04 San Antonio Southside
Camarillo, Yzabella 14.10h Southwest Legacy
Bippert, Hadley 14.15 Medina Valley
Redmond, Danjah 14.20 South San Antonio
Tilley, Sara 14.26 South San Antonio
Valdez, Ariel 14.28 South San Antonio
Vargas, Savannah 14.30h Southwest Legacy
GARCIA, MADISON 14.33 San Antonio Southside
Solis, Yajaira 14.35 Eagle Pass Winn
Roberts, Allysa 14.45 South San Antonio
Miranda, Aaliah 14.45 San Antonio McCollum
Martinez, Rosa 14.50h San Antonio Harlandale
Castillo, Sydney 14.7 San Antonio Harlandale
Jones, Aubrey 14.73 San Antonio Southside
Hernandez, Michelle 15.10h Southwest Legacy
Huitron, Greitxel 15.18 Eagle Pass Winn
Garcia, Naudia 15.60 San Antonio McCollum
Delgado, Aracely 15.90h Southwest Legacy
Miller, Jaden 16.08 San Antonio McCollum
Fernandez, Destiny 16.20 San Antonio Southwest
Cervantes, Sofia 16.32 Eagle Pass Winn
Romero, Natasha 16.41 Eagle Pass Winn
Medrano, Madilyn 17.18 San Antonio Southwest
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shamsid-Deen, Taliyah San Antonio Southwest
Perez, Kiyana 14.89 Medina Valley
Moreno, Tristan 15.98 Medina Valley
Benn, Delilah 17.31 South San Antonio
Cottrell, Jazlyn 17.91 Medina Valley
Richardson, Chanel 18.15 San Antonio Southwest
Dodd, Alivia 18.34 Medina Valley
Carter, Kyla 18.47 Medina Valley
Daniel, Sima 18.49 San Antonio Southside
Huerta, Fernanda 19.03 San Antonio Harlandale
Cuevas, Abigale 19.15 San Antonio Southside
Campos, Madison 19.38 San Antonio Harlandale
Ellis, Madilyn 19.60h San Antonio Southwest
Hernandez, Alysia 19.73 Medina Valley
Ramos, Galilea 20.08 Eagle Pass Winn
Flores, Alyssa 20.10 Eagle Pass Winn
Reyes, Isabel 20.16 Southwest Legacy
Mendez, Samantha 20.38 Southwest Legacy
Tucker, Makayla 21.08 San Antonio Harlandale
Rose, Sophia 21.08 San Antonio Harlandale
Ellis, Madilyn 21.25 San Antonio Southwest
Alvarado, Annabelle 21.47 San Antonio Southside
Ortega, Lindsey 21.52 Southwest Legacy
Salinas, Melissa 22.16 Eagle Pass Winn
Roberts, Allysa 22.29 South San Antonio
Arizola, Alyssa 22.74 San Antonio Southwest
Cantu, Angelee 24.00 San Antonio Harlandale
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Torres, Aliana San Antonio McCollum
Garza, Bryanna San Antonio McCollum
Bhakta, Riddhi South San Antonio
Lowell, Reesa 5:22.66 Medina Valley
Galvez, Alicia 5:26.43 Southwest Legacy
Zapata, Annabella 5:37.99 Southwest Legacy
Agee, Felicity 5:38.94 Medina Valley
Ramirez, Alisyn 5:50.02 Medina Valley
Iniguez Morales, Bethany 5:59.46 San Antonio Southside
Aranguiz Mourgues, Jenesys 6:05.64 Medina Valley
Elwood, Peyton 6:08.22 San Antonio Southwest
Caballero, Ava 6:18 San Antonio Harlandale
Carreon, Gabrielle 6:19.87 San Antonio Southside
Guerrero, Juliette 6:26.43 San Antonio Southside
Fischer, Chloe 6:35.00h San Antonio Harlandale
Olivo, Daniela 6:38.89 Southwest Legacy
Medrano, Laela 6:46.02 Medina Valley
Stewart, Autumn 6:50.00 Medina Valley
Hidalgo, Alayza 6:54.33 Eagle Pass Winn
Salazar, Jacinda 6:58 San Antonio Harlandale
Zamora, Leslie 7:00.30 Southwest Legacy
Estrada, Vanessa 7:01.29 Southwest Legacy
Perez, Lauren 7:20 South San Antonio
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 47 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Johnnie San Antonio McCollum
Walters, Aaliyah San Antonio Southwest
Williams, Serenity San Antonio Southside
Lara, Ashante Eagle Pass Winn
Vela, Nevaeh San Antonio Southside
Garcia, Cara 25.36 Medina Valley
Pinto, Madison 26.66 Medina Valley
Young, Amariah 27.36 Medina Valley
Ibarra, Heaven 27.54 San Antonio Harlandale
Gonzales, Giselle 27.6 San Antonio Harlandale
Uresti, Alita 27.94 San Antonio McCollum
Bonilla, Catalina 27.94 South San Antonio
Alele, Deborah 28.00 San Antonio Southwest
Parson, Aniyah 28.05 San Antonio Southwest
Montalbo, Mia 28.13 San Antonio Harlandale
De Alba, Magalie 28.20h Southwest Legacy
Orantes Merlos, Andrea 28.50 San Antonio Southside
Gonzalez, Aylin 28.51 Eagle Pass Winn
Kendrix, Sydney 28.98 Medina Valley
Ramirez, Annalisa 29.01 South San Antonio
Martinez, Rosa 29.50h San Antonio Harlandale
Diaz, Serenity 29.51 San Antonio Southwest
Torres, Joslyn 29.53 South San Antonio
Alvarado, Brooke 29.58 San Antonio McCollum
Frost, Janey 29.82 Medina Valley
Truong, Laci 29.99 Medina Valley
Castillo, Sydney 30.07 San Antonio Harlandale
Flores-Martinez, Cristina 30.10h Southwest Legacy
Solis, Giuliana 30.82 San Antonio Southside
Villegas, Emily 30.90h Southwest Legacy
Dominguez, Leila 30.95 San Antonio McCollum
Solis, Cynthia 31.16 San Antonio Southwest
Solis, Yajaira 31.26 Eagle Pass Winn
Chavez, Evelyn 31.36 Eagle Pass Winn
Aguilar, Tiannah 31.51 South San Antonio
Cuellar, Sophia 31.62 San Antonio Southside
Tarin, Wendy 31.98 Eagle Pass Winn
Anithe, Nahimana 32.09 Southwest Legacy
Saldivar, Alysia 32.30h Southwest Legacy
Mendiola, Norma 32.33 San Antonio Harlandale
Hernandez, Adiana 32.33 San Antonio Southwest
Miller, Jaden 32.86 San Antonio McCollum
Valdez, Ariel 32.87 South San Antonio
Alvarez, Michelle 33.47 South San Antonio
Nieto, Juliana 33.86 San Antonio Southside
Garcia, Naudia 33.86 San Antonio McCollum
Picazo, Megan 34.04 Eagle Pass Winn
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Shamsid-Deen, Taliyah San Antonio Southwest
Mendez, Samantha 1:01.30h Southwest Legacy
Tucker, Makayla 1:02 San Antonio Harlandale
Ortega, Lindsey 1:02.60h Southwest Legacy
Alvarado, Annabelle 1:02.93 San Antonio Southside
Arizola, Alyssa 1:06.19 San Antonio Southwest
Campos, Madison 1:10.00h San Antonio Harlandale
Cantu, Angelee 1:20.00h San Antonio Harlandale
Moreno, Tristan 47.64 Medina Valley
Perez, Kiyana 47.84 Medina Valley
Richardson, Chanel 51.56 San Antonio Southwest
Joyce, Katherine 52.74 Medina Valley
Adalyn, Castillo 52.95 San Antonio Southside
Dodd, Alivia 53.01 Medina Valley
Benn, Delilah 53.31 South San Antonio
Hernandez, Alysia 53.38 Medina Valley
Huerta, Fernanda 53.69 San Antonio Harlandale
Cuevas, Abigale 54.59 San Antonio Southside
Hernandez, Anayeli 56.98 Medina Valley
Ellis, Madilyn 58.76 San Antonio Southwest
Ellis, Madilyn 58.76 San Antonio Southwest
Reyes, Isabel 59.90h Southwest Legacy
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garza, Bryanna San Antonio McCollum
Chappie, Tanith 12:01.19 Medina Valley
Lowell, Reesa 12:01.50 Medina Valley
Zapata, Annabella 12:25 Southwest Legacy
Switzer, Sadie 12:31.36 Medina Valley
Carreon, Gabrielle 13:12.00 San Antonio Southside
Iniguez Morales, Bethany 13:13.33 San Antonio Southside
De La Cruz, Candy 14:30.27 Medina Valley
Boehme, Jillian 14:45.08 Medina Valley
Lombardi, Alana 15:20.34 Medina Valley
Olivo, Daniela 15:42.00 Southwest Legacy
Estrada, Vanessa 15:53.00 Southwest Legacy
Hidalgo, Alayza 16:16.67 Eagle Pass Winn
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ballard, Kalyiah San Antonio McCollum
Alvarez, Michelle South San Antonio
Rosales, Andrea Eagle Pass Winn
Miller, Johnnie San Antonio McCollum
Redmond, Danjah South San Antonio
Villalobos, Autumn San Antonio McCollum
Medina, Mayra 1:01.96 San Antonio Southwest
Patterson, Camia 1:02.01 Medina Valley
Jayden, Quiroga 1:02.06 San Antonio Southside
Irvin, Diaavionce 1:04.04 San Antonio Southside
Suter, Annalisa Brooke 1:04.42 Medina Valley
Alvarez, Jewel 1:05 South San Antonio
Zor, Garnelle 1:05.00h Southwest Legacy
Alvarado, Brooke 1:05.52 San Antonio McCollum
Taylor, Jayden 1:05.58 Medina Valley
YBARRA, MIA MARIE, MIA MARIE 1:05.65 Medina Valley
Diaz, Serenity 1:05.80 San Antonio Southwest
Eberline, Zariah 1:06.34 Medina Valley
Leal, Kayley 1:06.64 San Antonio McCollum
Elwood, Peyton 1:07.69 San Antonio Southwest
Gonzalez, Aylin 1:08.82 Eagle Pass Winn
Aguero, Bailey 1:08.86 San Antonio Southwest
Flores, April 1:09.41 San Antonio McCollum
Rios, Nevaeh 1:09.74 San Antonio Southwest
Aguilera, Isela 1:10.81 San Antonio Harlandale
Iniguez Morales, Bethany 1:11.70 San Antonio Southside
Solis, Rubi 1:12.29 Southwest Legacy
Salas, Zoe 1:13.57 South San Antonio
Hernandez, Adiana 1:13.77 San Antonio Southwest
Johnson, Serenity 1:14.00h Southwest Legacy
Navaira, Giada 1:15.00h San Antonio Harlandale
Saldivar, Alysia 1:16.00h Southwest Legacy
Tijernia, Amoni 1:17.00h San Antonio Harlandale
Villegas, Emily 1:17.20h Southwest Legacy
Martinez, Melanie 1:17.48 Eagle Pass Winn
Mayorga, Megan 1:19.22 Eagle Pass Winn
Carretto, Stephanie 1:20.00h San Antonio Harlandale
Faz, Dana 1:24.00h San Antonio Harlandale
Huitron, Greitxel 1:24.10 Eagle Pass Winn
Jimenez, Ashlee 1:25.88 Eagle Pass Winn
Pinto, Trinity 59.07 Medina Valley
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A 49.64 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 51.28 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 51.28 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 51.29 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 51.53 San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 51.56 San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 53.07 San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 53.31 Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 53.34 San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A 53.89 South San Antonio
Relay Team A 54.56 Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 56.33 San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 57.65 Eagle Pass Winn
Relay Team A 57.65 Eagle Pass Winn
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A 1:46.42 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 1:51.13 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 1:51.34 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 1:51.46 San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 1:51.78 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 1:51.90h Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 1:53.97 San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A 1:54.67 San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 1:57.03 Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 1:58.00h San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 1:59.90h San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 2:00.24 Eagle Pass Winn
Relay Team A 2:00.24 Eagle Pass Winn
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A San Antonio McCollum
Relay Team A South San Antonio
Relay Team A 4:05.02 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 4:16.82 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 4:16.82 San Antonio Southwest
Relay Team A 4:22.62 San Antonio Southside
Relay Team A 4:29.02 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 4:33.17 Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 4:36.00h Southwest Legacy
Relay Team A 4:41.37 San Antonio Harlandale
Relay Team A 4:44.06 Eagle Pass Winn
Relay Team A 5:00.23 San Antonio Harlandale
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fernandez, Destiny San Antonio Southwest
Torres, Aliana San Antonio McCollum
Galvez, Alicia 2:19.00h Southwest Legacy
Medina, Mayra 2:19.65 San Antonio Southwest
Patterson, Camia 2:24.45 Medina Valley
Lowell, Reesa 2:28.83 Medina Valley
Elwood, Peyton 2:31.14 San Antonio Southwest
Agee, Felicity 2:35.35 Medina Valley
Eberline, Zariah 2:39.05 Medina Valley
Taylor, Jayden 2:41.02 Medina Valley
Guerrero, Juliette 2:42.00 San Antonio Southside
Fischer, Chloe 2:42.82 San Antonio Harlandale
Caballero, Ava 2:43.01 San Antonio Harlandale
Aranguiz Mourgues, Jenesys 2:46.22 Medina Valley
Flores, April 2:55.99 San Antonio McCollum
Salazar, Jacinda 3:00.01 San Antonio Harlandale
Zamora, Leslie 3:02.06 Southwest Legacy
Navaira, Giada 3:11.00h San Antonio Harlandale
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HS Girls Discus Throw 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramos, Mikayla 116-11 Medina Valley
Jehl, Annabelle 115-5 Medina Valley
Fuentes, Johannah 102-5 San Antonio McCollum
Roque, Arianna 97-0 San Antonio McCollum
Reyes, Suri 95-3 San Antonio McCollum
Hernandez, Ebonie 92-7 San Antonio Harlandale
Vasquez, Alexandria 91-11 San Antonio Harlandale
Castillo, Jolene 86-3 San Antonio Southside
Montoya, Danielle 83-6 San Antonio Southside
Guillory, Paityn 80-6 Southwest Legacy
Roque, Marissa 80-0 San Antonio Harlandale
Vielma, Olivia 79-6 Southwest Legacy
Lightsey, Makayla 75-2 Medina Valley
Montenegro, Natalia 73-9 San Antonio Harlandale
MARISSA, LONGORIA 71-1 San Antonio Southside
Rodriguez, Victoria 67-3 San Antonio Harlandale
Macias, Alexandra 64-10.5 Eagle Pass Winn
Gonzalez, Edith 55-6 Eagle Pass Winn
Ramirez, Lauren 50-0 San Antonio Harlandale
Veloz, Klarissa South San Antonio
Scott, Marissa South San Antonio
Hernandez, Addyson South San Antonio
Alvarez, Jessika South San Antonio
Rodriguez, Edith Eagle Pass Winn
Bauml, Kate Medina Valley
Martinez, Precious Medina Valley
Williams, Alliyah Medina Valley
Gonzalez, Melanie Eagle Pass Winn
Ramos, Ariyanna South San Antonio
Huitron, Gesaira Eagle Pass Winn
Auces, Kiara Eagle Pass Winn
Franqui, Alyah San Antonio Southside
Beltran, Karina San Antonio Southside
Jackson, Johanna Southwest Legacy
Olvera, Kayhla Southwest Legacy
Robles Martinez, Milagros Southwest Legacy
Padron-Garcia, Valeria San Antonio Southside
Padilla, America San Antonio McCollum
Soliz, Danielle San Antonio McCollum
Mendez, Daphne San Antonio McCollum
Rosas, Ansley San Antonio Southwest
Osborne, Briazia San Antonio Southwest
Villafane, Danieliz San Antonio Southwest
Santos, Jennessa San Antonio Southwest
Santos, Angelise San Antonio Southwest
Carcamo-Montero, Valeria San Antonio Southwest
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HS Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Perez, Kiyana 5-2 Medina Valley
Galvez, Alicia 5-1 Southwest Legacy
Daniel, Sima 5-0 San Antonio Southside
Garcia, Cara 5-0 Medina Valley
Zor, Garnelle 4-10 Southwest Legacy
Stiggers, Amaya 4-10 Medina Valley
Medina, Mayra 4-8 San Antonio Southwest
Flores, Sierra 4-6 San Antonio Southwest
Johnson, Jada 4-4 South San Antonio
Frost, Janey 4-4 Medina Valley
Barba, Brianna 4-4 San Antonio Southwest
Truong, Laci Medina Valley
Mackey, Marlie San Antonio Southside
Gamboa, Gabriella San Antonio McCollum
Truong, Lani Medina Valley
Parson, Aniyah San Antonio Southwest
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HS Girls Long Jump 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
BEAL, ABIGAIL 16-4 Medina Valley
Lee, Janasia 16-3 Medina Valley
Moore, Analeese 16-1 Medina Valley
Uresti, Alita 15-9.5 San Antonio McCollum
Coffman, Taniya 15-7.25 Southwest Legacy
Elwood, Peyton 15-7 San Antonio Southwest
Medina, Mayra 15-6 San Antonio Southwest
Gloria, Novalee 15-4.5 Southwest Legacy
Zor, Garnelle 15-1 Southwest Legacy
Johnson, Jada 14-6 South San Antonio
Covarrubias, Lillian 14-5 San Antonio Southwest
Falcon, Erica 14-1.5 San Antonio Harlandale
Torres, Joslyn 13-11 South San Antonio
Fematt-Marshall, Sumahya 13-11 San Antonio Southside
Herrera, Destiny 13-8 San Antonio Harlandale
Rose, Sophia 13-7.25 San Antonio Harlandale
Alcoser, Jade 13-7.25 Southwest Legacy
Gonzales, Giselle 13-7 San Antonio Harlandale
Truong, Laci 13-5.5 Medina Valley
Aranguiz Mourgues, Jenesys 13-5 Medina Valley
Cuevas, Abigale 13-4 San Antonio Southside
Romero, Natasha 13-0.75 Eagle Pass Winn
Castillo, Sydney 13-0 San Antonio Harlandale
Vargas, Savannah 12-9.5 Southwest Legacy
Truong, Lani 12-6 Medina Valley
Flores, Alyssa 12-5 Eagle Pass Winn
Gutierrez Tamez, Absidy 12-1.5 San Antonio Harlandale
Agis, America 11-11 San Antonio Southside
Leija, Nataly 11-1.5 Eagle Pass Winn
Jimenez, Amanda 10-7 Eagle Pass Winn
Bonilla, Catalina South San Antonio
Alvarez, Jewel South San Antonio
MARISSA, LONGORIA San Antonio Southside
Mackey, Marlie San Antonio Southside
Gonzales, Alisson San Antonio Southside
Jernigan, Diamond Southwest Legacy
Gamboa, Gabriella San Antonio McCollum
Barron, Chydell San Antonio McCollum
Torrez, Juliana San Antonio McCollum
Rodriguez, Madalyn San Antonio McCollum
Rios, Nevaeh San Antonio Southwest
Cherry, Adeline San Antonio Southwest
Solis, Cynthia San Antonio Southwest
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HS Girls Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aldridge, Madalyn 10-9 Medina Valley
Murillo, Harley 8-0 Medina Valley
Martinez, Melanie 7-6 Eagle Pass Winn
Jayden, Quiroga 7-6 San Antonio Southside
Bendele, Kathleen 7-6 San Antonio Southwest
Juarez, Katelynn 7-0 San Antonio Harlandale
Villarreal, Abcde 6-6 San Antonio Southside
Alvarado, Annabelle 6-6 San Antonio Southside
Hernandez, Mia 6-6 Medina Valley
Bendele, Shannon 6-0 San Antonio Southwest
Cook, Sarah Medina Valley
Zinsmeyer, Kaylee Medina Valley
Gonzales, Hailey Medina Valley
Johnson, Serenity Southwest Legacy
Saldivar, Alysia Southwest Legacy
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HS Girls Shot Put 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramos, Mikayla 33-10 Medina Valley
Romo, Brooke 33-5 San Antonio McCollum
MARISSA, LONGORIA 32-8 San Antonio Southside
Jehl, Annabelle 32-5 Medina Valley
Chavarria, Marissa 30-0 Southwest Legacy
Rojas, Addison 29-6.5 San Antonio Harlandale
Ramos, Maria 29-3 San Antonio McCollum
Carcamo-Montero, Valeria 29-1 San Antonio Southwest
Roque, Arianna 29-0 San Antonio McCollum
Desouzas George, Le Lana 28-9 Southwest Legacy
Lightsey, Makayla 28-5 Medina Valley
Santos, Angelise 28-0 San Antonio Southwest
Guillory, Abrianna 27-10 Southwest Legacy
Gonzales, Hailey 27-7 San Antonio Southside
Gonzalez, Yvette 27-3 Southwest Legacy
Castillo, Jolene 27-2.5 San Antonio Southside
Ayon, Karina 26-9 Southwest Legacy
Cruz, Yoseline 26-2 Southwest Legacy
Hernandez, Ebonie 26-0 San Antonio Harlandale
Nunez, Alicia 26-0 San Antonio Harlandale
Ramirez, Lauren 24-11.5 San Antonio Harlandale
Garcia Zuazua, Renata 24-9 Eagle Pass Winn
Escamilla, Andry 24-1 Eagle Pass Winn
Auces, Kiara 20-6 Eagle Pass Winn
Villarreal, April 20-4 Eagle Pass Winn
Montenegro, Natalia 20-0 San Antonio Harlandale
Rodriguez, Victoria 20-0 San Antonio Harlandale
Veloz, Klarissa South San Antonio
Scott, Marissa South San Antonio
Alvarez, Jessika South San Antonio
Mason, Charlize South San Antonio
Hernandez, Addyson South San Antonio
Bauml, Kate Medina Valley
Williams, Alliyah Medina Valley
Padron-Garcia, Valeria San Antonio Southside
Franqui, Alyah San Antonio Southside
Beltran, Karina San Antonio Southside
Soliz, Danielle San Antonio McCollum
Mendez, Daphne San Antonio McCollum
Padilla, America San Antonio McCollum
Villafane, Danieliz San Antonio Southwest
Rosas, Ansley San Antonio Southwest
Osborne, Briazia San Antonio Southwest
Santos, Jennessa San Antonio Southwest
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HS Girls Triple Jump 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
BEAL, ABIGAIL 33-10.5 Medina Valley
Moore, Analeese 33-3.25 Medina Valley
Uresti, Alita 30-2.5 San Antonio McCollum
Johnson, Jada 29-11 South San Antonio
Truong, Laci 29-11 Medina Valley
Jayden, Quiroga 29-8 San Antonio Southside
Herrera, Destiny 29-6 San Antonio Harlandale
Gonzales, Giselle 29-5.25 San Antonio Harlandale
Fematt-Marshall, Sumahya 29-3.5 San Antonio Southside
Elwood, Peyton 29-2 San Antonio Southwest
Camarillo, Yzabella 29-1 Southwest Legacy
Romero, Natasha 29-0 Eagle Pass Winn
Alcoser, Jade 28-11.5 Southwest Legacy
Atkins, Kim 28-8 Medina Valley
Ibarra, Heaven 28-5.5 San Antonio Harlandale
Smith, Maliya 28-5.5 San Antonio Southwest
Truong, Lani 27-10 Medina Valley
Bippert, Hadley 27-7.5 Medina Valley
Campos, Madison 27-1 San Antonio Harlandale
Flores, Sierra 27-0.25 San Antonio Southwest
Cuevas, Abigale 26-11 San Antonio Southside
Flores, Alyssa 26-10 Eagle Pass Winn
Jackson, Johanna 26-10 Southwest Legacy
Gutierrez Tamez, Absidy 26-9.25 San Antonio Harlandale
Agis, America 26-4 San Antonio Southside
Falcon, Erica 26-1.25 San Antonio Harlandale
Salas, Zoe South San Antonio
Gonzales, Alisson San Antonio Southside
Gamboa, Gabriella San Antonio McCollum
Torrez, Juliana San Antonio McCollum
Leach, Jazmyn San Antonio Southwest
Rios, Nevaeh San Antonio Southwest
Aguero, Bailey San Antonio Southwest
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