Life Waxahachie Mustang Stampede 2024

Waxahachie, TX
Timing/Results Cowtown Timing

Life Waxahachie Mustang Stampede 2024 vs Life Waxahachie Mustang Stampede 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +371 693 322
Overall Average +1:33.10 24:41.19 23:08.09
1st-10th Place -29.98 16:57.49 17:27.47
1st-25th Place -29.08 17:31.61 18:00.68
1st-50th Place -36.64 18:01.90 18:38.54
1st-100th Place -40.71 18:45.85 19:26.56
Common Athletes -- -- 79
Ran Faster 15 47 32
Ran Season Best -- 18 18
Average Time -32.16 22:17.60 22:49.76
Median Time -18.53 22:05.38 22:23.91
Middle 80% Times -25.10 21:55.37 22:20.47
Top 10% Times -28.39 17:54.54 18:22.92
Top 25% Times -27.74 18:47.27 19:15.01
Top 50% Times -32.68 19:49.41 20:22.10
Bottom 50% Times -30.83 24:12.35 24:43.18
Bottom 25% Times -57.27 26:37.76 27:35.03
Bottom 10% Times -1:40.05 30:02.12 31:42.17
Average Difference -32.16 -- --
Median Difference +28.37 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -20.34 -- --
Top 10% Difference -21.82 -- --
Top 50% Difference -25.41 -- --
Top 25% Difference -27.81 -- --
Top 50% Difference -25.41 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -37.39 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:01.84 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:55.30 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Michael Flores Itasca -54.08 16:39.52 17:33.60
Cy Tennery Godley -55.56 17:12.59 18:08.15
Antonio Cruz Mesquite Horn -22.34 17:39.82 18:02.16
Jason Risby Duncanville -35.85 18:11.55 18:47.40
Joshua McGee Ferris +37.31 18:52.66 18:15.35
Roy Perales Itasca -1:31.57 18:16.83 19:48.40
Ryan Jones Godley -35.18 18:19.15 18:54.33
Djoser Amn Carrollton Ranchview -1:00.37 18:19.98 19:20.35
Wyatt Cheek Godley +51.54 19:14.74 18:23.20
Michael Alonzo Ennis High School -53.11 18:36.85 19:29.96
Kevin Valdez Red Oak -1:01.70 18:44.67 19:46.37
Misael Palacios Avalon -1:22.79 18:56.44 20:19.23
Zachary Dumas Cleburne +27.10 19:26.29 18:59.19
Rome Gomez-Hand Red Oak -3:45.56 19:13.63 22:59.19
Julian Aguilar Nevada Community +3:08.27 22:37.96 19:29.69
Charlie Arriaga Itasca -40.04 19:33.02 20:13.06
Rodrigo Rodriguez Ennis High School -57.58 19:36.53 20:34.11
Taryn Bailey DeSoto -1:37.70 19:36.89 21:14.59
Johnny Torres South Grand Prairie -4.47 19:42.39 19:46.86
Logan Wells Wills Point -49.20 19:44.92 20:34.12
Ayden Andrade Duncanville +1:19.67 21:04.78 19:45.11
Victor Torres Wills Point -2:44.12 19:46.98 22:31.10
Robert George Mesquite Horn -3:45.07 19:47.19 23:32.26
Hugh Cherry Bowleg Carrollton Ranchview +4:54.49 24:43.09 19:48.60
Dylan Freyre Nevada Community -1:33.42 19:52.69 21:26.11
Timothy Price Duncanville -6.86 19:56.78 20:03.64
David Valdez Red Oak -58.42 19:59.21 20:57.63
Yahir Medina Athens +23.73 20:29.37 20:05.64
Zachary Cox Ennis High School -2:01.90 20:06.85 22:08.75
Reece Perry Mesquite Horn -2:15.83 20:25.83 22:41.66
Chris Crainey Duncanville -39.50 20:26.51 21:06.01
Manual Corrillo Nevada Community +1:33.13 22:08.37 20:35.24
Angel Montalvo Godley +14.80 20:53.57 20:38.77
Damian Reyes Wills Point -44.73 20:44.55 21:29.28
Clarence Gray Duncanville -10.78 21:00.94 21:11.72
Eduardo Gonzalez Wills Point -1:06.13 21:02.91 22:09.04
Nathan Colley Avalon +2.24 21:05.56 21:03.32
Samuel Thomason Ennis High School -21.51 21:11.24 21:32.75
Joseph Flores Duncanville -2:28.07 21:28.49 23:56.56
David Mejia Venus -2.89 21:41.82 21:44.71
Jaylen Foster Ferris -1:05.94 21:51.09 22:57.03
Connor Garrison Wills Point +1:04.34 22:58.36 21:54.02
Ayooluwa Ariyo South Grand Prairie -38.47 21:56.34 22:34.81
Eric Aguinaga Ennis High School -3:03.85 22:05.38 25:09.23
Roy Santibanez Nevada Community +1:36.38 23:52.76 22:16.38
Eder Medina Cleburne -2:46.45 22:18.80 25:05.25
ESMERELDA TOME Mesquite Horn -52.96 22:20.53 23:13.49
Christian Campa Athens +33.83 22:54.42 22:20.59
Esme Rodriguez Red Oak +57.61 23:20.15 22:22.54
Bryan Rayas Mesquite Horn +42.99 23:06.90 22:23.91
Adnan Aufer Uplift North Hills Prep +35.02 23:02.25 22:27.23
Morgynn Maines Red Oak +28.37 22:56.59 22:28.22
Emily Herrera Red Oak +9.77 22:41.44 22:31.67
Hector Alvarado Ennis High School +24.54 23:10.16 22:45.62
Robert Ferguson Red Oak -34.20 22:50.22 23:24.42
Gaden Riquelme Athens -20.03 22:56.19 23:16.22
Justin Nixon Mesquite Horn +30.68 23:26.94 22:56.26
Kaily Pena Duncanville -4:13.60 22:59.09 27:12.69
Joseph Carrizales South Grand Prairie +30.36 23:33.59 23:03.23
Mia Arroyo Mesquite Horn +35.19 23:46.83 23:11.64
Landon Brumfield Cleburne -3:01.65 23:11.99 26:13.64
Lauren Collier DeSoto -2:01.94 23:18.09 25:20.03
Giselle Zambrano Duncanville +1:20.55 24:39.75 23:19.20
Ezekiel Bowles Cleburne -17.11 23:20.28 23:37.39
Ricardo Martinez Duncanville +43.24 24:19.09 23:35.85
Omar Torres Venus -56.65 23:36.26 24:32.91
Darious Hooks Dallas Madison +1:22.95 25:09.86 23:46.91
Lauren Tran Ennis High School +41.16 24:29.31 23:48.15
miguel Barron Dallas Madison -6:09.49 23:50.51 30:00.00
Alejandra Ultrera Mesquite Horn +51.15 24:56.06 24:04.91
Jaelyn Alexander South Grand Prairie +59.30 25:21.11 24:21.81
MATTHEW ARROYO Mesquite Horn +1:21.37 26:38.90 25:17.53
Anthony Palma Wills Point -4:33.61 25:26.39 30:00.00
Guadalupe Rodriguez Mesquite Horn +2:21.96 28:48.24 26:26.28
Christian Arellano Wills Point +7:46.24 34:46.24 27:00.00
Vivian Garcia - Gonzalez Duncanville -15:45.81 29:02.55 44:48.36
ALANA VAN ALLEN Cleburne -15.42 29:43.98 29:59.40
David Elizondo Avalon +5:00.00 35:00.00 30:00.00
Keyla Martinez Duncanville -3:46.27 30:50.66 34:36.93