Leander's Battle for Wilco Park 2024

Leander, TX
Hosted by Leander
Timing/Results Pro-Fit Race Timing

Meet Information



hosted by Leander HS
Come And Race It
Southwest Williamson County Regional Park
3005 CO. Rd. 175
Leander, TX 78641
Bus parking will be in the first lot on the right off the big grass oval
Spectator parking will be at the stadium on either the east or west side. Please avoid parking at tennis court lot.
There will be no parking in the gravel lot near the park admin office, along any park roads, or in the grass. Park only in designated parking areas.
Meet Fees
$125 per division (Varsity Boys, Varsity Girls, JV-Boys, JV-Girls)
$50 for open division (Boys and Girls Combined), or $10 per open individual if less than 5.
$25 a pair for teams with less than 5 relay pairings

Make checks payable to: Leander Cross Country Booster Club
Leander High School
3301 South Bagdad Rd.
Leander, TX 78641
Meet Format
Varsity Girls - 2x2-mile (each runner will run 1 two-mile leg)
Varsity Boys - 2x2-mile (each runner will run 1 two-mile leg)
JV Girls 2x2-mile (each runner will run 1 two-mile leg)
JV Boys - 2x2-mile (each runner will run 1 two-mile leg)
Open -  All runners not running in a relay will run a 2-mile race (Boys and Girls Combined)
Entry Limits
Each school may enter a maximum of 5 two-person teams in each division. There will be an open two-mile race at the end of the meet for all athletes that are not on a relay team.
More details will be emailed out regarding registration as we get closer to the event.
The top 10 teams in each division will receive medals. The 1st place team in each division will also receive a custom team baton. Team score will be calculated by adding up the total time for your top 3 relay teams, the team with the lowest time total for their first 3 relay teams will win. All open division athletes will receive a time but no awards.
Meet Schedule (Times approx.)
Varsity Girls 7:15 am
Varsity Boys 7:55 am
JV Girls 8:30 am
JV Boys 9: 15 am
Open Division (boys & girls combined) 9:55 am
*Depending on amount of entries, we might split the open division into a separate boys and girls race.
*We will keep a rolling schedule and will start races early if we can due to the August heat.
Contact Info
Please email your interest to attend. There will be a cap to the amount of teams.
Aubrey Lindberg-Buchhorn (Leander H.S.) - aubrey.lindberg-buchhorn@leanderisd.org / 254-493-7584