Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cardenas, Ezra Kingsborough Middle School
Woodlee, Nayton Pleasanton
Casto, Justin Pleasanton
Allmon, R.J. Kingsborough Middle School
Casares, Jordan Kingsborough Middle School
Dority, Manning Pleasanton
Lopez, Victor Leal Middle School
Toliver, Trehawn Harlandale Middle School
Barrientoz, Adrian Losoya MS
Alvarado, Eathan Kingsborough Middle School
Magallanez, Gideon Kingsborough Middle School
Galvan, Isaac Pleasanton
Rangel, Jordan Leal Middle School
Rodriguez, DeMicco Harlandale Middle School
Sanchez, Junior Losoya MS
Cunningham, Jeremy Pleasanton
Casares, Jayden Kingsborough Middle School
Ayala, Isaac 1 Floresville MS
Gonzales, Hector 1 Terrell Wells Middle School
Padilla, Thomas 1 Losoya MS
Bonilla, Lazaro 1 Leal Middle School
Paugh, Slade 1.00h Floresville MS
Mejia-Compian, Kevin 2 Leal Middle School
Mora, Noah 2 Losoya MS
Ramirez, Mike 2 Terrell Wells Middle School
Gomez, Reed 2 Terrell Wells Middle School
Lopez, Rolando 2 Floresville MS
Shaw, Hunter 2.00h Floresville MS
Jones, Javaris 3 Leal Middle School
Isidro, Byron 3 Terrell Wells Middle School
Jenkins, Miles 3 Floresville MS
Sifuentes, Dominick 3.00h Floresville MS
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanchez, Junior Losoya MS
Snyder, Keiden Floresville MS
Moran-Escobar, Samuel Leal Middle School
Gonzales, George Harlandale Middle School
Olivarez, Joshua Pleasanton
Shipman, Marcus Losoya MS
Villereal, Joseph Floresville MS
Ramos, Hugo Leal Middle School
Ramirez, Allen Harlandale Middle School
Allmon, R.J. Kingsborough Middle School
Caraway, Trey Pleasanton
Maney, Kayden Floresville MS
Aguillon, Jacob Leal Middle School
Martinez, Diego Harlandale Middle School
Woodlee, Nayton Pleasanton
Vega, Anthony 1 Terrell Wells Middle School
Mendez, Jose 1 Terrell Wells Middle School
Segovia, Adrian 1 Floresville MS
Padilla, Thomas 1.00h Losoya MS
Hernandez, Nathaniel 1.00h Leal Middle School
Martinez, Jacob 2 Floresville MS
Lucio, John 2 Terrell Wells Middle School
Tristan, Matthew 2.00h Leal Middle School
Mora, Noah 2.00h Losoya MS
Curnow-Donnelly, Leo 3 Floresville MS
Rocha, Richard 3 Terrell Wells Middle School
Isaac, Matthew 3.00h Leal Middle School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Castillo, Sonny Harlandale Middle School
SANCHEZ, Tristan Pleasanton
Simmons, Jayden Floresville MS
Rocha, Richard Terrell Wells Middle School
Felux, Corbin Floresville MS
LOPEZ, Tommy Pleasanton
Gonzales, Andres Terrell Wells Middle School
Rodriguez, Ernesto Harlandale Middle School
Holt, Ty Pleasanton
Holbeck, Gavin Floresville MS
Duran, Edgar Pleasanton
Mendoza, Jose Terrell Wells Middle School
Gomez, Carlos Terrell Wells Middle School
Reyna, Goliath Leal Middle School
Cypert, Kaden Floresville MS
Dubon, Leonardo Losoya MS
Olle, Jace Pleasanton
Westtbrook, Wyatt Floresville MS
Torres-Colorado, Victor Leal Middle School
Reyes, Ed Harlandale Middle School
Garcia, Uzziah Terrell Wells Middle School
Banda, Amado Pleasanton
Vega, Vincent Terrell Wells Middle School
Suarez, Hector Leal Middle School
Silva, Riley Floresville MS
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sosa, Benito Pleasanton
Magallanez, Gideon Kingsborough Middle School
Shirk, Jake Losoya MS
Casares, Jayden Kingsborough Middle School
Partida, Austyn Pleasanton
Cano, David Pleasanton
Garay, Mateo Kingsborough Middle School
Cardenas, Ezra Kingsborough Middle School
Adamitz, Clayton Pleasanton
Espinoza, John Pleasanton
Hernandez, Alexander Kingsborough Middle School
Casares, Jordan Kingsborough Middle School
Huron, Dominic Losoya MS
KELLEHER, Liam Pleasanton
Rodriguez, Bryan 1 Leal Middle School
Toliver, Trehawn 1 Harlandale Middle School
Jimenez, Isaiah 1 Floresville MS
Vega, Henry 1 Terrell Wells Middle School
Navarro, Timothy 1 Terrell Wells Middle School
Cervera, Cole 1.00h Floresville MS
DeHoyos, Jesus 1.00h Leal Middle School
Rangel, Jordan 2 Leal Middle School
Rodriguez, DeMicco 2 Harlandale Middle School
Guevara, Josh 2 Floresville MS
Gomez, Reed 2 Terrell Wells Middle School
Hernandez, John 2 Terrell Wells Middle School
Juarez, Jonah 2.00h Floresville MS
McGraw, Michael 2.00h Leal Middle School
Gonzales, Michael 3 Harlandale Middle School
Bustos, Jacob 3 Floresville MS
Vega, Anthony 3 Terrell Wells Middle School
Alvarez, Caiden 3 Terrell Wells Middle School
Aguirre, David 3.00h Leal Middle School
Rodriguez, Jeter 3.00h Leal Middle School
Blocker, Rush 3.00h Floresville MS
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Boys 2400 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mendoza, Jose Terrell Wells Middle School
Banda, Amado Pleasanton
Gomez, Alejandro Leal Middle School
Graves, Hunter Floresville MS
Jenkins, Miles Floresville MS
Rugen, Logan Pleasanton
Gomez, Carlos Terrell Wells Middle School
Reyes, Andre Pleasanton
Martinez, Arian Leal Middle School
Larson, Ethan Floresville MS
Cypert, Kaden Floresville MS
Barajas, Isaiah Losoya MS
Torres-Colorado, Victor Leal Middle School
Jimenez, Adrian Pleasanton
Corona, Jordan Losoya MS
Silva, Riley Floresville MS
Holbeck, Gavin Floresville MS
Ramos, Jaden Pleasanton
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robles, Jeremiah Pleasanton
Tristan, Matthew Leal Middle School
Robles, Jaden Harlandale Middle School
Villereal, Joseph Floresville MS
Garcia, Isiah Pleasanton
Robledo, Emiliano Leal Middle School
Corona, Antonio Losoya MS
rodriguez, Luis Pleasanton
Coronado, Leland Harlandale Middle School
Moran-Escobar, Samuel Leal Middle School
Hernandez, Nathaniel Leal Middle School
Shirk, Jake Losoya MS
Maney, Kayden Floresville MS
Jimenez, Adrian Pleasanton
Ramos, Hugo Leal Middle School
Isaac, Matthew Leal Middle School
Fraire, Dean Harlandale Middle School
Snyder, Keiden Floresville MS
Uhl, Aiden Pleasanton
Lopez, Luis 1 Terrell Wells Middle School
Solis, Nathan 1 Terrell Wells Middle School
Corona, Jordan 1.00h Losoya MS
Paugh, Slade 1.00h Floresville MS
Gonzales, Andres 2 Terrell Wells Middle School
Garza, Oliver 2 Terrell Wells Middle School
Martinez, Jacob 2.00h Floresville MS
Zapata, Leonardo 2.00h Losoya MS
Trujillio, Emiliano 3 Terrell Wells Middle School
Ybarra, Joseph 3 Terrell Wells Middle School
Segovia, Adrian 3.00h Floresville MS
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arreola, Nathan Kingsborough Middle School
Portillo, Xavier Losoya MS
Uno Marquez, Hideki Leal Middle School
Toliver, Trehawn Harlandale Middle School
Azua, Alfred Kingsborough Middle School
Brown, Chris Kingsborough Middle School
Rodriguez, DeMicco Harlandale Middle School
Gutierrez, Pierre Kingsborough Middle School
Salais, Jeremy Kingsborough Middle School
Fraire, Joseph Harlandale Middle School
Perez, Eric Losoya MS
Torres, Andrew Leal Middle School
Alvarez, Caiden 1 Terrell Wells Middle School
Rico, Zaidyn 1 Floresville MS
Gutirrez, Edward 1 Terrell Wells Middle School
Vital, Kaleb 1.00h Leal Middle School
Gonzales-Garcia, Joaquin 1.00h Floresville MS
Fair, Theo 1:05 Pleasanton
Olivarez, Joshua 1:07 Pleasanton
Grigeo, King 1:08 Pleasanton
Ramirez, Mike 2 Terrell Wells Middle School
Jenkins, Miles 2 Floresville MS
Perales, Jonathan 2 Terrell Wells Middle School
Aguirre, David 2.00h Leal Middle School
Sifuentes, Dominick 2.00h Floresville MS
Hernandez, John 3 Terrell Wells Middle School
Clemons, Hiram 3 Floresville MS
Tackitt, Brenden 3.00h Floresville MS
Cano, David 55.60 Pleasanton
REYES, Jay 59.30 Pleasanton
Martinez, Bryan 59.80 Pleasanton
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Losoya MS
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Harlandale Middle School
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A Kingsborough Middle School
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Kingsborough Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A 49.18 Pleasanton
Relay Team A 52.25 Pleasanton
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A Kingsborough Middle School
Relay Team A Kingsborough Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Harlandale Middle School
Relay Team A 1:43.46 Pleasanton
Relay Team A 1:54.02 Pleasanton
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A 3.56 Pleasanton
Relay Team A 4:14.00h Pleasanton
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Boys 800 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gomez, Alejandro Leal Middle School
Araiza, Kaleb Leal Middle School
Acosta, Daniel Floresville MS
Castillo, Sonny Harlandale Middle School
Garza, Oliver Terrell Wells Middle School
Azua, Alfred Kingsborough Middle School
Simmons, Jayden Floresville MS
Reyes, Dylan Leal Middle School
Uno Marquez, Hideki Leal Middle School
Matthews, Jaxson Floresville MS
Gonzales, Andres Terrell Wells Middle School
Vega, Vincent Terrell Wells Middle School
Villarreal, Kenneth Floresville MS
Dominguez, Eric Harlandale Middle School
Villa, Edgar Leal Middle School
Nieto, Elijah Floresville MS
Solis, Nathan Terrell Wells Middle School
Aguirre, David Leal Middle School
Fluitt, Thomas Floresville MS
Reyes, Ed Harlandale Middle School
Arreola, Nathan Kingsborough Middle School
Perales, Gabriel Kingsborough Middle School
Ybarra, Joseph Terrell Wells Middle School
Olle, Jace 2:16 Pleasanton
LOPEZ, Tommy 2:25 Pleasanton
Duran, Edgar 2:27 Pleasanton
Holt, Ty 2:31 Pleasanton
HOLICK, Aden 2:34 Pleasanton
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Boys Discus 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cruz, Gael Leal Middle School
Dawson, Jerimiah Leal Middle School
Melendez, John Harlandale Middle School
Hernandez, Elijah Harlandale Middle School
Langenburg, Lemmy Harlandale Middle School
Albert, Wyatt Pleasanton
Townsden, Tait Pleasanton
Gonzales, Julilian Pleasanton
Garza, Meka Leal Middle School
Chavez, Zachary Losoya MS
Valladare, Geovany Losoya MS
Wilkins, Zachary Losoya MS
Pena, Jesse Terrell Wells Middle School
Espinoza, Isaiah Terrell Wells Middle School
Gonzales, Hector Terrell Wells Middle School
Morales, Juan Floresville MS
William, Ethan Floresville MS
Bodiford, Luke Floresville MS
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Boys Discus Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramirez, Erick Leal Middle School
Guzman, Joeric Leal Middle School
King, Tyson Pleasanton
Rodriguez, Marcy Pleasanton
Rodriguez, Ronny Pleasanton
Basaldua, Carter Kingsborough Middle School
Fabela, Aaron Kingsborough Middle School
Gutierrez, Pierre Kingsborough Middle School
Garza, Steven Leal Middle School
Avila, Rodrigo Losoya MS
Carrizalez, Osaac Losoya MS
Espinoza, Eduardo Losoya MS
Grant, Patrick Terrell Wells Middle School
Badillo, Randy Terrell Wells Middle School
Diaz, Mateo Terrell Wells Middle School
Weaver, Jude Floresville MS
Fluitt, Thomas Floresville MS
Berger, Erik Floresville MS
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Boys High Jump 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Javaris Leal Middle School
DeHoyos, Jesus Leal Middle School
Isaac, Matthew Leal Middle School
Robledo, Emiliano Leal Middle School
Munoz, Armando Leal Middle School
Toliver, Trehawn Harlandale Middle School
Reyes, Ed Harlandale Middle School
Martinez, Diego Harlandale Middle School
Alvarez, Caiden Terrell Wells Middle School
Perales, Jonathan Terrell Wells Middle School
Garza, Ray Pleasanton
Casto, Justin Pleasanton
LOPEZ, Tommy Pleasanton
Caraway, Trey Pleasanton
Fair, Theo Pleasanton
Allmon, R.J. Kingsborough Middle School
Pena, Isaiah Terrell Wells Middle School
Gonzales, Ryan Terrell Wells Middle School
Navarro, Timothy Terrell Wells Middle School
Sanchez, Junior Losoya MS
Padilla, Thomas Losoya MS
Magallanez, Gideon Kingsborough Middle School
Perales, Gabriel Kingsborough Middle School
Brown, Chris Kingsborough Middle School
Guevara, Josh Floresville MS
Jimenez, Isaiah Floresville MS
Villarreal, Kenneth Floresville MS
Sifuentes, Dominick Floresville MS
Santos, Eduardo Floresville MS
Martinez, Jacob Floresville MS
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Boys Long Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
DeHoyos, Jesus Leal Middle School
Mejia-Compian, Kevin Leal Middle School
Colunga-Lopez, Dylan Leal Middle School
Robledo, Emiliano Leal Middle School
Munoz, Armando Leal Middle School
Gonzales, George Harlandale Middle School
Toliver, Trehawn Harlandale Middle School
Fraire, Dean Harlandale Middle School
Reyes, Andre Pleasanton
Woodlee, Nayton Pleasanton
Olivarez, Joshua Pleasanton
Uhl, Aiden Pleasanton
Cano, David Pleasanton
Cunningham, Jeremy Pleasanton
Alvarez, Caiden Terrell Wells Middle School
Mendez, Jose Terrell Wells Middle School
Gonzales, Hector Terrell Wells Middle School
Bonilla, Lazaro Leal Middle School
Alvarado, Eathan Kingsborough Middle School
Casares, Jayden Kingsborough Middle School
Garay, Mateo Kingsborough Middle School
Perez, Eric Losoya MS
Shipman, Marcus Losoya MS
Corona, Jordan Losoya MS
Polendo, Leonidas Losoya MS
Pena, Isaiah Terrell Wells Middle School
Navarro, Timothy Terrell Wells Middle School
Gutirrez, Edward Terrell Wells Middle School
Casares, Jordan Kingsborough Middle School
Salais, Jeremy Kingsborough Middle School
Brown, Chris Kingsborough Middle School
Ayala, Isaac Floresville MS
Jimenez, Isaiah Floresville MS
Guevara, Josh Floresville MS
Paugh, Slade Floresville MS
Mutz, Layton Floresville MS
Curnow-Donnelly, Leo Floresville MS
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Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Castillo, Sonny Harlandale Middle School
Pilgrim, Pierson Pleasanton
Dority, Manning Pleasanton
Dority, Madden Pleasanton
KELLEHER, Liam Pleasanton
Corona, Antonio Losoya MS
Shirk, Jake Losoya MS
Polendo, Leonidas Losoya MS
Corona, Jordan Losoya MS
Padilla, Thomas Losoya MS
Pfeil, Tyce Floresville MS
Ramirez, Michael Floresville MS
Clemons, Hiram Floresville MS
Solis, Ben Floresville MS
Juarez, Elias Floresville MS
Chavez, Ozzy Floresville MS
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Boys Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ramirez, Erick Leal Middle School
Guzman, Joeric Leal Middle School
Trevino, Ricky Leal Middle School
Cruz, Gael Leal Middle School
Pedroza, Esteban Leal Middle School
Espinarl, Juan Harlandale Middle School
Melendez, John Harlandale Middle School
Langenburg, Lemmy Harlandale Middle School
Rodriguez, Marcy Pleasanton
Ramon, Samuel Pleasanton
Martinez, Domingo Pleasanton
Albert, Wyatt Pleasanton
Peralta, Artemis Pleasanton
Alverez, Sonny Pleasanton
Basaldua, Carter Kingsborough Middle School
Fabela, Aaron Kingsborough Middle School
Saurez, Brock Kingsborough Middle School
Garcia, Partick Losoya MS
Hafner, Michael Losoya MS
Perez, Eric Losoya MS
Espinoza, Eduardo Losoya MS
Gonzales, Breydan Losoya MS
Martinez, Damian Losoya MS
Garza, Meka Leal Middle School
Badillo, Randy Terrell Wells Middle School
Diaz, Mateo Terrell Wells Middle School
Grant, Patrick Terrell Wells Middle School
Pena, Jesse Terrell Wells Middle School
Yuarte, John Terrell Wells Middle School
Espinoza, Isaiah Terrell Wells Middle School
Salais, Jeremy Kingsborough Middle School
Pina, Mason Floresville MS
Lopez, Rolando Floresville MS
Berger, Erik Floresville MS
William, Ethan Floresville MS
Clark, Donavin Floresville MS
Felan, Juan Floresville MS
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Boys Triple Jump 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bonilla, Lazaro Leal Middle School
Mejia-Compian, Kevin Leal Middle School
Isaac, Matthew Leal Middle School
Rodriguez, Jeter Leal Middle School
Rodriguez, Bryan Leal Middle School
Colunga-Lopez, Dylan Leal Middle School
Coronado, Leland Harlandale Middle School
Fraire, Dean Harlandale Middle School
Sanchez, Julian Harlandale Middle School
Gomez, Carlos Terrell Wells Middle School
Mendez, Jose Terrell Wells Middle School
Isidro, Byron Terrell Wells Middle School
LOPEZ, Tommy Pleasanton
Fair, Theo Pleasanton
Padedez, Anthony Pleasanton
REYES, Jay Pleasanton
Espinoza, John Pleasanton
Garcia, Isiah Pleasanton
Casares, Jayden Kingsborough Middle School
Garay, Mateo Kingsborough Middle School
Guia, Luis Kingsborough Middle School
Sanchez, Junior Losoya MS
Gonzales, Ryan Terrell Wells Middle School
Avila, Antonio Terrell Wells Middle School
Ramirez, Mike Terrell Wells Middle School
Casares, Jordan Kingsborough Middle School
Cardenas, Ezra Kingsborough Middle School
Campos, Xavier Kingsborough Middle School
Rico, Zaidyn Floresville MS
Pfeil, Tyce Floresville MS
Rosas, Seth Floresville MS
Mutz, Layton Floresville MS
Latka, Layton Floresville MS
Ruiz, Maximus Floresville MS
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Discus Throw 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcez, Jozlyn 68-0 Terrell Wells Middle School
Maldonado, Mckayla 62-0 Terrell Wells Middle School
Puente, Nadiya 60-0 Terrell Wells Middle School
Solis, Mariah Kingsborough Middle School
Perez, Everlee Harlandale Middle School
Valdez, Jolie Leal Middle School
Garcia, Miah Leal Middle School
Longoria, Olivia Pleasanton
Hernandez, Paulina Pleasanton
Ganzel, Zadie Pleasanton
Covarrubias, Natalie Leal Middle School
moore, amilia Floresville MS
Smolka, Teegan Floresville MS
Stump, Alexis Floresville MS
Rangel, Legacy Losoya MS
Agis, Frida Losoya MS
Phillips, Zamora Losoya MS
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Abundis, Ava Leal Middle School
Valenzuela, Leah Leal Middle School
Gomez, Jaely Harlandale Middle School
Parker, Layla Pleasanton
Reyna, Anabell Leal Middle School
Neri, Mallory Harlandale Middle School
Serrano, Tayden Harlandale Middle School
Acuna, Julia Leal Middle School
Robles, Jovi Pleasanton
OCHOA, Chloe Pleasanton
Rodriguez, Novaly Leal Middle School
Martinez, Sadie Harlandale Middle School
Diaz, Chloe Leal Middle School
David, Dylan Pleasanton
Schmidt, Kaylee Pleasanton
Galvan, Graciela 1 Losoya MS
Campos, Layla 1.00h Losoya MS
Benavides, Desiree 1.00h Floresville MS
malstaff, hailee 1.00h Floresville MS
Gonzalez, Layla 13.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
Sedillo, Jaiden 13.2 Terrell Wells Middle School
Sanchez, Isabella 13.7 Terrell Wells Middle School
Terrazas, Cyan 14.31 Kingsborough Middle School
Escobedo, Avery 14.50 Kingsborough Middle School
Garcez, Jozlyn 15.0 Terrell Wells Middle School
Fuentes, Eleanor 15.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
Elizondo, Haleigh 15.19 Kingsborough Middle School
Solis, Mariah 15.65 Kingsborough Middle School
Valdez, Larissa 17.20 Kingsborough Middle School
Johnson, Madilyn 2 Losoya MS
pelech, brooklen 2.00h Floresville MS
Fuentes, Lailah 2.00h Floresville MS
Castillo, Cassedy 2.00h Losoya MS
Bazan, Emma 3 Losoya MS
Trigo, Addisyn 3.00h Floresville MS
Rodriguez, Addison 3.00h Losoya MS
Roemer, Emery 3.00h Floresville MS
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nelson, Zoey Pleasanton
Belyeu, Eboni Pleasanton
Silva, Layla Leal Middle School
Quinonez, Nicole Harlandale Middle School
Chavez, Maribel Leal Middle School
Smith, Haley Pleasanton
Cantu, Abby Pleasanton
Mendez, Kylee Leal Middle School
Lopez, Aleana Leal Middle School
Roacha, Ryleigh Pleasanton
Esquivel, Sierra Harlandale Middle School
David, Dylan Pleasanton
Martinez, Mariah Leal Middle School
Sanchez, Nadia Kingsborough Middle School
Pongpiachan, June Leal Middle School
Gomez, Jaely Harlandale Middle School
Sanchez, Adara 1 Losoya MS
Tackitt, Averly 1.00h Floresville MS
Rendon, Anisty 1.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
Serna, Swayzie 1.00h Floresville MS
Rodriguez Aguilar, Erika 2 Losoya MS
Berlanga, Lillie 2.00h Floresville MS
Lazzari, Lilyana 2.00h Losoya MS
parsons, piper 2.00h Floresville MS
Solis, Gloria 2.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
Mancha, Isabella 21.49 Kingsborough Middle School
Martinez, Emma 23.65 Kingsborough Middle School
Hernandez, Arianna 3 Losoya MS
Rendon, Audrina 3 Losoya MS
campos, leyna 3.00h Floresville MS
Pawlik, Emma 3.00h Floresville MS
Castillo, Guadalupe 3.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Judkins, Haylie Floresville MS
Pena, Leslie Harlandale Middle School
Reyes, Aliyana Leal Middle School
Yanes, Hannah Harlandale Middle School
Robles, Jovi Pleasanton
GARZA, Leira Pleasanton
Ortega, Eva Leal Middle School
Alcala, Kayla Losoya MS
ramirez, alyza Floresville MS
Moreno, Aracely Harlandale Middle School
Garza, Juliana Floresville MS
Garcia , Zoey Leal Middle School
Tijerina, Naomi Harlandale Middle School
Mendez, Jocelin Terrell Wells Middle School
Ramirez, Jaida Floresville MS
Escamilla, Camryn Floresville MS
Aguinaga, Anabella Leal Middle School
Guerra, Amethyst Harlandale Middle School
Villarreal, Vivian Pleasanton
CORDOVA, Kensley Pleasanton
Ortiz, Harmony Leal Middle School
Wing, Kelle Floresville MS
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Acuna, Julia Leal Middle School
Esparza, Sadie Harlandale Middle School
Curry, Ree'Annika Pleasanton
Schjang, Abby Pleasanton
Barrera, Felicity Leal Middle School
Diaz, Chloe Leal Middle School
Castillo, Aria Harlandale Middle School
Colorado, Thairi Pleasanton
Torres, Khole Pleasanton
Reyna, Anabell Leal Middle School
Munoz, Devany Leal Middle School
Sauceda, Melany Pleasanton
Rodriguez, Genesys Leal Middle School
Galvan, Graciela 1 Losoya MS
Berlanga, Lillie 1.00h Floresville MS
Campos, Layla 1.00h Losoya MS
Flores, Eliyah 1.00h Floresville MS
Anderson-Wise, Jamiyah 2 Losoya MS
Castillo, Cassedy 2.00h Losoya MS
De Leon, Alani 2.00h Floresville MS
Morrison, Makaylee 2.00h Floresville MS
Gonzalez, Layla 29.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
Johnson, Madilyn 3 Losoya MS
Bingham, Molly 3.00h Floresville MS
Lang, Carley 3.00h Floresville MS
Gallegos, Kendra 3.00h Losoya MS
Sedillo, Jaiden 30.7 Terrell Wells Middle School
Sanchez, Isabella 31 Terrell Wells Middle School
Cervantes, Angelisa 32.0 Terrell Wells Middle School
Lawrence, Sara 36.21 Kingsborough Middle School
Valdez, Larissa 36.96 Kingsborough Middle School
Martinez, Emma 37.70 Kingsborough Middle School
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Girls 2400 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tijerina, Naomi Harlandale Middle School
Otto, Mariana Floresville MS
Ortega, Eva Leal Middle School
Yanes, Hannah Harlandale Middle School
Garza, Juliana Floresville MS
Villarreal, Vivian Pleasanton
Rodriguez , Eva Leal Middle School
GARZA, Leira Pleasanton
Trinidad, Blanca Floresville MS
Aguinaga, Anabella Leal Middle School
Saucedo, Jessica Floresville MS
Cruz, Tori Floresville MS
Ortiz, Harmony Leal Middle School
Orta, Natalie Leal Middle School
Wing, Kelle Floresville MS
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Nya Pleasanton
Lopez, Aleana Leal Middle School
Chavez, Maribel Leal Middle School
Pongpiachan, June Leal Middle School
Martinez, Mariah Leal Middle School
RODRIGUEZ, Cara Pleasanton
Nelson, Zoey Pleasanton
Roque, Layla Leal Middle School
Quinonez, Nicole Harlandale Middle School
WIGGINS, Madelynn Pleasanton
Smith, Haley Pleasanton
Vela, Aliana Harlandale Middle School
Rodriguez, Makayla Harlandale Middle School
Rendon, Anisty 1.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
sanchez, Ella 1.00h Floresville MS
Tackitt, Averly 1.00h Floresville MS
Melgar, Andrea 1:00.00h Kingsborough Middle School
Mancha, Isabella 1:03.00h Kingsborough Middle School
campos, leyna 2.00h Floresville MS
Solis, Gloria 2.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
Doege, Alexis 2.00h Floresville MS
Pawlik, Emma 3.00h Floresville MS
Berlanga, Gabriella 3.00h Floresville MS
Castillo, Guadalupe 3.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Robledo, Dayanith Leal Middle School
Aguinaga, Anabella Leal Middle School
Gonzales, Melina Harlandale Middle School
Reyes, Aliyana Leal Middle School
Rangel, Mia Losoya MS
Arias, Angela Leal Middle School
DeLaRosa , Eryn Leal Middle School
Reyna, Anabell Leal Middle School
Cano, Clarissa 1 Losoya MS
mcdevitt, christy 1.00h Floresville MS
campos, sofia 1.00h Floresville MS
Escobar, Gabriella 1.15 Kingsborough Middle School
Martinez, Emma 1.21 Kingsborough Middle School
Medina, Alexandra 1.36 Kingsborough Middle School
Oltivero, Jewely 1:06 Pleasanton
Garcia, Maddy 1:07 Pleasanton
Correa, Jazzabella 1:10 Pleasanton
Mendez, Jocelin 1:10 Terrell Wells Middle School
Reyes, Alicia 1:10.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
BENAVIDES, Aubree 1:12 Pleasanton
Talkington, Summer 1:12 Pleasanton
Hernandez, Kendra 1:12 Terrell Wells Middle School
Martinez, Isabella 1:13.00h Kingsborough Middle School
Villarreal, Anabel 1:18.00h Terrell Wells Middle School
Martinez, Eliana 1:18.00h Kingsborough Middle School
Martinez, Genesis 1:20 Terrell Wells Middle School
Palcios, Isabella 1:20 Pleasanton
Rodriguez Aguilar, Erika 2 Losoya MS
Ximenez, Brooke 2.00h Floresville MS
Cantu, Brooklyn 2.00h Floresville MS
Garcia Mendoza, Lucia 3 Losoya MS
Fewox, Brooke 3.00h Floresville MS
Curnow Donnelly, Sarah 3.00h Floresville MS
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Kingsborough Middle School
Relay Team A Losoya MS
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Losoya MS
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A Harlandale Middle School
Relay Team A Harlandale Middle School
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A Kingsborough Middle School
Relay Team A 57.08 Pleasanton
Relay Team A 59.00 Pleasanton
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A Kingsborough Middle School
Relay Team A Kingsborough Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A 2.00 Pleasanton
Relay Team A 2:06.56 Pleasanton
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Harlandale Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Harlandale Middle School
Relay Team A Kingsborough Middle School
Relay Team A Leal Middle School
Relay Team A Floresville MS
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A Terrell Wells Middle School
Relay Team A Kingsborough Middle School
Relay Team A 4:42.00h Pleasanton
Relay Team A 4:56.00h Pleasanton
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Girls 800 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
De La Torree, Alondra Losoya MS
Martinez, Genesis Terrell Wells Middle School
Roque, Layla Leal Middle School
Doege, Alexis Floresville MS
Jones, Karra Floresville MS
Reyes, Aliyana Leal Middle School
Hernandez, Kendra Terrell Wells Middle School
Tijerina, Naomi Harlandale Middle School
Robledo, Dayanith Leal Middle School
Ramirez, Jaida Floresville MS
Kellner, Kenly Floresville MS
Garcia , Zoey Leal Middle School
Dehoyos, Brielle Harlandale Middle School
Guerra, Amethyst Harlandale Middle School
Alcala, Kayla Losoya MS
Reyes, Alicia Terrell Wells Middle School
Mendez, Jocelin Terrell Wells Middle School
Munoz, Carlie Leal Middle School
Moreno, Aracely Harlandale Middle School
Colvin, Kiana Floresville MS
Cruz, Tori Floresville MS
Yanes, Hannah Harlandale Middle School
Diaz, Chloe Leal Middle School
CORDOVA, Kensley 2:56 Pleasanton
Cano, Clarissa 2:57.00h Losoya MS
Leos, Ally 2:59 Pleasanton
Sauceda, Melany 3:01 Pleasanton
Martinez, Isabella 3:01.00h Kingsborough Middle School
Torres, Khole 3:05 Pleasanton
Villarreal, Yadhira 3:15.00h Losoya MS
Martinez, Eliana 3:23.00h Kingsborough Middle School
Del Angel, Abrielle 3:30.00h Losoya MS
Garcia, Mia 3:43 Pleasanton
Lawrence, Sara 3:49.00h Kingsborough Middle School
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Girls Discus 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valenzuela, Perla Leal Middle School
Ruvalcaba, Alizon Leal Middle School
Aguirre, Genesis Leal Middle School
Berdicio, Kya Pleasanton
Saldavar, Annabel Pleasanton
Hime, Brianna Pleasanton
kotzur, clara Floresville MS
Hartmann, Lacy Floresville MS
Denavejar, Gabby Floresville MS
Vallejo, Alina Losoya MS
Rico, Amelia Losoya MS
West, Leandra Losoya MS
Gonzales, Rebecca Harlandale Middle School
Suarez, Isabella Harlandale Middle School
Zapata, Aliana Harlandale Middle School
Gutierrez, Alyssa Terrell Wells Middle School
Fuentes, Eleanor Terrell Wells Middle School
Cano, Aubrielle Terrell Wells Middle School
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Girls High Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roque, Layla Leal Middle School
Abundis, Ava Leal Middle School
Valdez, Larissa Kingsborough Middle School
Elizondo, Haleigh Kingsborough Middle School
Yanez, Sophie Kingsborough Middle School
Martinez, Mariah Leal Middle School
Mendez, Kylee Leal Middle School
Sanchez, Nadia Kingsborough Middle School
Strange, Brileigh Pleasanton
David, Dylan Pleasanton
Nelson, Zoey Pleasanton
Galvan, Graciela Losoya MS
Johnson, Madilyn Losoya MS
Roemer, Emery Floresville MS
Tackitt, Averly Floresville MS
woelfler, sabree Floresville MS
mcdevitt, christy Floresville MS
Lang, Carley Floresville MS
Freeman, Mia Floresville MS
Sanchez, Adara Losoya MS
Perez, Marciana Losoya MS
Ramos, Seanna Losoya MS
Ortiz, Eliannah Terrell Wells Middle School
Gonzalez, Layla Terrell Wells Middle School
Serrano, Tayden Harlandale Middle School
Quinonez, Nicole Harlandale Middle School
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Girls Long Jump 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mancha, Isabella Kingsborough Middle School
Martinez, Emma Kingsborough Middle School
Escobar, Gabriella Kingsborough Middle School
Martinez, Eliana Kingsborough Middle School
Hernandez, Kiley Kingsborough Middle School
Escobedo, Avery Kingsborough Middle School
Esquivel, Sierra Harlandale Middle School
Neri, Mallory Harlandale Middle School
Korrodi , Lorena Harlandale Middle School
Schjang, Abby Pleasanton
Oltivero, Jewely Pleasanton
Katcsmorak, Macy Pleasanton
EVANS, Lillie Pleasanton
Bernal, Emmalyn Pleasanton
Correa, Jazzabella Pleasanton
Barrera, Felicity Leal Middle School
Ortiz, Harmony Leal Middle School
Acuna, Julia Leal Middle School
Mendez, Kylee Leal Middle School
Martinez, Mariah Leal Middle School
Arias, Angela Leal Middle School
Bazan, Emma Losoya MS
Johnson, Madilyn Losoya MS
Flores, Eliyah Floresville MS
Fewox, Brooke Floresville MS
Fuentes, Lailah Floresville MS
Lang, Carley Floresville MS
Morrison, Makaylee Floresville MS
pelech, brooklen Floresville MS
Campos, Layla Losoya MS
Castillo, Cassedy Losoya MS
Rodriguez, Addison Losoya MS
Rendon, Anisty Terrell Wells Middle School
Sedillo, Jaiden Terrell Wells Middle School
Sanchez, Isabella Terrell Wells Middle School
Fuentes, Eleanor Terrell Wells Middle School
Alvarado, Kaylen Terrell Wells Middle School
Leal, Emerie Terrell Wells Middle School
Serrano, Tayden Harlandale Middle School
Munoz, Carmen Harlandale Middle School
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Girls Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
De Leon, Alani Floresville MS
Ximenez, Brooke Floresville MS
malstaff, hailee Floresville MS
Avila, Joselyn Floresville MS
Johnson, Adelyn Floresville MS
Del Angel, Abrielle Losoya MS
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Girls Shot Put 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valenzuela, Perla Leal Middle School
Elizondo, Haleigh Kingsborough Middle School
Escobar, Gabriella Kingsborough Middle School
Solis, Mariah Kingsborough Middle School
Korrodi , Lorena Harlandale Middle School
Aguirre, Genesis Leal Middle School
Valdez, Jolie Leal Middle School
Garcia, Miah Leal Middle School
Longoria, Olivia Pleasanton
Bazan, Jillian Pleasanton
Hernandez, Nelaha Pleasanton
Huron, Sophia Pleasanton
Taylor, Lola Pleasanton
Bernal, Emmalyn Pleasanton
Covarrubias, Natalie Leal Middle School
Smolka, Teegan Floresville MS
Olalde, Juliana Floresville MS
Wiatrek, Jillian Floresville MS
Rangel, Legacy Losoya MS
Phillips, Zamora Losoya MS
Fewox, Isabelle Floresville MS
Avila, Joselyn Floresville MS
Vidal, Kyleigh Floresville MS
West, Leandra Losoya MS
Wilson, Jozelyn Losoya MS
Vallejo, Alina Losoya MS
Ruvalcaba, Alizon Leal Middle School
Pritchard, Juleana Losoya MS
Gonzales, Rebecca Harlandale Middle School
Suarez, Isabella Harlandale Middle School
Zapata, Aliana Harlandale Middle School
Maldonado, Mckayla Terrell Wells Middle School
Puente, Nadiya Terrell Wells Middle School
Garcez, Jozlyn Terrell Wells Middle School
Ramos, Margarita Terrell Wells Middle School
Gutierrez, Alyssa Terrell Wells Middle School
Cano, Aubrielle Terrell Wells Middle School
Mendiola, Diana Harlandale Middle School
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Girls Triple Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Galvan, Graciela 28-1 Losoya MS
Bazan, Emma 26-7 Losoya MS
Abundis, Ava Leal Middle School
Barrera, Felicity Leal Middle School
Roque, Layla Leal Middle School
Martinez, Emma Kingsborough Middle School
Mancha, Isabella Kingsborough Middle School
Melgar, Andrea Kingsborough Middle School
Martinez, Eliana Kingsborough Middle School
Hernandez, Kiley Kingsborough Middle School
Escobedo, Avery Kingsborough Middle School
Acuna, Julia Leal Middle School
Ramirez, Valerie Leal Middle School
Garcia, Maddy Pleasanton
EVANS, Lillie Pleasanton
Correa, Jazzabella Pleasanton
BENAVIDES, Aubree Pleasanton
David, Dylan Pleasanton
Brymer, Kyle Pleasanton
Torres, Ariel Leal Middle School
Lazzari, Lilyana Losoya MS
Tackitt, Averly Floresville MS
Bingham, Molly Floresville MS
Fuentes, Lailah Floresville MS
Pawlik, Emma Floresville MS
Serna, Swayzie Floresville MS
mcdevitt, christy Floresville MS
Castillo, Cassedy Losoya MS
Campos, Layla Losoya MS
Garcia Mendoza, Lucia Losoya MS
Padilla, Thalia Terrell Wells Middle School
Ortiz, Eliannah Terrell Wells Middle School
Sedillo, Jaiden Terrell Wells Middle School
Gonzalez, Layla Terrell Wells Middle School
Leal, Emerie Terrell Wells Middle School
Vela, Aliana Harlandale Middle School
Quinonez, Nicole Harlandale Middle School
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