Meet Information
Western Bank Gruver HoundPack Invitational 2024
Tuesday September 3, 2024
Dear Coaches,
Thank you for your interest in attending the HoundPack XC Meet. This is an unconventional meet in terms of day of the week and even time. We will begin at 5:30pm and it will consist of four divisions: JH girls, JH boys, HS girls, HS boys. Due to some constraints, the HS boys will be a 2 mile course. Medals will be provided to the top 10 in each division. Team scores will be tabulated.
Entries will be made online through txmilesplit. Meet name is Gruver Invitational.
Entry Deadline: Thursday 8/29 by 12:00 pm
Entry Fees for $8 per runnerChecks Payable to: Gruver Athletics
5:30JH Girls
6:00JH Boys
6:30HS Girls
7:00HS Boys
Team Parking:
Please park in the grass area just South of the old Field house. We have many schools attending and would like to keep our parking lot open for spectators as much as possible.
We ask teams to set up camps in the Home stands (West Side of FB field). Please keep the football field clear. We will have plenty of trash cans distributed throughout our facility, so please have your athletes utilize these.
Our concession stand will offer team charges. There will be a Team brown bag special that will be discounted from the regular price. Invoices will be emailed to schools promptly following the meet. Once you receive them, please take care of these with your business office as soon as possible.
If you plan on setting up a team charge, please email team rosters to email below by Friday August 30, 2024.
Concession stand contact:
Thank you and best of luck this season,
Steven Livingston - Head XC (806) 683-5963
Kurt Haberthur - Athletic Director (806) 336-1246
Course Map: