Hebbronville XC Invitational Meet 2024 vs Longhorn XC Invitational Meet 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -11 50 61
Overall Average -2:20.28 20:31.36 22:51.64
1st-10th Place -57.37 17:33.32 18:30.69
1st-25th Place -1:16.99 18:24.04 19:41.02
1st-50th Place -53.92 20:31.36 21:25.27
1st-100th Place -3:41.02 10:15.68 13:56.70
Common Athletes -- -- 20
Ran Faster -- 10 10
Ran Season Best 7 9 2
Average Time -6.80 21:00.82 21:07.61
Median Time +52.90 21:04.10 20:11.20
Middle 80% Times -14.10 20:40.56 20:54.66
Top 10% Times -1:05.75 15:58.85 17:04.60
Top 25% Times -1:00.76 17:06.40 18:07.16
Top 50% Times -41.36 18:16.28 18:57.64
Bottom 50% Times +27.77 23:45.35 23:17.58
Bottom 25% Times +44.90 26:00.52 25:15.62
Bottom 10% Times +1:50.60 28:44.80 26:54.20
Average Difference -6.80 -- --
Median Difference +1:38.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -20.07 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:05.75 -- --
Top 50% Difference -45.80 -- --
Top 25% Difference -41.22 -- --
Top 50% Difference -45.80 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +32.21 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +19.94 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:38.35 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Gary Custer Hebbronville -44.00 15:55.80 16:39.80
Gabriel Garcia Zapata -1:27.50 16:01.90 17:29.40
Elian LaFuente Premont -36.00 17:43.60 18:19.60
Christian Sanchez Zapata -2:16.90 17:54.30 20:11.20
DeMarcos Gonzalez Premont -1:10.30 17:56.40 19:06.70
Adrian Turi Zapata -1:42.10 18:11.40 19:53.50
Diego Gonzalez Zapata -50.40 18:51.10 19:41.50
Victor Lozano Hebbronville +31.70 19:32.00 19:00.30
Quisto Sanchez Falfurrias +1:38.90 21:04.80 19:25.90
Oscar Carrillo Hebbronville +1:44.30 21:41.90 19:57.60
Aleksis Arambula Hebbronville +10.30 20:12.40 20:02.10
Abraham Palacios Laredo St Augustine -1:50.70 20:23.90 22:14.60
Joseph Luna Premont +27.20 21:04.10 20:36.90
Jesus Jimenez Hebbronville +1:53.60 22:33.50 20:39.90
Seth Garza San Diego -2:38.40 21:47.20 24:25.60
Russell Jordan Laredo St Augustine -2:34.30 21:52.90 24:27.20
Josh Cravey Premont +16.30 23:11.40 22:55.10
Victor Garcia Hebbronville +4:22.80 27:59.70 23:36.90
Homer Espinosa Zapata +1:35.70 26:48.10 25:12.40
Samual Carbajal Falfurrias +53.90 29:29.90 28:36.00