Marshall Young Invitational 2025

Cleburne, TX
Hosted by Cleburne
Timing/Results Track For Life

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Meet Information

Marshall Young Invitational

Friday, March 28th, 2025

8:30 a.m.
Coaches Meeting - Indoor facility adjacent to the track

Scratches Only. All entries will be done online using milesplit. Please include seed

times. ENTRIES MUST BE FINALIZED BY 12:00 PM ON Thursday MARCH 27th!

Heat #1 will be the fast heat.

All races in All Divisions will be timed finals.

10:00 a.m. 3200 m. Run (Finals) - JVG, VG, JVB, VB

10:30 a.m. Field Events (This is a rolling schedule!)

Participants will need to be ready to warm-up when the group before them finishes.

Divisions will be flighted if they need to be.

Pit #1 Boys Jumpers (Long 1st

, Triple 2nd) - VB, JVB

Pit #2 Girls Jumpers (Long 1st

, Triple 2nd) - VG, JVG,

Shot Put (Ring #1) - JVB, JVG, VG, VB

Discus (Ring #1) - VG, VB, JVB, JVG

Varsity will get 4 attempts - JV will get 3 Attempts (No Finals)

Opening Heights:

Pole Vault #1 - JVG, VG, JVB, VB 6'6" 7' 8' 9' (Please do not move mats without


High Jump Pit (#1) - VB, VG, JVB, JVG 5'6" 4'4" 5'2" 4'0"

2:00 p.m. Running Finals (We will follow this order - (JVG, VG, JVB, VB) Or

30 min 4 x 100m Relay

After last 800m Dash

Field Event 100m Hurdles

110m Hurdles

100m Dash

4 x 200m Relay

400m Dash

300m Hurdles

200m Dash

1600m Run

4 x 400m Relay


1. Bus parking will be sent out in a separate email.

2. We will assign lanes by seed times. We will make heat #1 the fast heat.

3. Please remind your athletes and parents to make all camps outside of the track. Only coaches,

athletes and media will be allowed on the infield.

4. Warm-up area will be on the infield