Athlete: Justin King
School: Frisco Wakeland
1. What was your most memorable race/moment?
The most memorable moment of my high school career would have to be Regionals for Cross Country in 2012. After the race, I thought, there was no way we did well at all, but my coaches thought there was a chance, that we made it, and we did! This is when it all started, and it was crazy to even fathom we were making it out as a team to state for the first time in school history.
2. What was your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment in my four years of high school running would probably have to be winning state as a team last year in 2015. After getting 8th in 2012, being so close with 3rd in 2013, having some setbacks but still managing to pull off 5th in 2014, and then finally pulling out the W by 4 points last year, the ride has been crazy. I think this quote pretty much sums up running XC in high school for all four years," It is true when people say the journey alone is greater than the destination."
3. If you could do it all over again what would you change about your running career in high school?
If I could change one thing about my running career in high school, it would be to connect with as many people as you can freshman year. Friendships pay off, and who knows, you could become future teammates at the collegiate level someday! Other than that, absolutely nothing! High School is fun, so enjoy it while you can!
4. What were the most difficult obstacles you had to overcome?
I would say one of the most difficult obstacles I have had to overcome was the thought of me not being good enough. My junior year racing was kinda tough, I just was in this funk, and after such a successful season my sophomore year, I sort of was too harsh on myself. I took me not leading the team (or myself being our top guy) a little too seriously. Now I realize that sometimes these things happen, and I can't really complain either because it only benefits the team even more!
5. What will you miss the most?
I'm going to miss the people. The coaches, teammates, friends, family. Racing against rivals. Bumping elbows. Seeing the sunrise every day. The sweet taste of water. Mile/grass repeats. Intervals. Long runs. Warren park for some reason. The grind. All of it. High School only happens once, and I'm really sad to see it go.
6. What advice would you give to younger athletes?
Advice I would give to younger athletes.... Dig the finish line. KICK! No matter what leave it all out there because you don't want to wonder, "What if?".
7. What influence has your coach had with respect to your performance and overall life goals?
Both of my coaches influence on me the past 4 years has been amazing, they have taught me so much more than running alone. I'm just glad they have helped me out in making the best of every situation.
8. What are your college plans?
My college plans are to attend Texas Tech University and run really fast. I don't know what I want to minor/major in but hopefully that works itself out! :)
9. Who would you like to say 'thank you' to?
I would like to say thank you to... Coach Tidwell and Enright for always helping me believe in myself. The entire varsity cross country team of 2012(Ricardo Riojas, Seth Elliott, Cutter Oglesby, Tristan Honaker, Cameron Wilk, Turner Pool aka "The Clydesdale", and also Maddie Zimmerman), All the other runners that have come through Wakeland and have graduated already, the varsity 2015 cross country team that being, Brady Smith, Nick Hendrix, my brother Cameron King, Carson Cornett, Jacob Hughes, and once again Cutter Oglesby! Also my family and extended family for always supporting me in what I do, regardless the outcome I love you guys! And last but not least, really the school of Wakeland and the city of Frisco.
10. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I would like to also add that I can't wait to be a Red Raider and help grind our way to the next big thing! Whether that be win Big 12's someday or making it to nationals as a team (I've got big goals), I hope I can just help make an impact in any way, shape or form. Also, watch out for Wakeland XC next year, big things ahead for those guys and gals. STOP WAKELAND!!!
11. Who would you consider your biggest competition over your four years?
My biggest competition would have to be my brother, that's for sure. Kudos to him.
12. What was the funniest thing that happened during your running career?
The funniest thing that happened during my running career would have to be Districts for cross country in 2013. It had just rained, and the grass was really slippery, so traction was pretty hard to get. Now, there are sort of small boxes at the starting line, and with Frisco ISD is adding more and more high schools every year, space is pretty limited. We toe the line, and I'm in the front, with Turner Pool behind me. The gun goes off. I slip, and fall. Turner tries to get around me, and almost falls himself. I eventually regain balance and start running to make up ground. I didn't think much of this moment at the time, because I was running, but a photographer got it all on camera. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words...... sadly.
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