Register For GCSTCA 2020 Coaches Clinic

Register For Gulf Coast Scholastic Track Coaches Association/Clinic

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The Gulf Coast Scholastic Track Coaches Association (GCSTCA) will hold their annual coaches clinic in Houston, Texas on January 3-4, 2020. The Greater Houston area high school coaches will have registration for the association, the clinic, as well as a top notch audio/visual clinic.

Speakers, interactive presentations, and Hall of Honor induction will headline the informative first weekend of the new year. Included, but not limited to will be a student/athlete scholarship acknowledgement.

Related: GCSTCA Scholarship Criteria

The members of the Gulf Coast Scholastic Track Coaches Association, are dedicated to the promotion of scholastic track and field in the Greater Houston and Gulf Coast Areas. The goal is to provide low cost coaches education through annual clinics, recognize the accomplishments of coaches that have come before us through our Hall of Honor, recognize student-athletes with scholarship support and to provide a network for the dissemination of track related information. 

Register For Gulf Coast Scholastic Track Coaches Association/Clinic