MAC Vault Academy High School 2021 Championships

The Mac Vault Academy will host a high school championship meet this today in Navasota, Texas. Many of the state's best vaulters will compete this weekend for their club teams and unattached including several SPC, TAPPS, and UIL state champions and state meet qualifiers.

Check out the information below to see the information you need to know.

Time & Location

May 22, 9:00 AM
MAC Vault Academy, 24286 State Highway 6 South, Navasota TX 77868

Tentative Schedule:

9 AM - Warm up - 10 AM - Jump - Masters Men, Masters Women, High School Girls Red division (PR's 7-10')  

11:30 AM - Warm Up - 12:30 PM - Jump - High School Girls Yellow division (10'-10'6"), High School Boys Red (10'-12'6")& Yellow divisions (12'6"-14')

2 PM - Warm Up 3PM - Jump - High School Girls Bronze (PR's 10'6"-11'6") & Silver (PR's 11'6-12'6")divisions & High School Boys Bronze (PR's 14-14'6) divisions

4:30 PM - Warm Up - 5:30 PM - Jump - High School Girls Gold division (PR's 12'6"-14') & High School Boys Silver (PR's 14'6"-15') and Gold division (PR's 15'-17'4")

About the Event

Come to the MAC Vault Academy's High School Championships. There will be a spectator fee of $5 per person (13+). Coaches, athletes, and volunteers will get in free. 

*Refunds will not be issued for this event. Please take this into consideration prior to registration*

Click "Read More" For more info and a tentative schedule.

When: May 22nd, 2021

Where: MAC Vault Academy, 24286 State Highway 6 South, Navasota, TX 77868

What: Pole vault meet for vaulters of all ages and skill levels