District 13-14 Area Meet 2A 2013

Riesel, TX
Hosted by Riesel



         Districts 13 & 14 Area Meet
              Hosted by Riesel High School
                            April 17, 2013
                  Division Point Totals
                           Varsity Boys

     Place                  Team              Points
       1st      Buffalo                        102
      2nd       Red Oak Life                    96
      3rd       Eustace                         67
      4th       Dallas Life Oak Cliff           54
      5th       Scurry-Rosser                   46
      6th       Riesel                          39
      7th       Marlin                          34
      7th       Rice                            34
      7th       Teague                          34
      10th      Palmer                          30
      11th      Blooming Grove                  14
      11th      Corsicana Mildred               14
      13th      Kemp                            12
      14th      Malakoff                        11
      15th      Dallas Faith Family             2
      16th      Dallas Hampton Prep

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                                              Districts 13 & 14 Area Meet
                                                 Hosted by Riesel High School
                                                             April 17, 2013
                                                          Division Results
                                                            Varsity Boys

                           100 M Dash                                                       4 x 100 (400 M) Relay
Place          Athlete                Team               Time             Place            Athletes         Team              Time
 1st     Foulks, Shawn           Red Oak Life            11.12              1st    Bu#1                Buffalo
 2nd     Fulmer, Vester          Buffalo                 11.35                     Bu#2
 3rd     Thomas, Gaige           Red Oak Life            11.50                     Bu#3
 4th     Starling, Draylon       Corsicana Mildred       11.67                     Simpson, Adam
 5th     Jones, Logan            Buffalo                 11.72             2nd     Te#1                Teague
 6th     Blake, Kaine            Red Oak Life            11.88                     Te#2
                           200 M Dash                                              Mitchell, Aaron
Place          Athlete                Team               Time               3rd    Ri#1                Riesel
 1st     Fulmer, Vester          Buffalo                 22.49                     Ri#3
 2nd     Garrison, Tyler         Scurry-Rosser           22.55                     Curtis, LJ
 3rd     Thomas, Gaige           Red Oak Life            22.80              4th    DL#1                Dallas Life Oak ...    44.35
 4th     Foulks, Shawn           Red Oak Life            23.00                     DL#2
 5th     McCallister, Garrian    Malakoff                23.40                     DL#3
 6th     Starling, Draylon       Corsicana Mildred       23.99                     DL#4
                                                                            5th    Ma#1                Malakoff               44.58
                           400 M Dash                                              Ma#2
Place          Athlete                Team               Time                      Ma#3
 1st     Henderson, Rodrick      Dallas Life Oak ...     50.72                     Ma#4
 2nd     Foster, Stephen         Riesel                  51.24              6th    Pa#1                Palmer                 45.14
 3rd     Foster, Dylan           Scurry-Rosser           51.49                     Pa#2
 4th     Webb, Morgan            Kemp                    53.02                     Pa#3
 5th     Ballard, Jeremy         Corsicana Mildred       53.54                     Pa#4
 6th     Arey, Jared             Teague                  54.86

                            800 M Run
Place          Athlete                Team               Time
 1st     Thompson, Ian           Red Oak Life           2:03.89
 2nd     Baumgartner, Tyler      Blooming Grove         2:06.07
 3rd     Holloway, Darion        Riesel                 2:06.20
 4th     Delgado, Mason          Palmer                 2:07.50
 5th     Kirkhart, Gavin         Eustace                2:11.74
 6th     Chu, Evan               Corsicana Mildred      2:11.75

                          3200 M Run
Place          Athlete                Team               Time
 1st     Arambula, Evan          Eustace                10:02.98
 2nd     Perez, Jesus            Kemp                   10:25.69
 3rd     Zimmerer, Mark          Eustace                10:29.37
 4th     Hawkins, Hunter         Blooming Grove         11:14.98
 5th     Conger, Richard         Blooming Grove         11:25.69
 6th     Schwartz, Preston       Eustace                11:47.69

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                                             Districts 13 & 14 Area Meet
                                             Hosted by Riesel High School
                                                        April 17, 2013
                                             Division Results (Continued...)
                                                        Varsity Boys

                  4 x 200 (800 M) Relay                                             4 x 400 (1600 M) Relay
Place            Athletes            Team           Time          Place            Athletes               Team           Time
 1st     RO#1                Red Oak Life           1:31.76         1st    DL#9                   Dallas Life Oak ...    3:29.34
         RO#2                                                              DL#10
         RO#3                                                              DL#11
         RO#4                                                              DL#12
 2nd     DL#5                Dallas Life Oak ...    1:31.89        2nd     Sc#9                   Scurry-Rosser          3:32.54
         DL#6                                                              Sc#10
         DL#7                                                              Sc#11
         DL#8                                                              Sc#12
 3rd     Ri#1                Rice                   1:33.71         3rd    Eu#1                   Eustace                3:33.01
         Ri#2                                                              Eu#2
         Ri#3                                                              Eu#3
         Ri#4                                                              Eu#4
 4th     Ma#4                Marlin                 1:34.06         4th    Bu#4                   Buffalo                3:35.49
         Ma#5                                                              Bu#5
         Ma#6                                                              Bu#6
         Ma#7                                                              Bu#7
 5th     Ma#5                Malakoff               1:34.29         5th    Ri#8                   Riesel                 3:37.68
         Ma#6                                                              Ri#9
         Ma#7                                                              Ri#10
         Ma#8                                                              Ri#11
 6th     Ri#4                Riesel                 1:34.87         6th    Pa#5                   Palmer                 3:39.52
         Ri#5                                                              Pa#6
         Ri#6                                                              Pa#7
         Ri#7                                                              Pa#8

                                                                                           110 M Hurdles
                                                                  Place             Athlete               Team           Time
                                                                    1st    Thompson, Joseph       Buffalo                15.56
                                                                   2nd     Adams, William         Buffalo                15.92
                                                                    3rd    Gaulden, Eric          Red Oak Life           16.60
                                                                    4th    Cruz, Alex             Rice                   16.63
                                                                    5th    Mitchell, Ty           Palmer                 16.85
                                                                    6th    Heath, Tyler           Riesel                 18.10

                                                                                           300 M Hurdles
                                                                  Place             Athlete               Team           Time
                                                                    1st    Garcia, Aric           Palmer                 40.83
                                                                   2nd     Adams, William         Buffalo                40.88
                                                                    3rd    Thompson, Joseph       Buffalo                42.17
                                                                    4th    Gaulden, Eric          Red Oak Life           42.28
                                                                    5th    Cruz, Alex             Rice                   42.86
                                                                    6th    Bradburn, John         Eustace                42.90

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                                                   Districts 13 & 14 Area Meet
                                                   Hosted by Riesel High School
                                                               April 17, 2013
                                                   Division Results (Continued...)
                                                              Varsity Boys

                            Long Jump                                                                   Pole Vault
Place          Athlete                     Team          Distance           Place          Athlete                    Team         Height
 1st     Garcia, Aric              Palmer                20-10 1/2            1st    Givan, Austin            Eustace               11-0
 2nd     Foulks, Shawn             Red Oak Life           20-3 1/2           2nd     Kirkhart, Gavin          Eustace               11-0
 3rd     Lopez, Jesus              Buffalo                20-2 1/4            3rd    Goodwin, Evan            Teague                10-0
 4th     Adams, William            Buffalo                20-1 3/4            4th    Cruz, Alex               Rice                  10-0
 5th     Thompson, Ian             Red Oak Life           20-1 1/2            5th    Cecil, Trent             Corsicana Mildred     10-0
 6th     Manning, Carrington       Malakoff               20-1 1/2            6th    LaChapelle, Tristin      Rice                  9-6

                              Shot Put
Place          Athlete                     Team          Distance
 1st     Wosmack, Desmond          Marlin                 47-2 1/4
 2nd     David, Perry              Red Oak Life           46-6 1/4
 3rd     Taylor, Riggin            Riesel                44-10 1/2
 4th     Anderson, Zach            Red Oak Life           43-3 3/4
 5th     Henderson, Kelton         Teague                 42-7 3/4
 6th     Henderson, Ragan          Rice                    42-7

Place          Athlete                     Team          Distance
 1st     Henderson, Ragan          Rice                    164-1
 2nd     Purselley, Kyle           Eustace                 132-5
 3rd     Folsom, Tyler             Eustace                 130-9
 4th     Morris, Brandon           Scurry-Rosser         127-10 1/2
 5th     Dominquez, Jose           Buffalo                121-11
 6th     David, Perry              Red Oak Life            115-8

                           Triple Jump
Place          Athlete                     Team          Distance
 1st     Steele, Devontae          Marlin                  45-5
 2nd     Brooks, Daryl             Teague                  43-2
 3rd     Thompson, Ian             Red Oak Life           42-0 1/2
 4th     Garrison, Tyler           Scurry-Rosser          41-4 1/2
 5th     Davis, Peter              Dallas Faith Fa...     40-2 1/4
 6th     Bradburn, John            Eustace               39-11 1/4

                            High Jump
Place          Athlete                     Team           Height
 1st     Adams, William            Buffalo                 6-10
 2nd     Blanton, Jalen            Scurry-Rosser            6-2
 3rd     Steele, Devontae          Marlin                   6-0
 4th     Starling, Draylon         Corsicana Mildred        6-0
 5th     Stokes, Tyler             Eustace                 5-10
 6th     Brooks, Daryl             Teague                  5-10


         Districts 13 & 14 Area Meet
              Hosted by Riesel High School
                            April 17, 2013
                  Division Point Totals
                            Varsity Girls

     Place                  Team              Points
       1st      Eustace                        120
      2nd       Teague                          98
      3rd       Marlin                          90
      4th       Kemp                            60
      5th       Dallas Life Oak Cliff           55
      6th       Red Oak Life                    48
      7th       Blooming Grove                  40
      8th       Scurry-Rosser                   21
      9th       Riesel                          20
      9th       Palmer                          20
      9th       Dallas Hampton Prep             20
      12th      Corsicana Mildred               15
      13th      Malakoff                        7
      14th      Rice                            4
      15th      Buffalo                         1
      16th      Dallas Faith Family

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                                                 Districts 13 & 14 Area Meet
                                                 Hosted by Riesel High School
                                                            April 17, 2013
                                                         Division Results
                                                            Varsity Girls

                           100 M Dash                                                             3200 M Run
Place          Athlete                   Team           Time             Place            Athlete            Team               Time
 1st     Pettit, Jaelyn          Dallas Hampton...      13.30              1st    Crocker, Samantha     Eustace                13:12.40
 2nd     McQuirter, Jasmine      Teague                 13.34             2nd     Smith, Jayme          Teague                 13:20.54
 3rd     Crear, Kayla            Marlin                 13.39              3rd    Kaminski, Caitlynn    Teague                 13:24.42
 4th     Horner, Sidney          Blooming Grove         13.49              4th    Barnes, Jordan        Red Oak Life           13:55.16
 5th     Wiggins, Treounah       Blooming Grove         13.65              5th    Mack, Kim             Blooming Grove         14:20.29
 6th     Powell, Maia            Red Oak Life           13.69              6th    Kile, Harley          Eustace                14:39.45

                           200 M Dash                                                      4 x 100 (400 M) Relay
Place          Athlete                   Team           Time             Place            Athletes           Team               Time
 1st     Pettit, Jaelyn          Dallas Hampton...      26.68              1st    DL#1                  Dallas Life Oak ...     49.98
 2nd     Williams, Diamond       Dallas Life Oak ...    27.12                     DL#2
 3rd     Cox, Nicole             Kemp                   27.82                     DL#3
 4th     Gordon, Nicole          Scurry-Rosser          27.83                     DL#4
 5th     Morena, Miram           Teague                 27.85             2nd     Ma#1                  Marlin                  50.88
 6th     Ross, Bernadette        Blooming Grove         28.54                     Ma#2
                           400 M Dash                                             Ma#4
Place          Athlete                   Team           Time               3rd    Te#1                  Teague                  51.31
 1st     Hernandez, Cristal      Palmer                 1:03.35                   Te#3
 2nd     Thompson, Madison       Kemp                   1:03.36                   Te#4
 3rd     Starling, Davesha       Blooming Grove         1:03.71            4th    BG#1                  Blooming Grove          51.34
 4th     Sadie, Gent             Rice                   1:04.05                   BG#2
 5th     Gordon, Nicole          Scurry-Rosser          1:06.01                   BG#3
 6th     Hierholzer, Allison     Corsicana Mildred      1:06.88                   BG#4
                                                                           5th    RO#1                  Red Oak Life            51.39
                           800 M Run                                              RO#2
Place          Athlete                   Team           Time                      RO#3
 1st     Gage, Kelsey            Kemp                   2:32.11                   RO#4
 2nd     Devries, Jesse          Blooming Grove         2:35.22            6th    Ke#1                  Kemp                    53.32
 3rd     Taylor, Noa             Eustace                2:37.31                   Ke#2
 4th     Hooten, Riley           Red Oak Life           2:41.58                   Ke#3
 5th     Binley, Cheyenne        Scurry-Rosser          2:44.70                   Ke#4
 6th     Atkeisson, Presly       Blooming Grove         2:46.01

                           1600 M Run
Place          Athlete                   Team           Time
 1st     Crocker, Samantha       Eustace                5:57.26
 2nd     Moore, Madison          Corsicana Mildred      6:00.69
 3rd     Cruz, Brenda            Malakoff               6:05.79
 4th     Binley, Cheyenne        Scurry-Rosser          6:09.05
 5th     Barnes, Jordan          Red Oak Life           6:10.91
 6th     Smith, Jayme            Teague                 6:14.68

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                                          Districts 13 & 14 Area Meet
                                             Hosted by Riesel High School
                                                        April 17, 2013
                                             Division Results (Continued...)
                                                        Varsity Girls

                  4 x 200 (800 M) Relay                                             4 x 400 (1600 M) Relay
Place            Athletes         Team              Time          Place            Athletes          Team          Time
 1st     Ma#5                Marlin                 1:46.85         1st    Ma#9                  Marlin            4:09.48
         Ma#6                                                              Ma#10
         Ma#7                                                              Ma#11
         Ma#8                                                              Ma#12
 2nd     Te#5                Teague                 1:49.12        2nd     Ke#9                  Kemp              4:21.21
         Te#6                                                              Ke#10
         Te#7                                                              Ke#11
         Te#8                                                              Ke#12
 3rd     RO#5                Red Oak Life           1:49.47         3rd    Eu#5                  Eustace           4:24.06
         RO#6                                                              Eu#6
         RO#7                                                              Eu#7
         RO#8                                                              Eu#8
 4th     DL#5                Dallas Life Oak ...    1:49.68         4th    Sc#1                  Scurry-Rosser     4:27.96
         DL#6                                                              Sc#2
         DL#7                                                              Sc#3
         DL#8                                                              Sc#4
 5th     Eu#1                Eustace                1:50.94         5th    Te#9                  Teague            4:29.77
         Eu#2                                                              Te#10
         Eu#3                                                              Te#11
         Eu#4                                                              Te#12
 6th     BG#5                Blooming Grove         1:52.04         6th    BG#9                  Blooming Grove    4:30.02
         BG#6                                                              BG#10
         BG#7                                                              BG#11
         BG#8                                                              BG#12

                                                                                          100 M Hurdles
                                                                  Place            Athlete           Team          Time
                                                                    1st    Aiken, Jaci           Eustace           16.46
                                                                   2nd     Evans, Morgan         Riesel            17.19
                                                                    3rd    Kadlacek, Erin        Riesel            17.50
                                                                    4th    Davis, Karley         Blooming Grove    17.54
                                                                    5th    Weisinger, Bree       Kemp              17.59
                                                                    6th    Gilmore, Erika        Malakoff          17.82

                                                                                          300 M Hurdles
                                                                  Place            Athlete           Team          Time
                                                                    1st    Allen, Madi           Eustace           48.61
                                                                   2nd     Thornton, Tatum       Red Oak Life      49.25
                                                                    3rd    Kadlacek, Erin        Riesel            49.97
                                                                    4th    Weisinger, Bree       Kemp              51.04
                                                                    5th    Timms, Shuncy         Marlin            52.49
                                                                    6th    Matchett, Hannah      Teague            56.40

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                              TrackMate Online - www.microsport.com - (210) 497-6617


                                                  Districts 13 & 14 Area Meet
                                                    Hosted by Riesel High School
                                                                April 17, 2013
                                                    Division Results (Continued...)
                                                                Varsity Girls

                           Long Jump                                                                    Pole Vault
Place          Athlete                    Team             Distance          Place          Athlete               Team             Height
 1st     Ellis, Amber               Marlin                 16-8 3/4            1st    Cravey, Alexis          Eustace               8-6
 2nd     Coats, Brianna             Dallas Life Oak ...    16-8 1/4           2nd     Gunter, Meagan          Eustace               8-0
 3rd     McQuirter, Jasmine         Teague                 16-7 3/4            3rd    Boerner, Whitney        Eustace               7-6
 4th     Aiken, Jaci                Eustace                  16-4              4th    Armstrong, Hannah       Palmer                7-6
 5th     Guerrero, Haley            Teague                 16-1 3/4            5th    Solis, Eunice           Corsicana Mildred     6-6
 6th     Williams, Diamond          Dallas Life Oak ...      16-1

                              Shot Put
Place          Athlete                    Team             Distance
 1st     Abram, Kyera               Teague                 38-10 1/2
 2nd     Kerr, Madison              Kemp                   36-3 1/2
 3rd     Waddle, Kendall            Palmer                 33-7 1/2
 4th     Culp, Caitlyn              Eustace                33-0 1/2
 5th     Busby, Kenya               Teague                   32-9
 6th     Bramblitt, Casey           Eustace                31-0 1/4

Place          Athlete                    Team             Distance
 1st     Holcombe, Grace            Eustace                111-4 1/2
 2nd     Holdham, Chelsea           Eustace                 111-0
 3rd     Abram, Kyera               Teague                  107-1
 4th     Cooper, Kirby              Teague                 103-1 1/2
 5th     Murrell, Madison           Corsicana Mildred      102-9 1/2
 6th     Palacios, Jennifer         Red Oak Life             88-9

                          Triple Jump
Place          Athlete                    Team             Distance
 1st     Guerrero, Haley            Teague                   34-5
 2nd     Taylor, Tayla              Marlin                 33-9 1/4
 3rd     Aiken, Jaci                Eustace                33-8 3/4
 4th     Coats, Brianna             Dallas Life Oak ...    33-1 1/2
 5th     Cooksey, Cabraile          Red Oak Life             32-6
 6th     Jones, Marissa             Buffalo                  31-4

                           High Jump
Place          Athlete                    Team              Height
 1st     LaCour, Chelsi             Red Oak Life             5-6
 2nd     Taylor, Tayla              Marlin                   5-2
 3rd     Mack, Katrabie             Dallas Life Oak ...      5-0
 4th     Thompson, Madison          Kemp                     4-10
 5th     Hierholzer, Allison        Corsicana Mildred        4-10
 6th     Moorefield, Halei          Scurry-Rosser            4-8

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