Meet Information
Packet Pick Up: Race packets will be available at the schools west entrance at 24th & Oak Avenue.
Friday: fees may be paid and race packets picked up at the school, 4:30 pm -- 6:00 pm.
Saturday: schools may pick up their packets beginning one hour prior to their scheduled race.
Saturday Packet Pick up
4A 8 am / 5A 9 am / 6A 10 am / 1A 11 am / 2A 12 pm / 3A 1 pm
4A 9:00 am
4A 9:30 am
*5A 10:00 am
*5A 10:30 am
*6A 11:00 am
*6A 11:30 am
1A Noon
1A 12:30 pm
2A 1:00 pm
2A 1:30 pm
3A 2:00 pm
3A 2:30 pm
Course Logistics:
Friday: Race course access from the south race loop to the north race loop will not be possible. While both courses will be open for practice after 2:30, all qualifiers must be transported by vehicle from one side to the other.
The entire race course is CLOSED to athletes (walking / running) until 2:30 pm on Friday
Saturday: Traffic lanes will be blocked on MLK Blvd. to allow runners direct access from the south loop to the north loop and the return. Runners will run on asphalt this short distance. Runners will have priority! Coaches and spectators access from the south loop to the north loop and return may not be possible!
Regional Meet Director, Mike Meeks, has full authority for management of the meet!
All questions regarding management and technical conduct of the meet can be directed to
Mike Meeks email:
cell: 806.239-4791
Block Assignment:Schools are randomly assigned a block number from which they shall stage and start the race. Block numbers are reflected on the tag appearing on the front of a schools packet. Block # 1 is nearest the hillblock # 32 is nearest the water.
Timing Chips Race Numbers: Timing chip will be incorporated into the race-bib / race number. Race numbers are in race packet. Race number must be visibly displayed and each corner pinned to the front of the jersey. Alternates are not assigned race numbers and they may not participate in any race.
Uniforms: Each competitor shall wear a school issued track top and bottom or one-piece uniform and be of the same color and design per the NFH specifications. Bare midriffs are not allowed for participants. Team members must all be in same undergarment color (if worn) and length of sleeve or leg garment does not matter. Visible undergarments must meet the NFHS specifications. Visible undergarments that drop below the knee must be a solid color.
Male participants must wear a loose-fitting track bottom, and they must wear shorts over the onepiece suit of compression style bottoms. Closed leg briefs are acceptable for girls, however high-cut apparel shall not be worn.
Warm Up: Saturday, beginning at 8:45 am, the course is closed! Afterward runners must remain off the course and may not warm-up on the regional course. Schools may not mark the course in any fashion; violators will be subject to disqualification.
Report Time: All runners should report to the area behind the starting line a minimum of 15 minutes prior to their
event and must be ready to run at the scheduled time.
Chute Procedures:
Each runner should run through the finish line and down the entire length of the chute.
Timing chips & runner bibs are disposable and will not be collected in the corral.
Awards Ceremony: The awards ceremony will take place in the school gymnasium at the top of the hill approximately 30 minutes after each race is certified. Awards are presented through the top 10 finishers.
Trainers: Certified trainers will be available near the starting line, the finish line and north of the bridge.Coaches and parents should observe any runner with a history of health issues throughout the race.
Spectators: Spectator must stay off the race course as marked and away from the starting line and finish line.
Regional T-Shirts: Commemorative t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and 2016 pins will be available for purchase in the
gymnasium Friday afternoon after 4:00 and all day Saturday.
Schools are encouraged to pre-order to save time and help prevent long lines.
Restroom Facilities: There are no public restrooms available in the school or gymnasium!
Chemical toilets are located near the starting line and near the gymnasium at the top of the hill. Indoor restrooms are located at the bottom of the hill east of the pavilion.
Friday: fees may be paid and race packets picked up at the school, 4:30 pm -- 6:00 pm.
Saturday: schools may pick up their packets beginning one hour prior to their scheduled race.
Saturday Packet Pick up
4A 8 am / 5A 9 am / 6A 10 am / 1A 11 am / 2A 12 pm / 3A 1 pm
4A 9:00 am
4A 9:30 am
*5A 10:00 am
*5A 10:30 am
*6A 11:00 am
*6A 11:30 am
1A Noon
1A 12:30 pm
2A 1:00 pm
2A 1:30 pm
3A 2:00 pm
3A 2:30 pm
Course Logistics:
Friday: Race course access from the south race loop to the north race loop will not be possible. While both courses will be open for practice after 2:30, all qualifiers must be transported by vehicle from one side to the other.
The entire race course is CLOSED to athletes (walking / running) until 2:30 pm on Friday
Saturday: Traffic lanes will be blocked on MLK Blvd. to allow runners direct access from the south loop to the north loop and the return. Runners will run on asphalt this short distance. Runners will have priority! Coaches and spectators access from the south loop to the north loop and return may not be possible!
Regional Meet Director, Mike Meeks, has full authority for management of the meet!
All questions regarding management and technical conduct of the meet can be directed to
Mike Meeks email:
cell: 806.239-4791
Block Assignment:Schools are randomly assigned a block number from which they shall stage and start the race. Block numbers are reflected on the tag appearing on the front of a schools packet. Block # 1 is nearest the hillblock # 32 is nearest the water.
Timing Chips Race Numbers: Timing chip will be incorporated into the race-bib / race number. Race numbers are in race packet. Race number must be visibly displayed and each corner pinned to the front of the jersey. Alternates are not assigned race numbers and they may not participate in any race.
Uniforms: Each competitor shall wear a school issued track top and bottom or one-piece uniform and be of the same color and design per the NFH specifications. Bare midriffs are not allowed for participants. Team members must all be in same undergarment color (if worn) and length of sleeve or leg garment does not matter. Visible undergarments must meet the NFHS specifications. Visible undergarments that drop below the knee must be a solid color.
Male participants must wear a loose-fitting track bottom, and they must wear shorts over the onepiece suit of compression style bottoms. Closed leg briefs are acceptable for girls, however high-cut apparel shall not be worn.
Warm Up: Saturday, beginning at 8:45 am, the course is closed! Afterward runners must remain off the course and may not warm-up on the regional course. Schools may not mark the course in any fashion; violators will be subject to disqualification.
Report Time: All runners should report to the area behind the starting line a minimum of 15 minutes prior to their
event and must be ready to run at the scheduled time.
Chute Procedures:
Each runner should run through the finish line and down the entire length of the chute.
Timing chips & runner bibs are disposable and will not be collected in the corral.
Awards Ceremony: The awards ceremony will take place in the school gymnasium at the top of the hill approximately 30 minutes after each race is certified. Awards are presented through the top 10 finishers.
Trainers: Certified trainers will be available near the starting line, the finish line and north of the bridge.Coaches and parents should observe any runner with a history of health issues throughout the race.
Spectators: Spectator must stay off the race course as marked and away from the starting line and finish line.
Regional T-Shirts: Commemorative t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and 2016 pins will be available for purchase in the
gymnasium Friday afternoon after 4:00 and all day Saturday.
Schools are encouraged to pre-order to save time and help prevent long lines.
Restroom Facilities: There are no public restrooms available in the school or gymnasium!
Chemical toilets are located near the starting line and near the gymnasium at the top of the hill. Indoor restrooms are located at the bottom of the hill east of the pavilion.