UIL 6A - District 6 2020

Denton, TX

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter 131 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jaegers, Lawson Lewisville
Caswell, Evan 14:48.34 Coppell
Ricks, Jacob 15:10.00 Flower Mound
Gravitt, Greyson 15:11.30 Lewisville Marcus
Heikkinen, Hudson 15:17.59 Plano West
Kennedy, Brayden 15:33.12 Flower Mound
Jasper, Travis 15:35.41 Plano East
Algerian-Marquez, Jeriel 15:37.40 Lewisville Hebron
Proctor, Colin 15:39.32 Coppell
Bhattacharyya, Rith 15:39.56 Coppell
Heath, Jonathan 15:40.50 Lewisville Marcus
Mckeown, Brian 15:48.00 Plano West
Mullen, Andrew 15:53.03 Coppell
Rodriguez, Jose 15:55.00 Lewisville
Lyons, Aiden 15:55.52 Lewisville Marcus
Hirniak, Quinn 15:57.67 Flower Mound
Nedrow, Riley 15:58.00 Flower Mound
Navarro, Anthony 16:05.49 Lewisville Hebron
Saulsberry, Dillon 16:06.00 Plano West
Porter, Kyle 16:08.70 Lewisville Marcus
Thurmond, Patrick 16:17.41 Flower Mound
Mckee, Ryan 16:18.90 Lewisville Hebron
Kelsey, Joseph 16:20.22 Flower Mound
Castaneda, Colten 16:22.20 Lewisville Marcus
Artho, Ian 16:22.78 Plano West
Aguirre, Raymundo 16:25.31 Coppell
Boggan, Dylan 16:25.40 Lewisville Hebron
Chengavarayan, Kavin 16:29.72 Coppell
Bush, Donovan 16:35.25 Plano East
Heikkinen, Hogan 16:35.60 Plano West
Mckee, Jack 16:35.64 Lewisville Hebron
Circenis, Kris 16:35.99 Plano West
Dax, Kolby 16:36.05 Flower Mound
Parks, Will 16:36.55 Plano West
Holec, Kade 16:36.86 Plano West
Schart, Tyler 16:38.53 Flower Mound
Barrerra, Isaac 16:38.58 Lewisville Hebron
Ahmad, Umar 16:41.00 Flower Mound
Bhattacharyya, Vedant 16:41.23 Coppell
Renteria, Logan 16:42.00 Lewisville
Trezza, Conrad 16:42.00 Flower Mound
Anderson, Nicholas 16:44.40 Lewisville Marcus
Jiang, Eric 16:48.00 Plano West
Kelley, Jacob 16:51.20 Lewisville Marcus
Bennis, Nathan 16:54.19 Plano East
Platas, Gustavo 16:54.87 Lewisville
Price, Luke 16:54.87 Flower Mound
Villafranca, Aaron 16:55.46 Plano West
Gonzales, Noah 16:56.50 Plano East
Clark, Joshua 16:56.70 Lewisville Marcus
Cartwright, Devon 16:57.24 Lewisville Hebron
Warner, Blaine 16:58.43 Coppell
Dasher, Jared 17:00.16 Flower Mound
Habeeb, Ashan 17:01.22 Coppell
Bragalone, Robert 17:03.30 Lewisville Hebron
Wood, Andersen 17:03.33 Lewisville Marcus
Churchill-Dowd, Cameron 17:06.11 Coppell
Mallik, Manish 17:06.81 Plano East
Springer, Rohan 17:07.27 Plano East
Hiatt, Masen 17:11.32 Plano West
Contreras, Ethan 17:11.90 Lewisville Marcus
Pace, Brett 17:14.44 Flower Mound
Asplin, John 17:15.00 Plano Senior HS
Naved, Zain 17:15.32 Plano East
Gregory, Nathan 17:15.79 Plano East
Tomancak, Hayden 17:16.85 Lewisville Hebron
Parthipan, Karthikeyan 17:20.88 Coppell
Newsom, Dylan 17:23.53 Coppell
Fairchild, Alfred 17:23.84 Coppell
Young, Scott 17:23.89 Plano West
Parks, Matthew 17:29.86 Plano West
Hatley, Graham 17:30.60 Lewisville Hebron
Thomas, Kyle 17:31.37 Plano East
Contreras, Nick 17:32.30 Lewisville Marcus
Donohue, Trevor 17:32.30 Plano West
Wohlitz, Robert 17:36.00 Lewisville Marcus
Dennis, Drew 17:37.17 Lewisville Hebron
McDonald, Ryan 17:38.54 Plano Senior HS
Adel, Martin 17:39.95 Plano West
Storm, Collin 17:42.82 Lewisville Hebron
Fabrega, Logan 17:47.72 Plano West
Retana, Jorge 17:47.94 Coppell
Martinez, Nicolas 17:48.15 Coppell
Mullen, Nicholas 17:52.00 Plano Senior HS
Janeev, Jeevan 17:52.68 Coppell
Castaneda, Jacob 17:53.27 Lewisville Marcus
Whitson, Ben 17:54.58 Plano West
Vinish, Krish 18:01.34 Coppell
Janecek, Cade 18:01.36 Plano Senior HS
Ramey, Jake 18:01.62 Plano East
George, Anthony 18:02.47 Lewisville Marcus
LaPorte, Luc 18:03.10 Plano East
Stubenazy, Matthew 18:03.80 Lewisville Marcus
Cortina, Junior 18:07.24 Lewisville
Cross, Nicholas 18:09.23 Lewisville
Requa, Tyler 18:22.10 Lewisville Hebron
Tran, Vinh 18:27.10 Plano East
Ferrer Gonza, Jorge 18:31.76 Lewisville
Lara, Gabriel 18:34.33 Lewisville
Holverson, Jackson 18:38.89 Lewisville Hebron
Seale, KJ 18:39.65 Lewisville Hebron
Wilson, Jase 18:40.84 Coppell
Clark, Jacob 18:53.90 Lewisville Marcus
Rabner, Joseph 18:54.09 Lewisville
Contreras, Jack 18:57.10 Lewisville Marcus
Condensa, Christian 18:59.53 Lewisville Hebron
Irfan, Raahim 18:59.60 Lewisville Hebron
Arroyo, Evan 19:04.95 Lewisville
Kocher, Caden 19:08.98 Lewisville Hebron
Sanchez Garrido, Francisco 19:21.50 Plano Senior HS
Concha, Jaime 19:21.76 Plano East
Choe, Kang 19:32.60 Flower Mound
Williams, Eli 19:37.94 Plano East
Dominguez, Brandon 19:47.16 Lewisville
Ramirez, Mixael 19:49.10 Lewisville
Gregorash, Trent 19:50.59 Plano Senior HS
Hunter, Ian 19:51.84 Flower Mound
Yates, Mason 19:58.22 Flower Mound
Trevizo, Bryan 20:02.04 Lewisville
Patel, Avinash 20:03.64 Flower Mound
Patino Salazar, Christian 20:04.76 Lewisville
Ha, Nathan 20:04.96 Plano East
Rodriguez, Jessie 20:06.01 Plano Senior HS
Brown, Jackson 20:18.25 Plano Senior HS
Rojas, Jesus 20:21.27 Plano East
Tracy-Rogers, Braeden 20:47.45 Plano Senior HS
Velarde, Jacob 21:02.65 Lewisville
Caldwell, Patrick 21:47.59 Plano East
Garcia Loza, Luis 22:21.95 Lewisville
Nguyen, Travis 24:47.92 Plano Senior HS
Gutierrez Vargas, Adan 27:48.10 Lewisville
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Girls 5000 Meter 123 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Humphries, Nicole Flower Mound
Clay, Mycca Lewisville Hebron
Humphries, Samantha Flower Mound
Cook, Natalie 17:03.91 Flower Mound
Morrison, Keaton 17:41.60 Lewisville Hebron
Owen, Austin 17:43.10 Lewisville Marcus
Knight, Virginia 17:59.00 Flower Mound
Lyda, Allie 18:04.70 Flower Mound
Hassman, Chloe 18:10.16 Coppell
Colon, Morgan 18:21.67 Coppell
Fleming, Natalie 18:22.79 Coppell
Mclaughlin, Hannah 18:31.57 Flower Mound
Hoang, Mia 18:33.02 Flower Mound
Kirby, Jenna 18:33.50 Lewisville Hebron
Hassman, Waverly 18:58.15 Coppell
Vreeland, Miranda 18:58.28 Flower Mound
Dunn, Lily 19:03.10 Lewisville Hebron
McLaughlin, Emma 19:03.22 Flower Mound
Young, Griffyn 19:06.84 Plano West
Evert, Payton 19:08.75 Lewisville Marcus
Johnson, Katelynn 19:08.80 Lewisville Marcus
Gilberti, Gabrielle 19:09.80 Lewisville Marcus
Tomancak, Natalie 19:14.80 Lewisville Hebron
Turati, Alexa 19:18.31 Coppell
Coberly, Abbey 19:31.66 Flower Mound
Rayburn, Hayden 19:33.40 Lewisville Marcus
Embry, Mallory 19:38.20 Lewisville Marcus
Gilberti, Katie 19:41.10 Lewisville Marcus
Evans, Abigail 19:44.00 Lewisville Marcus
Aguirre, Catrina 19:45.70 Flower Mound
Yook, Natalie 19:46.60 Flower Mound
Key, Megan 19:48.09 Plano East
Jiranek, Grace 19:50.50 Lewisville Hebron
Brown, Kylie 19:51.97 Flower Mound
Heil, Leah 19:52.50 Plano West
Susko, Raquel 19:55.90 Lewisville Marcus
Warner, Landry 19:57.27 Plano East
Noyola, Hanna 19:58.97 Coppell
Posselt, Isabella 20:02.96 Plano East
Elggren, Audrey 20:03.53 Flower Mound
Eke, Reezon 20:03.61 Coppell
Fields, Sophie 20:05.98 Plano West
Price, Emily 20:08.78 Lewisville Hebron
Ehinger, Louisa 20:12.10 Coppell
Ladner, Gracie 20:12.27 Plano Senior HS
Atluri, Dia 20:39.80 Coppell
Kellen, Elaina 20:42.13 Plano Senior HS
Gonzales, Alejandra 20:44.84 Flower Mound
Clayton, Ava 20:49.50 Flower Mound
Hancock, Avery 20:50.42 Coppell
Smith, Emma 20:51.00 Plano Senior HS
Coto, Mildred 20:54.96 Lewisville
Chen, Allison 20:55.10 Lewisville Hebron
Sorenson, Keziah 20:57.05 Plano Senior HS
Delay, Hannah 21:03.05 Lewisville Hebron
Daniels, Kendall 21:03.13 Plano Senior HS
Trotter, Trinity 21:03.47 Lewisville
Mccarroll, Autumn 21:07.90 Lewisville Marcus
Farlander, Vivianne 21:09.16 Plano West
Mayes, Sydney 21:12.40 Lewisville Marcus
Vasquez, Jahnessa 21:13.17 Plano East
Braich, Jasmeet 21:16.42 Flower Mound
Deboer, Ariana 21:18.41 Flower Mound
Martin, Kelsie 21:20.05 Plano Senior HS
Huckeba, Ella 21:20.90 Lewisville Hebron
Venna, Srija 21:21.90 Lewisville Hebron
Walker, Elizabeth 21:22.34 Coppell
Hurst, Courtney 21:23.30 Plano Senior HS
Chavarria, Daniela 21:23.98 Coppell
Selke, Emma 21:24.10 Lewisville Marcus
Lehmann, Caroline 21:24.20 Lewisville Marcus
Soelberg, Susanna 21:26.70 Lewisville Marcus
Wygle, Kira 21:31.23 Lewisville Marcus
Wilsey, Lauren 21:31.53 Lewisville Marcus
Daugherty, Bryn 21:43.80 Lewisville Hebron
Martinez, Karol 21:46.60 Lewisville Hebron
Nygaard, Arcadia 21:50.52 Plano Senior HS
Kao, Megan 21:50.55 Plano Senior HS
McCormack, Copeland 21:50.83 Plano West
Graham, Savannah 21:53.78 Plano Senior HS
Reasonover, Reagan 21:56.09 Lewisville Hebron
Garcia, Isabella 21:56.81 Lewisville Hebron
Redlin, Shelby 22:04.12 Plano West
Madison, Zoebella 22:05.39 Coppell
Scheurich, Jeana 22:15.18 Coppell
Wilbanks, Ashlyn 22:17.72 Coppell
Chaffin, Camryn 22:22.34 Plano East
Tschantz, Maddie 22:29.52 Plano West
Siddiqui, Alyza 22:32.85 Coppell
Ahern, Emily 22:32.91 Lewisville Hebron
Knoll, Elizabeth 22:36.55 Plano West
Rogers, Paige 22:39.35 Plano West
Mercado, Angeline 22:42.66 Plano Senior HS
Kennington, Alex 22:46.68 Plano West
Kittrell, Taylor 22:50.88 Plano Senior HS
McQuaid, Caroline 22:53.48 Plano West
Pupo, Samantha 22:54.30 Plano East
Romero, Mireya 22:54.30 Plano Senior HS
Wilsey, Taylor 22:59.84 Lewisville Marcus
Cox, Natalie 23:00.14 Plano Senior HS
Peltier, Megan 23:00.20 Coppell
Cook, Gabi 23:04.87 Plano East
Wilk, Araceli 23:09.77 Plano East
Prall, Nevaeh 23:18.54 Plano West
Dawson, Taylor 23:19.51 Plano West
Bhakta, Meera 23:22.26 Plano East
Williams, Ava 23:29.36 Plano West
Janecek, Chloe 23:34.99 Plano Senior HS
Pham, Dana 23:40.55 Plano East
Barrera, Avery 23:44.09 Lewisville Hebron
Nguyen, Natalie 24:16.14 Plano East
Juma, Aria 24:21.12 Coppell
Huggins, Shauna 24:22.00 Plano Senior HS
Arroyo, Bridtnhy 24:36.35 Plano Senior HS
Secundino, Anahi 24:39.19 Lewisville
Embess, Olivia 24:47.14 Plano West
Maher, Lily 24:54.49 Plano West
Chavez, Lydia 25:22.26 Plano East
Barajas, Shaina 25:25.91 Plano West
Cotton, Natalie 26:17.52 Plano East
Apolinar, Lizeht 27:26.64 Lewisville
Fitzgerald, Anna 29:14.85 Plano East
Gonzalez Cardenas, Estrella 30:29.07 Lewisville
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