Waxahachie Woodhouse Invitational 2021

Maypearl, TX

Waxahachie Woodhouse Invitational 2021 vs Waxahachie Woodhouse Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -70 782 852
Overall Average +35.62 22:56.05 22:20.43
1st-10th Place +52.67 16:11.22 15:18.55
1st-25th Place +47.79 16:31.27 15:43.48
1st-50th Place +43.30 16:51.80 16:08.50
1st-100th Place +45.56 17:22.38 16:36.83
Common Athletes -- -- 48
Ran Faster -36 6 42
Ran Season Best -14 5 19
Average Time +2:23.61 22:39.23 20:15.62
Median Time +2:26.90 21:40.50 19:13.60
Middle 80% Times +2:19.02 22:19.01 19:59.99
Top 10% Times +2:14.42 17:58.86 15:44.44
Top 25% Times +2:27.86 18:53.93 16:26.07
Top 50% Times +2:33.92 19:57.24 17:23.32
Bottom 50% Times +2:13.30 25:21.22 23:07.92
Bottom 25% Times +1:52.65 27:32.81 25:40.16
Bottom 10% Times +2:43.04 30:49.70 28:06.66
Average Difference +2:23.61 -- --
Median Difference +1:58.80 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:30.53 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:42.84 -- --
Top 50% Difference +2:12.14 -- --
Top 25% Difference +2:02.39 -- --
Top 50% Difference +2:12.14 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:35.08 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +3:00.81 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:33.04 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Ethan Carranza Killeen Ellison +2:16.00 17:37.00 15:21.00
Joshua Odums Mansfield Legacy +2:51.60 18:14.00 15:22.40
Logan Clark Mansfield Lake Ridge +4:13.40 20:00.70 15:47.30
Grant O'Neal Coppell +3:10.30 19:04.60 15:54.30
Evan Martin Rockwall Heath +33.10 16:50.30 16:17.20
Kelvin Sarfo Mansfield Timberview +1:49.90 18:10.20 16:20.30
Aiden Lemens Granbury +2:39.00 19:18.80 16:39.80
Joaquin Rodriguez Mansfield Lake Ridge +8:00.30 24:42.60 16:42.30
Ammon Filina Burleson Centennial +3:59.40 20:49.30 16:49.90
Mike Rodriguez Quintana Killeen Ellison +3:51.10 21:02.60 17:11.50
Riley Markham Mansfield Legacy +3:27.90 20:43.20 17:15.30
Dillon Khera Coppell +1:40.00 19:11.50 17:31.50
Preston Landman Rockwall Heath +3:19.50 20:51.80 17:32.30
Logan Whitehead Burleson Centennial +6:49.60 24:23.20 17:33.60
Colton Thompson Mansfield Legacy +2:33.50 20:11.80 17:38.30
Ella Magallan Burleson Centennial +1:03.60 19:02.80 17:59.20
Jordan Lacsamana Hockaday +1:01.00 19:18.30 18:17.30
Thomas Alford Rockwall +5:18.00 23:37.50 18:19.50
Andrew Hesser Rockwall +2:51.40 21:16.90 18:25.50
Luke Gerhart Mansfield Timberview +7:09.50 25:39.50 18:30.00
Gabriel Nguyen Plano John Paul II +2:21.10 20:55.10 18:34.00
Ian McCormick Plano John Paul II +2:24.10 21:18.90 18:54.80
Mallory Sherrer Coppell +37.30 19:47.10 19:09.80
James Barber Granbury +2:27.90 21:40.50 19:12.60
Noah Sterling Plano John Paul II +7:40.80 26:54.40 19:13.60
Saylor Stevenson Rockwall +1:27.40 20:43.70 19:16.30
Samantha Meck Dallas Highland Park +1:01.80 21:11.50 20:09.70
Mark Saloma Plano John Paul II +1:01.80 21:13.60 20:11.80
Jorge Nava Alvarado +9.30 20:22.00 20:12.70
Brady Sexton Burleson Centennial +1:58.80 22:36.80 20:38.00
Diego Salinas Mansfield Lake Ridge +2:51.30 23:36.40 20:45.10
Lucas Gonzalez Waxahachie +2:20.30 23:09.40 20:49.10
Annie Reeder Coppell +2:08.30 23:14.90 21:06.60
Leyton Roberts Rockwall +1:28.30 22:41.20 21:12.90
Lailah Utnage Alvarado +2:56.10 24:34.20 21:38.10
Jason Koffi Mansfield Summit -1:25.40 21:38.10 23:03.50
Lucy Martinson Coppell +52.40 22:46.70 21:54.30
Mireille Camargo Waxahachie +5:25.10 27:20.00 21:54.90
Addison Smith Rockwall -3:23.20 22:51.60 26:14.80
Ashton Reed Killeen Ellison -7:00.30 22:57.10 29:57.40
Emily Caffey Mansfield Summit +4:16.80 27:29.30 23:12.50
Jaden Fallesen Trinity Leadership-Cedar Hill +29.20 24:31.30 24:02.10
Price Rhodes Dallas Highland Park +5.20 24:20.20 24:15.00
Elaine Cochran Dallas Highland Park -20.50 24:25.30 24:45.80
Mary Lawrence Cordon Dallas Highland Park -1:07.50 25:37.90 26:45.40
Ava Cotton Mansfield Lake Ridge -57.20 27:01.10 27:58.30
Nathaly Peralta Dallas Sunset +7:06.50 34:45.30 27:38.80
Sofia Gonzalez Dallas Sunset +9:19.40 37:32.80 28:13.40