Lake Highlands Invitational ** No Private Schools ** 2021

Dallas, TX

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter 349 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chibuko, Augustine North Garland
Pacheco, Pedra Frisco Emerson
Dowling, Christian Dallas Wilson
Mitchell-Bureau, Beau Dallas Jesuit
Fulbright, Maddox Richardson Berkner
Tadele, Noah North Garland
Hernandez, Jose Dallas Skyline
Martinez, Tirzo Dallas Skyline
Gilmore, Garrett Rockwall
Mandujano, Ramon Dallas Roosevelt
Espinoza, Meylin Dallas Conrad
Vilchis, Brandon North Garland
Funes, Ariel Dallas Kimball
Nino, Roger Dallas Adams
Haile, Milkiyas Richardson Berkner
Farr, Antonio North Forney
Yosia, Stipano North Garland
Mekala, Sohan Frisco Emerson
Perez Martinez, Daniel North Dallas
Escamilla, Jose North Garland
Smithen, Harriosn Dallas Wilson
Garza, Raphael North Garland
Martinez, Gerardo Dallas Wilson
Rojas, Adrian Dallas South Oak Cliff
Silva, Juan Richardson Berkner
Hendrix, Jaxson North Garland
Moralez, Joaquin Frisco Emerson
Zapien, Jesus Dallas Skyline
Padierna, Bryan North Garland
Lugo, Kevin Dallas Adamson
Leza, Luis South Garland
Hamilton, Charley Rockwall
Solis, Miguel North Dallas
Figuera, Carlos Dallas Roosevelt
Heckendorn, Phillip Dallas Wilson
Nakiziba, Wihimbie Dallas Conrad
Hibbler, Treyce Dallas Jefferson
Duque, Eli Dallas Kimball
Hernandez, George Dallas Adams
Elias, John Richardson Berkner
Henderson, Adrian Dallas Seagoville
Casco, Harrison North Garland
Jones, Gabriel Frisco Emerson
Gonzalez, Adolfino North Garland
Gonzalez, Erik Dallas Sunset
Botero, Isabella Rockwall
Brown, William Dallas Conrad
Mastalarz, Rick North Garland
Patel, Krista Frisco Emerson
Correa, Richard Dallas South Oak Cliff
Hughes, Ashton North Garland
Austin, Andre Frisco Emerson
Ortiz, Jonathan Dallas Skyline
Garcia Lopez, Gael Dallas Sunset
Amaya, Eric Ricardo South Garland
Ruiz Moncada, Julian North Dallas
Kiprop, Mansur North Forney
Gurrola, Lee Dallas Seagoville
Casco, Hayden North Garland
Rorke, Jacob Dallas Wilson
Cornejo, Luca Dallas Jesuit
Cowan, Timothy North Garland
Reyes, Geovani Dallas Skyline
Dean, LaQuadrian Dallas South Oak Cliff
Bush, Timothy Dallas Jesuit
Torres, Hector Dallas Conrad
Rodriguez, Fernando Dallas Adams
Pares Martinez, Marcos North Forney
Murtaza, Muhammed North Garland
Yosia, Alex North Garland
IIiria, Alejandro Frisco Emerson
Pena, Noel Dallas Skyline
Staley, Brenden Rockwall
Alexander, Jalen Dallas South Oak Cliff
Lawton, Chevaughn Richardson Berkner
Garcia Del Rio, Alexis North Dallas
Hudson, Tre 15:51.70 Rockwall
Wurn, Gilbert 15:55.00 Smithson Valley
Allport, Luke 16:31.40 Rockwall
Perez, Adam 16:37.10 Smithson Valley
Youngdahl, Bradyn 16:43.80 Smithson Valley
Wesloh, Joshua 16:50.80 Smithson Valley
Smith, Joshua 16:51.20 Smithson Valley
Fantue, Benym 16:55.90 Richardson Berkner
Armendariz, Yait 17:05.14 Dallas Adamson
Espinosa, Alex 17:05.26 South Garland
Barron, Cristian 17:11.06 Rockwall
Magers, Kace 17:11.50 Smithson Valley
Guerrero, Christian 17:14.74 North Garland
Galvan, Kevin 17:18.10 Dallas Jefferson
Kinniburgh, James 17:19.00 Rockwall
Cooks, Matthew 17:29.60 Dallas Kimball
GARCIA, ISRAEL 17:30.16 Garland Sachse
Gandara, Emiliano 17:36.50 Dallas Sunset
Longoria, Joan 17:42.84 Dallas Jefferson
Wurster, Bryce 17:43.52 Rockwall
Shumake, Wesley 17:46.06 Rockwall
Carter, Lucas 17:47.79 Garland Sachse
Rohman, Connor 17:50.14 North Forney
Hall, Daniel 17:51.10 Smithson Valley
Martinez, Jorge 17:53.70 Dallas Jefferson
Garcia, Emmanuel 17:56.40 Dallas Kimball
Lee, Tytus 17:59.32 Rockwall
Weldemichael, Hanibal 18:02.61 Dallas Conrad
McCoy, Dylan 18:07.60 Lake Highlands
Lazaro, Hector 18:08.04 Dallas Sunset
Vyzdral, Seth 18:12.00 Smithson Valley
De La Torre, Victor 18:13.70 Dallas South Oak Cliff
Lopez, Jesus 18:14.00 Dallas Adamson
Beltran, Hector 18:16.50 Dallas Sunset
Yonas, Erza 18:16.97 Richardson Berkner
Negron, Blake 18:17.78 Lake Highlands
Castro, Cuauhtemoc 18:22.31 Dallas Wilson
Breault, Arthur 18:24.00 Smithson Valley
Chavira, Angel 18:26.90 Dallas Adamson
Baumgarten, Charlie 18:29.05 Lake Highlands
Kelly, Joey 18:32.49 Garland Sachse
Cervantes, Eduardo 18:35.34 Dallas Sunset
Roby, Noah 18:36.99 Lake Highlands
Arriaga, Brayan 18:38.00 Dallas Jefferson
Perez, Eammanuel 18:43.77 Dallas Samuell
Mahoney, Jack 18:47.00 Dallas Wilson
Rose, Zach 18:48.10 Lake Highlands
Ayala, Andy 18:50.13 North Garland
Suarez, Nathanael 18:59.90 Smithson Valley
Eldredge, Nicholas 19:00.60 Dallas Wilson
Fssehaye, Ersom 19:00.90 Richardson Berkner
Huerta, Diego 19:01.50 Smithson Valley
Robertson, Colin 19:02.19 North Forney
Yocum, Nathan 19:02.20 Smithson Valley
Matlack, John 19:05.16 Lake Highlands
Mejia, Victor 19:06.20 Dallas Adamson
Rea, Jerry 19:07.44 Dallas Roosevelt
Makonen, Yohannes 19:07.60 Richardson Berkner
ROSE, JACK 19:08.40 Garland Sachse
Smyth, Nathan 19:09.80 Rockwall
Mitchell, Reese 19:10.40 Smithson Valley
Mcrae, Carson 19:10.90 Garland Sachse
Swank, Cole 19:11.64 Lake Highlands
Eldredge, Ben 19:12.50 Dallas Wilson
Dement, Elias 19:15.59 Lake Highlands
Harrison, Brady 19:17.74 Lake Highlands
Gasko, Aviel 19:21.50 Dallas Wilson
Towb, Josh 19:24.70 Lake Highlands
Smith, Austin 19:25.14 Rockwall
Perkins, Thomas 19:27.87 Lake Highlands
Legesse, Merhawi 19:30.63 Dallas Conrad
Cohorn, Blake 19:31.80 Lake Highlands
Friedmann, Ajit 19:31.80 Dallas Wilson
Suaste, Victor 19:37.62 Dallas Sunset
Gallegos, Luis 19:39.28 Dallas Skyline
Elizondo, Leo 19:42.10 North Garland
Tranquillino, Anthony 19:42.18 Dallas Adams
Edmondson, Isaac 19:44.45 Garland Sachse
Puga Lopez, Jason 19:48.51 South Garland
Shaw, Sam 19:48.83 Lake Highlands
Pacheco, Fernando 19:49.10 Dallas Adams
Hill, Ryder 19:50.95 Rockwall
Munn, John 19:53.00 Dallas Wilson
Carranza, Julian 19:55.20 Dallas Adamson
Rojas, Rene 19:57.19 North Forney
Hopkins, Jacob 20:01.00 Rockwall
Segura, Marc 20:02.00 Dallas Wilson
Carrillo, Manuel 20:03.20 Dallas South Oak Cliff
Bustos, Aaron 20:04.29 Dallas Seagoville
Moreno, Maximiliano 20:05.80 South Garland
ALI, JAMES 20:06.60 Garland Sachse
Rojas, John 20:07.32 Dallas South Oak Cliff
Martinez, Antonio 20:09.70 Dallas Adamson
Estrada, Emanuel 20:10.30 Dallas Adamson
Sanchez, Ernesto 20:10.73 Dallas Wilson
Beltran, Jesus 20:12.62 Lake Highlands
Velasquez, Julio 20:14.01 South Garland
Robles, Ivan 20:15.03 South Garland
Chavez, Zebidiah 20:16.20 North Garland
Klein, Wyatt 20:19.90 Lake Highlands
Carlos, Solis 20:20.80 Dallas Samuell
Rodriguez, Aiden 20:23.70 Lake Highlands
Thomas, John 20:24.92 Richardson Berkner
Almanza, Fabian 20:31.76 Dallas Adams
Strong, Brower 20:32.74 Dallas Wilson
Phillips, Grey 20:36.37 Lake Highlands
Gillian, Sam 20:36.56 Rockwall
Mauricio, Cesar 20:41.30 Dallas Skyline
Bruscato, Leighton 20:41.76 Dallas Wilson
Fulenwider, Cody 20:46.68 Dallas Adams
Maciel J, Alexander 20:49.30 Dallas Roosevelt
Walker, Wes 20:50.05 Lake Highlands
Hesser, Andrew 20:50.30 Rockwall
Guzman, Angel 20:50.62 Dallas Conrad
Cilio, Jackson 20:58.40 Rockwall
Moreno, Alejandro 21:01.80 Dallas Jefferson
Lopez, Christian 21:02.30 Lake Highlands
Teschan, Kaden 21:02.40 Smithson Valley
Macias, Kevin 21:03.04 Richardson Berkner
Ortiz, Anthony 21:03.56 Dallas Skyline
Medina, Samuel 21:06.90 North Garland
Matlack, Ryan 21:07.95 Lake Highlands
Torres, Arturo 21:08.25 Dallas Skyline
Cruz, Giovanni 21:09.70 Dallas Roosevelt
Garcia, Marcos 21:10.51 Dallas Skyline
Martinez, Christian 21:13.40 Dallas Sunset
Leija, Brian 21:14.95 Frisco Emerson
Avila, Ricardo 21:16.23 Dallas Sunset
Wegener, William 21:16.70 Dallas Wilson
Meraz, Alexandro 21:17.98 Dallas Skyline
Parrott, Parker 21:18.33 Lake Highlands
Lopez, Zane 21:19.69 Dallas Wilson
Castillo Ra, Victor 21:20.30 Dallas Roosevelt
Avalos, Joe 21:23.70 Dallas Jefferson
Silva, Charlie 21:26.46 Lake Highlands
Isario, Kaden 21:31.80 North Garland
Morales, Luis 21:33.57 North Forney
Seeburger, Jake 21:36.06 Dallas Wilson
Pineda, Ricardo 21:36.40 Dallas Skyline
Johnson, Turner 21:37.70 Dallas Wilson
Paiboon, Sam 21:43.41 Lake Highlands
Eleuteri Rangel, Victor 21:45.30 South Garland
Wyatt, Jacob 21:52.80 Garland Sachse
Wilson, Walker 21:52.81 Garland Sachse
Ramirez, Milton 21:59.51 Dallas Adams
Hollis, Jack 22:00.50 Lake Highlands
Ring, Turner 22:00.59 Lake Highlands
Hailemichael, Teklu 22:04.44 Dallas Conrad
Espinosa, Christopher 22:05.91 South Garland
Benjamin, Anderson 22:10.70 Rockwall
Miranda, Alberto 22:12.14 Dallas Sunset
Fent, Charlie 22:12.81 Dallas Jesuit
Salazar, Noe 22:14.51 Dallas Skyline
Espinoza, Jose 22:15.17 Dallas Skyline
Segura, Evan 22:16.30 Dallas Wilson
Vargas, Emmanuel 22:17.68 Dallas Skyline
Vega, Kevin 22:17.86 Dallas Skyline
Mehari, Bahran 22:21.60 Dallas Conrad
Mendez, Edwin 22:23.30 Dallas Kimball
Teague, Dylan 22:24.50 Lake Highlands
Mijarez, Adriel 22:26.33 Dallas Skyline
Gebregziabhier, Esrom 22:28.06 Dallas Conrad
Pollard, Zach 22:28.40 Dallas Jesuit
Villanueva, Benny 22:31.82 Dallas Sunset
Albus, Ben 22:32.30 Dallas Jesuit
Tatom, Jake 22:32.41 Rockwall
Mendez, Abraham 22:39.10 North Dallas
Garcia, Aleks 22:50.00 Garland Sachse
Diederich, Tanner 22:50.18 Dallas Wilson
May, Michael 22:53.40 Richardson Berkner
Sherrard, Jack 22:55.14 Rockwall
Oreliana, Oliver 22:58.35 Dallas Adamson
Reyes Aragon, Angel 22:58.62 Dallas Jefferson
Santillano, Jonathan 23:00.00 Dallas Sunset
Zuniga, Acasio 23:00.40 Dallas South Oak Cliff
Salazar, Isaac 23:04.53 Dallas Skyline
Hart, James 23:06.57 Dallas Wilson
Aguado, Giovany 23:07.40 North Dallas
Benavides, Noah 23:07.58 Rockwall
Delgado, Erik 23:09.00 Dallas Roosevelt
Marquez, Raul 23:12.08 Dallas Samuell
Adee, Jonathan 23:12.40 Dallas Jesuit
Leonard, Ayden 23:14.70 Garland Sachse
Wakenge, Justin 23:21.21 Dallas Conrad
Morales, Jacob 23:21.40 Dallas Jesuit
Greve, Mathew 23:24.70 Dallas Wilson
Jacob, Zerek 23:26.70 Dallas South Oak Cliff
Mejia, Kevin 23:27.10 Dallas Adamson
Avila, Bernave 23:27.32 Dallas Adamson
Dominguez, Alonso 23:30.80 Dallas Seagoville
Laird, William Pennock 23:33.81 Dallas Wilson
Loh, Peter 23:34.94 Dallas Jesuit
Fernandez, Jose 23:36.98 Dallas Skyline
Alford, Thomas 23:37.50 Rockwall
Polito, Luke 23:39.04 Lake Highlands
Velasquez, Abel 23:41.00 Dallas Skyline
Leonard , Sebastian 23:46.20 Frisco Emerson
Deshotels, Luke 23:47.00 Dallas Jesuit
Schaefer, Matthew 23:50.58 North Forney
Ramirez, Irving 23:51.42 Dallas Roosevelt
Cumplido, Angel 23:52.21 Dallas Adams
Mertens, Easton 23:52.50 Rockwall
Harris, Blake 23:55.11 Lake Highlands
McQuiston, Luke 23:55.20 Rockwall
Norris, Jack 24:02.91 Lake Highlands
Rocha, Brayan 24:07.50 Dallas Adamson
Hood, Devonte 24:11.70 Dallas Adamson
Robinette, Luke 24:12.40 Rockwall
Gonzalez, Nicolas 24:12.98 North Forney
Gardner, Joseph 24:13.90 Dallas Adams
Gedu, Komivi 24:16.90 North Forney
Mancilla, Jaime 24:22.32 Dallas Samuell
Cabrera, Jhimys 24:26.59 Dallas Kimball
Klemchuk, Davis 24:27.88 Lake Highlands
Leal, Gabriel 24:32.30 Dallas Jesuit
Monzon, Erick 24:35.78 Dallas Adams
Straus, Dylan 24:35.90 Dallas Jesuit
Anderson, Ben 24:40.30 Rockwall
Ray, Luke 24:44.53 Lake Highlands
Kercheville, Jason 24:52.20 Lake Highlands
Keith, Austin 24:53.58 Dallas Jesuit
Herrera, Jairo 24:54.76 Dallas Sunset
Haness, Owen 24:56.60 Lake Highlands
Jafeth Delgado, Jair 25:00.60 South Garland
Flores, Nicolas 25:02.00 Dallas Kimball
Siewcynski, Tito 25:08.40 Dallas Jesuit
Strong, Leighton 25:15.98 Dallas Wilson
Santos, Edwin 25:27.30 Dallas Adamson
Amador, Jaciel 25:32.50 Dallas Samuell
Griffith, Nicholas 25:34.27 Dallas Wilson
Rescate, Jason 25:42.40 Dallas Adamson
Padron, Armando 25:48.37 Dallas Roosevelt
Mendoza, Octavio 25:49.89 Dallas Conrad
Piche, Josue 26:06.59 Dallas Skyline
Camacho, Yareth 26:08.20 Dallas Seagoville
Rayo, Kenneth 26:12.55 Dallas Conrad
Mojica, Jovany 26:12.70 Dallas Adamson
Lopez, Luis 26:17.81 North Dallas
Martinez, Arturo 26:18.66 Dallas Skyline
Blanco, Guillermo 26:32.97 Dallas Wilson
Alonzo, Lorenzo 26:33.69 Dallas Adamson
Malpica, Diego 26:57.86 Dallas Sunset
Martinez, Bryan 27:00.49 Dallas Conrad
Salazar, Edwin 27:17.27 Dallas Adamson
Estrada, Johnpaul 27:17.37 Dallas Roosevelt
Ramos, Jose 27:20.33 Dallas Conrad
Gebrhiwet, Nahom 27:29.37 Dallas Conrad
Lopez, Brandon 28:19.19 South Garland
Ortiz, Antonio 28:23.65 North Forney
Cordova, Xavier 28:27.20 Dallas Adamson
Rios, Angel 28:53.43 North Dallas
Crouch, Jon Michael 29:18.48 Dallas Skyline
Holbrook, Henry 29:27.13 Dallas Wilson
Stanley, Lucas 29:35.94 Dallas Wilson
Adee, Alexander 29:56.90 Dallas Jesuit
Cerda, Jorge 30:02.41 Dallas Sunset
Bautista, Emerson 30:08.60 Dallas Seagoville
Rocha, Izaac 30:15.29 Dallas Adamson
Duran, Isaac 30:17.60 Dallas Kimball
Vickey, Aiden 30:37.57 North Forney
Samano, Cristian 31:08.40 Dallas Kimball
Tyson, Charles 31:13.80 Rockwall
Mendoza, Daniel 31:38.76 Dallas South Oak Cliff
Murguia, Fernando 31:48.90 Dallas Skyline
Vigil, Edilberto 32:21.50 Dallas Kimball
Hernandez, Oliver 32:32.60 Dallas Kimball
Serna, Samuel 32:34.00 Dallas Kimball
da Silva, Jantzen 32:34.80 Dallas Jesuit
Enriquez, Jose 32:38.07 Dallas Adams
Reed, Devan 33:59.93 Dallas Roosevelt
Alicea, Antony 36:44.89 Dallas Adamson
Garza, Isaiah 41:08.30 Dallas Kimball
Garza, Juan 44:57.00 Dallas Kimball
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Girls 5000 Meter 319 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bellamy, Vivian Plano Senior HS
Quiroz, Cynthia South Garland
Gibbs, Harper Dallas Wilson
Plaza, Madeline Dallas Conrad
Espinoza, Ashley Dallas Adamson
Hernandez, Jaqueline South Garland
Rodriguez, Miriam Dallas Conrad
Garcia, Natalie North Garland
Reyes, Valerie Dallas Kimball
Kilgore, Kaia Frisco Emerson
Kong, Alexa Frisco Emerson
Mele, Charlotte Plano Senior HS
Pedroza, Raquel Dallas Adamson
Joiner, Emily Plano Senior HS
Rivera, Marisela South Garland
Coleman, Jadyn Rockwall
Cook, Lucy Dallas Wilson
Catalan, Fatima Dallas Conrad
Salinas, Daisy Dallas Adamson
Zimmerman, Zailey Smithson Valley
Centeno, Meyli North Dallas
Salazar, Jasmine North Garland
Ochoa, Jade Dallas Conrad
Sanchez, Aime Dallas Kimball
Mugambi, Eden Frisco Emerson
Salgado, Stephanie Dallas Jefferson
Morales, Sesi Dallas Sunset
Sanchez, Ashley Dallas Kimball
Gutierrez, Brianna South Garland
Higgs, Basia Richardson Berkner
Hernandez, Leslie South Garland
Leipold, Leni Dallas Wilson
Akinola, Faith Dallas Conrad
Sanchez, Mariangel Dallas Adamson
Ochoa, Angie Dallas Conrad
Stephens, Raylenn Dallas Samuell
Worth, Aubrey Plano Senior HS
Castelan, Diana Dallas Sunset
Harris, Ny'el Frisco Emerson
Rojo, Arianna Plano Senior HS
Smith, Avery Rockwall
Rebulloso, Vanessa Dallas Sunset
Markley, Lauren Plano Senior HS
Delgado, Bailey South Garland
Garza, Jasmine North Garland
Beebee, Eloen Dallas Wilson
Vazquez, Jessica Dallas Conrad
Cabrera, Avangaline Dallas Adamson
Rivera, Ashley South Garland
Obregon, Daisy North Dallas
V, Josaline Dallas Roosevelt
Fuentes, Martha North Garland
Airitam, Sarah Dallas Wilson
Villalobos, Briyl Dallas Conrad
Molina, Juliana Dallas Kimball
Perez, Abigail North Garland
Evans, Olivia Frisco Emerson
Marquez, Breanna Dallas Sunset
Stout, Allison Plano Senior HS
Zamarripa, Montserrat South Garland
Martinez, Itzel South Garland
Arreguin, Sara North Garland
Dominguez, Akari Dallas Adamson
Kimigisa, Mariam Dallas Conrad
Rocha, Alexandra Dallas Adamson
Hernandez, Kathia South Garland
Carrillo, Breanna North Dallas
Ledezma-Davila, Eileen North Garland
Membreno, Isela Dallas Roosevelt
Winston, Amber North Forney
Fernandes, Sophie Frisco Emerson
deSantiago, Scarlett Plano Senior HS
Syed, Nisha Plano Senior HS
Gomez, Melanie South Garland
Jones, Amiree Dallas South Oak Cliff
Bonilla, Evelyn Dallas Conrad
Guerrero, Estrella South Garland
Altamirano, Yareli Dallas Roosevelt
Perez, Monserat Dallas Conrad
Rittener, McKenzie Frisco Emerson
Garza, Alessandra Dallas Skyline
Pinales, Natalie Dallas Sunset
Perelman, Ariel Plano Senior HS
Ortiz, Alexa South Garland
Mesa, Mariana Dallas Adamson
Vazquez, Brissia Dallas Conrad
Marquez, Jennifer North Dallas
Becerra, Fernanda North Garland
Guerra, Alexa Dallas Roosevelt
Ortiz, Hadasa North Garland
Washington, Azaria Dallas Conrad
Ramos, Ruth Dallas Skyline
Yanez, Lizbeth Dallas Kimball
Vijay, Shriyaa Frisco Emerson
Garcia, Gianna Dallas Kimball
Turner, Helena Rockwall
Perez, Sophia 18:21.80 Smithson Valley
Perez, Mia 18:24.80 Smithson Valley
Castillo, Myla 18:49.56 Smithson Valley
Gann, Katherine 19:20.44 Lake Highlands
Douglas, Julia 19:29.80 Smithson Valley
Shea, Gracey 19:36.89 Smithson Valley
Santoro, Emma 19:40.29 Rockwall
Ladner, Gracie 19:42.36 Plano Senior HS
Eischen, Anna 19:53.10 Garland Sachse
Smith, Sidney 19:58.70 Smithson Valley
Goodwin, Sophie 20:05.00 Smithson Valley
Van Caenegem, Ellen 20:07.62 North Forney
Leonard, Gracia 20:08.40 Garland Sachse
Stevenson, Saylor 20:10.31 Rockwall
Kellen, Elaina 20:13.89 Plano Senior HS
Jurica, Avery 20:15.63 Smithson Valley
Sorenson, Keziah 20:16.05 Plano Senior HS
Olson, Mackenzie 20:27.70 Smithson Valley
Ramirez, Madison 20:31.66 Garland Sachse
Green, Alexandria 20:39.20 Smithson Valley
Hood, Alyssa 20:40.80 North Forney
Daniels, Kendall 20:41.17 Plano Senior HS
Hamilton, Charley 20:42.90 Rockwall
Martin, Kelsie 20:45.67 Plano Senior HS
Watkins, Kendall 20:50.00 Rockwall
Favour, Amelia 20:50.20 Dallas Wilson
Graham, Savannah 20:51.00 Plano Senior HS
Gandara, Luna 20:52.48 Dallas Sunset
Bell, Sydney 20:54.70 Smithson Valley
Barineau, Camryn 20:56.29 Rockwall
Murasko, Mikaela 21:00.10 Smithson Valley
Salazar, Lizzet 21:03.73 Dallas Jefferson
EISCHEN, ELLA 21:03.90 Garland Sachse
Hurst, Courtney 21:05.80 Plano Senior HS
Watkins, Shelby 21:08.30 Rockwall
Nygaard, Arcadia 21:10.84 Plano Senior HS
Mercado, Angeline 21:11.13 Plano Senior HS
Hancock, Melissa 21:18.95 North Forney
Ortiz, Madyson 21:22.04 Rockwall
Serritos, Leah 21:22.50 Dallas Sunset
Katic, Emma 21:25.01 Garland Sachse
Medin, Hannah 21:35.50 Dallas Wilson
Deen, Emma 21:45.10 Dallas Wilson
Kao, Megan 21:49.52 Plano Senior HS
Marriott, Grace 21:56.41 Rockwall
Roberts, Leyton 21:57.64 Rockwall
Fagg, Gracie 22:03.50 Garland Sachse
Ferguson, Rose 22:04.30 Lake Highlands
Ortega, Ana 22:11.50 Garland Sachse
Romero, Mireya 22:14.14 Plano Senior HS
Barajas, Jocelyn 22:22.20 North Forney
McCartney, Tylee 22:22.85 Rockwall
Braun, Marisol 22:27.20 Dallas Wilson
Strohl, Charlotte 22:28.00 Lake Highlands
Dement, Virginia 22:28.80 Lake Highlands
Moore, Emma 22:30.84 Plano Senior HS
Petteway, Emma 22:34.90 Dallas Wilson
Pape, Hannah 22:37.30 Smithson Valley
Avila, Vanessa 22:38.04 North Garland
Hjelm, Abigail 22:42.20 Garland Sachse
Smith, Addison 22:46.89 Rockwall
Gamez, Evelyn 22:49.80 South Garland
Chavez, Lysbeth 23:00.88 North Forney
Sorenson, Sara 23:02.90 Plano Senior HS
McGuinness, Quinn 23:10.36 Dallas Wilson
Letkey, Olivia 23:14.00 Garland Sachse
Welch, Lillian 23:16.01 Dallas Wilson
Salazar, Abigail 23:22.10 Dallas Skyline
Parr, Anna 23:29.80 Garland Sachse
Martinez, Jazmin 23:37.51 Garland Sachse
Rowe, Gabriela 23:39.66 Plano Senior HS
Darst, Lauren 23:42.50 Plano Senior HS
Buruca, Gabby 23:43.10 Lake Highlands
Niemann, Lillian 23:44.51 Lake Highlands
Gonzalez, Laura 23:46.70 Dallas Sunset
Boettcher, Casey 23:58.20 Dallas Wilson
Karanja, Evelyne 24:02.51 North Forney
Crowell, Charlotte 24:03.50 Dallas Wilson
Lee, Abigail 24:03.60 Rockwall
Wills, Kierra 24:04.00 Rockwall
Swinney, Maggie 24:21.47 Lake Highlands
Crouch, Victoria 24:26.67 Dallas Skyline
Ramos, Wendy 24:28.80 Dallas Adamson
Alejos, Luisa 24:35.50 Dallas Adams
Theriault, Fiona 24:37.90 Plano Senior HS
Platero L, Josselin 24:43.30 Dallas Jefferson
Gomez, Jennifer 24:43.47 South Garland
Kouba, Allison 24:49.90 Dallas Wilson
Mendez, Juliana 25:03.10 Dallas Skyline
Hill, Jill 25:05.11 North Garland
Guardiola, Jessica 25:05.83 North Forney
Sarinana Moreno, Diana 25:09.70 Dallas Samuell
Sanchez, Yahdira 25:10.28 South Garland
Maldonado, Kelly 25:15.90 North Dallas
COLEMAN, AMY 25:23.39 Garland Sachse
Caldera, Valeria 25:25.48 Dallas Sunset
Adcock, Allison 25:28.60 Rockwall
Sprem, Kristina 25:39.30 Garland Sachse
Villareal, Sherrilyn 25:41.16 Lake Highlands
Aguero, America 25:44.03 Dallas Adamson
Adcock, Hayley 25:46.50 Rockwall
Sanders, Lyric 25:51.62 Dallas South Oak Cliff
Rankin, Jersey 25:53.42 North Forney
Huerta, Kathleen 25:56.40 Dallas Adamson
Herrera, Yazmin 25:57.86 South Garland
Macias, Fernanda 26:15.49 Dallas Adamson
Cabrera, Adriana 26:16.30 Lake Highlands
Rosas, Vanessa 26:22.60 South Garland
Haeffner, Zoe 26:25.10 Dallas Wilson
Galindo, Maria 26:26.80 Dallas Wilson
Ascencio, Evelyn 26:30.80 North Garland
Monaghan, Maya 26:38.60 Dallas Wilson
Martinez, Victoria 26:44.06 Garland Sachse
Vasquez, Jalyssa 26:45.85 North Forney
Allen, Teal 26:52.95 Dallas Wilson
Mata, Alexandra 26:53.60 Dallas Seagoville
Bradley, Braeden 26:57.79 Plano Senior HS
Lara, Alexia 27:00.40 North Garland
Da Rosa, Nadia 27:07.68 Dallas Skyline
Manzanarez, Judith 27:13.11 Dallas Wilson
Jasmin, McKenzie 27:15.65 North Forney
Gomez, Scout 27:16.50 Lake Highlands
Grubenhoff, Jillian 27:17.00 Plano Senior HS
Meis, Elizabeth 27:19.80 Dallas Wilson
Beltran, Joshelyn 27:26.20 North Garland
Zuniga, Angela 27:27.43 Dallas Samuell
Kyne, Gloria 27:33.70 Richardson Berkner
Semere, Feven 27:40.65 Lake Highlands
Willman, Peyton 27:43.59 Lake Highlands
Martinez, Malexi 27:52.90 North Garland
Brennan, Abby 27:55.00 Plano Senior HS
Bates, Kameryn 27:59.10 Dallas South Oak Cliff
Kumar, Sahana 28:06.43 Plano Senior HS
Cirillo, Sophia 28:11.13 Dallas Wilson
Gomez, Coral 28:24.16 Lake Highlands
Vazquez, Ximena 28:24.80 Dallas Seagoville
Morales, Brianna 28:28.99 Rockwall
Cheng, Stella 28:35.85 Dallas Wilson
Capuchino, Luz 28:36.00 South Garland
Galaviz, Leslie 28:41.34 Richardson Berkner
Rodriguez, Lindsey 28:45.50 Dallas Seagoville
Luado, Isabella 28:47.10 North Garland
Wilscher, Rosa 29:03.70 Garland Sachse
Sanchez, Arlette 29:14.60 Dallas Seagoville
Galvan, Yomaira 29:18.70 Dallas Samuell
Dashiell, Mary 29:22.60 Plano Senior HS
Hayes, Norah 29:24.30 Rockwall
Gonzalez, Krystal 29:25.40 Dallas Adamson
Henok, Etwatwa 29:30.67 Richardson Berkner
Ramirez, Emily 29:34.50 Dallas Sunset
Hernandez, Monika 29:35.60 Garland Sachse
Molina, Stefania 29:36.40 Dallas Skyline
Thomas, Neema 29:37.23 Garland Sachse
Orozco, Vanessa 29:42.70 Dallas Wilson
Guzman, Jennifer 29:42.81 Dallas South Oak Cliff
Schmiel, Ruthie 29:55.25 Lake Highlands
Quintanilla, Priscilla 30:10.57 North Garland
Rodriguez, Ariana 30:15.76 Dallas Seagoville
Fitzgerald, Jane 30:17.81 Dallas Wilson
Salazar, Anna 30:19.91 North Forney
Morris, Abigail 30:24.60 North Garland
Venagas, Valerie 30:28.00 North Garland
Deleon, Lesly 30:37.20 North Garland
Galvan, Abigail 30:41.30 North Dallas
Akridge, Piper 30:53.10 Plano Senior HS
Medina, Sophie 30:53.64 North Forney
Martin Amesquita, Nicole 30:56.60 Plano Senior HS
Gonzalez, Selma 30:57.24 North Garland
Arris, Sofia 31:08.10 Frisco Emerson
Talamantes, Alissa 31:12.10 Dallas Kimball
Custodio, Sophia 31:15.16 Rockwall
Salinas, Ariana 31:15.98 Dallas Sunset
Serrano, Evelyn 31:21.50 Dallas Kimball
Coronado Alarcon, Keila 31:25.38 Dallas Sunset
Arredondo, Yanine 31:25.50 North Garland
Martinez Perez, Melissa 31:29.00 Plano Senior HS
Chavarria, Aime 31:45.60 North Garland
Beltran, Dayanara 31:47.10 Dallas Samuell
Pina, Mia 31:55.20 Dallas Seagoville
Rubio, Allison 31:57.47 Dallas Adamson
Castro, Dulce 32:11.40 Dallas Kimball
Schiffman, Allison 32:14.70 Plano Senior HS
Valle, Isabella 32:16.00 Frisco Emerson
Botero, Isabella 32:18.10 Rockwall
Murillo Garcia, Marleni 32:36.06 North Dallas
Rodriguez, Katie 32:55.40 North Garland
Loredo, Samyra 32:56.95 Dallas Skyline
Mitchell, Jillian 32:58.20 Rockwall
Williams, Kiana 33:02.69 Dallas Skyline
Loftin, Breanna 33:10.80 North Garland
Carrion, Rachel 33:27.00 North Garland
Elias, Mercedes 33:37.30 Dallas Adamson
Godinez, Leslie 33:38.86 Dallas Sunset
Hill, Trinity 33:39.80 North Garland
Castro, Melanie 33:51.59 South Garland
Dominguez, Sayuri 33:54.62 Dallas Adamson
Balderas, Tlakely 33:54.62 Dallas Adamson
Chansophy, Flower 34:11.10 North Garland
PIEDRAS, LEAH 34:13.34 Garland Sachse
Sauceda, Sarah 34:16.00 Dallas Kimball
Escobar, Diana 34:24.40 Dallas Kimball
Elizondo, Alexzandria 34:30.36 North Forney
MINOR, KHAYLA 34:35.30 Garland Sachse
Zavala, Stephanie 34:39.00 South Garland
Peralta, Nathaly 34:45.30 Dallas Sunset
Rendon, Dayanara 34:55.70 North Garland
Moreno, Diana 35:39.00 Dallas Samuell
Hernandez Munoz, Debhani 35:52.01 Dallas South Oak Cliff
Shumake, Glory 36:05.60 Rockwall
Espinoza, Lilliana 36:06.37 Dallas Skyline
Fowler, Blessing 36:46.20 Dallas Skyline
Solomon, Christavaia 36:54.53 Dallas Skyline
Leon, Jimena 36:56.10 Dallas Kimball
Aranda, Ana 36:58.94 Dallas Skyline
Ross, Erin 37:01.78 Dallas Skyline
Beaver, Willexis 37:02.40 Dallas Skyline
Gonzalez, Sofia 37:32.80 Dallas Sunset
Hernandez, Angela 37:36.93 Dallas Skyline
Reynolds-Parker, Joslyn 37:41.75 Dallas Skyline
Arredondo, Alejandra 37:55.55 Dallas Roosevelt
Perry, Kimora 38:09.98 Dallas Skyline
Morris, Kathryn 38:35.20 North Garland
Flores, Emily 41:35.26 Dallas South Oak Cliff
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JH Boys 3200 Meter 120 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Jeremiah Robert T Hill Middle School
Jobe, Samuel Forney Warren Middle School
Holloway, Hayden Forney Warren Middle School
Perez Aguilar, Edward Medrano Middle School
Aguinaga, Jaziel Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Rios, Abel Robert T Hill Middle School
Garza, Juan Brown Middle School
Morales, Angel Medrano Middle School
Lopez, Alvin Jackson Middle School
Scott, Trinity Fred F. Florence Middle School
Sagamba, Faustin Robert T Hill Middle School
Salas-Rodriguez, Angel Brown Middle School
Ibarra, Josue Medrano Middle School
Munoz, Roandy Fred F. Florence Middle School
Fuentes, Bryan L.V. Stockard Middle School
Navarro, Alexis Robert T Hill Middle School
Garcia, Jesse L.V. Stockard Middle School
Escajeda, Jeramiah Robert T Hill Middle School
Bravo, Joshua Medrano Middle School
Zamora, Isaac Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
De La Garza, Carlos Jackson Middle School
Payne, Max Robert T Hill Middle School
Chapman, Vince Brown Middle School
Burns, Donquell Fred F. Florence Middle School
Renetria, Rosguad Medrano Middle School
Christmas, Christian Jackson Middle School
Owen, Tyler Forney Warren Middle School
Rangel, Jacob L.V. Stockard Middle School
Cambre, Ethan Robert T Hill Middle School
Cano, Bryan Fred F. Florence Middle School
Russo, Leo Robert T Hill Middle School
Fleener, Ty Forney Warren Middle School
Lazo, Jonathan Medrano Middle School
Barnes, Isaiah Robert T Hill Middle School
benny, benett Brown Middle School
Roque, Jose Medrano Middle School
Tucker, Dylan Jackson Middle School
Bocanegra, Juan Fred F. Florence Middle School
Trevino, Davian Robert T Hill Middle School
Carter, JaMarquis Brown Middle School
Corrales, Denzel Medrano Middle School
Cisneros, Elijah Fred F. Florence Middle School
Olson, Brayden Forney Warren Middle School
Banks, Justin L.V. Stockard Middle School
Gibson, Corey Robert T Hill Middle School
Fuentes, Kevin Fred F. Florence Middle School
Romero, Sergio L.V. Stockard Middle School
Hoskins, Geremi Robert T Hill Middle School
Casillas, Alexander Medrano Middle School
Romero, Erick Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Karnes, Jeremiah Robert T Hill Middle School
Nash, caleb Brown Middle School
James, Kemarius Fred F. Florence Middle School
Whittaker, Preston Robert T Hill Middle School
Torres, Juylon Medrano Middle School
Bryant, Brody Jackson Middle School
Martinez, Jorge L.V. Stockard Middle School
Mandujano, Diego Medrano Middle School
Hargrove, Everett Robert T Hill Middle School
Garcia, Zaire Fred F. Florence Middle School
Huggins Alejandro, Gavin Robert T Hill Middle School
Coleman, Noah Forney Warren Middle School
Hernandez, Jayden L.V. Stockard Middle School
Whitley, Jacob Forney Warren Middle School
Lopez, Xavier Medrano Middle School
Reyes, Dominique Robert T Hill Middle School
Blow, LaDaniel Brown Middle School
Morales, Arturo Medrano Middle School
Morales, Angel Jackson Middle School
Burns, Cameron Fred F. Florence Middle School
Freeman, Parker Robert T Hill Middle School
Rojas, Andrew Brown Middle School
Naverez, Max Fred F. Florence Middle School
Flores, Jair Medrano Middle School
Retis, Tristan L.V. Stockard Middle School
Shee, Eh Robert T Hill Middle School
Sanchez, Rudy Fred F. Florence Middle School
Rodriguez, Alan L.V. Stockard Middle School
Flores, Diego Robert T Hill Middle School
Heath, Jayden Forney Warren Middle School
Corrasco C, Michael Medrano Middle School
Monroy Quintero, Andres Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
McDonald, Marlin Robert T Hill Middle School
Robertson, Ryan Brown Middle School
Oliva, Aaron Medrano Middle School
Gaskie, Zane Jackson Middle School
Soto, Victor Fred F. Florence Middle School
Mupenzi, Shadrack Robert T Hill Middle School
Richards, Nicholas Brown Middle School
Wilson, Daniel Forney Warren Middle School
Ayala, JoseAngel L.V. Stockard Middle School
Garza Rodriguez, Christian Medrano Middle School
Widhelm, Reese Robert T Hill Middle School
Jackson, Josean Fred F. Florence Middle School
Cruz, Lorenzo L.V. Stockard Middle School
Herrera, Kevin Robert T Hill Middle School
Tillman, Jaylen Forney Warren Middle School
Morale, Anthony Robert T Hill Middle School
Lezama, Brandon Medrano Middle School
Gonzalez, Sebastian Jackson Middle School
Haynes, Madison Fred F. Florence Middle School
Sosa, Rey Robert T Hill Middle School
Payton, Derion Brown Middle School
Haynes, Money Fred F. Florence Middle School
Quirarte, Aaron Medrano Middle School
Rangel, Nathan L.V. Stockard Middle School
Ou, Anjay Robert T Hill Middle School
Valadez, Damian Fred F. Florence Middle School
Reed, Mason 11:09.31 Forney Warren Middle School
Ortiz, Nicholas 13:47.68 Forney Warren Middle School
Butler, Anthony 14:06.24 Forney Warren Middle School
Ganesh, Makya 15:10.52 Forney Warren Middle School
Henderson, Alex 15:29.89 Forney Warren Middle School
Salgado, Adam 15:31.20 Forney Warren Middle School
Dishman, Luke 15:42.01 Forney Warren Middle School
Raschke, Hayden 16:36.25 Forney Warren Middle School
Hurtado, Jayden 18:02.38 Jackson Middle School
Versey, JaQualynn 18:45.77 Jackson Middle School
Springer, Elijah 20:00.40 Forney Warren Middle School
Clarizio, Christopher 21:06.85 Jackson Middle School
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JH Girls 3200 Meter 118 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tinnon, Britnee Medrano Middle School
Garcia, Gabriela Jackson Middle School
Garcia, Lesly L.V. Stockard Middle School
Hudson, Olivia Sunnyvale
Elias, Audrey Medrano Middle School
Reyes, Celia Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Campos, Linely Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Arnold, Lilian Jackson Middle School
Reyes, Alyson Robert T Hill Middle School
Talkington, Hanna Brown Middle School
Lacy, Michaela Medrano Middle School
Brundage, Kalani Jackson Middle School
Ortiz, Kacie L.V. Stockard Middle School
Macha, Ava Sunnyvale
Fuentes, Bridget Medrano Middle School
Romero Morales, Nataly Jackson Middle School
Piedra, Jazlynn Forney Warren Middle School
Canales, Rosa Medrano Middle School
Moore, Lily Robert T Hill Middle School
Thornquist, Halle Brown Middle School
Stevens, Vivien Forney Warren Middle School
Jones, Laila Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Balleza, Milly Medrano Middle School
Whiteman, McKenzie Jackson Middle School
Romero, Zoey Robert T Hill Middle School
Krone, Sarenidy Brown Middle School
Balderas, Melissa Medrano Middle School
Berry, Skylar Jackson Middle School
Martinez, Bridget L.V. Stockard Middle School
Behnke, Alana Sunnyvale
Guel, Stephanie Medrano Middle School
Rocha Orta, Itzel Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Santos, Emily Forney Warren Middle School
Depaz, Destiny Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Dickens, Jordyn Jackson Middle School
Anaya, Michelle Robert T Hill Middle School
Diaz, Melodie Brown Middle School
Lacy, Maliyah Medrano Middle School
Sherchan, Megan Jackson Middle School
Velazquez, Leticia L.V. Stockard Middle School
Martinez Melgar, Kimberly Medrano Middle School
Davis, Iliana Jackson Middle School
Mudunyi, Breindel Forney Warren Middle School
Arevalo, Dannaly Medrano Middle School
Betancourt, Roci Brown Middle School
Lopez Zamora, Itzel Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Stephens, Emma Forney Warren Middle School
Williams, Katelyn Jackson Middle School
Juarez Co, Kimberly Robert T Hill Middle School
Serrano, Nathalie Brown Middle School
Reyes Va, Esmeralda Medrano Middle School
Vinson, Kessa Jackson Middle School
Hernandez, Roxana Medrano Middle School
Sanchez, Valerie Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Cerda, Aniya Robert T Hill Middle School
Medrano, Aliah Brown Middle School
Gee, Devyn Forney Warren Middle School
Enriquez, Alizae Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Zavala Garcia, Pamela Medrano Middle School
Lomeli, Araceli Jackson Middle School
Aldridge, Avery Brown Middle School
Rios Sosa, Andrea Medrano Middle School
Trammell, Alyssa Jackson Middle School
De Los Reyes, Anabel L.V. Stockard Middle School
Dominguez De Leon, Rosio Medrano Middle School
Paz Vargas, Heidy Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Owen, Michaela Forney Warren Middle School
Waweru, Rehema Jackson Middle School
Derby, Destinee Robert T Hill Middle School
Rodriguez, Klaryssa Brown Middle School
Munoz, Fatima Medrano Middle School
Villalba, Fernanda L.V. Stockard Middle School
Rodriguez, Yamilet Medrano Middle School
Smith, Jaidyn Jackson Middle School
Vazquez, Xochitl Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Sigaran Olivia, Liliana Robert T Hill Middle School
Johnson, Makayla Brown Middle School
Foresman, Olivia Forney Warren Middle School
Gonzalez, Khloe Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Ream, Trinity Sunnyvale
Vazquez, Iris Medrano Middle School
Miller, Brylee Jackson Middle School
Scheaffer, Elle Robert T Hill Middle School
Jones, Kailyn Brown Middle School
Enyinna-Okeigbo, Chiora 14:21.88 Sunnyvale
Smith,, Addyson 15:02.65 Forney Warren Middle School
Lawrenson, Brooklyn 16:24.19 Forney Warren Middle School
Putnam, Madalynn 16:46.43 Forney Warren Middle School
Knight, Riley 17:05.78 Sunnyvale
Bollin, Audey 17:14.41 Forney Warren Middle School
Young, Bethany 17:40.81 Sunnyvale
Mitschke, Camden 17:45.24 Sunnyvale
Storrs, Remington 17:45.59 Forney Warren Middle School
Lacy, McKynzie 17:46.78 Sunnyvale
Matej, Hayden 17:49.07 Forney Warren Middle School
Boisvert, Kathleen 17:52.20 Forney Warren Middle School
Smith, Willow 17:53.51 Forney Warren Middle School
Paschall, Layla 17:58.56 Forney Warren Middle School
Henderson, Emma 18:12.44 Sunnyvale
Jacobs, Laney 18:13.44 Sunnyvale
Henderson, Victoria 18:19.51 Sunnyvale
Perez, Sarah 18:37.15 Forney Warren Middle School
Regan, Madison 18:39.39 Sunnyvale
Hansen, Charlotte 18:52.30 Sunnyvale
Krajca, Isabella 19:05.73 Forney Warren Middle School
Stillwell, Sarah 19:10.75 Forney Warren Middle School
Senkel, Sarah 19:35.92 Forney Warren Middle School
Taylor, Drew 20:05.19 Sunnyvale
Wyatt, Storey 20:06.89 Forney Warren Middle School
Macha, Cate 20:23.89 Sunnyvale
Bridges, Michaela 20:28.36 Forney Warren Middle School
Ramirez, Luna 20:58.41 Jackson Middle School
Edwards, Avery 21:37.59 Sunnyvale
Griffin, Michael 22:21.81 Jackson Middle School
VanMeter, Ryanne 22:43.94 Sunnyvale
Preus, Hailey 22:58.97 Sunnyvale
Rotenberry, Luci 23:35.95 Sunnyvale
Rodriguez, Luzy 27:40.38 Jackson Middle School
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