St. John's 40th Maverick Ramble 2021

Tomball, TX

St. John's 40th Maverick Ramble 2021 vs St. John's Maverick Ramble 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -36 273 309
Overall Average -10.96 20:44.53 20:55.48
1st-10th Place +1.57 16:18.90 16:17.33
1st-25th Place +17.64 17:01.72 16:44.08
1st-50th Place +3.55 17:24.22 17:20.67
1st-100th Place -2.88 18:03.02 18:05.90
Common Athletes -- -- 59
Ran Faster 37 48 11
Ran Season Best -13 17 30
Average Time -46.28 19:14.78 20:01.07
Median Time -46.30 18:49.00 19:35.30
Middle 80% Times -47.91 19:09.17 19:57.09
Top 10% Times -37.90 16:34.00 17:11.90
Top 25% Times -35.04 17:15.27 17:50.31
Top 50% Times -40.67 17:47.10 18:27.77
Bottom 50% Times -50.36 20:03.97 20:54.33
Bottom 25% Times -42.01 21:54.81 22:36.82
Bottom 10% Times -44.62 23:07.48 23:52.10
Average Difference -46.28 -- --
Median Difference -1:13.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -44.30 -- --
Top 10% Difference -17.80 -- --
Top 50% Difference -37.67 -- --
Top 25% Difference -27.51 -- --
Top 50% Difference -37.67 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -55.82 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -50.01 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:01.10 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Emmanuel Sgouros St. John's Houston -57.00 15:17.00 16:14.00
Ben Tijerina San Antonio Antonian -11.20 16:13.00 16:24.20
Jake Gooch St. Andrews Episcopal HS -1:49.50 16:31.00 18:20.50
Melecio Ortiz San Antonio Antonian -1:32.00 16:45.00 18:17.00
Trey Stager Dallas St Marks -14.00 17:10.00 17:24.00
William Sulentich San Antonio Antonian -42.60 17:28.00 18:10.60
Konnor Allen St. John's Houston -1:43.90 17:33.00 19:16.90
Sky Park Dallas St Marks -18.90 17:33.00 17:51.90
Fisayo Omonije Dallas St Marks -1.20 17:36.00 17:37.20
George Donnelly St. John's Houston -50.90 17:41.00 18:31.90
Nicholas Gab St. Andrews Episcopal HS +13.50 17:55.00 17:41.50
Gabriel Gomez San Antonio Antonian -1:09.70 17:44.00 18:53.70
Cameron Ederle St. John's Houston -1:23.20 17:45.00 19:08.20
Bryce Nivet Dallas St Marks -4.50 17:46.00 17:50.50
Jacob Young Houston Christian -1:14.60 17:52.00 19:06.60
Shaan Mehta Dallas St Marks -27.20 17:56.00 18:23.20
Zach Lightfoot Dallas St Marks -18.20 18:01.00 18:19.20
Bo Farnell St. John's Houston -16.50 18:02.00 18:18.50
Brady Puckett St. John's Houston -1:10.30 18:08.00 19:18.30
Russell Li St. John's Houston -16.80 18:12.00 18:28.80
Arjun Khatti Dallas St Marks -20.10 18:12.00 18:32.10
Lito Guerrero Houston Christian +3.50 18:17.00 18:13.50
Jonathan Vuong Tomball Rosehill Christian -2:36.40 18:14.00 20:50.40
William Thames St. John's Houston -23.90 18:16.00 18:39.90
Layton Thacker Houston Lutheran South -13.70 18:17.00 18:30.70
William Sykes St. Andrews Episcopal HS -2:15.50 18:25.00 20:40.50
Oliver Lin St. John's Houston -2:05.20 18:29.00 20:34.20
Morgan Davis The John Cooper School -43.40 18:40.00 19:23.40
Joaquin Sanchez San Antonio Antonian -47.20 18:46.00 19:33.20
Jackson Wynn Tomball Rosehill Christian -1:33.00 18:49.00 20:22.00
Richard Zheng St. John's Houston +8.50 18:58.00 18:49.50
Charles Johnston St. John's Houston -1:13.90 18:52.00 20:05.90
Elijah Ward Houston Lutheran South -39.30 18:56.00 19:35.30
Gavin Moore St. Andrews Episcopal HS -2:03.30 18:58.00 21:01.30
Lucas Wells Houston Lutheran South -3:49.20 19:12.00 23:01.20
Nathan Mendoza Houston Lutheran South -1:07.60 19:14.00 20:21.60
Cici Calhoun St. John's Houston -50.70 19:18.00 20:08.70
Sammy Salter San Antonio Antonian +46.30 20:13.00 19:26.70
Duncan Rattray San Antonio Antonian +3:09.80 22:41.90 19:32.10
Hayden Cox St. Andrews Episcopal HS -11.80 19:36.00 19:47.80
Ames Nicolas St. Andrews Episcopal HS -2:13.80 19:47.00 22:00.80
Luke Anderson Houston Lutheran South -3:51.10 19:54.00 23:45.10
Xander Reyes San Antonio Antonian -31.70 20:00.00 20:31.70
Collin Gregory St. John's Houston -4:22.20 20:05.00 24:27.20
Megan Day The John Cooper School -41.20 20:14.00 20:55.20
Luis Hampton San Antonio Antonian -25.30 20:19.50 20:44.80
Amber Navarra The John Cooper School -1:19.40 20:36.00 21:55.40
Rebecca Bollich St. John's Houston -44.20 20:45.00 21:29.20
Nora Doughty St. John's Houston +1:10.60 21:57.00 20:46.40
Justin Chafin San Antonio Antonian -1:37.30 20:47.70 22:25.00
Abby Mendenhall The John Cooper School +1:04.00 22:11.00 21:07.00
Rahul Lal St. John's Houston +0.90 21:17.00 21:16.10
Natalie Boquist St. John's Houston -3.70 21:18.00 21:21.70
Jett Strack Houston Lutheran South +3.90 21:34.00 21:30.10
Caroline Thames St. John's Houston +1.00 21:37.00 21:36.00
Anahi Marquez St. John's Houston -42.40 21:43.00 22:25.40
Ellie Eikenburg St. John's Houston -10.40 23:06.00 23:16.40
Thomas Gehrke Tomball Rosehill Christian -1:01.00 23:23.00 24:24.00
Emma Nixon The John Cooper School +1:07.30 25:26.00 24:18.70