UIL District 26-4A Track & Field Championships 2023

Stafford, TX
Hosted by Stafford
Timing/Results Run Houston Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Butler, Xavier 10.57 Freeport Brazosport
Jones, Caleb 10.79 Stafford
Turner, Brice 10.80 Bay City
Martin Jr, Antoine 11.11 Iowa Colony
Wiley, Jamaal 11.16 Stafford
Collins, Daniel 11.18 Stafford
Schoppa, Travis 11.20 West Columbia
Johnson-N-Tuck, Jordan 11.25 Stafford
Cottrell, Justin 11.27 West Columbia
Andrews, Jada 11.28 Bay City
Ross, Mike 11.33 Stafford
Morris, Jamal 11.35 Stafford
Allah, Salahadin 11.41 La Marque
Haygood, Nolynn 11.44 Iowa Colony
Ellison, Major 11.50 West Columbia
Malone, Jaden 11.50 Bay City
Marsh, Davion 11.59 Iowa Colony
Renfro, Camren 11.59 Iowa Colony
Wells, Xzavier 11.6 La Marque
Francis, Shermark 11.85 Freeport Brazosport
Curtis, Mack 11.90 Bay City
Alexander, Cameron 11.95 Sweeny
Turner, Marcellus 12.0 La Marque
Richmond, Josh 12.00 La Marque
Miles, Jacody 12.00 Iowa Colony
Breaux, Jacob 12.00h West Columbia
Golden, Zeldyn 12.01 Iowa Colony
Jones, Cayden 12.05 Sweeny
Johnson, Hamza 12.06 West Columbia
Edwards, Michael 12.10 Freeport Brazosport
Varner, Clinton 12.18 Sweeny
Thomas, Dylan 12.33 La Marque
Brinkley, Jai'Dyen 12.35 Bay City
Ferrell, Michael 12.70h Freeport Brazosport
Torrance, Jason 12.86 Freeport Brazosport
Hobill, Luke 13.50h Sweeny
Maisonet, Jacory 13.89 Sweeny
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
O'Neal, Brian 15.51 Stafford
Lowman, Bradley 15.95 Stafford
Abdullah, Mudassir 16.60 West Columbia
Turner-Grant, Rahyan 17.24 Stafford
Spencer, Cameron 17.29 Bay City
Ensley, Robert 17.71 Stafford
Payton, Amarion 18.01 Bay City
Wynn, Donald 18.07 Iowa Colony
Franklin, Michael 18.66 Bay City
Lewis, Bayanai 18.87 Iowa Colony
Conaway, Keagon 18.99 West Columbia
Ardoin, Robert 19.66 Iowa Colony
Sonnier, J'Brion 19.70 Stafford
Grovey, Deshawn 19.71 Sweeny
Johnson, Jordan 20.00 Bay City
Boyd, Eric 20.00 Bay City
Dansberry, Robin 20.02 Stafford
Molina, AJ 20.82 Bay City
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campos, Angel 4:37.17 Bay City
Saucedo, Aden 4:42.35 Iowa Colony
Martinez, Juan 4:54.18 Bay City
Lozano, Juvoni 5:00.00h La Marque
Baltazar, Anthony 5:03.25 Bay City
Suggs, Gianni 5:12.24 Stafford
Liserio, Zach 5:24.20 Sweeny
York, Liam 5:27.96 Sweeny
Martinez-Buitrago, Miguel 5:28.00 Freeport Brazosport
Castillo, Johnny 5:30.10 Stafford
Garza, Miguel 5:30.52 Sweeny
Guevara, Paolo 5:30.77 Bay City
Trainor, Jeren 5:31.90 Iowa Colony
Gartman, Daniel 5:32.24 Sweeny
Carrizales, Jayden 5:32.93 Freeport Brazosport
Johnson, Blake 5:33.08 Iowa Colony
Paniagua, Thomas 5:35.74 Sweeny
Luna, Leo 5:38.02 Bay City
Rodriguez, Sergio 5:41.99 Bay City
Stanford, Kingston 5:46.84 West Columbia
Weatherford, Jeremiah 5:53.92 Iowa Colony
Bishop, Reuben 6:03.78 West Columbia
Faucher, Stanlen 6:12.00h Stafford
Webster, Jacob 6:30.00h Stafford
Dahl, Aiden 6:47.80 Freeport Brazosport
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Butler, Xavier 21.65 Freeport Brazosport
Turner, Brice 22.00 Bay City
Thomas, Braylon 22.24 West Columbia
Warren, Jayden 22.57 Iowa Colony
Dupaty, Baijon 22.71 Iowa Colony
Martin Jr, Antoine 22.93 Iowa Colony
Schoppa, Travis 23.00h West Columbia
Kidd II, Harold 23.09 Stafford
Woods, Terrance 23.11 Stafford
Williams, Xylan 23.36 Bay City
Ward, Landrew 23.39 Iowa Colony
Moffett, Weldon 23.52 Stafford
Brown, Darren 23.64 Iowa Colony
Nelson, Ja'Yir 23.70 Stafford
Francis, Shermark 23.80 Freeport Brazosport
Brown, Leo 23.85 Freeport Brazosport
Shuford, Ashton 23.86 Stafford
Cooper, Dedrick 23.91 La Marque
Richmond, Josh 24.00h La Marque
Deyon, Micheal 24.00h La Marque
Williams, Joshua 24.01 Bay City
Tatum, Dillan 24.18 Stafford
Alexander, Cameron 24.20 Sweeny
Wells, Xzavier 24.20h La Marque
Jackson, Nigel 24.20h La Marque
Bellard, Xavier 24.25 Iowa Colony
Murrell, William 24.56 West Columbia
Fox, Paris 24.74 Bay City
Copeland, James 25.00 Bay City
Jones, Cayden 25.24 Sweeny
Lewis, Logan 25.77 West Columbia
Thomas, Dylan 25.88 La Marque
Hobill, Luke 26.33 Sweeny
Maisonet, Jacory 26.46 Sweeny
Magana, Jesus 26.50h Sweeny
Torrance, Jason 26.65 Freeport Brazosport
Gonzales, Daniel 26.71 Bay City
Clark, Coleton 26.90 Sweeny
Ferrell, Michael 29.32 Freeport Brazosport
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wedderburn, Koi 41.77 Stafford
Thomas, Dylan 42.00h La Marque
Lowman, Bradley 42.15 Stafford
O'Neal, Brian 42.48 Stafford
Lewis, Bayanai 43.75 Iowa Colony
Abdullah, Mudassir 44.67 West Columbia
Spencer, Cameron 45.01 Bay City
Payton, Amarion 45.08 Bay City
Wynn, Donald 45.81 Iowa Colony
Conaway, Keagon 45.82 West Columbia
Ardoin, Robert 45.93 Iowa Colony
Franklin, Michael 46.01 Bay City
Sonnier, J'Brion 46.64 Stafford
Love, Chandler 47.20 Iowa Colony
Robinson, Bruce 48.00h Iowa Colony
Grovey, Deshawn 49.70 Sweeny
Johnson, Jordan 50.00 Bay City
Davis, Aiden 50.60h Stafford
Boyd, Eric 50.86 Bay City
Molina, AJ 52.07 Bay City
Ensley, Robert 52.76 Stafford
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campos, Angel 10:20.12 Bay City
Martinez, Juan 10:52.18 Bay City
Saucedo, Aden 11:17.67 Iowa Colony
Suggs, Gianni 11:22.52 Stafford
Castillo, Johnny 11:30.83 Stafford
Martinez-Buitrago, Miguel 11:34.31 Freeport Brazosport
Baltazar, Anthony 11:41.88 Bay City
Liserio, Zach 11:51.39 Sweeny
York, Liam 11:51.52 Sweeny
Carrizales, Jayden 11:53.62 Freeport Brazosport
Paniagua, Thomas 12:06.50 Sweeny
Garza, Miguel 12:12.63 Sweeny
Trainor, Jeren 12:14.15 Iowa Colony
Rodriguez, Sergio 12:24.92 Bay City
Guevara, Paolo 12:26.55 Bay City
Luna, Leo 12:40.12 Bay City
Bishop, Reuben 13:36.12 West Columbia
Stanford, Kingston 14:00.00 West Columbia
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garcia, Ray 1:00.12 Bay City
Hill, Ian 50.39 Iowa Colony
Le'Day, Ke'Maurion 50.75 Bay City
Moffett, Weldon 51.55 Stafford
Johnson-N-Tuck, Jordan 51.82 Stafford
Guidry, Greg 52.02 Iowa Colony
Lacoste, Malcolm 53.20 Iowa Colony
Maples, Paul 53.51 Iowa Colony
Hanley, Wyatt 53.92 Iowa Colony
Scott, Montrey 53.98 Sweeny
Osom, Emmanuel 54.19 Stafford
Johnson, Blake 55.09 Iowa Colony
Murrell, William 55.34 West Columbia
Thanars, Camden 55.40h Stafford
Le'Day, De'Maurion 55.55 Bay City
Bashaw, William 55.70 Sweeny
Miles, Anthony 56.00h La Marque
Spight, Christopher 56.20h Stafford
Stephenson, Devonte 56.46 Stafford
Wells, Trevell 56.53 Bay City
Simpson, Zion 56.99 La Marque
Sills, Gavin 57.00h West Columbia
Lewis, Logan 57.77 West Columbia
Hobill, Luke 58.00h Sweeny
Boone, Jayden 58.00h La Marque
Magana, Jesus 58.00h Sweeny
Flores, Isaiah 59.00h La Marque
Carpenter, Cameron 59.62 West Columbia
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 41.92 Stafford
Relay Team A 42.94 Bay City
Relay Team A 42.98 Iowa Colony
Relay Team A 43.29 West Columbia
Relay Team A 43.48 Freeport Brazosport
Relay Team A 44.20h Stafford
Relay Team A 44.35 La Marque
Relay Team A 45.00h West Columbia
Relay Team A 45.05 Iowa Colony
Relay Team A 45.60 Bay City
Relay Team A 46.35 La Marque
Relay Team A 47.18 Freeport Brazosport
Relay Team A 47.30 Sweeny
Relay Team A 47.30h Sweeny
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:28.45 Stafford
Relay Team A 1:29.29 Iowa Colony
Relay Team A 1:30.90 Bay City
Relay Team A 1:31.27 West Columbia
Relay Team A 1:33.72 La Marque
Relay Team A 1:34.20h Stafford
Relay Team A 1:35.74 Freeport Brazosport
Relay Team A 1:35.78 Iowa Colony
Relay Team A 1:36.40 Sweeny
Relay Team A 1:36.80 Bay City
Relay Team A 1:37.20 West Columbia
Relay Team A 1:40.72 La Marque
Relay Team A 1:41.29 Freeport Brazosport
Relay Team A 1:41.53 Sweeny
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:23.90 Iowa Colony
Relay Team A 3:26.62 Stafford
Relay Team A 3:29.71 Bay City
Relay Team A 3:38.20 Sweeny
Relay Team A 3:38.40 Iowa Colony
Relay Team A 3:40.20h Stafford
Relay Team A 3:41.34 Freeport Brazosport
Relay Team A 3:45.79 West Columbia
Relay Team A 3:45.79 West Columbia
Relay Team A 3:48.56 La Marque
Relay Team A 3:48.56 La Marque
Relay Team A 3:49.72 Bay City
Relay Team A 4:13.00 Sweeny
Relay Team A 4:25.72 Freeport Brazosport
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Boys 800 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Ian 2:00.29 Iowa Colony
Saucedo, Aden 2:01.53 Iowa Colony
Campos, Angel 2:03.29 Bay City
Maples, Paul 2:07.19 Iowa Colony
Martinez, Juan 2:13.00 Bay City
Sills, Gavin 2:14.50 West Columbia
Johnson, Blake 2:15.12 Iowa Colony
Le'Day, De'Maurion 2:15.83 Bay City
Bashaw, William 2:17.18 Sweeny
Martinez-Buitrago, Miguel 2:17.42 Freeport Brazosport
Suggs, Gianni 2:19.32 Stafford
Baltazar, Anthony 2:20.00 Bay City
Gartman, Daniel 2:20.85 Sweeny
Guevara, Paolo 2:21.13 Bay City
Castillo, Johnny 2:21.25 Stafford
Buster, Jalyn 2:22.01 Stafford
Encarnacion, Voltaire 2:23.98 Iowa Colony
Buckner, Brytan 2:25.00 Stafford
Stephenson, Devonte 2:26.00 Stafford
Mclemore, Jayden 2:27.74 Iowa Colony
Ramos, Ian 2:27.80 Bay City
Carpenter, Cameron 2:28.18 West Columbia
Faucher, Stanlen 2:28.20h Stafford
Stanford, Kingston 2:34.24 West Columbia
Lai, Gavin 2:36.95 Freeport Brazosport
Luzano, Juvoni 2:39.13 La Marque
Dahl, Aiden 2:52.50 Freeport Brazosport
Robledo, Brandon 2:58.05 Freeport Brazosport
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Boys Discus 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huff, Andrew 181-7 Stafford
Bryan, Zo'Maryon 149-8 Bay City
Marshall, Jonathan 144-7 Stafford
McClendon, Dylland 124-0 Stafford
Massey, Gavin 119-0 Sweeny
Burciaga, Alex 116-10 Bay City
Uranga, Luis 115-11 Freeport Brazosport
Terry, Will 114-7 Iowa Colony
Gonzalez, Jaycob 112-3 West Columbia
Davis, Kaden 109-9 West Columbia
Stewart, Ian 109-3 West Columbia
Lamb, Cade 107-1 West Columbia
Johnson, Chris 106-6 Iowa Colony
Swiney, Daniel 102-5 Iowa Colony
Pratt, Jeziah 101-9 Stafford
Jones, Carlon 100-8 Bay City
Meagher, Troy 94-11.7 Sweeny
Martinez, Shane 92-2 Sweeny
Correll, Kolton 90-4 Sweeny
Norton, Christopher 89-8 Freeport Brazosport
Williams, Billy 89-3.25 West Columbia
Venters, Christian 88-10 La Marque
Simmons, Jayden 87-9 Iowa Colony
Howard, Michael 85-0 Iowa Colony
William, Konner 84-7 Stafford
Rodriguez, Maxamilian 81-2.5 Freeport Brazosport
Enriquez, Daniel 80-3 Freeport Brazosport
Townsend, Cameron 80-0 Bay City
Davis, Daylan 80-0 La Marque
Hall-Gasaway, Tristan 80-0 La Marque
Kelly, Trevor 78-3.5 West Columbia
Elizondo, Aeden 68-9 Iowa Colony
Arellano, Davion 66-9 Bay City
McGregor, Xavier 61-8 Sweeny
Johnson, Richard 61-6 Sweeny
Burnett, Trevan 61-0 Bay City
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Boys High Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nelson, Ja'Yir 6-0 Stafford
Ware, D'Marion 5-10 Stafford
Breazeale, Luke 5-8 West Columbia
Guidry, Greg 5-8 Iowa Colony
Osteen, Blake 5-8 West Columbia
Harper, Jadarian 5-6 Iowa Colony
Young, Dominic 5-6 Stafford
Alexander, Cameron 5-6 Sweeny
Franklin, Michael 5-4 Bay City
Williams, Braylon 5-4 Bay City
Johnson, Jordan 5-4 Bay City
Hanley, Wyatt 5-4 Iowa Colony
Jones, Jaborian 5-4 Stafford
Spencer, Cameron 5-4 Bay City
Bellard, Xavier 5-2 Iowa Colony
Miller, Ethan 5-2 Sweeny
Lewis, Breyton 5-0 Bay City
Ramos, Ian 5-0 Bay City
York, Liam 5-0 Sweeny
Grovey, Deshawn 5-0 Sweeny
Trotta, Corey 4-10 Sweeny
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Boys Long Jump 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wedderburn, Koi 22-4.5 Stafford
Williams, Xylan 21-5.75 Bay City
Davis, Aiden 20-7.5 Stafford
Pratt, Jeziah 20-7 Stafford
Ware, D'Marion 20-6.5 Stafford
Jones, Cayden 20-6.25 Sweeny
Williams, Braylon 20-4 Bay City
Lang, Tayshaun 20-4 Sweeny
Guidry, Greg 20-0.5 Iowa Colony
Johnson, Hamza 19-11.5 West Columbia
Lewis, Bayanai 19-10.5 Iowa Colony
Lowman, Bradley 19-10 Stafford
Cooper, Dedrick 19-8.5 La Marque
Edwards, Michael 19-8.5 Freeport Brazosport
Fox, Paris 19-7.5 Bay City
Gonzales, Isaiah 19-4 Bay City
Thomas, Dylan 19-4 La Marque
Hernandez, Elijah 19-3.5 Bay City
Harper, Jadarian 19-0 Iowa Colony
Deyon, Micheal 19-0 La Marque
Bellard, Xavier 18-8 Iowa Colony
WALLACE, NOAH 18-7.5 West Columbia
Galloway, Tre 18-5.5 Freeport Brazosport
Lewis, Logan 18-3.5 West Columbia
White, Clifton 18-2 Freeport Brazosport
Maisonet, Jacory 17-10 Sweeny
Brackens, Micario 17-5 Iowa Colony
Jones, Jaborian 17-4 Stafford
Minix, Josh 17-0 La Marque
Minix, Julian 17-0 La Marque
Andrews-Green, Chanden 17-0 La Marque
Grovey, Deshawn 16-6.75 Sweeny
Ferrell, Michael 16-6 Freeport Brazosport
Nichols, John 15-10.75 West Columbia
Johnson, Bobby 15-8 Iowa Colony
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Boys Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schroeder, Jaxen 13-0 Sweeny
Thoe, Cade 12-6 West Columbia
Nunez, Keaton 10-6 Bay City
Herzik, Haven 9-6 Bay City
Lacoste, Malcolm 9-6 Iowa Colony
Bashaw, William 9-6 Sweeny
Murray, Kaleb 8-6 Bay City
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Boys Shot Put 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Huff, Andrew 53-1 Stafford
Jones, Carlon 45-7.75 Bay City
Marshall, Jonathan 45-5 Stafford
Woods, Erik 45-5 Stafford
Lamb, Cade 44-10.5 West Columbia
Brown, Jacob 43-2 West Columbia
Johnson, Chris 41-9.5 Iowa Colony
Burrow, Ryder 41-6.75 West Columbia
Bryan, Zo'Maryon 41-5 Bay City
Massey, Gavin 41-2.5 Sweeny
Swiney, Daniel 40-10.5 Iowa Colony
Stewart, Ian 40-2 West Columbia
Burciaga, Alex 37-5 Bay City
Venters, Christian 37-5 La Marque
Johnson, Richard 37-3 Sweeny
Simmons, Jayden 36-8 Iowa Colony
Martinez, Shane 36-1 Sweeny
Uranga, Luis 36-0.5 Freeport Brazosport
William, Konner 36-0 Stafford
Hicks, Jeramiah 36-0 Freeport Brazosport
Pratt, Jeziah 35-8 Stafford
Windham, Tyson 35-0 Iowa Colony
Meagher, Troy 34-10.5 Sweeny
Hunt, Damien 34-10 Bay City
Pryer, Kristian 33-0.5 Freeport Brazosport
Waguspack, Joseph 33-0.5 Freeport Brazosport
Enriquez, Daniel 32-1.5 Freeport Brazosport
Elizondo, Aeden 31-7.5 Iowa Colony
Kelly, Trevor 31-2.5 West Columbia
Garza, Ayden 31-1 West Columbia
Burnett, Trevan 30-0 Bay City
Kalu, Henry 30-0 Iowa Colony
Davis, Daylan 30-0 La Marque
Hall-Gasaway, Tristan 30-0 La Marque
Arellano, Davion 28-0 Bay City
Correll, Kolton 27-6 Sweeny
McGregor, Xavier 27-0 Sweeny
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Boys Triple Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Braylon 46-6 Bay City
Wedderburn, Koi 44-8.25 Stafford
Williams, Xylan 42-5.5 Bay City
Wynn, Donald 42-5.5 Iowa Colony
Jones, Cayden 42-0 Sweeny
Abdullah, Mudassir 40-9 West Columbia
Nelson, Ja'Yir 40-0 Stafford
Allah, Salahadin 40-0 La Marque
Lewis, Bayanai 39-0 Iowa Colony
Fox, Paris 38-4.5 Bay City
Copeland, James 38-3 Bay City
Gonzales, Isaiah 38-0.5 Bay City
Alexander, Cameron 37-10 Sweeny
Kidd II, Harold 37-9 Stafford
Thomas, Dylan 37-7 La Marque
Brackens, Micario 37-5 Iowa Colony
Galloway, Tre 36-0 Freeport Brazosport
Maisonet, Jacory 35-10.75 Sweeny
Ellison, Major 35-9.5 West Columbia
Ferrell, Michael 35-0 Freeport Brazosport
Grovey, Deshawn 34-11 Sweeny
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Butler, Amber 12.13 Stafford
Wilturner, Bailee 12.60 Iowa Colony
Robinson, Madison 12.75 Stafford
Woodard, Shania 12.97 Sweeny
Rhodes, Jazzmine 12.99 Stafford
Parker, Je'Dyn 13.03 Iowa Colony
Johnson, Janyha 13.13 Iowa Colony
Smith, Harmony 13.21 Iowa Colony
Washington, Serenity 13.37 Stafford
Riggins, Ramya 13.39 West Columbia
El-Amin, Deja 13.41 Freeport Brazosport
Akinbinu, Victoria 13.52 Stafford
Johnson- WIlliams, Zion 13.63 La Marque
Sanders, Taty'Anna 13.67 Freeport Brazosport
Anderson, Elani 13.68 Stafford
Thrift, Madison 13.75 Bay City
Thompson, Kai 13.77 Sweeny
Sharpe, Natalie 13.97 West Columbia
Lewis, Diamond 14.00 Freeport Brazosport
White, Naliyah 14.00 Freeport Brazosport
Franklin, Jayla 14.19 Bay City
Davis, Kamryn 14.21 Bay City
Thompson, Deziree 14.21 Iowa Colony
Patterson, Shanasia 14.31 Bay City
Hysten, Symphony 14.34 Sweeny
Brown, Kelyse 14.40 Bay City
Rawls, Taliyah 14.50h La Marque
Danks, Adrianna 14.54 West Columbia
Hurt, Zoey 14.54 La Marque
Gros, Gracin 14.57 West Columbia
Mayfield, Alexis 14.79 Freeport Brazosport
Chaney, Jordyn 14.80h La Marque
Coulter, Dinae 15.00 Sweeny
Wallace, Evelyn 15.30 West Columbia
Rhodes, Raylen 15.60h La Marque
Butler, Zion 16.25 Freeport Brazosport
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Turner-Quarles, Ma'rya 15.90 Sweeny
King, Alecia 15.97 Sweeny
Rogers, Aaliyah 16.94 Iowa Colony
Willett, Zia 17.23 Iowa Colony
Misch, Abigail 18.68 West Columbia
Robinson, Shaylee 18.68 Sweeny
Dixon, Breia 18.75 Iowa Colony
Hendon, Brooklyn 18.90 Sweeny
Taylor, Myzaya 18.96 Freeport Brazosport
Jack, Novia 19.20 Iowa Colony
Forney, Kyla 19.25 Stafford
Coulter, Dinae 20.00 Sweeny
Bonner, Kyrah 20.02 Freeport Brazosport
Kennard, Saniya 20.05 Stafford
Williams, Jayla 21.05 Stafford
Pines, Shawniya 21.10 Stafford
James, Aittyana 21.64 Bay City
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ferrell, Megan 5:39.49 Freeport Brazosport
Canchola, Katherine 5:53.80 Iowa Colony
Erwin, Lela 5:57.70 West Columbia
Carr, Reagan 6:04.79 Iowa Colony
Sanchez, Valeria 6:20.00h Iowa Colony
Williams, Nala 6:41.40 Bay City
Belgard, Zowie 6:43.26 West Columbia
Hanzik, Karmen 6:50.75 West Columbia
Whipple, McKenzie 6:53.40 West Columbia
Leza, Isabell 7:09.07 Sweeny
Garza, Allesi 7:21.20 West Columbia
Dailey, Cailin 7:43.39 Bay City
Bermudez, Jovianna 7:44.93 Sweeny
Laggard, Charlize 8:40.57 Iowa Colony
Walton, Ailey 8:40.57 Iowa Colony
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Butler, Amber 25.00 Stafford
Brown, Ahmasia 25.40 Freeport Brazosport
Williams, Arius 25.68 Iowa Colony
VanDyke, Jacelyn 25.73 Freeport Brazosport
Smith, Kiana 26.10 Stafford
Rhodes, Jazzmine 26.33 Stafford
Harkless, Tr'Chelle 26.42 Freeport Brazosport
Murry, Adriana 26.61 Iowa Colony
Johnson, Janyha 27.06 Iowa Colony
Ceasor, Amaya 27.50 Stafford
Hurt, Zoey 27.50h La Marque
Riggins, Ramya 27.53 West Columbia
Johnson- WIlliams, Zion 27.59 La Marque
Young, Hannah 27.76 Iowa Colony
Fitts, Alyssa 27.83 Sweeny
Sanders, Taty'Anna 28.00 Freeport Brazosport
Bryant, Najet 28.09 West Columbia
Rawls, Taliyah 28.30h La Marque
Henderson, Amiya 28.38 Stafford
Woods, Kaylen 28.41 Stafford
Perry, Khylee 28.56 Bay City
Britton, Kay'ana 28.85 Sweeny
Mayfield, Alexis 29.00 Freeport Brazosport
Selman, Le'Azyia 29.00 Freeport Brazosport
Hall, Madison 29.50 Iowa Colony
Richardson, Ebraylynn 29.56 Bay City
Thompson, Lynzie 29.77 West Columbia
Danks, Adrianna 29.98 West Columbia
Davis, Kamryn 30.09 Bay City
Singletary, Karmyce 30.43 Iowa Colony
Patterson, Shanasia 30.44 Bay City
Zaragoza, Gabriela 30.80 Sweeny
Franklin, Jayla 32.00 Bay City
Clark, Aaron 32.00 Sweeny
Wallace, Evelyn 32.09 West Columbia
Coulter, Dinae 34.48 Sweeny
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kennard, Saniya 1:01.62 Stafford
Brown, Kelyse 1:01.70 Bay City
Christiansen, Shiris 1:04.73 West Columbia
Davis, Kamryn 1:08.00h Bay City
James, Aittyana 1:09.81 Bay City
Willett, Zia 48.80 Iowa Colony
King, Alecia 48.81 Sweeny
Joseph, Amya 50.43 Sweeny
Seibert, Belle 51.52 Sweeny
Dixon, Breia 53.00 Iowa Colony
Rife, Carter 53.37 West Columbia
Bonner, Kyrah 53.75 Freeport Brazosport
Forney, Kyla 53.95 Stafford
Misch, Abigail 54.01 West Columbia
Hendon, Brooklyn 54.70 Sweeny
Pines, Shawniya 55.32 Stafford
Jack, Novia 55.56 Iowa Colony
Williams, Jayla 56.48 Stafford
Gros, Gracin 56.70 West Columbia
Taylor, Myzaya 57.92 Freeport Brazosport
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ferrell, Megan 13:00.17 Freeport Brazosport
Dailey, Cailin 14:35.70 Bay City
Bermudez, Jovianna 15:06.12 Sweeny
Sanchez, Valeria 15:30.00 Iowa Colony
Stanford, Laysa 15:48.25 West Columbia
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Samarco, Mariah 1:02.82 Iowa Colony
Wilson, Kiara 1:03.32 Stafford
Canchola, Katherine 1:04.00h Iowa Colony
Perry, Khylee 1:04.03 Bay City
Thomas, Reagan 1:04.80 Iowa Colony
Jackson, Madison 1:05.55 Stafford
Jackson, Bailey 1:07.40 Iowa Colony
El-Amin, Deja 1:07.86 Freeport Brazosport
McCurdy, Emma 1:08.00h Sweeny
Tidalgo, Sierra 1:09.00 Sweeny
Hysten, Symphony 1:09.20 Sweeny
Allen, Emily 1:10.31 Sweeny
Dennis, Trinity 1:10.62 Stafford
Williams, Lyric 1:11.75 Iowa Colony
Dvorak, Addison 1:12.12 Sweeny
Young, Gianna 1:12.63 Stafford
Belgard, Zowie 1:12.83 West Columbia
Richardson, Ebraylynn 1:16.76 Bay City
Williams, Nala 1:18.27 Bay City
Lewis, Alyssa 57.31 West Columbia
Lewis, Ashtyn 57.34 Iowa Colony
Lewis, Diamond 70.00 Freeport Brazosport
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 48.63 Freeport Brazosport
Relay Team A 48.67 Stafford
Relay Team A 49.14 Iowa Colony
Relay Team A 50.80 West Columbia
Relay Team A 50.80 West Columbia
Relay Team A 51.36 Sweeny
Relay Team A 51.36 Sweeny
Relay Team A 51.98 Stafford
Relay Team A 52.68 Iowa Colony
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:41.89 Iowa Colony
Relay Team A 1:43.49 Stafford
Relay Team A 1:43.59 Freeport Brazosport
Relay Team A 1:50.32 Stafford
Relay Team A 1:50.77 West Columbia
Relay Team A 1:51.65 Sweeny
Relay Team A 1:51.65 Sweeny
Relay Team A 1:54.76 Iowa Colony
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:57.64 Iowa Colony
Relay Team A 4:12.35 Stafford
Relay Team A 4:15.00h Iowa Colony
Relay Team A 4:20.42 West Columbia
Relay Team A 4:26.98 Freeport Brazosport
Relay Team A 4:36.16 Sweeny
Relay Team A 4:36.16 Sweeny
Relay Team A 4:38.15 Stafford
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Girls 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Samarco, Mariah 2:31.89 Iowa Colony
Canchola, Katherine 2:32.58 Iowa Colony
Ferrell, Megan 2:35.02 Freeport Brazosport
Carr, Reagan 2:35.39 Iowa Colony
Erwin, Lela 2:35.65 West Columbia
Wilson, Kiara 2:38.70 Stafford
Thomas, Reagan 2:43.00 Iowa Colony
Barba, Miriael 2:43.24 Freeport Brazosport
Schill, Braylee 2:43.54 West Columbia
Dupont, Emma 2:48.77 West Columbia
McCurdy, Emma 2:49.01 Sweeny
Jackson, Bailey 2:49.40 Iowa Colony
Williams, Nala 2:58.07 Bay City
Whipple, McKenzie 2:59.42 West Columbia
Spencer, Amaya 3:01.17 Bay City
Garza, Allesi 3:01.76 West Columbia
Tidalgo, Sierra 3:03.76 Sweeny
Leza, Isabell 3:03.87 Sweeny
Zaragoza, Gabriela 3:03.95 Sweeny
Mitchell, Mercedes 3:14.18 Freeport Brazosport
McCullough, Jayla 3:17.29 Stafford
Dailey, Cailin 3:19.28 Bay City
Williams, Lyric 3:19.33 Iowa Colony
Jackson, Madison 3:20.24 Stafford
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Girls Discus 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dewitt, Iris 128-6 Bay City
Davis, Madison 106-4.2 Freeport Brazosport
Keen, Katelyn 103-8.5 West Columbia
Rogers, Aaliyah 103-8.5 Iowa Colony
Curry, Jasmine 98-5.5 West Columbia
Eulenfeld, Kayla 98-5 Sweeny
Johnson, Sincere 94-9 La Marque
Goins, Torrijah 91-8 Freeport Brazosport
Ward, Savannah 91-6.5 West Columbia
Tolbert, Kaelin 89-0.5 Sweeny
Fields, Ayvah 88-0 West Columbia
Shuford, De'Nyshia 85-3 Stafford
Deleon, Kelly 84-7 Bay City
Lane, Jazmyn 83-9.5 Stafford
Davis, Tayah 82-6 La Marque
Salas, Lynly 82-6 Sweeny
Cook, Kyionna 81-2.5 Bay City
Elder, Cherish 78-9 La Marque
Solis, Emily 74-4 Bay City
Thomas, Kyah 73-3 Freeport Brazosport
Sylvestre, Vinasha 64-11 Stafford
Bowman, Jayla 64-9 Stafford
James, Aiyanna 62-2 Bay City
Jack, Novia 61-11 Iowa Colony
Johnson, Serena 56-1 Iowa Colony
Bess, Kaylee 50-1 West Columbia
Berma, Katelyn 49-5 Bay City
Hart, Honey 47-1 West Columbia
Goodman, Danielle 47-0 Sweeny
Broussard, Natalie 46-2 Stafford
Ware, Kamree 43-2 Stafford
Fuentes, Jennie 36-5 Sweeny
Williams, Kaylah 35-0 Iowa Colony
Garcia, Kayla 33-9 Sweeny
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Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Londyn 5-4 West Columbia
Broussard, Hayley 4-8 West Columbia
Bell, Hevan 4-8 Sweeny
Perry, Khylee 4-6 Bay City
White, Naliyah 4-6 Freeport Brazosport
Lewis, Diamond 4-6 Freeport Brazosport
Campbell, Ariyanna 4-6 Sweeny
Britton, Kay'ana 4-6 Sweeny
Fields, Ayvah 4-4 West Columbia
Williams, Nala 4-4 Bay City
Bonner-Williams, Taylor 4-4 Iowa Colony
Davis, Kamryn 4-4 Bay City
Washington, Serenity 4-2 Stafford
Williams, Jayla 4-2 Stafford
McCullough, Jayla 4-2 Stafford
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Girls Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Londyn 17-5.5 West Columbia
El-Amin, Deja 16-8 Freeport Brazosport
King, Alecia 16-6.5 Sweeny
Woodard, Shania 15-8 Sweeny
Parker, Je'Dyn 15-7.25 Iowa Colony
Perry, Khylee 15-4 Bay City
Johnson, Janyha 15-3 Iowa Colony
Forney, Kyla 14-9.75 Stafford
Belgard, Zowie 14-3.25 West Columbia
White, Naliyah 14-0 Freeport Brazosport
Henderson, Amiya 14-0 Stafford
Waddy, Amaya 13-9.25 Freeport Brazosport
Thrift, Madison 13-8 Bay City
Pines, Shawniya 13-8 Stafford
Lewis, Alexia 13-7.5 West Columbia
Wright, ALeah 13-6.5 Sweeny
Smith, Kiana 13-5 Stafford
Spencer, Amaya 13-4 Bay City
Lewis, Paige 13-4 Stafford
Sanders, Taty'Anna 12-11 Freeport Brazosport
Randolph, Alanna 12-6 Stafford
Elder, Cheriah 11-6 La Marque
Chaney, Jordyn 11-3 La Marque
Rhodes, Raylen 11-3 La Marque
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Girls Pole Vault 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McCurdy, Emma 7-0 Sweeny
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Girls Shot Put 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Madison 34-0.75 Freeport Brazosport
Ward, Savannah 34-0 West Columbia
Richardson-Clay, Mal 33-11 Bay City
Goins, Torrijah 32-1 Freeport Brazosport
Eulenfeld, Kayla 32-1 Sweeny
Ellis, A'Miracle 31-2 Bay City
Davis, Tayah 31-1 La Marque
Keen, Katelyn 30-9 West Columbia
Rogers, Aaliyah 30-7 Iowa Colony
Salas, Lynly 29-5 Sweeny
Bernard, Kiana 29-1 Sweeny
Vargas, Melanie 28-6 Bay City
Butler, Brittany 28-6 Stafford
Tolbert, Kaelin 28-6 Sweeny
Franklin, Kyii 27-7 La Marque
Lane, Jazmyn 27-4.75 Stafford
West, Ka'niyah 26-8 Bay City
Broussard, Natalie 26-5 Stafford
Curry, Jasmine 26-0.75 West Columbia
Sylvestre, Vinasha 26-0.5 Stafford
Bowman, Jayla 26-0 Stafford
King, Jasmine 25-5 La Marque
Tapia-Pettis, Kiarra 25-5 Bay City
Jack, Novia 25-4 Iowa Colony
Carder, Kassidy 25-0 Sweeny
Rivera, Makayla 25-0 Sweeny
Willis, Asia 24-4.5 Bay City
Thomas, Kyah 23-8.5 Freeport Brazosport
Johnson, Serena 23-5 Iowa Colony
Starling, Taylor 23-4.5 West Columbia
Ware, Kamree 22-3 Stafford
Hart, Honey 20-0 West Columbia
Bess, Kaylee 20-0 West Columbia
Brunn, Jayda 19-9 Iowa Colony
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Girls Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Londyn 37-9.25 West Columbia
El-Amin, Deja 33-5 Freeport Brazosport
Turner-Quarles, Ma'rya 32-2 Sweeny
Parker, Je'Dyn 30-0 Iowa Colony
White, Naliyah 30-0 Freeport Brazosport
Selman, Le'Azyia 27-10.5 Freeport Brazosport
Forney, Kyla 26-9 Stafford
Henderson, Amiya 26-8 Stafford
Pines, Shawniya 24-5 Stafford
Elder, Cheriah 21-6 La Marque
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