Summer Training Blog Abbey Santoro Week 5:

Monday 8/15/16
Today was my first official practice of the season. Official practices started a week ago, but I was in Chicago. It was so great to see everyone out there working hard, we have a lot of new runners who are excited about the season! Today's workout was a mile warmup, 4 progressive mile repeats, a mile cool down and 10 strides. I did the workout with my teammates Julia Black and Isabel Van Camp and we hit every single one of our splits! Our first mile was 6:11, our second mile was 6:08, our third mile was 6:00 flat, and our last mile was 5:52. After we finished our workout we took this jumping picture and after several tries, we finally got a good one! It felt really good to get in a speed workout like this after having run on a treadmill the past couple of weeks!
Total miles: 6.60
Tuesday 8/16/16
Today's run was a recovery run from our workout yesterday. Before we ran we also did core and a 2 lap warm up on the track. We did an easy 7 mile run with an average of 7:56 pace. A couple of my teammates and I ran together and just talked and laughed with each other the whole time. This run felt really good for all of us and it was a good recovery run in preparation for our workout tomorrow.
Total miles: 7.5
Wednesday 8/17/16
This morning we had another track workout which was a mile warm up, 3x1000, 2-mile cool down, and 10 strides. Our first 1000 was at 92% of our mile pace effort, our second was 98%, and our last one was at 102%. Overall I didn't feel that great during this workout, but sometimes during your training you have bad days and that's ok as long as you don't dwell on every bad workout you have.
Total miles: 5
Thursday 8/18/16
Before we ran this morning we did a 2 lap warm up on the track and did core. We had a half recovery/half EPR run today in order to recover from our workout but still get in some quality miles. Julia, Isabel, and I all ran 6-miles and really pushed each other throughout the run and ended the last mile of our EPR at 6:39 pace. After practice I came home and took an ice bath so that my legs will be fresh because we have a 5k time trial tomorrow which I know we are all really excited/nervous for, but this should be a good way to see what we need to work on before our first meet of the season at Marcus 1!
Total miles: 6.5
Friday 8/19/16
Today was our 5k time trial and we warmed up for 1 mile before starting. It didn't go exactly how I wanted it to because I didn't hit the time I was aiming for. But this just gets me even more excited for the season to start! One thing we did learn from this time trial is that as a team we all need to be closer together during the race because there are some places where the gap is just too big. After the time trial, we did a mile cool down to finish out our mileage for the day.
Total miles: 5
Saturday 8/20/16
It was pouring down rain this morning so I waited until the afternoon to do my long run. It was pretty humid outside from all of the rain which didn't feel too great while I was running, but I got my 8 miles in. For some reason, I decided to run around my neighborhood which was pretty limiting for an 8-mile run, but I ran at an easy pace averaging 7:43 overall. I accidentally ran into a giant swarm of gnats that instantly stuck to my entire body which was both disgusting and annoying during the process of trying to get them all off.
Total miles: 8
Sunday 8/21/16
Around 5:30 PM I ran my 4-mile shakeout run through my neighborhood again today which felt much better than yesterday's run even though it was 90 degrees outside.
Total miles: 4
Today was my first official practice of the season. Official practices started a week ago, but I was in Chicago. It was so great to see everyone out there working hard, we have a lot of new runners who are excited about the season! Today's workout was a mile warmup, 4 progressive mile repeats, a mile cool down and 10 strides. I did the workout with my teammates Julia Black and Isabel Van Camp and we hit every single one of our splits! Our first mile was 6:11, our second mile was 6:08, our third mile was 6:00 flat, and our last mile was 5:52. After we finished our workout we took this jumping picture and after several tries, we finally got a good one! It felt really good to get in a speed workout like this after having run on a treadmill the past couple of weeks!
Total miles: 6.60
Tuesday 8/16/16
Today's run was a recovery run from our workout yesterday. Before we ran we also did core and a 2 lap warm up on the track. We did an easy 7 mile run with an average of 7:56 pace. A couple of my teammates and I ran together and just talked and laughed with each other the whole time. This run felt really good for all of us and it was a good recovery run in preparation for our workout tomorrow.
Total miles: 7.5
Wednesday 8/17/16
This morning we had another track workout which was a mile warm up, 3x1000, 2-mile cool down, and 10 strides. Our first 1000 was at 92% of our mile pace effort, our second was 98%, and our last one was at 102%. Overall I didn't feel that great during this workout, but sometimes during your training you have bad days and that's ok as long as you don't dwell on every bad workout you have.
Total miles: 5
Thursday 8/18/16
Before we ran this morning we did a 2 lap warm up on the track and did core. We had a half recovery/half EPR run today in order to recover from our workout but still get in some quality miles. Julia, Isabel, and I all ran 6-miles and really pushed each other throughout the run and ended the last mile of our EPR at 6:39 pace. After practice I came home and took an ice bath so that my legs will be fresh because we have a 5k time trial tomorrow which I know we are all really excited/nervous for, but this should be a good way to see what we need to work on before our first meet of the season at Marcus 1!
Total miles: 6.5
Friday 8/19/16
Today was our 5k time trial and we warmed up for 1 mile before starting. It didn't go exactly how I wanted it to because I didn't hit the time I was aiming for. But this just gets me even more excited for the season to start! One thing we did learn from this time trial is that as a team we all need to be closer together during the race because there are some places where the gap is just too big. After the time trial, we did a mile cool down to finish out our mileage for the day.
Total miles: 5
Saturday 8/20/16
It was pouring down rain this morning so I waited until the afternoon to do my long run. It was pretty humid outside from all of the rain which didn't feel too great while I was running, but I got my 8 miles in. For some reason, I decided to run around my neighborhood which was pretty limiting for an 8-mile run, but I ran at an easy pace averaging 7:43 overall. I accidentally ran into a giant swarm of gnats that instantly stuck to my entire body which was both disgusting and annoying during the process of trying to get them all off.
Total miles: 8
Sunday 8/21/16
Around 5:30 PM I ran my 4-mile shakeout run through my neighborhood again today which felt much better than yesterday's run even though it was 90 degrees outside.
Total miles: 4