Interview with Natasha Klimas

(Natasha placed 5th in the 5A state meet as a Freshman.)

Recap your 2003 outstanding cross country season

Natasha: I started off with my summer track season, which did a lot for my base, but it also kind of threw me off towards the end of xc because I had to peak an extra time. But for the most of last season I was trying to build off summer track.

What kind of injuries did you suffer in the 2004 track season?

Natasha: Last track season I messed up my illiotibial (sp?) band and my knees, along with my right hip. I was running high-mileage and that was definitely compounded by the fact that I hit a huge growth spurt at the time.

How has your training progressed?

Natasha: I Recently I began the switch from cross-training to more running workouts, so it's tough to say at this stage.

Region 1 is stacked this year with Miranda Walker, Brooke Upshaw, Christina Henderson, Tara Gruber, Kristen Gibson, Michelle Gallegos, Brittney Alberto and Erin Bedell. What do you think about the quality of the field?

Natasha:: Amazing. I think that each and every one of those girls is capable of wining. It's going to be tough.

What is your goal for 2004 Cross Country?

Natasha: I would like to improve on last year's fifth.

Are you running in any big invitational this season?

Natasha: Yes. I think we will be at the McNeil. Don't quote me though.

Who/What got you motivated to run?

Natasha: I come from a family of runners. But what really got me going was all the free food and stickers afterwards.

Here are 7 general questions I ask all of my interviewees:

What is your favorite word?

Natasha: Hulahoo. (Not a real word.)

What is your least favorite word? "

Natasha:: Can't"

What is your favorite thing about running?

Natasha: Endorphins. 'Nuff said.

What is your least favorite thing about running?

Natasha: Waking up really early. Or not having Cokes. I'll call it a tie.

What sport other than yours would you like to attempt?

Natasha:: Triathlon.

What sports would you not like to attempt?

Natasha: Chess… since everyone considers it a sport, and I don't know how to play.

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the , pearly gates?

Natasha:: Howdy Partner! Just kidding.