Carrollton Greenbelt Championships 2014

Carrollton, TX

Carrollton Greenbelt Championships 2014 vs Carrollton Greenbelt Championships 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -39 98 137
Overall Average -44.00 24:32.98 25:16.98
1st-10th Place -7.16 18:55.25 19:02.41
1st-25th Place -3.57 19:53.21 19:56.78
1st-50th Place +16.12 21:10.40 20:54.28
1st-100th Place +1:09.88 24:03.52 22:53.65
Common Athletes -- -- 25
Ran Faster -3 11 14
Ran Season Best -- -- --
Average Time -7.56 24:12.90 24:20.46
Median Time +27.38 23:33.56 23:06.18
Middle 80% Times +8.05 24:07.46 23:59.41
Top 10% Times +1:00.57 19:05.07 18:04.50
Top 25% Times +1:02.44 20:11.79 19:09.35
Top 50% Times +1:02.29 21:16.12 20:13.83
Bottom 50% Times -1:16.83 25:17.91 26:34.74
Bottom 25% Times -2:09.56 29:17.62 31:27.19
Bottom 10% Times -3:03.24 31:51.50 34:54.74
Average Difference -7.56 -- --
Median Difference +27.38 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +8.05 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:00.57 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:02.29 -- --
Top 25% Difference +40.42 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:02.29 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:14.72 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:06.68 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:10.43 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Matthew Arndorfer Carrollton Prince of Peace +28.03 17:46.84 17:18.81
Matthew Hahn Carrollton Christian Academy +1:21.16 19:14.94 17:53.78
Calahan Gustafson Plano John Paul II +1:12.53 20:13.44 19:00.91
Caleb Jones Colleyville Covenant Christian +52.69 20:15.66 19:22.97
Alfredo Diaz North Garland +2:28.75 22:17.25 19:48.50
Nate Broadfield Westlake Academy +1:09.69 21:27.03 20:17.34
Kaleb Warneke Carrollton Prince of Peace +2:10.44 22:33.59 20:23.15
Luke Houillion Episcopal School of Dallas -19.44 20:49.50 21:08.94
Hunter Cochran Westlake Academy +1:13.25 22:11.56 20:58.31
Carter Patton Plano John Paul II +1:16.66 22:18.53 21:01.87
Noah Jones Colleyville Covenant Christian +1:10.37 22:12.52 21:02.15
Brandford Barnes Plano Prestonwood Christian -1.75 21:35.12 21:36.87
Caden Burchard Plano Prestonwood Christian +27.38 23:33.56 23:06.18
Lawrence Cooper Colleyville Covenant Christian -5.56 23:49.59 23:55.15
Andrew Cowan Westlake Academy -1:24.94 24:30.03 25:54.97
Tyler Thompson Carrollton Prince of Peace +33.31 25:09.06 24:35.75
Elliot Taylor Westlake Academy -51.65 25:08.22 25:59.87
Mark Dodson Episcopal School of Dallas -3.13 25:12.62 25:15.75
Wes Dodson Episcopal School of Dallas +1:05.21 26:44.90 25:39.69
Chris Vanbuskirk Episcopal School of Dallas -3:41.75 26:24.94 30:06.69
Kelly Autrey Episcopal School of Dallas -2:52.63 26:44.09 29:36.72
Ryan Chow Plano Prestonwood Christian -39.65 29:34.94 30:14.59
Robby Fitzgerald Westlake Academy +13.69 29:56.50 29:42.81
Danny Keszler Episcopal School of Dallas -1:13.79 31:21.09 32:34.88
Andrew Keszler Episcopal School of Dallas -7:37.85 34:16.90 41:54.75