UIL Region I XC Championship 2024 vs UIL Region I XC Championships 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +1198 1337 139
Overall Average -1:55.21 19:58.51 21:53.72
1st-10th Place -2:39.70 15:18.01 17:57.71
1st-25th Place -2:59.49 15:38.65 18:38.14
1st-50th Place -3:26.36 15:56.88 19:23.24
1st-100th Place -4:15.22 16:18.25 20:33.47
Common Athletes -- -- 50
Ran Faster 28 39 11
Ran Season Best 25 25 --
Average Time -46.54 20:36.41 21:22.94
Median Time -57.50 20:08.10 21:05.60
Middle 80% Times -52.25 20:18.90 21:11.15
Top 10% Times -12.34 17:45.62 17:57.96
Top 25% Times -27.73 18:24.88 18:52.61
Top 50% Times -42.01 18:59.22 19:41.23
Bottom 50% Times -51.07 22:13.59 23:04.66
Bottom 25% Times -44.05 23:37.21 24:21.26
Bottom 10% Times -35.04 25:47.28 26:22.32
Average Difference -46.54 -- --
Median Difference -2:23.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -41.55 -- --
Top 10% Difference -20.36 -- --
Top 50% Difference -29.92 -- --
Top 25% Difference -22.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference -29.92 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:03.16 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:05.62 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:52.62 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Eduardo Cedillo O'Donnell -1:29.60 17:23.70 18:53.30
Brance Ferguson Happy +19.80 17:43.90 17:24.10
Carlos Plata Sands School -17.20 17:26.90 17:44.10
Aiden Beversdorf Petersburg -3.10 18:00.50 18:03.60
Will Clay Texline -11.70 18:13.10 18:24.80
Cam Arendall Wellman-Union +40.40 18:53.60 18:13.20
Haygen Lopez Silverton -2:00.40 18:36.30 20:36.70
Kendrick Buck Hartley -1:12.00 18:40.50 19:52.50
Cameron Renteria O'Donnell -2:23.50 18:42.50 21:06.00
Draedon Barrera O'Donnell -33.90 18:49.10 19:23.00
Joe Clay Texline -10.60 18:51.60 19:02.20
Jael Acosta Adrian -48.10 18:59.40 19:47.50
Kyle Woodard Meadow -29.30 19:02.30 19:31.60
Trayven Wilson Texline -38.00 19:16.10 19:54.10
Bryan Torres Follett -1:24.60 19:16.80 20:41.40
Kevin King Lamesa Klondike -8:09.50 19:16.80 27:26.30
Hector-David Cardona Petersburg -3:16.70 19:23.40 22:40.10
Caynden Mynear White Deer -56.70 19:24.80 20:21.50
Kaylob Frietz Springlake Earth +3.00 19:27.90 19:24.90
Miguel Bressler Happy -52.30 19:27.00 20:19.30
Angel Ramirez-Hernandez Wellman-Union +38.70 20:17.80 19:39.10
Ethan Cedillo-Sanchez Petersburg -1:01.80 19:42.00 20:43.80
Aiden Cisneros Hart -48.60 19:53.50 20:42.10
Trey Villegas Whitharral -1:27.00 20:00.50 21:27.50
Kason Sperry Happy -2:33.30 20:01.00 22:34.30
Malachi Sedillo Petersburg -6.50 20:07.30 20:13.80
Aron Rempel Wellman-Union -1:03.90 20:08.10 21:12.00
Tazlan Brown Fort Elliott -21.20 20:17.80 20:39.00
Angel Lopez Hartley -41.10 20:24.50 21:05.60
Michael Griffin Lenorah Grady +17.00 20:47.60 20:30.60
CJ Moore Happy -20.20 20:40.70 21:00.90
Brayson Parker Meadow -59.50 20:52.00 21:51.50
Diezel Ramirez Afton Patton Springs -1:30.40 20:52.80 22:23.20
Daniel Rodriguez Whitharral -26.70 20:56.30 21:23.00
Bryson Lavrenz Lefors -24.80 20:59.00 21:23.80
Lane Cearley Lenorah Grady +1:33.60 22:37.20 21:03.60
Evan Lopez Petersburg -1:53.00 21:09.10 23:02.10
Caleb Bordayo Sands School -26.10 21:10.30 21:36.40
Trayson Corley Groom -2:08.10 21:25.00 23:33.10
Ty Huston Wellman-Union -1:13.70 21:36.90 22:50.60
Maverick Barr Fort Elliott +52.50 22:46.20 21:53.70
Hudson Dobrovolny Whitharral -1:48.00 22:04.70 23:52.70
Tad Evans Happy +2:09.10 24:32.20 22:23.10
Wyatt Herm Sands School -23.50 22:23.60 22:47.10
Adrian       Fraire Meadow -2:42.90 22:33.80 25:16.70
Isaiah Acevedo Whitharral -32.60 22:40.00 23:12.60
Stran Henderson Fort Worth McLean MS +59.80 23:46.30 22:46.50
Brason Dill Wellman-Union +10.90 25:28.30 25:17.40
Armando    Soto Meadow -1:06.50 26:09.60 27:16.10
Bryan      Parker Meadow +2:24.90 29:00.00 26:35.10