Pictures and from www.brooksrunnnig.com
Marisa Parks
Dripping Springs HS
"I try to give them a lot of attention because they're not under Friday night lights," expressed Marisa Parks, speaking of her runners.
WHY: Marisa Parks loves what she gets to do for a living and she loves her sport. "I think what's really cool about the type of kids you get is there's no glory... at least not much in our sport. These kids are coming from all different backgrounds, and the run is the one thing that unites us all. It can define us; that one moment of being edged-out or finding passion that changes their lives. As a coach, you never know when that moment is going to impact them." Asked about the culture of her team and why running is so special to her, coach Parks had zero hesitation with her answer. "I run with 90 kids, so you learn their names really quickly. I can't fathom coaching a team and not knowing the kids names. If you want a kid to run through a brick wall you have to have their trust first. You don't always realize the impact you have and I truly believe I get more from coaching than I give. I love coaching...I love my job. I feel like the kids can see the passion I have for running and for my job." Marisa Parks has created a unique and special culture in Dripping Springs that not only inspires her student-athletes but unites a community of runners. (Info from www.brooksrunnnig.com)