Sundown High School: A Small School with Major Performances

Steven Quintanilla's Interview

The 2A Boys race from State

Texas MileSplit: How does it feel to win the 2A race at state?
Steven Quintanilla: It is a great accomplishment for the team and has been one of my goals since the season has started. Everyone on the team wanted to win and one of our seniors called it at the Regional meet.

 How did you prepare for the state race? Did you prepare for this one differently than you have prepared for other races this season?
knew this race would be a lot more challenging than any other meet we have ran. the competition and the stakes are way higher than any other race.

Do you feel the bigger schools have an advantage at cross country meets over the smaller schools and why? 
No, we all run the same course and we train just as hard if not harder.
What/who is your motivation to run and why?
Honestly, I run because my older sister forced me to, but I'm glad she did because I love the sport. I also run to STOP PRE.

What does a week of XC training typically involve for you?
On Monday it is a race pace 3-5 mile course. Tuesdays and Thursdays are when we do our hardest workouts. Friday the football players don't go to workout because we have a football game. Saturday is race day.

Why did you start running cross country?

I started running like I said because of my older sister, Aryanna Quintanilla, forced me to. After the first week I wanted to quit but after workouts I noticed I was catching all the top guys like Justin Torrez, Rock Thoms, Bo Thoms, Mathew Nichols, and Jimmy Jimenez, so I kept running.

Have you started looking at colleges yet, and if so where are you looking?
I haven't looked yet, but I want to go to college to run and I'd like to run anywhere.

When will you begin training for Track season?
I'll begin Track workouts after basketball season depending on how far we go in playoffs.

What are your personal goals for Track this season?
I want to win state i the 800m.

What is your favorite memory from this XC season?
My favorite memory is by far winning crossing the finish line knowing i was the 2a state champion.