I say this with neither pleasure nor clout, but putting together the boys all-state team for the state of Texas is one of the most difficult set of decisions of one's life.
There are so many deserving athletes and individuals that it's almost criminal to keep so much talent off this list.
There are nine selections for each event and four additional for honorable mention. Individual events also have a freshman selection for FOY selections. Why nine? Well, basically because the UIL carries nine to the state finals and that's the best reason I can justify awarding as many as possible.
To guide the decisions, emphasis was placed on making it to the respective state meets (Homeschool, SPC, TAPPS, and UIL), post season national championships, and big invitationals. Athletes who excelled in multiple events were chosen to the team for only one event.
In some instances, injured (depending on the point of the season the injury occurred) athletes who weren't able to finish the season also received consideration.
Click through the pages and see who made our teams.