UIL 6A - District 28 2021 vs UIL 6A - District 28 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -9 236 245
Overall Average +1:02.36 22:44.48 21:42.12
1st-10th Place +25.60 16:49.10 16:23.50
1st-25th Place +34.25 17:30.70 16:56.45
1st-50th Place +37.38 18:12.23 17:34.85
1st-100th Place +37.58 19:18.41 18:40.83
Common Athletes -- -- 39
Ran Faster -35 2 37
Ran Season Best -11 3 14
Average Time +2:06.36 22:15.61 20:09.25
Median Time +1:41.54 22:04.90 20:23.36
Middle 80% Times +2:04.51 22:11.21 20:06.71
Top 10% Times +1:26.80 17:22.13 15:55.33
Top 25% Times +1:44.23 18:14.24 16:30.01
Top 50% Times +1:38.91 19:29.19 17:50.29
Bottom 50% Times +2:27.49 23:55.25 21:27.76
Bottom 25% Times +2:58.53 27:02.03 24:03.50
Bottom 10% Times +3:17.22 29:07.48 25:50.27
Average Difference +2:06.36 -- --
Median Difference +1:18.17 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:06.59 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:05.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:32.30 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:30.78 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:32.30 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:38.01 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +3:23.49 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:17.22 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Gavin Chapa San Antonio Reagan +3:05.50 18:39.13 15:33.63
Hayden Scott Northside Brandeis +52.93 16:37.79 15:44.86
ARLO GONZALES San Antonio Lee +1:06.01 17:00.39 15:54.38
Alejandro Rosales San Antonio Churchill +1:43.00 18:11.45 16:28.45
Manny Emmanuel) Mood San Antonio Johnson +2:02.28 18:39.15 16:36.87
Luke Munoz San Antonio Reagan +1:36.38 18:15.88 16:39.50
Michael Repper-Molina San Antonio Johnson +3:02.32 19:50.90 16:48.58
Brenden Ellis Northside Clark +2:02.16 18:52.38 16:50.22
Sebastian Gamiz San Antonio Reagan +39.12 17:38.89 16:59.77
ANTONIO VALDESPINO San Antonio Johnson +2:25.06 19:48.90 17:23.84
Bryce Williams San Antonio Reagan +2:45.65 20:16.40 17:30.75
Aaron Valerio Northside Brandeis +1:28.11 19:08.21 17:40.10
Parker Olkowski Northside Brandeis +3:26.77 21:52.42 18:25.65
Ethan Doyle San Antonio Reagan +32.31 19:19.17 18:46.86
Jadeyn Perez Northside Clark +30.31 19:26.58 18:56.27
Sonny Rodgers Northside Clark -1:14.56 19:35.99 20:50.55
Darius Williams San Antonio Madison +4:14.46 23:54.29 19:39.83
Ada Mathias Northside Brandeis +1:45.07 21:35.34 19:50.27
Sofia Cantor San Antonio Lee +2:42.25 22:52.81 20:10.56
Ethan Palacios Northside Brandeis +1:50.32 22:12.29 20:21.97
Tedrick Gutierrez San Antonio Roosevelt +1:16.28 21:39.64 20:23.36
Nicolas Montemayor San Antonio Reagan +1:44.92 22:16.32 20:31.40
Addison Jackson San Antonio Reagan +5:52.34 26:26.56 20:34.22
Vincent Vallejo San Antonio Roosevelt +1:18.17 22:04.90 20:46.73
Claire Herzog San Antonio Lee +23.07 21:10.34 20:47.27
Elizabeth Jackson Northside Clark +3:17.73 24:07.44 20:49.71
Ashlyn Shields Northside Brandeis +2:08.37 23:05.68 20:57.31
David Gonzalez San Antonio Roosevelt +29.18 22:04.97 21:35.79
Jasmine Avalos Northside Brandeis +4:02.67 25:49.89 21:47.22
Danica Soto San Antonio Johnson +5:07.04 26:57.60 21:50.56
Jaydon Wood Northside Brandeis +2:18.19 24:13.75 21:55.56
Audrey Pomeroy Northside Clark +1:00.15 23:46.95 22:46.80
Daniela Grimme San Antonio Reagan +1:57.05 25:23.64 23:26.59
Sofia Pina Cervantes San Antonio Lee +1:28.75 24:58.88 23:30.13
KELLOGG AUBREY San Antonio Churchill -0.30 23:43.99 23:44.29
HEYMANS JILLIAN San Antonio Churchill +6:31.61 31:07.71 24:36.10
Mary Caroline Cox San Antonio Lee +2:52.93 27:48.47 24:55.54
Ilyse Pumphrey Northside Clark +2:18.75 28:35.59 26:16.84
Evan Espino Northside Brandeis +1:25.58 28:58.16 27:32.58