UIL 6A - District 28 2021 vs UIL 6A - District 28 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +131 236 105
Overall Average +2:57.61 22:44.48 19:46.87
1st-10th Place +43.19 16:49.10 16:05.91
1st-25th Place +42.47 17:30.70 16:48.23
1st-50th Place +31.79 18:12.23 17:40.43
1st-100th Place -13.34 19:18.41 19:31.75
Common Athletes -- -- 46
Ran Faster -14 16 30
Ran Season Best -35 -- 35
Average Time +30.31 20:00.45 19:30.14
Median Time +50.27 19:55.66 19:05.39
Middle 80% Times +28.37 19:54.77 19:26.40
Top 10% Times +36.30 16:39.58 16:03.27
Top 25% Times +30.78 17:07.45 16:36.67
Top 50% Times +22.57 17:50.36 17:27.80
Bottom 50% Times +38.06 22:10.53 21:32.47
Bottom 25% Times +21.95 23:27.72 23:05.77
Bottom 10% Times +46.00 24:54.34 24:08.34
Average Difference +30.31 -- --
Median Difference +55.18 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +26.22 -- --
Top 10% Difference +43.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference +18.26 -- --
Top 25% Difference +30.29 -- --
Top 50% Difference +18.26 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +42.36 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +42.97 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:41.33 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Tate Underwood San Antonio Johnson +57.59 16:25.15 15:27.56
Skyler Roper Northside Brandeis +22.77 16:12.74 15:49.97
Malesich Ethan Northside Brandeis +46.58 16:55.01 16:08.43
Ryan Keener San Antonio Johnson +54.46 17:12.65 16:18.19
Ethan Rodriguez San Antonio Reagan +34.97 17:07.19 16:32.22
Hayden Scott Northside Brandeis -47.39 16:37.79 17:25.18
Alejandro Rosales San Antonio Churchill +1:29.27 18:11.45 16:42.18
Evan Noriega Northside Brandeis +53.09 17:37.78 16:44.69
Rafael Hakim San Antonio Reagan +56.08 17:41.42 16:45.34
Andrew Ellis Northside Clark +27.23 17:26.87 16:59.64
Isaiah Garcia San Antonio Churchill +1:07.75 18:14.28 17:06.53
Drew Osborn San Antonio MacArthur -45.55 17:14.39 17:59.94
David Sanchez Northside Clark -1:14.27 17:19.56 18:33.83
Kanalu Wong San Antonio Reagan +1:31.00 18:51.13 17:20.13
Sebastian Gamiz San Antonio Reagan -37.07 17:38.89 18:15.96
Samuel Ague San Antonio Churchill +14.38 17:55.83 17:41.45
Rex Pantoja San Antonio Madison +39.91 18:36.37 17:56.46
Jalen Futrell Northside Brandeis +2:55.31 20:59.28 18:03.97
Luke Munoz San Antonio Reagan -3.33 18:15.88 18:19.21
Joshua Rosenberg Northside Clark -20.90 18:27.59 18:48.49
Michael Nelson San Antonio Reagan -17.28 18:28.47 18:45.75
NEIL WILLIAMS San Antonio Roosevelt -5.00 18:48.75 18:53.75
Ashley Moore San Antonio Churchill +55.18 19:55.66 19:00.48
Riley Surratt San Antonio Johnson +1:47.42 20:52.81 19:05.39
Alexander Stephenson San Antonio Lee +11.78 19:19.75 19:07.97
Emerson Francis Northside Brandeis +4:58.94 24:15.31 19:16.37
Helena Herzog San Antonio Lee +1:05.13 20:29.97 19:24.84
Dylan Avella San Antonio MacArthur +1:12.50 20:39.32 19:26.82
Danielle Peck San Antonio Churchill +3.98 19:39.41 19:35.43
Jadelyn Malesich Northside Brandeis +2:46.80 22:32.53 19:45.73
Destiney Williams San Antonio Madison +1:10.98 21:02.75 19:51.77
DIEGO VALLEJO San Antonio Roosevelt +1.94 20:27.44 20:25.50
Rodriguez Hailey Northside Brandeis -1:15.15 20:29.84 21:44.99
Erin Daniel San Antonio Johnson -13.58 20:35.57 20:49.15
Elizabeth Colin San Antonio MacArthur -1:42.16 21:28.27 23:10.43
Samantha Osorio San Antonio MacArthur -1:39.94 21:28.68 23:08.62
Mackenzie Cragun San Antonio Johnson +45.61 22:14.32 21:28.71
Mia Salas San Antonio Johnson -18.03 21:39.33 21:57.36
Arden Schweninger San Antonio MacArthur +16.96 22:00.53 21:43.57
Leaila Trevino San Antonio Churchill -53.74 21:46.75 22:40.49
KELLY GONZALEZ San Antonio Churchill +28.88 22:59.51 22:30.63
Amanda Gaupp Northside Clark +2:39.55 25:25.28 22:45.73
Liana Hernandez San Antonio Churchill +1:35.79 24:40.53 23:04.74
Natalie Garza Northside Brandeis +23.50 23:47.97 23:24.47
Cayden DeGrazia San Antonio Roosevelt -27.54 24:36.38 25:03.92
Ripley Mcnamara Northside Clark -20.08 25:34.20 25:54.28