UIL 6A - District 7 2022

McKinney, TX

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 214 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Nathaniel Richardson Berkner
Nachega, Esaie Irving Nimitz
Oche, Tobias Richardson Berkner
Quezada, Jocsan Irving
Lerma, Ronnie Irving
Cutchall, Caden Dallas Jesuit
Coda Zabetta, Alberto Dallas Highland Park
Quintanilla, Jair Irving
Barnard, Ethan Richardson Berkner
Fierro, Joe Richardson Pearce
Jack, Perry Richardson
Gonzalez, Sebastian Irving
Adee, Jonathan Dallas Jesuit
Lazarus, John Richardson Pearce
Lopez, Milton Irving
Gomez, Eduardo Richardson Pearce
Johnson, Jake 15:49.70 Richardson
Grein, Jonah 15:53.70 Richardson
Thornton, Charlie 15:59.50 Dallas Jesuit
Jaudes, William 16:02.75 Dallas Highland Park
Davenport, Benjamin 16:20.40 Richardson Pearce
Delgado, Fernando 16:21.55 Irving
Delgado, Fernando 16:21.55 Irving
Boylan, Finn 16:26.65 Richardson Pearce
Joseph, Hudson 16:34.10 Richardson Pearce
McKinney, Ben 16:40.70 Dallas Jesuit
Hegi, Hunter 16:44.40 Dallas Highland Park
Dean, Jackson 16:47.80 Dallas Highland Park
Haag, Spencer 16:48.90 Dallas Highland Park
Betz, Jack 16:50.40 Dallas Jesuit
Beckman, Henry 16:50.90 Dallas Jesuit
Gregory, Drew 16:53.60 Dallas Highland Park
Thompson, Andrew 16:57.20 Lake Highlands
Almaguer, Francisco 16:58.40 Dallas Jesuit
Finch, Luke 16:59.51 Dallas Highland Park
McCoy, Dylan 17:04.72 Lake Highlands
Nance, Mark 17:09.13 Dallas Highland Park
Richter, Jake 17:12.62 Dallas Highland Park
Avila, Aldo 17:19.40 Dallas Jesuit
Korte, Kalder 17:25.70 Dallas Highland Park
Trejo, Javier 17:25.90 Irving MacArthur
Philbin, Mark 17:29.40 Dallas Highland Park
Lamberson, Drew 17:29.80 Dallas Jesuit
Schutze, Jackson 17:32.70 Dallas Jesuit
Howell, Andrew 17:34.90 Lake Highlands
Irrobali, Ethan 17:38.00 Dallas Jesuit
Mcglothlin, Kaden 17:38.50 Richardson Pearce
Samaniego, Fabian 17:38.53 Irving
Hall, Luke 17:45.00 Dallas Highland Park
Smith, Luke 17:50.25 Dallas Highland Park
Yonas, Erza 17:50.72 Richardson Berkner
Matlack, John 17:51.70 Lake Highlands
Fellows, Griffin 17:53.60 Dallas Jesuit
Stewart, Frankie 17:55.62 Dallas Highland Park
Blevins, Bennett 17:56.60 Dallas Highland Park
Tishlias, Aristotelis 17:59.90 Richardson Pearce
Shurtleff, William 18:00.61 Richardson Pearce
Pablo, Edgar 18:01.10 Richardson
Puentes Lopez, Marcos 18:04.74 Irving
Stollings, Zachary 18:08.30 Richardson Pearce
Dalton, Jonas 18:09.30 Richardson Pearce
Solis, Jose 18:11.55 Irving
Roemer, Noah 18:12.70 Richardson Pearce
Tanner, Jaxon 18:14.10 Dallas Jesuit
Cardenas, Jose 18:14.85 Irving
Martinez, Johann 18:15.50 Irving MacArthur
Butler, Malachi 18:15.80 Richardson Pearce
Rubin, Joshua 18:16.40 Dallas Highland Park
Ovenshire, Jacob 18:18.40 Dallas Jesuit
Macias, Kevin 18:20.50 Richardson Berkner
Carrasco, Sebastian 18:22.80 Richardson Pearce
Bonilla, Anderson 18:24.30 Irving Nimitz
Rose, Zach 18:25.10 Lake Highlands
Parrott, Parker 18:25.70 Lake Highlands
Gebreslassie, Peter 18:27.56 Irving MacArthur
Matlack, Ryan 18:29.00 Lake Highlands
Hooks, Pharoah 18:32.09 Richardson
Gray, Evan 18:32.20 Richardson
Yishak, Ephriam 18:33.87 Irving MacArthur
Whitney, Coen 18:39.90 Lake Highlands
Swank, Cole 18:41.70 Lake Highlands
Shomin, Alex 18:42.60 Dallas Jesuit
Belay, Jonathan 18:44.60 Richardson Berkner
Baumgartner, Jacob 18:45.64 Dallas Highland Park
Beltran, Jesus 18:48.60 Lake Highlands
Pass, Andrew 18:49.00 Richardson Pearce
Pavelek, Henry 18:49.50 Richardson
Cohorn, Blake 18:49.70 Lake Highlands
Maxwell, Julian 18:51.00 Richardson Pearce
Kebede, Mikiyas 18:52.39 Richardson Berkner
McKinney, James 18:57.00 Dallas Jesuit
Morgan, Ross 18:57.30 Dallas Highland Park
Kerr, Tommy 19:00.40 Dallas Highland Park
Stahl, Archer 19:06.33 Dallas Highland Park
Warner, Jackson 19:06.41 Richardson Pearce
Culpepper, Jayden 19:08.40 Lake Highlands
Harrison, Brady 19:12.30 Lake Highlands
Dreyer, Mark 19:23.40 Richardson Pearce
Villasana, Maximiliano 19:24.63 Dallas Highland Park
Marshall, Tyrone 19:25.00 Richardson
Phillips, Grey 19:27.40 Lake Highlands
Guzman Ardila, Julian 19:34.90 Irving MacArthur
Baker, Callum 19:36.30 Richardson Pearce
Ortiz, Alan 19:38.71 Irving
Hendrix, Grady 19:41.40 Richardson
Rodriguez, Nathan 19:42.10 Richardson
Greer, Colin 19:42.80 Richardson Pearce
Nazareth, Kevin 19:44.30 Dallas Jesuit
Chapman, Matthew 19:47.29 Irving Nimitz
Rubio-reyes, Luis 19:49.65 Irving MacArthur
Calhoun, Eric 19:53.00 Richardson Pearce
Negron, Blake 19:54.20 Lake Highlands
Romero, Enrique 19:55.31 Richardson Berkner
Sosa, Bryan 19:56.00 Irving Nimitz
De Lira Gomez, Miguel 19:57.65 Richardson Pearce
Fancher, Uriah 19:58.11 Irving
Fancher, Uriah 19:58.11 Irving
Shah, Akash 20:00.11 Dallas Highland Park
Cornejo, Andre 20:02.40 Dallas Jesuit
Escobar, Sergio 20:02.50 Irving
Shaw, Sam 20:06.79 Lake Highlands
Baker, Richard 20:08.60 Richardson Pearce
Robinson, James 20:08.70 Richardson Pearce
Mills, Sawyer 20:10.57 Dallas Highland Park
Salas, Valente 20:11.00 Irving MacArthur
Zackaria, Deeya 20:11.40 Richardson Berkner
Glennon, Anthony 20:11.85 Dallas Highland Park
Ring, Turner 20:13.00 Lake Highlands
Walker, Wes 20:17.70 Lake Highlands
Estrada, Fernando 20:17.72 Irving
Estrada, Fernando 20:17.72 Irving
Mares, Andres 20:17.91 Irving Nimitz
Hollis, Jack 20:19.70 Lake Highlands
Diaz, Pedro 20:22.10 Irving Nimitz
Turner, Jarrett 20:23.11 Dallas Highland Park
McArtor, John 20:23.30 Dallas Highland Park
Thomas, James 20:24.10 Richardson Pearce
Pollard, Zach 20:25.30 Dallas Jesuit
Liggitt, Grayson 20:39.20 Richardson Pearce
Johnson, Lucas 20:39.30 Dallas Highland Park
Valdes, Matthew 20:41.00 Irving MacArthur
Paiboon, Sam 20:42.90 Lake Highlands
Deshotels, Luke 20:43.00 Dallas Jesuit
Mallat, Preston 20:45.05 Dallas Highland Park
Norris, Jack 20:47.10 Lake Highlands
Garcia, James 20:47.70 Richardson Pearce
Harris, Blake 20:48.40 Lake Highlands
Harris, Mark 20:54.80 Richardson Pearce
Loh, Peter 20:55.30 Dallas Jesuit
Ndende, Caleb 20:55.70 Irving MacArthur
Warner, Hayden 20:56.30 Richardson Pearce
Keith, Austin 21:00.20 Dallas Jesuit
Recinos, Bryan 21:06.30 Irving MacArthur
Gray, Joel 21:09.00 Richardson
Sullivan, Dylan 21:12.80 Richardson Pearce
Nettleton, Philip 21:15.40 Dallas Highland Park
Albus, Ben 21:16.38 Dallas Jesuit
Gutierrez, Emmanuel 21:22.27 Richardson
Morales, Jacob 21:22.40 Dallas Jesuit
da Silva, Jantzen 21:26.60 Dallas Jesuit
Forejt, Cooper 21:28.20 Richardson Pearce
Stibor, Jackson 21:33.60 Richardson Pearce
Golembeski, Jack 21:34.90 Dallas Jesuit
Chandler, John 21:39.61 Dallas Highland Park
Wiseman, Jake 21:40.40 Richardson
Garza, Julian 21:48.60 Irving Nimitz
Purcell, Declan 21:50.50 Dallas Jesuit
Nguyen, Harrison 21:51.10 Irving Nimitz
Segura, Cesar 21:54.30 Irving
Croft, Abraham 21:57.30 Richardson Pearce
Teague, Dylan 22:02.80 Lake Highlands
Rankin, Porter 22:07.90 Richardson Pearce
Mendenhall, Maxwell 22:08.10 Lake Highlands
Bernard, Will 22:08.50 Richardson
Guerrero, Jason 22:09.10 Irving Nimitz
Garcia, Marcos 22:23.80 Irving MacArthur
Foster, Aaron 22:27.13 Richardson Pearce
Peltz, Erik 22:30.47 Dallas Highland Park
Saenz, George 22:32.20 Richardson
Roberts, Micah 22:41.70 Lake Highlands
Wiley, Colin 22:42.60 Lake Highlands
Salamanca, Isaiah 22:44.32 Irving Nimitz
Sanchez, David 22:45.20 Irving
Al-Zaid, Mujtaba 22:48.57 Richardson Berkner
Dill, Jake 23:01.40 Richardson Pearce
Navarro, Jose 23:15.80 Richardson Pearce
Flores, Lucas 23:19.56 Richardson
Parker, Aiden 23:29.80 Richardson Berkner
Zutavern, Logan 23:32.00 Richardson
Silva, Juan 23:33.56 Richardson Berkner
Rico, Israel 23:38.91 Irving Nimitz
Cherukuri, Praneel 23:42.00 Dallas Highland Park
Duncan, Luke 23:46.62 Dallas Highland Park
Senn, Jude 23:48.42 Richardson Pearce
Dharamsi, Nadeem 23:51.36 Richardson Berkner
Sustek, Jon 23:51.90 Richardson Pearce
Luu, Spencer 23:53.02 Dallas Highland Park
Hernandez, Samuel 24:35.50 Richardson Pearce
Levitan, Adam 24:56.22 Richardson Pearce
Gomez, Gabriel 25:35.10 Richardson Pearce
Dueholm, Soren 25:36.60 Richardson Pearce
Keener, Clay 25:38.70 Richardson
Hamilton, Charles 26:11.60 Richardson Pearce
Chevez Garcia, Anthony 26:11.80 Irving Nimitz
Kedre, Foad 26:19.90 Irving MacArthur
Johnson, Andon 26:32.50 Richardson Pearce
Hernandez, Emanuel 26:47.77 Irving
Servin, William 27:41.40 Richardson Pearce
Portugal, Miguel 27:50.10 Richardson
Maerschel, Kurt 28:42.74 Richardson Pearce
Knowles, Colin 29:15.90 Richardson
Jackson, Owen 29:37.30 Richardson Pearce
Muder, Noah 29:37.50 Lake Highlands
Banoukhti, Mohammed 30:55.38 Richardson
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 222 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fabusuyi, Adesewa Richardson
Washington, Azarria Richardson
Lopez, Stephanie Irving
Martinez, Lesly Irving
Harris, Alexis Irving
Rodriguez, Emely Irving Nimitz
Jaimes, Sinai Richardson
Pascual, Cedelin Richardson
Thacker, Aleyah Irving
Garcia Barrios, Melanie Richardson
Zagala, Carla Richardson
Pastor, Sahirah Richardson
Sevilla Flores, Vivian Richardson Pearce
Saenz, Jackelyn Irving
Sagrero, Susanna Irving
Davis, Ayanna Irving MacArthur
Tamayo, Leslie Irving
Phifer, Elizabeth Irving
Enciso, Jasmin Irving
Cebilla Estrada, Diana Richardson
Hersman, Evelyn Richardson
Mata Vidales, Irlanda Richardson
Walton, Khya Irving
Moore, Akeelah Richardson
Raymundo, Belinda Richardson
Rodriguez, Angela Irving
Mandelbaum, Makenzie Richardson
Vasquez, Ashley Irving
Mehari, Elilta Richardson
Whittington, Charis 18:19.70 Richardson Pearce
Hudson, Charlotte 18:21.90 Dallas Highland Park
Heckler, Madeline 18:23.50 Dallas Highland Park
Dickerson, Kayla 18:25.20 Dallas Highland Park
Miller, Hannah 18:56.90 Richardson Pearce
Preston, Ellie 19:02.40 Dallas Highland Park
Howell, Peri 19:33.60 Lake Highlands
Goldman, Ashley 19:34.10 Dallas Highland Park
Meck, Samantha 19:45.50 Dallas Highland Park
Zapata, Melissa 19:58.00 Richardson
Spillman, Gracie 19:59.40 Dallas Highland Park
Dean, Campbell 20:17.90 Dallas Highland Park
Scott, Caroline 20:20.40 Dallas Highland Park
Nurre, Tessa 20:35.60 Dallas Highland Park
Sharkey, Emma 20:50.20 Richardson Pearce
Ravi, Varsha 20:51.90 Dallas Highland Park
Ferguson, Rose 20:58.70 Lake Highlands
Gray, Hayden 21:00.00 Dallas Highland Park
Shelton, Anna 21:02.10 Richardson Pearce
Donovan, Finlay 21:03.40 Richardson
Berlin, Julia 21:04.40 Dallas Highland Park
Shaw, Emmaline 21:09.60 Lake Highlands
Yates, Julia 21:15.30 Dallas Highland Park
Farrar, Faith 21:17.40 Irving MacArthur
Diehl, Mary Katherine 21:21.82 Dallas Highland Park
Taulbee, Katie 21:32.20 Dallas Highland Park
Blankenship, Audrey 21:32.46 Richardson Pearce
Pate, Presley 21:38.10 Dallas Highland Park
Hernandez, Brisa 21:52.20 Irving MacArthur
Ahmed, Afeefa 21:57.80 Richardson
Kassem, Maryam 21:59.20 Richardson
Owens, Avery 22:01.40 Dallas Highland Park
Scott, Alexis 22:03.20 Dallas Highland Park
Johnson, Annika 22:06.80 Dallas Highland Park
Garcia, Ashley 22:11.31 Irving
Miller, Lauren 22:14.50 Lake Highlands
Rhodes, Price 22:15.00 Dallas Highland Park
Niemann, Lillian 22:17.90 Lake Highlands
Swinney, Maggie 22:23.50 Lake Highlands
Flatt, Sophia 22:24.20 Richardson
Byrd, Ava 22:29.92 Dallas Highland Park
Douglas, Mikayla 22:34.90 Irving MacArthur
Preston, Reese 22:39.80 Dallas Highland Park
Cochran, Katherine Ann 22:47.40 Dallas Highland Park
Rhodes, Windsor 22:47.40 Dallas Highland Park
Shultz, Harper 22:58.90 Richardson Pearce
Miller, Natalie 23:02.80 Dallas Highland Park
Cochran, Elaine 23:04.50 Dallas Highland Park
Solymosi, Anna 23:05.80 Dallas Highland Park
Golden, Grace 23:19.00 Dallas Highland Park
Hernandez, Kenia 23:20.60 Irving Nimitz
Kessels, Hayden 23:21.70 Richardson Pearce
Gatlin, Amelia 23:21.80 Richardson
Gibbons, Lola 23:22.20 Richardson Pearce
Vanderpool, Delaney 23:27.69 Richardson Pearce
Lewis, Isabel 23:28.46 Richardson
Hart, Lily 23:45.60 Dallas Highland Park
Lipscomb, Kate 23:48.30 Dallas Highland Park
Cobb, Quincy 23:48.50 Richardson Pearce
Gomez, Coral 23:55.30 Lake Highlands
Harrell, Arden 23:57.00 Irving
Stringer, Shianne 23:57.70 Richardson
Kern, Linde 23:59.40 Richardson Pearce
Fox, Cassidy 24:06.92 Irving
Almaraz Mascorro, Sol 24:07.73 Irving Nimitz
Smith, MacKenzie 24:10.00 Irving
Cordon, Mary Lawrence 24:11.20 Dallas Highland Park
Soriano, Karilynn 24:13.67 Irving
Tejada, Alicia 24:14.00 Irving
Rodriguez, Jaynie 24:15.40 Richardson
Lawless-Felarca, Alana 24:23.70 Richardson
Boutros, Eva 24:25.00 Dallas Highland Park
Scheble, Mary Susan 24:27.90 Dallas Highland Park
Semere, Feven 24:29.50 Lake Highlands
Burke, Shelby 24:32.20 Dallas Highland Park
Courtney, Lauren 24:32.60 Dallas Highland Park
Howarth, Morgan 24:35.00 Dallas Highland Park
Fiallos Lopez, Josselyn 24:38.40 Irving Nimitz
Prather, Bess 24:43.00 Dallas Highland Park
Martin, Ellis 24:50.90 Lake Highlands
Booth, Adalyn 24:53.10 Dallas Highland Park
Assar, Surya 24:53.40 Dallas Highland Park
Cannon, Allison 24:57.80 Dallas Highland Park
Estrada, Sunny 25:02.80 Irving MacArthur
Tovar, Mariela 25:08.14 Irving
Manganiello, Sophia 25:14.13 Richardson Pearce
Flynn, Sara 25:16.91 Richardson
Miramontes, Lizeth 25:21.46 Irving Nimitz
Steves, Carlyle 25:24.00 Dallas Highland Park
Camacho, Rebecca 25:27.50 Irving Nimitz
Hall, Grace 25:34.00 Richardson Pearce
Fox, Teagan 25:38.60 Richardson Pearce
Sevilla, Mia 25:41.50 Richardson
Mousa, Mary Grace 25:43.60 Dallas Highland Park
Brooks, De'Keivia 25:45.90 Irving MacArthur
Ortiz, Aileen 25:47.40 Irving Nimitz
Stengel, Keira 25:48.60 Lake Highlands
Nieman, Kara 25:50.50 Richardson Pearce
Henok, Etwatwa 25:51.00 Richardson Berkner
Schmiel, Ruthie 25:52.70 Lake Highlands
Mahaffey, Madison 25:53.30 Richardson Pearce
Taylor, Olivia 25:54.50 Richardson
Kozman, Katherine 25:55.70 Dallas Highland Park
Nur, Farhana 25:58.10 Richardson
Garcia Barrios, Meghan 26:01.90 Richardson
Hernandez, Nuvia 26:02.80 Irving Nimitz
Campos Hernandez, Daniela 26:13.00 Richardson Pearce
Govea Galicia, Jessica 26:24.04 Irving
Nieto-Mireles, Fathima 26:30.00 Irving
Shelton, Ellie 26:40.70 Richardson Pearce
Powell, Niejja 26:52.34 Richardson Berkner
Gardner, Emmy 26:54.70 Richardson Pearce
Bolich, Ava 26:58.40 Richardson Pearce
Thropp, Ava 26:58.50 Dallas Highland Park
Le, Alison 26:59.40 Richardson Pearce
Torrence, Kayleigh 27:02.00 Richardson
Diehl, Brantley 27:03.60 Dallas Highland Park
Galicia, Katherine 27:07.36 Richardson
Vargas, Emily 27:09.10 Irving
Foy, Kennedy 27:36.10 Dallas Highland Park
Martinez Cruz, Kelly 27:39.60 Irving Nimitz
Sherman, Kylee 27:40.46 Richardson Pearce
Petersen, Lauren 27:41.90 Richardson
Franzen-stout, Zoe 27:45.30 Richardson
Gomez, Scout 27:46.50 Lake Highlands
Fitzmartin, Molly 28:07.40 Dallas Highland Park
Sevilla, Azul 28:10.90 Richardson
Nagy, Eszter 28:12.30 Richardson Pearce
Garcia, Rebeca 28:12.60 Irving Nimitz
Tayem, Ntsongmboma 28:15.30 Richardson Pearce
Nguyen, Kristen 28:18.30 Irving Nimitz
Ajuang, Ayak 28:19.60 Richardson Berkner
Morey, Eva 28:50.30 Richardson
Arevalo, Ashley 28:54.30 Richardson
Thornton, Mia 28:56.40 Richardson
Rojas, Mariany 28:57.10 Richardson
Popoola, Jolade 29:04.89 Richardson Berkner
Burrows, Brooke 29:09.80 Richardson Pearce
Hubal, Sasona 29:16.20 Richardson Berkner
Martin, Nadia 29:22.10 Richardson
Walker, Lucia 29:22.40 Richardson Berkner
Ruiz Perez, Bryana 29:23.57 Irving MacArthur
Gutierrez Acosta, Genesis 29:24.10 Richardson
Coalson, Avery 29:27.70 Richardson
Jackson, Greer 29:28.60 Dallas Highland Park
Ponce, Margie 29:49.82 Irving
Jackson, Danielle 29:51.13 Irving
Willman, Peyton 29:54.13 Lake Highlands
Rangel, Jasmine 30:14.00 Irving
Ortiz, Arianna 30:29.42 Richardson Berkner
Delgado, Samantha 30:46.00 Richardson
Espinoza, Lilian 30:50.60 Irving Nimitz
Mascorro Navarro, Angelyc 30:51.50 Irving Nimitz
Martinez, Carolyna 30:52.31 Irving MacArthur
Hard-Wilson, Sophia 31:00.90 Richardson Pearce
De Jesus, Lindsey 31:09.30 Richardson
Lara, Mia 31:11.90 Richardson
Martinez, Emily 31:25.73 Irving MacArthur
Velasquez, Daana 31:27.40 Richardson
Sanchez, Emily 31:41.80 Irving Nimitz
Nachega, Grace 31:46.00 Irving Nimitz
Paquette, Lily 31:47.78 Richardson Pearce
Nervis, Derynn 31:55.85 Irving MacArthur
Sanchez, Jael 32:19.92 Richardson Berkner
Parada, Melanie 32:39.30 Richardson
Higgs, Basia 32:51.86 Richardson Berkner
Balderas, Chloe 33:04.00 Irving Nimitz
Salamanca, Cloe 33:07.20 Irving Nimitz
Tishlias, Sofia 33:11.30 Richardson Pearce
Miramontes, Natalie 33:36.10 Irving Nimitz
De Leon Maldonado, Angie 34:13.30 Richardson
Goodson, Winifred 34:16.00 Richardson
Ikram, Nawal 34:44.90 Richardson
Correa, Esmeralda 34:45.70 Irving Nimitz
Burney, Maha 34:48.80 Richardson
Palma, Nancy 34:50.30 Richardson
Rojo, Cecilia 35:10.20 Richardson Berkner
Green, Vivian 35:15.17 Lake Highlands
Alvarez, Melissa 35:18.72 Richardson Berkner
Cole, Chloe 36:18.80 Richardson
Varela, Abby 36:29.20 Richardson
Cabrera, Lizbeth 36:36.10 Richardson
Quin, Emily 36:43.90 Richardson
Moore, Nyomie 36:44.99 Irving MacArthur
Conner, Maryam 36:52.60 Richardson
Shah, Emaan 36:59.40 Richardson
Mahmoud, Neda 37:19.90 Richardson
Johnson, Anaissa 37:21.69 Richardson Pearce
Fasil, Lyat 38:11.00 Richardson
Rojos, Simitria 38:14.97 Richardson Berkner
Orellana, Valeria 38:31.40 Richardson
Zaoui, Souchaila 38:34.10 Richardson
Jambo, Excellant 39:43.50 Richardson
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