Run the Dog Pound Invitational 2024 2024

Magnolia, TX

Athlete Entries

7th Grade Boys Two Mile Run 153 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Puth, Drake Peet MS
Frazier, Roman Grand Lakes MS
Finseth, Adam McCullough MS
Payette, Luc John Cooper MS
Camargo, Pablo Creekside Park MS
McDow, Bradley Willow Wood MS
Velasco, Angel Lynn Lucas MS
Ortiz, Oscar Moorhead MS
Donaldson, Joseph schultz ms
Montoya, Abraham Magnolia MS
Dhar, Praneil Knox MS
Mosher, Derek Oak Hills MS
McCann, Aiden York JH
Wilkinson, Gabriel Bear Branch MS
Briceno Sierra, Enrique Josue Knox MS
Lasta, Felipe McCullough MS
Trend, Colin John Cooper MS
Mosby, Cole Grand Lakes MS
Diaz, Roberto Waller Junior High School
Fries, Alexander Stockton MS
Andreadis, Leland Tomball MS
Meeks, Patrick Peet MS
Nehme, Lorenzo Creekside Park MS
Hodapp, Cameron McCullough MS
Harb, Kaleem John Cooper MS
Nehme, Eugenio Creekside Park MS
Flores, Gabriel Brabham MS
Le, Minh Willow Wood MS
Shoulders, Henry York JH
Rivas, Joseph Conroe Irons MS
Herrera Elvir, Edwin Moorhead MS
Rivera, Julian Bear Branch MS
Harris, Colin Magnolia MS
Wilkins,, Owen Maleko Knox MS
Leal, Diego Bear Branch MS
Scott, Max Waller Junior High School
Mendenhall, Drake Tomball MS
Barron, Phoenix Waller Junior High School
Watson, Hunter Oak Hills MS
Wilkerson, Hayden York JH
Bahtia, Darsh John Cooper MS
Grover, Liam Grand Lakes MS
Armitage, Zac McCullough MS
Frazier, Lincoln Creekside Park MS
Green, Judah Peet MS
Sowders, Grant Willow Wood MS
Villavicencio, Ethan Lynn Lucas MS
Rodriguez, Manuel Moorhead MS
Fishbeck, Wyatt schultz ms
Navarro, Damian Magnolia MS
Powers, Reid Woodridge Forest MS
Morgan, Jacob Oak Hills MS
Peckham, Dean York JH
Parker, Luke Conroe Irons MS
Gaudet, Tyler Bear Branch MS
Daugherty, Parker Magnolia MS
Nunez,, Alexandro Knox MS
Bono, Dylan Tomball MS
Foody, Collin McCullough MS
Munoz, Antonio Grand Lakes MS
Hernandez, Fernando Waller Junior High School
Read, Skylor Stockton MS
Octaviano, Alfonso Peet MS
Albe, Rawling Grand Lakes MS
Brun, Patricio Creekside Park MS
Willets, Jack McCullough MS
Garner, George John Cooper MS
Brinkman, Mateo Creekside Park MS
Staudacher, Cohen Brabham MS
Levels, Caleb Willow Wood MS
Nguefang, Jayden York JH
Castro, Malachi Lynn Lucas MS
Koon, Kyle Conroe Irons MS
Maldonado Bonilla, Mario Moorhead MS
Martin, Colin Magnolia MS
Adams,, Caleb Allen Knox MS
Lowrey, Isaac Bear Branch MS
Nunez, Maximiliano Knox MS
Schuetz, Tyler Tomball MS
Brown, Nathaniel Waller Junior High School
Gearn, Kyle Oak Hills MS
LLagostera, Leo York JH
Alegrias, Christian McCullough MS
Pukaite, Jack John Cooper MS
Moore, Elijah Grand Lakes MS
Lancaster, Rylan Creekside Park MS
Bradbury, Jack John Cooper MS
Kliest, Bradley Peet MS
Kanatani, Knox Willow Wood MS
High, Cadyn Brabham MS
Loera, Carlos Lynn Lucas MS
Fontaine, Raymond Willow Wood MS
Rodriguez, Michael Moorhead MS
Nelson, Koda schultz ms
Rudel, Mason Magnolia MS
Stubbs, Garrett Woodridge Forest MS
Smith Bayer, Ethan Oak Hills MS
Mc., Sean York JH
Oguntuwase, Benedict Conroe Irons MS
De La Cruz, Christian Moorhead MS
Ramirez, Blake Bear Branch MS
Felan, Carter Magnolia MS
Everhard,, Valentin Knox MS
Galloway, Jack Tomball MS
Antunez, Omar Waller Junior High School
Pope, Tyler Grand Lakes MS
Brito, Anthony Bear Branch MS
Renega, Alexander Waller Junior High School
Cunningham, Adelton Stockton MS
Portillo, Eros Peet MS
Day, Andrew Grand Lakes MS
Rudloff, Henry McCullough MS
Guzman, Dario John Cooper MS
Cornell, Sawyer Creekside Park MS
Lopez, Lucas Willow Wood MS
Talbot, Nathan Lynn Lucas MS
Huhn, Wyatt Conroe Irons MS
Mejia, Abdiel Moorhead MS
Martin, Colton Magnolia MS
Small, Alexander Solstice Bryan Knox MS
Mathis, Hudson Bear Branch MS
Symons, Mitsuo Verreaux Knox MS
Nwadi, Elochukulu Tomball MS
Cano, Jagger Waller Junior High School
Jones, Chase Oak Hills MS
Ochoa, Julian York JH
Blakley, Clayton McCullough MS
Boddensteiner, Erik John Cooper MS
Moreno, William Brady Grand Lakes MS
Lara, Patricio Creekside Park MS
Russell, Carter McCullough MS
Mayo, Nicholas John Cooper MS
Lopez, Santi Peet MS
Cardenas, Eugenio Creekside Park MS
Hernandez, Kardaelyn Brabham MS
Honeycutt, Ian Willow Wood MS
Zaragoza, Daniel Moorhead MS
Wiley, Benjamin schultz ms
Wick, Kayden Magnolia MS
Rodriguez, Mauricio Woodridge Forest MS
Paz, Santiago York JH
Hamner, Silas Conroe Irons MS
Fierros, Isaac Moorhead MS
France, Sebastian Bear Branch MS
Harman, Dillan Magnolia MS
Robinson, Adam Jesse Knox MS
Lenell, Noah Bear Branch MS
Robertson, Vaughn Waller Junior High School
Hevey, Abel Tomball MS
Barhaugh, Omid Waller Junior High School
Watson, Gabriel Oak Hills MS
Wiprut, Alex York JH
Sakthivel, Sanjith Grand Lakes MS
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7th Grade Girls Two Mile Run 164 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jimenez, Sabryna Waller Junior High School
Bourdeau Kotis, Chloe Oak Hills MS
Judice, Elle York JH
Mejia Sauceda, Mia Tomball MS
Dunne, Kinley Grand Lakes MS
Heider, Elliott McCullough MS
Al-Aghbar, Serene John Cooper MS
Animas, Nadege Peet MS
Bellas, Melanie McCullough MS
Dempsey, Mattie Brabham MS
Givens, Giana Peet MS
Howard, Reagan Willow Wood MS
Mathews, Alanis Woodridge Forest MS
Hernandez, Natalia Creekside Park MS
Nguyen, Nhi Willow Wood MS
Vancia, Nadia Conroe Irons MS
Nunez, Mina Moorhead MS
Lee, Aurelia schultz ms
Murphy, Marissa Magnolia MS
Luna, Allison Woodridge Forest MS
Huber, Riley Creekside Park MS
Thompson, Molly Waller Junior High School
Code, Madison Stockton MS
Smith Bayer, Marie Oak Hills MS
Stroud, Harper York JH
Neil, Allison Bear Branch MS
Einhorn, Annie Knox MS
Calderon, Azucena Waller Junior High School
Garcia, Marguerite York JH
Underwood, Lilian Grand Lakes MS
Garrett, Kinsley Tomball MS
Nation, Vera McCullough MS
Ortega, Sofia John Cooper MS
Reyes, Alyssa Peet MS
Salazar, Irma Lynn Lucas MS
Johnson, Emma Willow Wood MS
Torkay, Reagan schultz ms
Resendez, Elianna Woodridge Forest MS
Geiszler, Tinley Creekside Park MS
Niklas, Lillian Brabham MS
Dye, Rayne schultz ms
Lapham, Evelyn Magnolia MS
Wells, Valeria Knox MS
Zeier, Olivia Stockton MS
Brumleve, Elena Knox MS
Johnson, Adelina Bear Branch MS
Banks, Hayvn Conroe Irons MS
Nunez, Yaressi Moorhead MS
Patlan, Joylynn Waller Junior High School
Benitez, Crystal Stockton MS
Colbert, Calli Oak Hills MS
Keene, Mikayla York JH
Van Niekerk, Racheal Tomball MS
Gressett, Kamdyn Grand Lakes MS
Cano, Nishma Tomball MS
Arena Ortiz, Fatima McCullough MS
Ranawat, Niharika John Cooper MS
Donovan, Reese McCullough MS
Yamamoto, Sofia Brabham MS
McIntyre, Miabella Peet MS
Cantu, Taelynn Willow Wood MS
Hindes, Charlotte Creekside Park MS
Fonseca, Madeline Lynn Lucas MS
Montief, Solana Willow Wood MS
Ramirez Escobar, Leeandy Moorhead MS
Pippin, Tiarra schultz ms
Corzo, Valerie Woodridge Forest MS
Bogdanets, Alexis Creekside Park MS
Nieto, Sophia Brabham MS
Villanueva, Camila Waller Junior High School
Fuller, Kadie Stockton MS
Bastida, Erika Bear Branch MS
Smith, Jeannie Oak Hills MS
Rodriguez-Muniz, Issa York JH
Torecillas, Brianna Bear Branch MS
George, Cassidy Knox MS
Gomez, Melanie Waller Junior High School
Germosen, Aubrey York JH
Goncena, Ezri Tomball MS
Harder, Emma McCullough MS
Moore, Riley John Cooper MS
West, Shayla Peet MS
Morris, Brinlee Brabham MS
Murillo-Franco, Sophia Willow Wood MS
Rosas Miranda, Ivanna schultz ms
Manila, Avianna Woodridge Forest MS
Calce, Lucia Creekside Park MS
Kemp, Audrey schultz ms
Levan, Lacey Magnolia MS
Al Seida, Sarah Woodridge Forest MS
Cheatham, Rosalie Stockton MS
Camarillo, Lizette Knox MS
Kpangbah, Lilly Bear Branch MS
Ledbetter, Reese Conroe Irons MS
Salinas, Madison Moorhead MS
Reyes, Trysta Waller Junior High School
Berryman, Ivy Stockton MS
Payne, Zoe Oak Hills MS
Marquette, Paige York JH
Mendoza, Jasmine Tomball MS
Morales, Alexa Grand Lakes MS
Dake, Kimberly Tomball MS
Richter, Ann McCullough MS
Camarena Romero, Natalia Creekside Park MS
Cavallerano, Ellenor McCullough MS
Meyer, Kinley Peet MS
Guerra, Yoselin Lynn Lucas MS
Maddison, Laila Willow Wood MS
Rivas Fernandez, Keren schultz ms
Garcia, Vivanne Woodridge Forest MS
Vargo, Emma Creekside Park MS
Lott, Karsen Brabham MS
Meza, Karly Stockton MS
Araya, Belen Knox MS
Carpenhart, Vivian Bear Branch MS
Foster, Lily Oak Hills MS
Todd, Mary Grace York JH
Toh, Jannie Moorhead MS
Locke, Nora Knox MS
Howard, Kylie Waller Junior High School
Gillis, Mia York JH
Hall, Caelin Tomball MS
Flores, Khloe McCullough MS
Helm, Caroline John Cooper MS
Wolf, Remi Peet MS
Byrd, Andelyn Grand Lakes MS
Rodriguez, Aubri Brabham MS
Cormier, Brooklyn Peet MS
Labove, Allison Willow Wood MS
Weber, Da'laya schultz ms
Davis, Sofia Woodridge Forest MS
Alderete, Claire Creekside Park MS
Khalil, Miray schultz ms
Levan, Lenae Magnolia MS
Flores, Yari Woodridge Forest MS
Marquez, Abigail Stockton MS
Chen, Grace Knox MS
Murdock, Katelyn Bear Branch MS
Boutte, Jenna Willow Wood MS
Mire, Zahra Conroe Irons MS
Moreno, Priscilla Moorhead MS
Rodriguez, Natally Waller Junior High School
Brown, Esther Stockton MS
Salazar, Pamela Oak Hills MS
Roth, Elise York JH
Lewis, Tatum Tomball MS
Noriega, Tessa Grand Lakes MS
Dykes, Jade Tomball MS
Behl, Anshika Waller Junior High School
OBrien, Morgan McCullough MS
Burns, Amelia John Cooper MS
Pham, My Peet MS
Garcia, Chelsye Lynn Lucas MS
Lopez, Leah Willow Wood MS
Roman, Jisselle schultz ms
Williams, Raelyn Woodridge Forest MS
Pescador, Valentina Creekside Park MS
Ruiz, Frida Brabham MS
Juergens, Emma Magnolia MS
Niles, Ryen Knox MS
Ramirez Garcia, Kimberly Stockton MS
Baker, Kinley Knox MS
Hancock, Olivia Bear Branch MS
Lopez, Perla Moorhead MS
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8th Grade Boys Two Mile Run 167 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Still, JaMez Stockton MS
Chow, Austin Bear Branch MS
Alvarez, Ethan Willow Wood MS
Deleon-Barajas, Ian Conroe Irons MS
Pinto, Aiden Moorhead MS
McCoach, Justin Oak Hills MS
Rios, Nikolas York JH
Warner, Andrew Tomball MS
Patlan, Jorge Waller Junior High School
England, Blake Stockton MS
Buck, Langston John Cooper MS
Long, Robert Kaden Grand Lakes MS
Lara, Diego Tomball MS
Byrd, Kamarion Peet MS
Ponce, Alejandro Lynn Lucas MS
Machillanda Cabrera, Jose McCullough MS
Sengstock, Roland Brabham MS
Diederichsen, Antonio John Cooper MS
Garcia-Plascencia Rodriguez, Iker Creekside Park MS
Prestenbach, Reed Bear Branch MS
Magtoto, Nathaniel Willow Wood MS
Gracia Delira, Jorge Conroe Irons MS
Noel, Grant Moorhead MS
Tamez, Brayden Magnolia MS
Urquiza, Giovanni Woodridge Forest MS
Belnap, Woodson Magnolia MS
Welsh, Kyle Stockton MS
Hourahan, Seth Oak Hills MS
Engbrock, Bryan Moorhead MS
Quintanilla, Raul Tomball MS
Bull, Bryson Oak Hills MS
Maurer, Blake Grand Lakes MS
Lombardo, Chris John Cooper MS
Patel, Rohan Peet MS
Hengesteg, Benjamin Grand Lakes MS
Mufila, Yared Woodridge Forest MS
Herrera, Julian Magnolia MS
Kenny, Daken Creekside Park MS
Hatt, Levi Woodridge Forest MS
Hernandez, Acxel Lynn Lucas MS
Kanatani, Caden Willow Wood MS
Xing, Jacob Knox MS
Martinez, Arnulfo Bear Branch MS
Couste, Max Willow Wood MS
Amvela, Marc Moorhead MS
Nicas, Evan Creekside Park MS
basaldua, xavier Oak Hills MS
Rodriguez, Alejandro Waller Junior High School
Martinezy, Daniel Stockton MS
Croley, Will John Cooper MS
Sarawana, Adhav Grand Lakes MS
Smith, Andrew Tomball MS
Bryson, Avery John Cooper MS
Bowman, Addison Magnolia MS
Aparicio, Iker Creekside Park MS
Carballo, Andres Knox MS
Salazar, Daniel Willow Wood MS
Jimenez, Nicolas Conroe Irons MS
Sheehan, Dylan Moorhead MS
Hernandez, Missael Magnolia MS
Leasure, Bryce Woodridge Forest MS
Wood, Bryant Stockton MS
Montgomery, Landon Oak Hills MS
Banes, Jett Moorhead MS
Torres, Sylar Tomball MS
Thompson, Brennan Stockton MS
Jacobik, Andrew Oak Hills MS
Mehta, Ekash Grand Lakes MS
Calder, James McCullough MS
Harris, Murray John Cooper MS
Ramirez, Rolando Peet MS
Jones, Colby Grand Lakes MS
Hromis, Elijah Tomball MS
McKeehan, Aiden Magnolia MS
Demirel, Aliturhan Creekside Park MS
Garza, Alexzander Brabham MS
Washington, Devon Woodridge Forest MS
Meade, Nicholas Lynn Lucas MS
Sims, Asher Willow Wood MS
Krauss, Damian Creekside Park MS
Whitehead, Jack Bear Branch MS
Lenix, Tyler Willow Wood MS
Bulcis, Evan Moorhead MS
Greer, Carson Oak Hills MS
Younger, Logan York JH
Lewis, Bryson Waller Junior High School
Pina Narvaez, Kevin Stockton MS
Smith, Colton Tomball MS
Quintana, Lorenzo John Cooper MS
Sturrock, Kiptyn Grand Lakes MS
Ammons, Kaiden Peet MS
Creel, Alex John Cooper MS
Bubela, Cooper Magnolia MS
Alcantara, Kristian Creekside Park MS
Reyes, Amil Woodridge Forest MS
Varghese, Benjamin Willow Wood MS
Miller, Nathan Conroe Irons MS
Bennett, Casey schultz ms
Knight, Bentley Magnolia MS
M., Mario Woodridge Forest MS
Gomez, Jared Stockton MS
Meza Urbaez, Jorge Oak Hills MS
Roop, William Moorhead MS
Walker, Junayd Tomball MS
Landers, Brayden Waller Junior High School
Becerra, Benjamin Stockton MS
Jackson, Nash Oak Hills MS
Nunez, Gabriel York JH
Chhina, Anhad John Cooper MS
Coronado, Layne Grand Lakes MS
Hutto, Owen Tomball MS
Quezada, Nathanael Magnolia MS
Soberanes, Iker Creekside Park MS
Urquiza, Cesar Woodridge Forest MS
Carlisle, Anderson Peet MS
Balbuena, Jonathan Lynn Lucas MS
Vieira, Rodrigo Creekside Park MS
Behnke, Lucas Bear Branch MS
Little, Gavin Willow Wood MS
Cuevas, Emiliano Moorhead MS
Reel, Gavin Oak Hills MS
Sellers, Mikey York JH
Welsh, Brandon Stockton MS
Bailey, Christian Knox MS
Burrow, Bryson Tomball MS
Crookham, Anderson York JH
Zajicek, Joseph Grand Lakes MS
Lantagne, Blake Peet MS
Dietz, Alric Grand Lakes MS
Godwin-Ellis, Liev McCullough MS
Buberl, Julian John Cooper MS
Cannon, Xavier schultz ms
Stubbs, Garrett Woodridge Forest MS
Hernandez, Cosme Magnolia MS
Lausell, Ethan Creekside Park MS
Goff, Eli Woodridge Forest MS
Moody, Kipton Lynn Lucas MS
Mirabel Caraballo, Jorge Willow Wood MS
Zuckero, Elijah Conroe Irons MS
Clary, James 10:58.10 McCullough MS
Hertel, Mason 11:14.70 McCullough MS
Vazquez, Alonzo 11:19.72 McCullough MS
Baylon, Radice-Beedle 11:36.64 Conroe Irons MS
Lim, Young 11:36.84 McCullough MS
Rodgers, Bryce 11:37.04 McCullough MS
Jones, Alexander 11:51.16 Knox MS
Bolin, Bryson 11:52.57 McCullough MS
Giannaris, William 11:56.18 Knox MS
Klein, Bobby 11:56.24 Brabham MS
Ebbs, Oliver 12:20.50 Knox MS
Webster, Blake 12:28.06 Knox MS
Clements, Nate 12:28.35 York JH
Holt, Austin 12:31.96 Knox MS
Howell, Blake 12:32.62 Knox MS
Cobb, Charlie 12:46.09 York JH
Vetter, Ethan 12:47.98 Knox MS
Carter, Brooks 13:04.45 Peet MS
Monterrey, Antonio 13:09.83 York JH
Rosewell, Caelan 13:10.02 Conroe Irons MS
Barrera, Aidan 13:14.11 Brabham MS
Spears, Will 13:27.31 McCullough MS
Saunderson, Gavin 13:32.40 York JH
Kimmons, Isaac 13:45.61 York JH
Causey, Taven 14:05.44 Peet MS
Young, Jacob 14:30.63 Peet MS
Morris, Joshua 14:46.79 Conroe Irons MS
Fay, Hunter 16:30.44 Brabham MS
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8th Grade Girls Two Mile Run 162 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanderson, Autumn Woodridge Forest MS
Tipaz, Yarely Lynn Lucas MS
Maldonado, Yoselin Magnolia MS
Ortiz, Maria Creekside Park MS
Hechler, Marley Willow Wood MS
Lopez, Elizabeth Moorhead MS
Mijares, Arantza Creekside Park MS
Johnson, Allie Bear Branch MS
Grady, Elizabeth Waller Junior High School
Schulze, Adeline Oak Hills MS
Busch, Emilia York JH
McNabb, Morgan Grand Lakes MS
Quintanilla, Tess Tomball MS
Ortiz, Paulina McCullough MS
Sharif, Ally John Cooper MS
Boyle, Persephany Woodridge Forest MS
Torres, Isabella Lynn Lucas MS
Salazar, Sophia schultz ms
Gonzalez, Desirae Woodridge Forest MS
Mueller, Emery Bear Branch MS
Dishongh, Emily Willow Wood MS
Caban, Alana Conroe Irons MS
Shough, Chloe Creekside Park MS
Vega, Vanessa Waller Junior High School
Becerra- Rojas, Alejandra Bear Branch MS
Bammel, Catheryn Willow Wood MS
Rodriguez, Evanny Moorhead MS
Martinez, Analucia Waller Junior High School
Castro, Jocelyn Tomball MS
Hughes, Ainsley Grand Lakes MS
Kennedy, Aisley Tomball MS
Feinberg, Abadit John Cooper MS
Reyes, Eleina schultz ms
Stone, Summer John Cooper MS
Godinez, Evelyn Woodridge Forest MS
Balon, Valeria Lynn Lucas MS
Vega, Rebecca Magnolia MS
Khudorozhkova, Mariia Willow Wood MS
White, Rayden Conroe Irons MS
Lopez, Dulce Moorhead MS
Nalley, Adalyn Creekside Park MS
Tombros, Annabelle Knox MS
Johnson, Oliva Bear Branch MS
Carnes, Riley Waller Junior High School
Ramirez, Xochi Oak Hills MS
Nunez, Ana Moorhead MS
Guerra, Sophia Grand Lakes MS
Stahlin, Samantha Tomball MS
FitzSullivan, Isabella John Cooper MS
Fitzgerald, Aurelia Woodridge Forest MS
Moss, Brooklyn Peet MS
Viniasky, Kennedy Lynn Lucas MS
Williams, Kaelyn schultz ms
Hinostroza, Valentina Woodridge Forest MS
Ripley, Samantha Bear Branch MS
Rowan, Faith Willow Wood MS
Wyzorowski, Brooklyn Conroe Irons MS
Varlioglu, Ella Creekside Park MS
Vazquez Valle, Tiara Waller Junior High School
Denney, Tinley Bear Branch MS
Cantu, Cadence Willow Wood MS
Hernandez, Gracie Moorhead MS
Jimenez, Emma Waller Junior High School
Hughes, Haylee Oak Hills MS
Konneker, Maddison Grand Lakes MS
Lozano, Alia Tomball MS
Winston, Esti John Cooper MS
Robinson, Janae schultz ms
Murphy, Sophie John Cooper MS
Patel, Hiya Woodridge Forest MS
Cash, Alexis Lynn Lucas MS
Rodriguez, Adalyn Magnolia MS
Simon, Olivia Willow Wood MS
Garza, Alyssa Moorhead MS
Kilkeary, Luca Creekside Park MS
Gonzalez, Alynna Knox MS
Matula, Grace Bear Branch MS
Ford, Serenity Waller Junior High School
Hazenburg, Lyla Oak Hills MS
Mora, Griselda Moorhead MS
Liu, Shanrika Grand Lakes MS
Davis, Ellie Tomball MS
Gido, Gianina Tomball MS
Gibbons, Sophia McCullough MS
Hamilton, Briley Brabham MS
FitzSullivan, Gabrielle John Cooper MS
Guerrero, Mary Jane Peet MS
Wright, Reagan Lynn Lucas MS
Dempsey, Mia Woodridge Forest MS
Glenn, Heaven Bear Branch MS
Figueroa, Dilena Lynn Lucas MS
Wilson, Harper Willow Wood MS
Thetford, Lacey Conroe Irons MS
Fults, Jane Magnolia MS
Beal, McKinley Creekside Park MS
Ferfon, Alexis Creekside Park MS
Hopkins, Ava Bear Branch MS
Collins, Emma Willow Wood MS
Gomez, Daniela Moorhead MS
Webb, Cariys Waller Junior High School
Lemaux, Kaitlyn Oak Hills MS
Pekar, Kylee York JH
Longoria, Alessandra Grand Lakes MS
Nash, Haley Tomball MS
Westerfeld, Addison Peet MS
Guabodia, Ela John Cooper MS
Salas, Fernanda schultz ms
Koh, Colette John Cooper MS
Al Seida, Maryum Woodridge Forest MS
Medina, Daisy Lynn Lucas MS
Twakoyty, Aleah Magnolia MS
Cruz, Isabella Willow Wood MS
Pray, Emery Conroe Irons MS
Wood, Kaydence Moorhead MS
Davis, Anna Creekside Park MS
Ellenberger, Dallas Woodridge Forest MS
Strehle, Olivia Bear Branch MS
Stark, Sophia Waller Junior High School
Kobiasic, Viktoria Oak Hills MS
Davis, Keira Moorhead MS
Howe, Kinley Waller Junior High School
Ramirez, Kamilah Tomball MS
Barton, Sophia Grand Lakes MS
Guzman, Bella Tomball MS
Mao, Erica McCullough MS
Payette, Brie John Cooper MS
Hyatt, Kamryn schultz ms
Hoffman, Averie Peet MS
Camiro, Isabella 12:03.87 Knox MS
Hallas, Isabella 12:15.66 McCullough MS
Linde Gomez, Marta 12:23.24 McCullough MS
Challis, Madison 12:23.42 McCullough MS
Hodgson, Zoey 12:56.75 McCullough MS
Domosiaris, Sophia 13:11.73 York JH
Aviles, Presley 13:13.81 Conroe Irons MS
Dolan, Myla 13:18.41 York JH
Mendoza, Harper 13:24.34 York JH
Mahalec, Sydney 13:26.15 York JH
Day, Makayla 13:31.62 McCullough MS
Husband, Brennley 13:32.48 Conroe Irons MS
Lamneck, Sofia 13:36.62 York JH
Gorbonos, Gaya 13:44.40 McCullough MS
Nunez, MariaLucia 13:48.39 McCullough MS
Lamneck, Addison 13:49.64 York JH
Stokes, Chloe 14:11.94 Conroe Irons MS
Ndukwe, Kiki 14:28.63 Conroe Irons MS
Kilian, Avery 14:31.93 Brabham MS
Chan, Molly 14:32.30 Knox MS
Carcamo, Elizabeth 14:52.87 York JH
Goss, Layla 14:54.33 York JH
Phan, Claire 15:12.92 Knox MS
Olson, Rachel 15:13.96 Knox MS
Hubbard, JyMecia 15:19.75 Peet MS
Dittfurth, Emma 15:29.78 Brabham MS
Thibodeaux, Annise 15:33.40 Conroe Irons MS
Cortez, Barbara 15:38.61 Knox MS
Santana, Annaleah 15:59.33 Stockton MS
Lugo, Melanie 16:01.37 Stockton MS
Cooke, Sarah 16:38.70 Knox MS
Fohl, Kali 17:00.07 Knox MS
Bharadwaj, Kritika 17:04.77 Knox MS
Musgrow, Molly 17:10.79 Peet MS
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Boys 5000 Meter Run 134 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Embry, Carson Willis
Carpenter, Landon Lake Creek
Jasso, Cruz Pasadena Dobie
Landin, Grant Lake Creek
Lanigan, Aedan The John Cooper School
Crowe, Spencer Lake Creek
Ebai, Leon Randle High School
De Paz, Orlando Pasadena Dobie
Andersen, Taylor Lake Creek
Roman, Jordan Pasadena Dobie
Allen, Chris Lake Creek
Velazquez, Santiago Conroe High
Andersen, Zachary Lake Creek
Landry, Grant Lake Creek
Payan, Daniel Langham Creek High School
Furhmann, Trey Lake Creek
Serrano, Jonathan Lake Creek
Gildersleeve, Cole Lake Creek
Rusten, Shazer Randle High School
Menke, Michael 15:44.27 Humble Summer Creek
Klahn, Michael 15:44.46 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Varela, Carlos 15:53.75 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Lopez, Chris 16:11.93 Pasadena Dobie
Peguero, Anthony 16:23.40 Klein Collins
Yarbrough, Dylan 16:29.00 Klein Collins
Berggren, Logan 16:31.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Carman, Dean 16:32.00 Tomball Memorial
Bammel, Leyton 16:38.00 Tomball Memorial
Torres, Klever 16:39.00 Klein Oak
Washington, Vijay 16:42.80 Langham Creek High School
Mccollom, Jeromy 16:44.29 Rosenberg Lamar
Grant, Heath 16:47.00 Willis
Mendez, Mauricio 16:48.00 Klein
Aung, Kyaw 16:50.39 Klein Oak
Day, Walter 16:52.00 The John Cooper School
Medina, Mathew 16:53.60 Conroe High
Potter, Landon 16:57.00 Tomball Memorial
Bailey, Jacob 16:57.30 The John Cooper School
Drake, Mason 17:01.50 Tomball Memorial
Campos, Leonardo 17:01.70 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Upshaw, Joshua 17:02.00 Conroe High
Villavicencio, Johan 17:02.85 Pasadena Dobie
Butts, Wyatt 17:06.00 Klein Oak
Bendele, Alexander 17:14.00 Tomball Memorial
Theobald, Michael 17:15.20 Klein
Siegel, Jordan 17:15.90 Rosenberg Lamar
Burdine, Parker 17:17.50 Klein
Lazaro, Juan 17:18.00 Magnolia
Montes, Nathan 17:21.00 The John Cooper School
Keck, Jameson 17:24.00 Tomball Memorial
Krom, Brennan 17:26.50 Katy Jordan
Navarro, Daniel 17:28.90 Klein
Gilmore, Norman 17:29.18 Randle High School
Mancini, Angelo 17:33.14 Langham Creek High School
Wardak, Tristan 17:33.95 Katy Jordan
Davila, Xavier 17:34.00 Klein Oak
Ortega, Issac 17:36.00 The John Cooper School
Thompson, Caden 17:39.40 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Porter, Caden 17:39.90 Tomball Memorial
Motuliki, Ethan 17:40.10 Conroe High
Joyner, Trevor 17:42.70 Klein Cain
William) Ostermann, Will 17:44.10 Klein Oak
Parrish, Eli 17:44.40 Katy Jordan
Trenholme, Chris 17:47.00 The John Cooper School
Dorris, Jonah 17:47.76 Katy Jordan
Warring, Luke 17:47.80 Langham Creek High School
Jefferson, Zach 17:50.00 The John Cooper School
Tran, Nathan 17:50.00 Klein Cain
Darbe, Logan 17:51.00 Tomball Memorial
Acevedo, Fabien 17:54.40 Klein Oak
Atabala, Reza 17:55.07 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Tinajero, Brian 17:55.78 Randle High School
Guadian, Jakob 17:56.60 Rosenberg Lamar
Nunez, Daniel 18:02.20 Conroe Caney Creek
Krom, Eamon 18:02.50 Katy Jordan
Tuety, Jace 18:02.70 Katy Jordan
Kouba, James 18:02.90 Conroe High
Cremins, Cullen 18:03.41 Katy Jordan
Markell, Edward 18:04.00 Magnolia
Maunoir, Cole 18:04.30 Katy Jordan
Zubizarreta, Anthony 18:05.20 Rosenberg Lamar
Roberts, Xan 18:06.70 Klein Oak
Torres, Luis 18:09.00 Tomball Memorial
Sabin, Elijah 18:09.25 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Richard, Mark 18:10.20 Klein Oak
Gomez, Mica 18:12.77 Langham Creek High School
Clawson, Brady 18:15.00 Klein Oak
Roca, Chase 18:15.00 Klein
Torres, Conner 18:15.09 Pasadena Dobie
Martinez-Rivera, Pedro 18:24.20 Conroe High
Benes, Ryan 18:27.00 The John Cooper School
Guerrero, Jorge 18:41.00 Langham Creek High School
Pieper, Benjamin 18:42.40 Klein Collins
Vera, Jaime 18:45.00 Klein Collins
Manuel, Riley 18:49.00 Tomball Memorial
Salazar, Carlos 18:49.74 Pasadena Dobie
Bates, Aaron 18:50.00 The John Cooper School
Shotwell, Vernon 18:52.20 Klein Cain
DeHoyos, Xavier 18:58.70 Klein Oak
Hees, Kevin 19:08.00 Klein
Fosli, John 19:08.90 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Garcia, Brayan 19:09.50 Klein Cain
Santos, Mauricio 19:12.07 Conroe Caney Creek
Rios, Michael 19:14.60 Klein
Oviedo, Abraham 19:16.00 Klein Cain
Montoya, Joshua 19:18.10 Langham Creek High School
Douglas, Paul 19:29.40 Klein Cain
Gonzalez, Alejandro 19:29.66 Conroe Caney Creek
Cole, Brayden 19:30.00 Klein Collins
Hancock, Tyler 19:31.00 Klein Collins
Hrncir, Luke 19:45.40 Klein Cain
Holbrook, Christopher 19:45.55 Spring
Barajas, Joram 19:46.10 Langham Creek High School
Zeitz, David Levi 19:54.00 Conroe High
Tabora, Jorge 19:55.10 Conroe Caney Creek
Zmolek, Zachary 19:57.00 Spring
Arroyo, Jose 19:57.54 Randle High School
Herrera, David 20:05.06 Langham Creek High School
Flores, Fabian 20:11.01 Spring
Altamirano, Kelvin 20:11.19 Randle High School
Witten, Nathan 20:13.34 Langham Creek High School
Rangel, Homero 20:15.54 Conroe Caney Creek
Araoz, Matthew 20:23.20 Klein Collins
Perez, Santino 20:28.99 Pasadena Dobie
Rizvi, Saif 20:31.00 The John Cooper School
Tejada, Bladimir 20:35.00 Spring
Paz, Diego 20:35.47 Pasadena Dobie
Nunez, Jeremiah 20:42.00 Spring
Cardona, Eden 20:47.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Raygoza, Angel 20:50.00 Spring
Wright, Carter 20:56.00 Pasadena Dobie
Suarez, Jefferson 21:04.00 Randle High School
Zeitz, Davin Zach 21:12.00 Conroe High
Villanueva, Miguel 21:56.89 Randle High School
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Boys 5000 Meter Run JV 179 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pena, Adrian Klein Cain
Vega, Raul Randle High School
Gonzalez, Travis Klein Oak
Arguello, Marcos Conroe Caney Creek
Paredes, Anthony Spring
Rodriguez, Lucio Cleveland
Hall, Kenneth Katy Taylor (James E.)
Grande, Adrian Conroe Caney Creek
Sayed, Hamza Klein Oak
Enciso, Christian Randle High School
Hall, Wyatt Klein Cain
Purvis, Zachary Burton
Romero, Anthony Cleveland
Leyva, Jason Cleveland
Pipkin, Riley Katy Jordan
Zerouat, Mohamed Katy Taylor (James E.)
Araya, Asa The John Cooper School
Sanchez, Simon Klein
Harris, Henry The John Cooper School
Sanchez, Enoc Conroe Caney Creek
Lucero, Caleb Randle High School
Guevara, Jason Conroe Caney Creek
Contreras, Miguel Spring
Mejia, Juan Conroe High
Martinez, Jeremiah Cleveland
Pineda, Emil Conroe Caney Creek
Grant, Noah Klein Oak
Gray, Hunter Conroe Caney Creek
Rinear, Gavan Randle High School
Mancia, Donovan Cleveland
Unruh, Marek Magnolia
Schmid, Josh The John Cooper School
Valenzuela, Marcelo The John Cooper School
Carreon, Adrian Conroe Caney Creek
Miramontes, Oscar Conroe Caney Creek
Perez, Josue Klein Cain
Rusten, Oen Randle High School
Reyna, Luis Conroe Caney Creek
Godine, Chase Klein Collins
Alvarez, Aodel Conroe High
Swigert, Kayden Cleveland
Garza, Elias Cleveland
Zamudio, Johan Conroe Caney Creek
Huang, Maxx The John Cooper School
Perez, Oliver Klein Oak
Boulanger, Xander Conroe Caney Creek
Abd, Amir Randle High School
Tran, Michael Klein Cain
Luna, Timothy Conroe Caney Creek
Mauricio, Jimmy Spring
Velardo, Nicolas Magnolia
Rodriguez, Marcus Tomball Memorial
Gonzalez, Adrian Conroe Caney Creek
Avilez, Brian Conroe Caney Creek
Roy, Tyler Randle High School
Duff, Andrew Klein Oak
Jensen, Stanley Klein Collins
Jacobo, David Cleveland
Carroll, Covin Klein Cain
Quintanilla, Hector Cleveland
Baily, Landon Katy Jordan
Johnson, Tate Katy Taylor (James E.)
Harris, Charlie The John Cooper School
Arriaga, Maddox Klein Oak
Ucles, Justin Conroe Caney Creek
Perez, Kaden 17:47.26 Rosenberg Lamar
Tabb, Devin 17:59.00 Klein
Witzke, Daniel 18:00.60 Klein Oak
McKenzie, Lachlan 18:12.10 The John Cooper School
Quintero, Christian 18:18.00 Tomball Memorial
Teague, Jonas 18:19.00 Lake Creek
Rodriguez, Ernesto 18:24.00 Willis
Ping, Evan 18:25.00 Klein
Starnes, Parker 18:27.00 Magnolia
Aidt, Deven 18:30.20 Katy Jordan
Albright, Caden 18:31.00 The John Cooper School
Law, Samuel 18:35.60 Tomball Memorial
Senterfit, Tyler 18:38.50 Katy Jordan
Flores, Daniel 18:42.00 Katy Jordan
Galicia, Nicolas 18:42.00 Langham Creek High School
Hawkins, Noah 18:45.70 Klein Oak
Douglas, Devlin 18:47.00 Burton
Kennedy, Palmer 18:52.80 The John Cooper School
Dishongh, Jessie 18:54.40 Tomball Memorial
Woolley, Rowan 18:56.90 Klein
Gonzalez, Seth 19:04.34 Rosenberg Lamar
Riccetti, Illy 19:04.80 Katy Jordan
Benson, Carter 19:05.00 Klein Oak
Clark, Noah 19:11.00 Klein
Santacruz, Ian 19:16.00 Tomball Memorial
Latif, Ali 19:22.20 Tomball Memorial
Arriaga, Luis 19:27.20 Klein Oak
Morella, Ryne 19:30.00 Klein
Rotolo, Noah 19:32.50 Katy Jordan
Ojeda, Emelio 19:33.40 Tomball Memorial
Chevere, Cameron 19:37.40 Klein
Honeycutt, Colin 19:41.00 Tomball Memorial
Cruz, Lukas 19:43.00 Willis
Shockley, Logan 19:46.90 Rosenberg Lamar
Leonardos, Luke 19:52.00 Magnolia
Tapia, Daniel 19:56.47 Langham Creek High School
Seiler, Nick 20:01.07 Rosenberg Lamar
Grant, Zaiden 20:01.58 Willis
Kowalski, Cooper 20:03.70 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Pearce, Christopher 20:14.20 Tomball Memorial
Dancer, Paul 20:14.61 Lake Creek
Ortiz, Arturo 20:18.00 Cleveland
Harvey, Titus 20:19.10 Klein
Thornton, Jacob 20:20.52 Rosenberg Lamar
Hurtado, Nicholas 20:20.70 Klein Cain
Thayne, Ezekiel 20:21.00 Klein Cain
Konneker, Matthan 20:21.40 Tomball Memorial
Gonzalez, Andy 20:22.60 Rosenberg Lamar
Lee, Gavin 20:23.00 Rosenberg Lamar
Briscoe, Jaiden 20:31.00 The John Cooper School
Munoz, Alan 20:33.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Guzman, Matthew 20:34.00 The John Cooper School
Bridges, Gavin 20:36.00 Langham Creek High School
Williams, Evin 20:36.93 Lake Creek
Smith, Jackson 20:39.00 Magnolia
Meza Pittman, Aaron 20:47.80 Magnolia
Wene, Sean 20:50.00 The John Cooper School
Witwen, Pierce 20:52.01 Conroe Caney Creek
Hibbitts, Connor 20:55.00 Langham Creek High School
Zubik, Jaydan 20:55.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Cervantes, Luis 20:56.80 Katy Jordan
Kloeppel, Tavis 21:00.90 Klein Cain
Cooksey, Tayln 21:01.30 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Reyes, Bryan 21:11.69 Langham Creek High School
Cruz, Alfonso 21:22.00 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Ni, William 21:26.70 Klein Collins
Sanchez, Ivan 21:32.00 Cleveland
Maturano, Oliver 21:38.30 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Chelikani, Rithik 21:41.20 Klein Cain
Bressler, Lukas 21:44.20 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Celestino, Sebastian 21:45.72 Spring
Alaniz, Ethan 21:49.00 Lake Creek
Aguilar, Emmanuel 21:49.50 Conroe Caney Creek
Faison, Evan 21:55.55 Langham Creek High School
Ben) Wintill, Joshua 21:57.84 Langham Creek High School
Alvarado, Janathan 21:59.00 Spring
Torres, Javier 22:05.09 Langham Creek High School
Morey, Jackson 22:09.00 Burton
Grube, Tyler 22:18.94 Lake Creek
Folks Lopez, Eric 22:22.26 Klein Collins
Barcenas, Gabriel 22:36.40 Conroe Caney Creek
Nava, Jaime 22:37.88 Langham Creek High School
Castillo, Evan 22:37.90 Klein Oak
Flores, Luis 22:38.10 Katy Jordan
Posada, Nicholas 22:44.70 Klein
Buberl, Martin 22:46.00 The John Cooper School
Nguyen, Kaden 22:48.00 Klein Cain
Mendez, Emmanuel 23:03.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Bernal, Michael 23:17.30 Klein Oak
Solis, Jesus 23:27.50 Conroe Caney Creek
Guerra, Kevin 23:28.50 Tomball Memorial
Cocinero Remiso, Richard 23:33.00 Klein Collins
Riggins, Cyal 23:40.00 Burton
Joshi, Vyom 23:43.00 The John Cooper School
Keckler, Remington 23:51.86 Rosenberg Lamar
Flynn, Alexander 24:09.80 Katy Jordan
Thomas, Zion 24:12.70 Klein Cain
Nieves, Jayden 24:17.80 Conroe Caney Creek
Mullen, Matthew 24:19.91 Langham Creek High School
Pepper-Stephens, Keegan 24:34.00 Conroe High
White, Jonathan 25:13.56 Klein Cain
Wells, Colton 25:18.00 Klein Cain
Lopez, Marcos 25:20.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Beltran, Joseph 25:24.60 Rosenberg Lamar
Mendez, Gabriel 25:24.60 Conroe Caney Creek
Harrison, Carson 25:34.20 Conroe Caney Creek
Arcile, Eduardo 25:47.30 Conroe Caney Creek
Lofton, Braydon 26:21.33 Klein Collins
Vargas, Thomas 26:35.20 Katy Jordan
Martinez, Lucas 26:49.30 Randle High School
Johnston, Gavin 27:34.18 Klein Collins
Aguilar, Leovardo 29:08.30 Conroe Caney Creek
Barbosa, Sibraim 29:30.60 Conroe High
Hayes, Landon 30:05.20 Klein Collins
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Boys Two Mile Run FR 97 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Descaller, Andrew Conroe High
Moreno, Hector Cleveland
Dunmire, David Magnolia
Wydup, Mason Tomball Memorial
Reyes, Rutilo Conroe Caney Creek
Galindo, Alexis Langham Creek High School
Gutierrez, Darian Klein
Lorasmith, Marlon Klein Oak
Duncan, Kole Klein Cain
Schulz, Keith Cleveland
Romero, Tyrese Rosenberg Lamar
Poninski, Gregory Tomball Memorial
Staniszewski, Jude Conroe High
Ke, Kyle Tomball Memorial
Uribes, Oliver Conroe High
Buentello, Nicholas Langham Creek High School
Ware, Grayson Klein
Ostorga, Lysander Conroe Caney Creek
Elkasmi, Saad Rosenberg Lamar
Young, Jaxon Klein Oak
Patel, Krish Klein Cain
Olaveras Flores, Gilberto Tomball Memorial
Ocampo, Sebastian Conroe High
Schmidt, Lucas Cleveland
Marshall, Gavin Magnolia
Zingleman, Brian Conroe Caney Creek
Marroquin, Bryan Klein
Kenski, Christopher Klein Oak
Al, Ali Klein Cain
Hirschi, Bryler Langham Creek High School
Choate, Michael Cleveland
Pabor, Zane Tomball Memorial
Fountain, Benjamin Conroe High
Flores, Jordy Cleveland
Hernandez, Moises Langham Creek High School
Misiewicz, Maddox Klein
Locht, Alec The John Cooper School
Ojeda, Heriberto Conroe Caney Creek
Benitez, Damian Rosenberg Lamar
Tuhanowski, Andrew Klein Oak
Christensen, Shelby Klein Cain
Palacio, Anthony Conroe High
Wilkins, David Cleveland
Leviaguirre, Julian Katy Jordan
Muniz, Alex Conroe Caney Creek
Gunning, Jackson Klein
Davis, Hayden Klein Oak
Robles, Julien Klein Cain
Ring, Jason Langham Creek High School
Runnels, Robert Klein Cain
Obrien, Connor Conroe High
Marquez, Ezrah Cleveland
Olvera, Saul Conroe Caney Creek
Ali, Abdullah Langham Creek High School
Lamb, Malik Rosenberg Lamar
Seay, Connor Klein Oak
Nguyen, Chibao Klein Cain
Martinez, Jaime Cleveland
Varela, Geovanny Conroe High
Dudley, Cage Conroe High
Sanchez, Esteban Conroe Caney Creek
Martinez, Brody Katy Taylor (James E.)
Grant, Daniel Klein
Vultaggio, Dominic Klein Oak
Balderas, Juan Conroe Caney Creek
Reyes, Nathan Klein Cain
Jimenez, Angelo Langham Creek High School
Gonzalez, Ricky Klein Cain
Cautilli, Luciano 11:09.50 The John Cooper School
Burns, Lachlan 11:23.28 The John Cooper School
Alatorre-Juarez, Miguel 11:33.20 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Dammel, Colt 11:53.70 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Rogerson, Sam 11:54.80 Katy Jordan
Comerford, Jack 12:15.20 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Head, Christopher 12:17.30 Katy Jordan
Liu, Brighton 12:19.30 Katy Jordan
Angulo, Rafael 12:20.29 The John Cooper School
Chaddick, Rush 12:25.00 Katy Jordan
Selman, Connor 12:26.40 Tomball Memorial
Oliver, Kelly 12:26.90 Tomball Memorial
Flores, Kaiden 12:30.70 Tomball Memorial
O'Connor, Charles 12:44.20 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Ramirez, Edwin 12:45.80 Tomball Memorial
Gutierrez, Jesse 12:49.90 Tomball Memorial
Atabala, Ethan 12:51.50 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Bell, Alex 13:03.10 Katy Jordan
Slusarenko, Cole 13:10.02 The John Cooper School
Gillette, Paxton 13:11.70 Klein Cain
Ibrahim, Kellan 13:51.10 Tomball Memorial
Blakeney, Joseph 13:57.10 Tomball Memorial
Porter, Peyton 15:15.50 Katy Jordan
Yumbo Maclachan, Micah 15:16.70 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Richardson, James 15:28.40 Klein Cain
Gerdes, Maddex 15:52.00 Katy Jordan
Hogue, Leo 16:22.70 Klein Cain
Roegiers, Louie 18:13.69 The John Cooper School
Wang, Chris 20:47.38 The John Cooper School
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 128 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Oliver, Kasey Klein Oak
Snyder, Adeline Lake Creek
Fujisaki, Momoka Katy Seven Lakes
Astner, Anabelle Magnolia
Bechtold, Nilia Tomball Memorial
Bass, Emma Lake Creek
Gil, Kareena The John Cooper School
Welch, Trislyn Conroe Caney Creek
Bash, Rachel Magnolia
Kotran, Abby Klein Oak
Zabiegala, Kadyn Lake Creek
Stanulonis, Michelle Langham Creek High School
Gilbert, Davina The John Cooper School
Kahsai, Solyanna Katy Seven Lakes
Beakley, Lilly Willis
Balakrishnan, Naina Katy Taylor (James E.)
Johnson, Hailey Lake Creek
Hemmert, Alli The John Cooper School
Horn, Khloe Magnolia
Howell, Kenzie Tomball Memorial
Dulaney, Isabella Klein Oak
Knox, Frankie Lake Creek
Torres, Ana Tomball Memorial
Sharma, Anya Langham Creek High School
Hernandez, Andrea Katy Seven Lakes
Osorto, Alia Conroe Caney Creek
Schanbachler, Kinly Magnolia
Venugopal, Maya Katy Jordan
Marshall, Brooke Lake Creek
Ripley, Kiran Magnolia
Rentas, Alanis Klein Oak
Job, Josie Katy Taylor (James E.)
Holland, Carson Katy Seven Lakes
Garza, Alexis 18:12.20 Tomball Memorial
Butler, Lydia 18:16.10 Klein Oak
Mann, Marian 18:24.40 Klein
Meinhardt, Paige 18:45.80 Klein
Goerlich, Sophia 18:50.00 Klein
Scherpereel, Casey 18:52.70 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Garza, Lauren 19:01.73 Pasadena Dobie
Phillips, Stella 19:15.30 Klein Oak
Phillip, Sophia 19:19.00 Magnolia
Signorelli, Milla 19:22.40 The John Cooper School
Hernandez, Sofia 19:24.60 Klein Cain
Han, Missy 19:24.80 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Allen, Brooklyn 19:31.00 Katy Jordan
Rich, Jocelyn 19:37.50 Klein Cain
Katz, Lilah 19:47.69 Katy Jordan
Pearson, Layla 19:50.00 Klein Oak
Mann, Margaret 19:50.90 Klein
Woods, Kayla 19:52.00 Klein Collins
Rotter, Jordyn 19:55.00 Klein Oak
Castillo, Isabella 19:56.26 Katy Jordan
Brown, Kingsley 19:59.30 Katy Seven Lakes
Seymour, Alexis 20:00.30 The John Cooper School
Rensel, Savannah 20:01.20 Katy Seven Lakes
Trevino, Natalie 20:03.09 Rosenberg Lamar
Springett, Sara 20:14.70 Klein Cain
Stafford, Chloe 20:34.00 Klein Cain
Sagbini, Alejandra 20:36.20 Katy Jordan
Hardin, Emmy 20:37.89 Katy Jordan
Frame, Alice 20:44.70 Katy Jordan
Schmidt, Gracie 20:47.00 Klein Cain
Alvarado, Aracely 20:48.96 Pasadena Dobie
Sheppard, Madison 21:01.80 Tomball Memorial
Stinebaugh, Mary 21:06.00 Magnolia
Lazaro, Dulce 21:06.00 Magnolia
Kuhl, Lydia 21:07.10 Klein
Cunningham, Abigail 21:11.70 Klein Cain
Ruiz, Fernanda 21:20.00 Willis
Tiggs, Rihanna 21:21.00 Klein Oak
Upton, Elizabeth 21:22.36 Spring
Lafleur, Rebecca 21:22.40 Klein Oak
Hopwood, Caroline 21:28.00 Willis
Almendarez, Victoria 21:31.40 Klein Cain
Monfil, Alison 21:31.80 Langham Creek High School
Schmidt, Addison 21:41.90 Klein Cain
Lira, Joselyn 21:43.00 Willis
Gomez, Savannah 21:43.50 Klein Cain
Boehler, Mikayla 21:44.00 Klein
Bash, Jenna 21:46.00 Magnolia
Maudlin, Aubrey 21:53.50 Klein
Felder, Alexus 21:54.00 Spring
Locht, Emma 21:54.10 The John Cooper School
Trykoski, Claire 21:58.80 Katy Jordan
Rosales, Emily 22:09.90 Conroe Caney Creek
Kumar, Kushi 22:10.57 Katy Seven Lakes
Nunez, Kimberly 22:17.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Banda, Ximena 22:33.32 Willis
Mentlewski, Jamie 22:36.00 Magnolia
Vazquez, Maribel 22:39.25 Willis
Hernandez, Carly 22:43.00 Langham Creek High School
Williams, Charlotte 22:43.40 Katy Jordan
Ridley, Audrey 22:43.80 Tomball Memorial
Medina, Mariah 22:48.54 Pasadena Dobie
Rangel, Andrea 22:50.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Doyle, Jordyn 22:50.13 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Leon Barrios, Isabella 22:52.60 Tomball Memorial
Robles, Leighia 22:53.00 Willis
Copeland, Kelsee 22:56.20 Tomball Memorial
Quintana, Melissa 22:57.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Garza, Emma 22:59.00 Klein Collins
Zubay, Abby 23:00.00 The John Cooper School
Hernandez, Camila 23:11.28 Langham Creek High School
Rodriguez, Alyssa 23:19.00 Willis
Martinez, Leyla 23:21.22 Pasadena Dobie
Nunez - Perez, Isabella 23:28.70 Katy Seven Lakes
Rodgers, Avery 23:33.20 Katy Jordan
Jabarin, Abiyya 23:34.00 Spring
Torres, Dafne "Sofy" 23:36.20 Langham Creek High School
Brinkley, Chloe 23:42.00 Klein Collins
Correa, Isaura 23:43.47 Pasadena Dobie
Farrell, Amelia 23:47.00 Tomball Memorial
Jain, Tanvi 23:50.64 Katy Seven Lakes
Hagerty, Annabella 23:50.91 Langham Creek High School
Benitez, Mariana 23:57.50 Conroe Caney Creek
Iraheta, Lucia 24:01.00 Langham Creek High School
Ramos, Valeria 24:07.00 Spring
Dehoyos, Aven 24:13.72 Langham Creek High School
Wylie, Alayna 24:22.20 Tomball Memorial
Zarate, Zuri 24:23.42 Langham Creek High School
Munaretto, Evangeline 24:52.00 Willis
De La Garza, Mary 24:52.00 Klein Collins
Garces, Emma 24:56.27 Katy Seven Lakes
Houg, Sophia 24:59.20 Katy Taylor (James E.)
White, Alexandra 25:50.33 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Woods, Keira 26:31.40 Klein Collins
Frausto, Nathalie 27:51.08 Spring
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Girls Two Mile Run JV 254 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dunn, Brooklyn Langham Creek High School
Al Aghbar, Raya The John Cooper School
Gunn, Emily Lake Creek
Dowling, Abigail Burton
Cedeno, Isabella Rosenberg Lamar
Arroyo, Lauryn Klein Oak
Clark, Gabrielle Langham Creek High School
Perry, Zephania Randle High School
Casarrubias, Tatianna Klein Oak
Serrato, Jayleen Conroe Caney Creek
Rodriguez, Franscheli Cleveland
Molden, Amariah Magnolia
Gomez, Hailey Klein Collins
Carpio, Katherine Spring
Franco, Valerie Katy Jordan
Hutchins, Gabriella Katy Seven Lakes
Owen, Jaydin Willis
Melo, Jaylene Pasadena Dobie
Mundo, Tarshish Cleveland
Camacho Carrera, Amanda Magnolia
Mendiola, Skyler Pasadena Dobie
Blasco Arechiga, Ximena Magnolia
Bailey, Daisy Klein
Hernandez, Kelyssa Randle High School
Cedeno, Danielle Rosenberg Lamar
Walrath, Lucinda Klein Oak
Dumas, Lillian Conroe Caney Creek
Gradis, Gracie Magnolia
Grimme, Claire Klein Collins
Hanesh, Anna Katy Seven Lakes
Rojero, Galilea Willis
Zuniga, Candi Pasadena Dobie
Struthers, Steffi Klein Oak
Flores, Haydely Conroe Caney Creek
Gutierrez, Carolyne Cleveland
Baugus, Rowan Klein
Capuchino, Karol Katy Seven Lakes
Sanchez, Aliyah Pasadena Dobie
Mancia, Genesis Cleveland
Hannan, Allie Magnolia
Royo Acevedo, Gemma Katy Seven Lakes
Pierron, Bayli Lake Creek
Galicia, Isabella Langham Creek High School
Clark, Coraline Klein
Quintana, Pia The John Cooper School
Zamora, Krislyn Rosenberg Lamar
Vultaggio, Celeste Klein Oak
Martinez, Avril Randle High School
Scherrman, Elizabeth Klein Oak
Balderas, Stacy Conroe Caney Creek
Crown, Gennavive Klein Collins
McCoy, Damonic Spring
Yang, Kayla Katy Seven Lakes
Dillard, Ariel Pasadena Dobie
Garcia, Ashley Conroe Caney Creek
Rios, Jaliyiah Cleveland
Onibokun, Kayden Magnolia
Mitchell, Ayla Pasadena Dobie
Stephens, Adalyn Magnolia
Mitchell, Madison Katy Taylor (James E.)
Lee, Ho-Chee Klein
Herrera, Evelyn Randle High School
Adair, Ava Rosenberg Lamar
Silva, Darly Klein Oak
Hudgins, Ebonie Conroe Caney Creek
Desantiago, Natalie Randle High School
Luedde, Bethany Magnolia
Marigliano, Nicole Klein Cain
Keys, Skyla Klein Collins
Reyes, Julietta Katy Seven Lakes
Gingrich, Hannah Klein Oak
Nunez, Andrea Conroe Caney Creek
Flores, Ana Cleveland
Hancock, Sarah Magnolia
Traynor, Olivia Katy Seven Lakes
Sidiropoulos, Destiny Pasadena Dobie
Mares, Marisol Cleveland
Kutter, Aubrey Lake Creek
Jacobsen, Elaina Klein
Espita, Sofia The John Cooper School
Benitez, Melany Rosenberg Lamar
Perez, Nicole Klein Oak
Barrios, Abigail Randle High School
Adkins, Morgan Klein Oak
Villeda, Claudia Conroe Caney Creek
Vogel, Bailey Klein Cain
Cole, Brookelyn Klein Collins
Nazario, Aliyah Spring
Posluszny, Heidi Magnolia
Khan, Fatima Katy Seven Lakes
De Paz, Paloma Willis
Villegas, Idalis Pasadena Dobie
Bishop, Summer Conroe Caney Creek
Tellez, Darlyn Cleveland
Rodriguez, Christina Pasadena Dobie
Guevara, Abigail Cleveland
Rivera, Sienna Katy Taylor (James E.)
Salazar, Alondra Klein
Kuba, Olivia Katy Jordan
Ongoco, Madison Langham Creek High School
Martinez, Tessa Lake Creek
Guadian, Laci Rosenberg Lamar
Doss, Madison Klein Oak
Webb, Hannah Conroe Caney Creek
Barrios, Jeidy Randle High School
Nunez, Milca Conroe Caney Creek
Laureano, Gissel Cleveland
Sussmann, Melissa Magnolia
Terrell, Alani Klein Cain
Pieper, Jillian Klein Collins
Arellano, Haley Klein Oak
Stinebaugh, Abigail Magnolia
Khaterpal, Dhun Katy Jordan
Torres, Bianca Katy Seven Lakes
Rodriguez, Alayna Pasadena Dobie
Hernandez, Ashley Cleveland
Blackburn, Adelyn Katy Jordan
Armstrong-Forniss, Taylor Pasadena Dobie
Williams, Reese Lake Creek
Breeding, Makayla Katy Taylor (James E.)
Diaz, Rosealee Klein
Diaz, Gisell Rosenberg Lamar
Monroy-Sanchez, Bridgette Randle High School
Wilk, Reese Klein Oak
Serrato, Nayeli Conroe Caney Creek
Rodriguez, Noemi Klein Cain
Kemmou, Maureen Klein Collins
Calva, Heather Spring
Morton, Ava Magnolia
Duong, Maivi Klein Collins
Suleman, Ameerah Katy Seven Lakes
Walker, Nina Pasadena Dobie
Campos, Cesia Conroe Caney Creek
Ventura, Roxanne Cleveland
Smith, Lana Klein
Buitrago, Heather Katy Seven Lakes
Rodriguez, Mikayla Pasadena Dobie
Watanabe, Valeria Katy Jordan
Rivas, Ema Katy Taylor (James E.)
Arellano, Abigail 12:26.00 Randle High School
Sigsbee, Peyton 12:49.70 Burton
Witzke, Andrea 13:11.10 Klein Oak
Arrowood, Ella 13:16.00 Klein Oak
Russell, Julie 13:20.00 Klein Oak
Guerrero, Isabella 13:23.05 Klein Oak
Ferber, Elisa 13:32.13 The John Cooper School
Kaunisto, Keira 13:41.70 Katy Jordan
Ibarra, Charlene 13:53.21 Klein
Villa, Emma 13:55.69 Klein Oak
Hanson, Maria 13:57.10 Klein Oak
Gurmen, Eda 13:59.90 Katy Jordan
Garzon, Grace 14:05.00 Katy Jordan
Schustereder, Anna 14:05.91 Klein Oak
Roemer, Reagan 14:07.80 Burton
Campos, Madeleine 14:10.00 Klein Oak
Green, Isabella 14:10.02 Klein Oak
Bammel, Evelyn 14:11.00 Tomball Memorial
Clark, Avery 14:11.57 Willis
Dao, Caylee 14:19.55 Klein Oak
Lopez, Veyda 14:24.19 Klein
Kharma, Marie 14:31.60 Randle High School
Davis, Meredith 14:36.94 Klein Oak
Echavarria Gonzales, Jarxey 14:38.68 Willis
Zoeller-McCarthy, Elisabeth 14:45.62 Katy Seven Lakes
Surface, Kacie 14:46.30 Katy Jordan
Pipkin, Ainsley 14:51.50 Katy Jordan
Hernandez, Ashley 14:54.00 Pasadena Dobie
Applewhite, Avery 14:59.00 Burton
Tran, Mia 14:59.70 Tomball Memorial
Fish, Sofia 15:00.40 Klein Cain
Pradella, Erika 15:00.53 Katy Jordan
Hobbs, Kate 15:09.00 Klein Cain
Morales, Stefani 15:09.00 Klein
Bowling, Emery 15:09.90 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Carnella Gallardo, Isabella 15:10.20 Katy Seven Lakes
Cardenas, Sofia 15:11.01 Willis
Balderas, Destiny 15:13.50 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Adeli, Donya 15:18.50 Katy Seven Lakes
Hrncir, Abigail 15:21.10 Klein Cain
Robayo, Sofia 15:22.90 Tomball Memorial
Hays, Isabella 15:24.00 Magnolia
Ball, Addison 15:30.00 Langham Creek High School
White, Isabella 15:31.39 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Moore, Julia 15:32.60 Tomball Memorial
Rehman, Heebra 15:34.00 Langham Creek High School
Wright, Darcy 15:39.47 The John Cooper School
Fleury, Brianne 15:39.90 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Rodriguez, Isabel 15:40.00 Tomball Memorial
Unruh, Violet 15:42.50 Magnolia
Black, Reese 15:47.10 Tomball Memorial
Liu, Yanxi 15:48.57 Katy Jordan
Huggins, Evelyn 15:49.00 Klein Collins
Duong, Emily 15:49.00 Randle High School
Wood, Melanie 15:49.00 Burton
Cordova, Sofia 15:49.50 Tomball Memorial
Yvanez Lujan, Lucia 15:49.50 Willis
Brents, Savannah 15:50.92 The John Cooper School
Villalta, Tiffany 15:52.53 Klein Oak
Estrada, Kathy 15:56.00 Langham Creek High School
Arredondo, Maria 15:57.72 Pasadena Dobie
Aweh, Cortney 15:58.40 Randle High School
Rodriguez, Allison 16:01.00 Cleveland
Balboa, Anna 16:01.60 Willis
Velasco, Rubi 16:04.45 Willis
Darragh, Abigail 16:10.00 Magnolia
Hudson, Brooklyn 16:11.10 Klein Cain
Ortiz, Damaris 16:17.48 Pasadena Dobie
Lopez, Aurora 16:19.00 Klein
Charping, Addison 16:22.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Hodde, Natalie 16:23.11 Burton
Landriault, Kara 16:24.00 Burton
Stoner, Addison 16:26.00 Tomball Memorial
Witherspoon, Abby 16:26.40 The John Cooper School
Lebron, Anaya 16:30.00 Magnolia
Leeton, Camille 16:31.40 Katy Jordan
Hardin, Hannah 16:31.70 Katy Jordan
Thornton, Claire 16:31.80 Magnolia
Kitagawa, Gabrielle 16:38.00 The John Cooper School
Kelly, Sydney 16:38.04 The John Cooper School
Zubay, Ryan 16:39.00 The John Cooper School
Benson, Abigail 16:42.47 Klein Oak
Sellers, Charley 16:46.00 Katy Taylor (James E.)
Holt, Kelsie 16:52.63 Burton
Robles, Monica 17:05.00 Klein Oak
Kempe, Ella 17:06.70 Katy Jordan
Kotko, Mekenzie 17:07.70 Randle High School
Callahan, Ava 17:20.74 Katy Seven Lakes
Ramirez, Melanie 17:21.00 Spring
Miranda, Jazmine 17:23.00 Spring
Nebeker, Lauren 17:26.00 Klein Oak
Barcenas, Laura 17:29.50 Willis
Carranza, Valerie 17:31.00 Willis
Rojas Morales, Adriana 17:33.00 Randle High School
Gul, Aysel 17:36.60 The John Cooper School
Dowling, Madeline 17:52.86 Burton
Orellana, Aubrey 17:53.00 Klein Collins
Applewhite, Autumn 17:56.01 Burton
Domenget, Stella 18:06.00 Conroe Caney Creek
Ramos, Camila 18:09.00 Cleveland
Casanova, Milani 18:11.00 Langham Creek High School
Bains, Amreen 18:13.00 Langham Creek High School
Samsel, Emily 18:15.60 Magnolia
Hamad, Noor 18:18.00 Klein Collins
Rosales, Evalyn 18:33.20 Willis
Garcia, Ayanna 18:35.30 Randle High School
Madison, Puente 18:54.28 Pasadena Dobie
Alexander, Annalise 18:56.80 Katy Seven Lakes
Wilkins, Christina 19:44.10 Willis
Leon, Yareli 20:24.10 Conroe Caney Creek
Grubb, Sydney 21:08.00 Katy Jordan
Aldridge, Breanah 21:13.30 Willis
Aguilar, Mia 21:35.00 Langham Creek High School
Gomez-Anzures J, Miranda 22:06.69 The John Cooper School
Rosales, Amara 22:36.10 Willis
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