Cypress Falls' Jean Jenkins is one of the top returning 800m runners in the state. Check out her Q and A with TX MileSplit.
TX MileSplit: How did you feel at the end of last season about your accomplishments from the season?
Jean: I was pretty satisfied with last track season. I was super blessed to be able to go to state for track and cross country, all because of God, my coaches, and the support from all of my family and friends. Even though I was satisfied, I believe there is always room for improvement and I really wish I could have stayed a little more focused. I've definitely learned that running is more mental than physical, and I plan on applying that every time I step on the track.
TX MileSplit: What did qualifying for the state meet do for your athletic maturation?
Jean: State was definitely a game changer. I have been to Texas Relays before as well, but qualifying for state and running with the top runners in Texas really makes me feel honored. Despite how I performed, the support I had and the way I felt at the end of the day humbled me and showed me that God sure does do amazing things. Also, when you qualify for state or Texas Relays, its one of the best feelings in the world knowing that your hard work finally payed off. It also makes you want to challenge yourself and wonder how much more you're going to give in the future.
TX MileSplit: You concluded the season with a new and impressive PR (2:13.45). What are some of the things you need to work on to continue to improve as an 800/1500m runner?
Jean: Thank you! The 800 is definitely one of my favorite, but hardest races. Because I am a mid-distance runner, I have to consider both sides of running in order to become better at what I do. As I said before, definitely I need to develop a stronger mentality that "yes, I can push myself" even though I now that I am still tired. I also need to work on persistence. Running more often and really focusing on my form and different key points of my races to challenge myself in. I also need to pay attention more to my competitors and learn from watching them as well.
TX MileSplit: What are your goals for this upcoming season?
Jean: This year, I would like to break a couple of school records and qualify for state. I want to go: 200-24.9, 400-55 or 56, 800-2:09, 1600-4:58. I would also like to be a better Christian leader for my team. I want to show incoming underclassmen how to work together and help them achieve their goals and become more consistent and focused.
TX MileSplit: Do you have any pre meet/race rituals? If so, what are they?
Jean: Ha ha! I actually don't really have any pre-race rituals, but I one thing I do is pray. I like to find an exclusive area and just thank God for my day, my opportunity, and to perform well and push myself. I sometimes like to pray with others as well and I think that just eases everyone's mood as well.
TX MileSplit: Pancakes or waffles?
Jean: OMG, I have to say Pancakes!!! My favorite ones are the double chocolate chip ones at IHOP! They are so soft and warm and are likely the best food ever!
TX MileSplit: What is the best Christmas present of all time that you have received?
Jean: The best Christmas gift I've ever received was probably when I got diamond ear rings. They have 7 diamonds in them and they are just so pretty!
TX MileSplit: Later this year, the new super hero movie Batman vs Superman comes out. In your opinion, who wins the battle between the two?
Jean: I'm going to have to say Batman. He is definitely my favorite super hero because he is just so cool and original.