Tuesday Training With Ryan Yerrow: 800's, Abs, Hills and The Falcon Invitational

Tuesday Traning With Ryan Yerrow Week 2: First Race of The Year! 

Monday 8/8- RACE WEEK! Coming off of higher mileage last week I actually felt really good this morning. Ran 7 miles at a pretty quick pace. This afternoon we did lower body weights and abs and ran a smooth 4 miles at 7-minute pace.

Tuesday 8/9- Ran the 6.5-mile loop that we usually do on Tuesdays today. The run felt really good and relaxed running just below 6:30 pace. This afternoon I got in a good upper body session. With some abs along with it. Then ran 3.5 for a total of 10 miles today.

Wednesday 8/10- Another progression run this morning around the mile loop around the lake. Stayed at a steady 7-minute pace for the first 3 miles to help get some of the younger guys out. After the first 3 we left the loop and I ran 8 miles and picked up the pace even though I felt a little sluggish. Ended up running 6:43 average. Had a tough leg workout this afternoon, really made my legs feel weak for the run. Ran a quick 3 miles after the workout at around 6:45 pace.

Thursday 8/11- This morning we did a 12x400 workout on grass to get us ready for the race on Saturday. I felt really good this morning and we averaged 73's. This afternoon we did some upper body lifting and ran only 2 miles to shake out our legs from this morning.

Friday 8/12- Today I just got in 4 miles at just below 6:30 pace to shake out my legs for the race tomorrow.

Sunday 8/13- Race day!! Today we had a mile relay race. Each team has 2 runners and each runner runs 1 mile at a time, twice, to add up to a total of 4 miles. My teammate, Garvin, and I won the race with a total time of 19:23 and my splits were4:39 first mile and I coasted a 4:51 for the win on the second mile. (Picture below and above) 

Sunday 8/14- Wanted to get 4-5 miles in today but I didn't get a chance to so I'm pretty bummed about that.

Overall this week was really good, wish I could've gotten some more mileage though, but I guess it was alright considering we didn't get a long run in. Going to try to get 60-70 next week.

Total miles: 52