This week, since we didn't have a meet, we did a timed two mile on Friday with The Colony High School. We were split up into two teams from Hebron (blue and black) and The Colony was gold. We all dressed according to our team and tried to have a lot of spirit for our team. We were split into 4 heats: 2 girl's heats and 2 guy's heats. For my race, I went out in 71, which was faster than I expected but it felt okay and the first mile ended up being 5:14, which I was really happy with. For the last mile, I just tried to change speeds as much as I could and my total time was 10:48 which is my pr. I wish I could have pr'd but it was okay for being in cross country season. For my heat, it was me first, followed by Madison Acosta and Aaliya Fazel. For the boy's fast heat, Conner Miller won with Adam Dayani in second. The black team won with 145 points, gold in second with 176, and blue in third with 181. Overall this was a really fun experience and we're happy to have this to get ready for district.
Ready Set Go
Hebron Team Black

Hebron Team Blue