UIL Track and Field Championship 2016

Austin, TX

1A Boys Pole Vault

    Print Result
 University of Texas at Austin                                5/13/2016 - 12:14 PM
                             UIL State Track & Field                              
                   2016 Championships  - 5/12/2016 to 5/14/2016                   
                  Mike A. Myers Stadium -Univ.of TX - Austin,TX                   
Event 130  Boys Pole Vault 1A
    National: ! 18-02.25  1999        Eric Eshbach, Orangefield,TX                
       State: + 18-02.25  1999        Eric Eshbach, Orangefield                   
     Conf 1A: *    14-06  2014        Taylor Gill, Clyde Eula                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points 
  1 Power, Jancen             12 Water Valley          14-00.00      4.26m  10    
     10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06 12-09 13-00 13-03 13-06 13-09 14-00 14-07
         P     P     P     P     O     O    XO    XO     O    XO   XPP     O   XXX
  2 Roberts, Landon           11 Guthrie               13-09.00      4.19m   8    
     10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06 12-09 13-00 13-03 13-06 13-09 14-00      
         P     P     P     P     P     O     P     O     P     O     O   XXX      
  3 Demere, Seth              11 Water Valley          13-00.00      3.96m   6    
     10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06 12-09 13-00 13-03 13-06                  
         P     P     P     P     O     O     P     O     P   XXX                  
  4 Porter, Seth              10 Baird                 13-00.00      3.96m   4    
     10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06 12-09 13-00 13-03                        
         P     P     O     O     O    XO     O     O   XXX                        
  5 Sanchez, Tony                Brksda.Nueces Ca      12-00.00      3.65m   2    
     10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06                                          
         O     O    XO     O     O   XXX                                          
  6 McClain, Rowdy            12 Zephyr                11-06.00      3.50m   1    
     10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00                                                
         P     P    XO   XXO   XXX                                                
  7 Harmon, Jacob                Brksda.Nueces Ca      11-06.00      3.50m        
     10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00                                                
         O     O   XXO   XXO   XXX                                                
  8 Freeman, Hadley           10 White Deer            10-00.00      3.04m        
     10-00 10-06                                                                  
       XXO   XXX                                                                  
 -- Davis, Ricky              11 Sulphur Bluff               NH                   
     10-00 10-06                                                                  
       XPP    XX                                                                  
                        Men - 1A - Team Rankings - 2 Events Scored                
    1) Water Valley                16        2) Burton                     10     
    3) Spur                         8        3) Guthrie                     8     
    5) Sanderson                    6        6) Baird                       4     
    6) Wink                         4        8) Medina                      2     
    8) Barksdale Nueces Canyon      2       10) Cumby Miller Grove          1     
   10) Zephyr                       1