Northeast Invitational 2023

San Antonio, TX
Hosted by NEISD
Timing/Results Heroes Stadium

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Navia, Nathan Northside Stevens
Saldana, Zach Northside Stevens
CARDENAS, DEMETRIO San Antonio Johnson
Pace, Miles San Antonio Churchill
Hill, Cristian San Antonio Lee
Perez, Daniel Northside Stevens
Harris, Brandon San Antonio Lee
Zurtuche, Joel Northside Stevens
Crawford, Aaron San Antonio Johnson
Edwards, Devin San Antonio Madison
Kelly, Keyland Northside Stevens
Martin, Aaron San Antonio Madison
Turner, Josiah Northside Stevens
Hafer, Jackson San Antonio Churchill
Hewitt, Carter 10.61 Medina Valley
Evans, Shaun 11.23 San Antonio Reagan
Gardner, Maurice 11.32 Medina Valley
Perez, Isael 11.35 San Antonio Churchill
Draper, Samuel 11.45 San Antonio Johnson
Calk, William 11.45 San Antonio Reagan
McDonald, J'Von 11.48 San Antonio Madison
Rodriguez, Raymond 11.50 Medina Valley
Releford, Harold 11.50 San Antonio Churchill
Hurt, Rayshun 11.51 San Antonio Reagan
Clark, Roberto 11.53 Northside Brandeis
Ramirez, Juan 11.62 Medina Valley
Romero, Miguel 11.63 San Antonio Churchill
Henry, Lavonta 11.64 San Antonio Madison
Roddy, Marcus 11.70 Northside Brandeis
Green, Carson 11.71 San Antonio Reagan
Snyder, Keanu 11.76 San Antonio Johnson
DeAlmedia, Valmor 11.81 San Antonio Reagan
Joyce, Whitt 11.83 Medina Valley
Mowry, Connor 11.91 San Antonio Reagan
Luna, Ian 11.93 Northside Brandeis
Gidish, Ronin 11.97 San Antonio Johnson
Rosales, Isiah 12.00 San Antonio Churchill
Sammons, Braylon 12.10 Medina Valley
Thomas, Xavier 12.23 San Antonio Madison
FITZSIMON, TY 12.49 San Antonio Johnson
Roark, Cole 12.56 San Antonio Lee
Harrison, Elijah 12.89 Northside Brandeis
Butler, Brandon 13.02 San Antonio Madison
Gamboa, Anthony 13.59 San Antonio Lee
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spratlin, Patrick Northside Stevens
Stanton, Javonni Medina Valley
Gonzalez, Julian San Antonio Madison
Luna, Diego Northside Stevens
Alverez, Leo Northside Stevens
Woods, Aiden San Antonio Churchill
Davisson, Derek 15.20 San Antonio Reagan
Grant, Jason 15.37 San Antonio Lee
HERNANDEZ, JAKE 15.84 San Antonio Churchill
Clay, Jordan 15.97 San Antonio Madison
KOCH, TATE 16.04 San Antonio Johnson
Bakus, Albert 16.06 San Antonio Reagan
Adamski, Kameron 16.25 San Antonio Reagan
Lowell, Jackson 16.33 Medina Valley
Hamann, Ben 16.41 San Antonio Reagan
Rodriguez, Caiden 16.45 Northside Brandeis
SUTTON, THOMAS 16.51 San Antonio Johnson
SCHMEDDING, CODY 16.74 San Antonio Johnson
Bratcher, Massiah 16.92 San Antonio Madison
Bryant-Penn, Jayden 17.01 San Antonio Lee
Egglesten, Colton 17.32 San Antonio Madison
Lopez, Diego 17.44 Medina Valley
Short, Trevor 17.49 Northside Brandeis
Fletcher, Bailey 17.58 San Antonio Reagan
Gutierrez, Jacob 17.70 San Antonio Lee
Tribbey, William 18.29 San Antonio Reagan
ANDERSON, AUSTIN 18.37 San Antonio Johnson
Williams, Ahjani 18.66 Northside Brandeis
Mendoza, Luis 19.37 Medina Valley
Richter, Nolan 20.29 San Antonio Lee
Yanez, Gabriel 20.33 Northside Brandeis
Grubbs, Simeon 20.52 San Antonio Madison
Estraca, Xavier 20.57 San Antonio Madison
Kinnett, Kyle 21.07 Medina Valley
Grill, Walker 21.11 San Antonio Churchill
Fleming, Conner 21.54 Medina Valley
Franco, Eliase 22.93 San Antonio Lee
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stifanos, Feleg San Antonio Churchill
Lopez, Isaac Northside Stevens
Packard, Evan San Antonio Johnson
Berrios, Joshua San Antonio Churchill
Embers, Braeden Northside Stevens
Randhawa, Prabhjot San Antonio Churchill
Cadena, Joel Northside Stevens
Hull, Gabriel Medina Valley
Rosales, Alejandro 4:26.40 San Antonio Churchill
Munoz, Luke 4:27.93 San Antonio Reagan
GONZALES, ARLO 4:30.72 San Antonio Lee
Castro, Marc 4:36.20 Medina Valley
Repper-Molina, Michael 4:39.61 San Antonio Johnson
Doyle, Ethan 4:42.47 San Antonio Reagan
Williams, Bryce 4:43.49 San Antonio Reagan
Warner, Jayden 4:44.95 San Antonio Johnson
Maldonado, Nicholas 4:45.34 San Antonio Madison
Barnes, Aedin 4:46.46 San Antonio Reagan
Ague, Samuel 4:50.25 San Antonio Churchill
Packard, Grant 4:54.99 San Antonio Johnson
Davies, Richard 4:57.34 San Antonio Lee
Lynch, Brandon 4:57.63 San Antonio Reagan
Ortiz, Angel 4:59.13 San Antonio Lee
Renteria, Diego 5:00.08 Northside Brandeis
APONTE, ETHAN 5:00.16 San Antonio Johnson
Yamamoto, Alejandro 5:00.59 Northside Brandeis
Ackerman, Samuel 5:02.24 San Antonio Reagan
James, Jaxon 5:03.60 Medina Valley
Espinoza, Aaron 5:04.21 Medina Valley
Cardenas, Parker 5:07.37 San Antonio Johnson
Wessels, Nolan 5:09.00 Medina Valley
Hernandez, Felix 5:10.65 San Antonio Churchill
Salazar, Josiah 5:10.80 Medina Valley
Castanola, Noah 5:17.13 Northside Brandeis
Wood, John 5:17.33 San Antonio Lee
Liu, Vincent 5:17.42 Northside Brandeis
Willet, Caden 5:26.17 Northside Brandeis
Simeon, Jace 5:27.53 San Antonio Madison
Williams, Darius 5:43.29 San Antonio Madison
Pinilla-Jimenez, Kian 5:44.79 Northside Brandeis
Salas, Elliott 5:53.56 San Antonio Lee
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
LEA, IAN San Antonio Lee
Summerrise, Chris Northside Stevens
Samuels, Jeramyah Medina Valley
Clark, Roberto Northside Brandeis
Gorman, Ezra San Antonio Madison
Gutierrez, Bryan San Antonio Madison
Ramirez, Alesandro San Antonio Churchill
Lucio, Daniel Northside Stevens
Covarrubias, Ricardo San Antonio Lee
Gonzalez, Anthony Northside Stevens
Bell, Darby Medina Valley
Carlson, Jones San Antonio Churchill
Ortega, Jordan Northside Stevens
Rodriguez, Raymond Medina Valley
Kelly, Keyland Northside Stevens
Ngalamulume, Clement San Antonio Madison
Releford, Harold San Antonio Churchill
Hewitt, Carter 22.03 Medina Valley
John, Chima 22.15 San Antonio Reagan
Johnston, Landon 23.38 San Antonio Reagan
Hurt, Rayshun 23.39 San Antonio Reagan
Baruwa, Joseph 23.61 San Antonio Reagan
Fields, Kavious 23.76 Medina Valley
Cherry, Walker 23.91 San Antonio Johnson
De Luna, Ilan 24.11 San Antonio Churchill
BAILEY, BRIGGS 24.20 San Antonio Johnson
Tijerina, Chris 24.21 San Antonio Johnson
Aguero-Munoz, Lokey 24.40 Northside Brandeis
Harmon, Jykel 24.56 San Antonio Reagan
Elliott, Jaden 24.57 San Antonio Johnson
Sumpter, Caleb 24.60 Northside Brandeis
Ponds, Russell 24.66 Northside Brandeis
Miller, Landon 24.70 Northside Brandeis
McDonald, J'Von 24.70 San Antonio Madison
Delgado, Gael 24.96 Northside Stevens
Williams, Quardarius 24.98 San Antonio Madison
Johnson, Jayden 25.01 Medina Valley
Washington, Chris 25.17 San Antonio Reagan
CARDENAS, DEMETRIO 25.19 San Antonio Johnson
Ramzinsky, Brock 25.21 San Antonio Churchill
Aguilar, Daniel 25.22 San Antonio Madison
Baker, Jaylin 25.26 Northside Brandeis
Littleton, Joshua 25.83 San Antonio Johnson
Busse, Henry 26.13 San Antonio Lee
Theilengerdes, Landon 26.44 San Antonio Lee
Gaufo, Ulan 26.5 San Antonio Lee
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Zurtuche, Joel Northside Stevens
Hacker, Wyatt San Antonio Churchill
Luna, Diego Northside Stevens
Gonzalez, Julian San Antonio Madison
Alverez, Leo Northside Stevens
Davisson, Derek 39.93 San Antonio Reagan
Bryant-Penn, Jayden 40.2 San Antonio Lee
Zingelmann, Bradyn 40.66 Northside Brandeis
Grant, Jason 40.7 San Antonio Lee
KOCH, TATE 41.39 San Antonio Johnson
Bakus, Albert 41.40 San Antonio Reagan
Lowell, Jackson 41.40 Medina Valley
Voutour, Skyler 41.51 Northside Brandeis
Adamski, Kameron 42.30 San Antonio Reagan
Rodriguez, Caiden 42.77 Northside Brandeis
Hamann, Ben 43.66 San Antonio Reagan
Armstrong, Ian 43.87 San Antonio Reagan
Bratcher, Massiah 43.94 San Antonio Madison
HERNANDEZ, JAKE 44.09 San Antonio Churchill
ANDERSON, AUSTIN 44.13 San Antonio Johnson
Hollon, Grant 44.53 San Antonio Churchill
Thomas, Ziggy 44.53 Northside Brandeis
SCHMEDDING, CODY 44.89 San Antonio Johnson
O'Neal, Aiden 44.92 San Antonio Madison
Tribbey, William 45.49 San Antonio Reagan
Egglesten, Colton 46.21 San Antonio Madison
Gutierrez, Jacob 46.98 San Antonio Lee
Wheeler, Lukas 47.02 Northside Brandeis
SUTTON, THOMAS 47.45 San Antonio Johnson
De Los Santos, Martin 47.60 Medina Valley
Richter, Nolan 47.97 San Antonio Lee
Estraca, Xavier 48.64 San Antonio Madison
Kraft, Joseph 50.05 Medina Valley
Carney, Caleb 50.36 Medina Valley
Kinnett, Kyle 51.62 Medina Valley
Mendoza, Luis 51.75 Medina Valley
Garcia, Nathaniel 52.16 San Antonio Madison
Grill, Walker 55.47 San Antonio Churchill
Franco, Eliase 58.26 San Antonio Lee
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guajardo, Noah San Antonio Churchill
James, Jaxon Medina Valley
Blessing, Noah San Antonio Churchill
Vera, Joshua Northside Brandeis
Valenzuela, Mateo Medina Valley
Yamamoto, Alejandro Northside Brandeis
Stifanos, Feleg San Antonio Churchill
Salas, Elliott San Antonio Lee
Gamiz, Sebastian 10:09.48 San Antonio Reagan
Doyle, Ethan 10:18.56 San Antonio Reagan
Packard, Grant 10:19.89 San Antonio Johnson
Maldonado, Nicholas 10:31.45 San Antonio Madison
Espinoza, Aaron 10:35.71 Medina Valley
Williams, Alexander 10:38.21 San Antonio Johnson
Ortiz, Angel 10:39.72 San Antonio Lee
Ague, Sam 10:43.58 San Antonio Churchill
Liu, Vincent 10:46.98 Northside Brandeis
Packard, Evan 10:47.88 San Antonio Johnson
Zanni, Richard 10:48.20 Northside Brandeis
Nelson, Michael 10:59.40 San Antonio Reagan
APONTE, ETHAN 11:04.84 San Antonio Johnson
Knox, Jonathan 11:06.30 San Antonio Churchill
Davies, Richard 11:19.11 San Antonio Lee
frankel, sam 11:20.22 San Antonio Reagan
Wood, John 11:33.73 San Antonio Lee
Schnoor, Preston 11:38.85 San Antonio Reagan
Hull, Gabriel 11:40.00 Medina Valley
Simeon, Jace 11:45.31 San Antonio Madison
CARDENAS, MARK 11:48.30 San Antonio Johnson
Williams, Darius 12:22.66 San Antonio Madison
Vines, Andrew 12:51.00 Medina Valley
Carr, Allen 15:00.04 San Antonio Churchill
GONZALES, ARLO 9:53.37 San Antonio Lee
Castro, Marc 9:55.97 Medina Valley
Warner, Jayden 9:56.24 San Antonio Johnson
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Woods, Aiden San Antonio Churchill
Houston, Daniel Northside Stevens
Macias, Miguel San Antonio Madison
Williams, Keiln San Antonio Churchill
Neuner, Jason San Antonio Johnson
Cooper, Quinntin Northside Stevens
Saldana, Zach 1 Northside Stevens
Martindale, Davis 1:00.35 San Antonio Lee
Perez, Daniel 1:00.81 Northside Stevens
Haan, Joseph 1:00.95 Medina Valley
Moilanen, Max 1:01.47 San Antonio Churchill
Granadoz, Joaquin 2 Northside Stevens
Gomez, Edward 3 Northside Stevens
LEA, IAN 50.00 San Antonio Lee
Mcculloch, Clayton 51.12 Medina Valley
Salgado, August 51.35 Northside Brandeis
Cowan, Dylan 52.02 Northside Brandeis
Davisson, Derek 52.34 San Antonio Reagan
Mastrovich, David 52.64 San Antonio Johnson
Chase, Taylor 52.77 Northside Brandeis
Sharpstene, Drew 53.09 San Antonio Churchill
VALDESPINO, ANTONIO 53.68 San Antonio Johnson
Ganske, Evan 53.81 San Antonio Reagan
Brewer, Joshua 54.09 San Antonio Madison
Ngalamulume, Clement 54.10 San Antonio Madison
Veras, Sebastian 54.48 San Antonio Reagan
Ramirez, Kalani 54.74 Northside Brandeis
Villareal, Josue 54.97 San Antonio Madison
Griffin, Yashiyah 55.18 San Antonio Johnson
Hendrickson, Jackson 55.25 San Antonio Reagan
Elliott, Jaden 55.25 San Antonio Johnson
Bello, Malik 55.84 Medina Valley
GARZA, NOAH 56.07 San Antonio Johnson
Tarble, Sloan 56.36 San Antonio Madison
Cantu, Michael 56.54 Northside Brandeis
Reyes, Jorge 56.68 San Antonio Reagan
DeFelippis, Payton 56.80 Medina Valley
Winkler, Jonah 56.81 Medina Valley
Miller, John 56.90 San Antonio Lee
vanpelt, logan 57.02 Medina Valley
Zepeda, Bryan 57.61 San Antonio Lee
Paura, Johnathon 57.68 San Antonio Madison
Barber, Thomas 58.65 Northside Brandeis
Lankford, Landon 58.76 San Antonio Lee
Contreras, Christian 59.50 San Antonio Lee
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northside Stevens
Relay Team A Northside Stevens
Relay Team A 42.42 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 43.12 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 43.12 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 43.42 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 43.90 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 43.90 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 44.16 San Antonio Madison
Relay Team A 44.46 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 44.46 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 44.81 San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A 44.81 San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A 44.81 San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A 45.53 San Antonio Lee
Relay Team A 45.53 San Antonio Lee
Relay Team A 46.46 San Antonio Madison
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northside Stevens
Relay Team A Northside Stevens
Relay Team A 1:30.33 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 1:30.71 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 1:30.71 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 1:33.43 San Antonio Madison
Relay Team A 1:33.43 San Antonio Madison
Relay Team A 1:33.55 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 1:33.55 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 1:33.56 San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A 1:33.56 San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A 1:33.56 San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A 1:34.33 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 1:35.37 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 1:35.37 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 1:37.68 San Antonio Lee
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northside Stevens
Relay Team A Medina Valley
Relay Team A San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A Medina Valley
Relay Team A San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A Northside Stevens
Relay Team A 3:27.30 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 3:27.30 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 3:28.57 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 3:31.68 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 3:31.68 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 3:36.57 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 3:37.62 San Antonio Madison
Relay Team A 3:44.46 San Antonio Madison
Relay Team A 3:57.53 San Antonio Lee
Relay Team A 3:57.53 San Antonio Lee
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Boys 800 Meter Run 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Martinez, Steven Medina Valley
Lopez, Isaac Northside Stevens
Renteria, Diego Northside Brandeis
Castanola, Noah Northside Brandeis
Martinez, Yusef Northside Stevens
Abouharya, Ryan Northside Stevens
Pinilla-Jimenez, Kian Northside Brandeis
Mendoza, Stefano Northside Stevens
Miller, John San Antonio Lee
Charles, Elisha San Antonio Churchill
Rivera, Chris Northside Stevens
Lorentzen, Treyden San Antonio Reagan
Ethan, Malesich 1:55.75 Northside Brandeis
Teague, Timothy 2:00.63 Medina Valley
Repper-Molina, Michael 2:00.85 San Antonio Johnson
Rosales, Alejandro 2:01.35 San Antonio Churchill
Sorrell, Brian 2:01.75 Northside Brandeis
Emmanuel) Mood, Manny 2:03.16 San Antonio Johnson
Ganske, Evan 2:03.41 San Antonio Reagan
Williams, Bryce 2:03.91 San Antonio Reagan
Munoz, Luke 2:04.32 San Antonio Reagan
VALDESPINO, ANTONIO 2:05.57 San Antonio Johnson
Gibson, Trevor 2:06.27 San Antonio Lee
McCulloch, Ethan 2:07.31 Medina Valley
Sharpstene, Drew 2:07.47 San Antonio Churchill
Barnes, Aedin 2:07.61 San Antonio Reagan
DeFelippis, Payton 2:10.88 Medina Valley
Ackerman, Samuel 2:11.57 San Antonio Reagan
Hernandez, Felix 2:13.46 San Antonio Churchill
Villareal, Josue 2:14.32 San Antonio Madison
WUNDERLI, KYLE 2:14.55 San Antonio Johnson
De La Garza, Xavier 2:15.97 Medina Valley
Willet, Caden 2:16.27 Northside Brandeis
Martindale, Davis 2:16.68 San Antonio Lee
MORENO, KEVIN 2:18.35 San Antonio Johnson
Shirvanian, Jacob 2:20.96 Medina Valley
Berrios, Joshua 2:22.33 San Antonio Churchill
MARCOVITCH, NATHAN 2:23.06 San Antonio Johnson
Soliz, Matthew 2:23.58 San Antonio Churchill
Busse, Henry 2:26.68 San Antonio Lee
Gonzales, Mason 2:27.60 San Antonio Madison
Coats, Cody 2:28.24 San Antonio Madison
Castro, Christopher 2:36.08 San Antonio Lee
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Boys Discus 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scott, Lionel 153-2 San Antonio Johnson
Ramirez, Ryan 149-7 San Antonio Reagan
Ucha, Hector 144-3 San Antonio Reagan
Tyler, Hurst 142-7 San Antonio Reagan
Williams, Jonathan 138-5 Northside Brandeis
Conard, Gibson 124-6 Medina Valley
Trevino, Alex 123-4 San Antonio Reagan
Burns, Jonathan 120-9 Medina Valley
Reeves, Hunter 117-8 San Antonio Johnson
MENO, KEAHI 116-11 San Antonio Johnson
Wayne, Joshua 116-6 San Antonio Lee
Rabel, Brady 113-1 San Antonio Madison
Barber, Nick 110-10 Northside Brandeis
Freideck, Michael 108-2 San Antonio Madison
Butler, Brennen 108-1 Medina Valley
Garcia, Emiliano 101-0 San Antonio Reagan
Ross, Aiden 99-2 San Antonio Churchill
Jones, Keith 98-8 San Antonio Madison
Haynes, Braydon 98-6 San Antonio Madison
HAWTHORN, ZACHARY 97-8 San Antonio Johnson
MCNEIL, JOSHUA 94-3 San Antonio Johnson
Wilburn, Xavier 94-1 San Antonio Johnson
Bentley, Jacob 92-3 San Antonio Churchill
Proctor, James 90-10.5 Northside Stevens
Fears, Xaiver 86-0 Medina Valley
SCHUSTER, BRANDON San Antonio Churchill
Rodriguez, Joe Northside Stevens
Alvarado, Noah Northside Stevens
Boisley, Rodney Northside Stevens
Caracheo, Axel San Antonio Madison
Corpus, Elijah Northside Stevens
Way, Grayson San Antonio Lee
Fernandez, Daniel San Antonio Lee
De la Cerda, Christian San Antonio Lee
Padilla, Freddie San Antonio Churchill
Pruske, Luke San Antonio Churchill
Alonso, Jude Northside Brandeis
Stauber, Jaden Northside Brandeis
Niemietz, Jagger Medina Valley
Scullark, Aden Medina Valley
Colbert, Timothy San Antonio Lee
Rivera, Derek San Antonio Lee
Collazo, Jc San Antonio Reagan
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Boys High Jump 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Severyns, Patrick 6-0 San Antonio Churchill
Marquez, Noah 6-0 Medina Valley
Wilkerson, Majhai 5-10 Northside Stevens
CARDENAS, DEMETRIO 5-10 San Antonio Johnson
Bryant-Penn, Jayden 5-8 San Antonio Lee
Kai, Rodriguez 5-8 San Antonio Reagan
Armstrong, Ian 5-8 San Antonio Reagan
Donald, Devin 5-8 San Antonio Johnson
Aguilar, Daniel 5-6 San Antonio Madison
Perkins, Darious 5-6 San Antonio Reagan
Aldridge, Collin 5-6 Medina Valley
SUTTON, THOMAS 5-6 San Antonio Johnson
Creech, Thomas 5-4 San Antonio Churchill
Gutierrez, Jacob 5-0 San Antonio Lee
Rodriguez, Raymond 5-0 Medina Valley
Ramos, Steven 5-0 San Antonio Johnson
Egglesten, Colton San Antonio Madison
Small, Jehiel San Antonio Madison
Mennu, Martin San Antonio Churchill
Houston, Daniel Northside Stevens
Ivie, Courtney Northside Stevens
Gomez, Edward Northside Stevens
Rogers, Justin Medina Valley
Suazo, Cristofer Medina Valley
Tharp, Jaxon Medina Valley
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Boys Long Jump 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguero-Munoz, Lokey 22-11.75 Northside Brandeis
Booker, Robbie 21-0 San Antonio Reagan
Bryson, Christopher 20-9 Northside Brandeis
Esquivel, Jay 20-6 San Antonio Reagan
Hewitt, Carter 20-4.75 Medina Valley
Gibson, Trevor 19-9.75 San Antonio Lee
Donald, Devin 19-7.25 San Antonio Johnson
Bell, Darby 19-4.75 Medina Valley
Harmon, Jykel 19-3 San Antonio Reagan
Olson, William 19-0 San Antonio Madison
Baruwa, Joseph 19-0 San Antonio Reagan
Baker, Jaylin 18-9 Northside Brandeis
Ramos, Steven 18-8.5 San Antonio Johnson
Roddy, Marcus 18-8 Northside Brandeis
Mastrovich, David 18-7 San Antonio Johnson
O'Neal, Aiden 18-2.25 San Antonio Madison
Estrada, Isaiah 18-0 Medina Valley
SCHMEDDING, CODY 18-0 San Antonio Johnson
Crawford, Aaron 17-7.75 San Antonio Johnson
Riojas, Manuel 17-7.5 Medina Valley
Murji, Aiden 17-5.75 San Antonio Reagan
Estraca, Xavier 17-4 San Antonio Madison
Butler, Brandon 17-3 San Antonio Madison
Rosales, Isiah 17-2.75 San Antonio Churchill
Martindale, Davis 16-8.5 San Antonio Lee
Hilner, Aiden 15-10.75 San Antonio Churchill
Garza, Devlan 14-5 San Antonio Lee
Gutierrez, Bryan San Antonio Madison
Releford, Harold San Antonio Churchill
Kelly, Keyland Northside Stevens
Tristan, Devon Northside Stevens
Morales, Kristian Northside Stevens
Turner, Josiah Northside Stevens
Farris, Isaiah Northside Stevens
Lwinn, Saw Northside Stevens
Miller, John San Antonio Lee
Thomas, Ja'Quavious San Antonio Churchill
Severyns, Patrick San Antonio Churchill
Burns, Landon Medina Valley
Kollie, George Medina Valley
Gutierrez, Jacob San Antonio Lee
Dierlam, Tyler San Antonio Johnson
Sumpter, Caleb Northside Brandeis
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Boys Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bucks, Thomas 15-0 San Antonio Johnson
Goyt, Zach 13-6 Northside Brandeis
Hugdahl, Zachary 13-6 San Antonio Johnson
KOCH, TATE 12-6 San Antonio Johnson
Eldredge, Jacob 12-6 San Antonio Johnson
LOPEZ, ANDRES 12-6 San Antonio Johnson
MARTENS, JADEN 12-4 San Antonio Churchill
Gibson, Trevor 11-6 San Antonio Lee
Richter, Nolan 9-6 San Antonio Lee
Ruisi, Anthony 8-6 Medina Valley
Pohoski, jake San Antonio Churchill
pohoski, james San Antonio Churchill
Ostrander, Landen Medina Valley
Beasley, Joseph Medina Valley
Neuman, Carson Medina Valley
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Boys Shot Put 46 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ucha, Hector 48-8.25 San Antonio Reagan
Scott, Lionel 47-2 San Antonio Johnson
Meno, Kai 45-1.25 San Antonio Johnson
Conway, Johnny 44-8.25 San Antonio Johnson
Williams, Jonathan 44-5.25 Northside Brandeis
Walley, Carmelo 44-4.5 San Antonio Reagan
Beal, Cameron 44-4 Medina Valley
SCHUSTER, BRANDON 43-5 San Antonio Churchill
Yungman, Mason 41-9.5 San Antonio Churchill
Garcia, Caedmon 41-5 San Antonio Reagan
Navia, Nathan 40-11 Northside Stevens
Ponce, Tomas 39-11.25 San Antonio Madison
HOWLAND, ASHER 39-10.25 San Antonio Johnson
Bisesi, Leo 39-8.25 San Antonio Reagan
Agueros, Ezekiel 39-6.5 San Antonio Churchill
Fontenot, Chris 39-5 San Antonio Johnson
Alamos, Joseph 38-10 Medina Valley
Popham, Caleb 38-6.75 San Antonio Churchill
Alvarado, Noah 37-5 Northside Stevens
SEKULA, AUSTIN 37-0 San Antonio Johnson
Davis, Jackson 36-0 San Antonio Reagan
Washburn, Jacob 35-11 Northside Brandeis
Faleofa, Kamilo 35-1 Northside Stevens
Barber, Nick 34-8 Northside Brandeis
Wayne, Joshua 34-3 San Antonio Lee
McIver, Juan 33-10.5 Medina Valley
Niemietz, Jagger 33-1 Medina Valley
Trevino, Alex 32-8.5 San Antonio Reagan
Arrignton, Caiden 31-1.25 Northside Brandeis
Jones, Keith San Antonio Madison
Munoz, Ethan San Antonio Madison
Proctor, James Northside Stevens
Rodriguez, Joe Northside Stevens
Salcedo, Malaquia Northside Stevens
Rabel, Brady San Antonio Madison
Haynes, Braydon San Antonio Madison
Way, Grayson San Antonio Lee
Fernandez, Daniel San Antonio Lee
De la Cerda, Christian San Antonio Lee
Kelts, Declan San Antonio Churchill
Klein, Charles San Antonio Churchill
Castillo, Juan Northside Brandeis
Fox, James Medina Valley
Rojas-Ibarra, Franisco Medina Valley
Colbert, Timothy San Antonio Lee
Rivera, Derek San Antonio Lee
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Boys Triple Jump 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aguero-Munoz, Lokey 44-8.25 Northside Brandeis
Wilkerson, Majhai 43-0.25 Northside Stevens
Evans, Shaun 42-11.5 San Antonio Reagan
Bryson, Christopher 41-9.35 Northside Brandeis
Booker, Robbie 40-10.5 San Antonio Reagan
Aldridge, Collin 40-0 Medina Valley
Green, Carson 39-1.5 San Antonio Reagan
Snyder, Keanu 39-0.5 San Antonio Johnson
Voutour, Skyler 38-9.75 Northside Brandeis
Donald, Devin 38-8.75 San Antonio Johnson
Baker, Jaylin 38-4.5 Northside Brandeis
Ross-Garcia, Jasyah 38-2 San Antonio Reagan
LAUTERBACH, XAVIER 37-2 San Antonio Johnson
Scott, Charlie 37-0.5 San Antonio Reagan
Hacker, Wyatt 37-0.5 San Antonio Churchill
Chigboga, Isaac 36-8.5 San Antonio Churchill
SCHMEDDING, CODY 36-3 San Antonio Johnson
Tristan, Devon 36-1.5 Northside Stevens
Martin, Aaron 36-1 San Antonio Madison
Ortiz, Andrew 36-0.5 Medina Valley
Gutierrez, Bryan 35-11.75 San Antonio Madison
Murji, Aiden 34-7.5 San Antonio Reagan
Fitzgerald, Luis 34-2 San Antonio Madison
Leza, Alexander 32-4.75 San Antonio Lee
Wilson-Delagarza, Joseph 32-2 San Antonio Churchill
Castro, Christopher 32-1 San Antonio Lee
Sosa , Jeremiah 30-10.75 San Antonio Lee
Hilner, Aiden 30-10 San Antonio Churchill
Gaitan, Isaiah San Antonio Madison
Morales, Kristian Northside Stevens
Lwinn, Saw Northside Stevens
Farris, Isaiah Northside Stevens
Thomas, Ja'Quavious San Antonio Churchill
Mennu, Martin San Antonio Churchill
Burns, Landon Medina Valley
Estrada, Isaiah Medina Valley
Stanton, James Medina Valley
Riojas, Manuel Medina Valley
Crawford, Aaron San Antonio Johnson
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cervanetes, Araceli Northside Stevens
Sharpe, Alana San Antonio Madison
LIA, TORRALVA San Antonio Churchill
LE, LEYNA San Antonio Churchill
Gindratt, Neveah Northside Stevens
SOTO, DIANA San Antonio Johnson
MAKAYLA, WALKER San Antonio Churchill
Brown, Janaia Northside Brandeis
Loiz, Karen Northside Stevens
BOGGAN, JAYNEE San Antonio Churchill
OLIVIA, HERRING San Antonio Churchill
Tyler, Jada 11.85 Northside Stevens
EVANS, ELIA 12.15 Medina Valley
Terrazas, Charlize 12.28 Medina Valley
Abernathy, Kalia 12.38 Northside Stevens
Morrison, Indirah 12.5 San Antonio Madison
Breland, Breanna 12.50 Medina Valley
Shafie, Malea 12.65 San Antonio Johnson
BEAL, ABIGAIL 12.67 Medina Valley
Fonseca, Kayla 12.74 Northside Brandeis
Kofoworola-Kuti, Karen 12.83 Northside Brandeis
Burnett, Katie 12.90 San Antonio Reagan
Humble, Jada 13.03 San Antonio Reagan
Bartee, Nariyah 13.05 San Antonio Johnson
Sweet, Dimitria 13.17 San Antonio Madison
Cuevas, Truly 13.19 Northside Brandeis
Akers, Bailey 13.21 San Antonio Reagan
Madrid, Ella 13.26 San Antonio Reagan
Stewart, Mia 13.34 San Antonio Madison
Stokes, Andra 13.37 Northside Stevens
Bailey, Nadia 13.4 San Antonio Madison
Kusi, Sheanna 13.42 San Antonio Madison
DAREDIA, SHIFA 13.58 San Antonio Johnson
Goss, Makayla 13.63 Northside Brandeis
Stallworth, Courtney 13.68 Medina Valley
Bagley, Chanice 13.83 San Antonio Reagan
Harrison, Aliyah 13.88 Northside Brandeis
TREMBLY, JAZZY 13.90 San Antonio Reagan
Surratt, Reese 13.94h San Antonio Johnson
Wulf, Peyton 14.05 San Antonio Johnson
Hernandez, Alyssa 15.04 San Antonio Lee
Gomez, Arleth 15.23 San Antonio Lee
Esquivel, Aimee 16.10h San Antonio Lee
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 32 entries

Athlete Seed Team
GOODYEAR, LACY San Antonio Churchill
CARLY, GABBERT San Antonio Churchill
EMERSON, PRATER San Antonio Churchill
THOMAS, TAYLOR San Antonio Churchill
Gonzalez, Aranza San Antonio Reagan
Smith-Armstrong, Cadence Northside Stevens
Sosa, Brianna San Antonio Johnson
Bartlett, Sarah San Antonio Churchill
ADDISON, YUNGMAN San Antonio Churchill
Escobedo, Aubry San Antonio Madison
Mitchell, Michaela 15.83 San Antonio Johnson
Carrico, Ciandra 15.85 San Antonio Johnson
Seiz, Lauren 16.01 Northside Brandeis
Perez, Kiyana 16.15 Medina Valley
HERNANDEZ, ROSALIE 16.32 Medina Valley
Ruiz, Mireya 16.59 Northside Brandeis
Beckless, Jasmine 16.88 San Antonio Johnson
Pullin, Kelly 17.23 Northside Brandeis
Williamson, Graciela 17.25 San Antonio Reagan
Gaylord, Isabella 17.26 San Antonio Reagan
Rosado, Isabella 17.53 San Antonio Johnson
Koudelka, Avery 17.59 San Antonio Reagan
Wilson, Alexandra 18.20 San Antonio Reagan
Montanez, Kiara 18.57 Northside Stevens
Joyce, Katherine 18.90 Medina Valley
Nandung, Nizeria 19.43 Northside Stevens
Morris, Mikiayla 19.44 Northside Stevens
Cottrell, Jazlyn 19.85 Medina Valley
Adair, Miya 20.15 San Antonio Johnson
Lange, Ashlyn 20.57 Medina Valley
Ramirez, Ava 20.74 Medina Valley
Villalpando, Leslie 21.57 Northside Stevens
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
CAROLINA, LOPEZ San Antonio Churchill
St. Clergy, Jacquelin Medina Valley
Garcia Hernandez, Victoria Medina Valley
Garcia, Valeria San Antonio Reagan
Ardilla, Marissa Northside Stevens
KEMMEL, ISABELLA San Antonio Churchill
Garcia, Jazlyn Medina Valley
Cantu, Layla Northside Brandeis
Ramos Campos, Kate Medina Valley
GONZALEZ, KELLY San Antonio Churchill
Campos, Kaylynn Northside Stevens
Agee, Felicity Medina Valley
AUBREY, KELLOGG San Antonio Churchill
MAKENZIE, MOORE San Antonio Churchill
Abdelaziz, Hiba Northside Brandeis
Sanchez, Jazzlyn Northside Stevens
AUBREY, CAMPBELL San Antonio Churchill
Garza, Mikaela 5:18.46 Northside Brandeis
Ostrowski, Violet 5:32.20 Northside Brandeis
Lessner, Virginia 5:33.00h San Antonio Lee
Cantor, Sofia 5:33.84 San Antonio Lee
Salas, Mia 5:35.77 San Antonio Johnson
Foster , Katlin 5:35.79 San Antonio Reagan
Mathias, Ada 5:36.15 Northside Brandeis
Frankel, Avary 5:37.67 San Antonio Reagan
Surratt, Riley 5:40.29 San Antonio Johnson
Jackson, Addison 5:44.00 San Antonio Reagan
Benne, Brooke 5:49.41 San Antonio Reagan
Maldonado, Amaris 5:50.82 Medina Valley
Glosser, Theone 5:53.90 San Antonio Reagan
Huntley, Delilah 6:01.67 Northside Brandeis
Agundis-Perez, Stephanie 6:02 San Antonio Madison
Williams, Magdalana 6:06.77 San Antonio Johnson
Pina Cervantes, Sofia 6:17.75 San Antonio Lee
Camacho, Italia 6:28.00h Northside Stevens
Berlanga, Sarah 6:32.24 San Antonio Lee
Medina, Mayah 6:36.10 San Antonio Madison
Sotelo, Mikaela 6:38.69 San Antonio Madison
Brand, Ayla 6:57.81 San Antonio Madison
Givanni, Gutierrez 7:04.00h Northside Stevens
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
HUERTA, ELVIA San Antonio Churchill
BOGGAN, JAYNEE San Antonio Churchill
Newsome, Jadynce San Antonio Johnson
Bir, Nicole Northside Stevens
GOMEZ, MADISON San Antonio Churchill
OLIVIA, HERRING San Antonio Churchill
Perez, Briana Northside Stevens
ROBERTA, GOMEZ San Antonio Churchill
Lovett, Skyla 24.92 Northside Stevens
Banks, Sydney 25.54 Northside Brandeis
Sparks, Madisun 25.80 San Antonio Johnson
Garcia, Cara 25.96 Medina Valley
EVANS, ELIA 25.96 Medina Valley
Morrison, Indirah 26.10h San Antonio Madison
Groves, Morgan 26.53 San Antonio Reagan
Pinto, Madison 26.68 Medina Valley
Prado, Madison 26.72 San Antonio Madison
Clark, N'riyah 26.75 Northside Brandeis
Burnett, Katie 26.79 San Antonio Reagan
Smith-Harris, Leila 26.84 Northside Brandeis
Surratt, Reese 27.13 San Antonio Johnson
Humble, Jada 27.16 San Antonio Reagan
Madrid, Ella 27.5 San Antonio Reagan
Sweet, Dimitria 27.51 San Antonio Madison
DAREDIA, SHIFA 28.08 San Antonio Johnson
Howcroft, Arabella 28.18 San Antonio Reagan
Campbell, Kimberly 28.34 Northside Brandeis
Manning, Anayah 28.40h San Antonio Madison
Howard, Kaelyn 28.60 Medina Valley
Goss, Makayla 28.74 Northside Brandeis
Valencia, Giselle 28.90h Northside Stevens
Moreno, Madeline 29.04 San Antonio Lee
Thienpont, Daryn 29.13 Northside Brandeis
Young, Trintiy 29.33 Northside Stevens
Kendrix, Sydney 29.54 Medina Valley
Nguyen, Vivian 29.62 San Antonio Madison
TREMBLY, JAZZY 29.87 San Antonio Reagan
Wulf, Peyton 29.94 San Antonio Johnson
Stallworth, Courtney 30.20 Medina Valley
Woods, Taliah 30.51 San Antonio Madison
Hernandez, Alyssa 31.21 San Antonio Lee
Gindratt, Neveah 32.98 Northside Stevens
Victoria, Ainsley 35.00h San Antonio Lee
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
PAVLICEK, MADELINE San Antonio Churchill
Escobedo, Aubry San Antonio Madison
ISAAC, SIENA San Antonio Churchill
JENNIFER, DIEGES San Antonio Churchill
Bartlett, Sarah San Antonio Churchill
CARLY, GABBERT San Antonio Churchill
Freedman, Riley San Antonio Reagan
Joyce, Katherine Medina Valley
Ruiz, Mireya Northside Brandeis
THOMAS, TAYLOR San Antonio Churchill
Ramirez, Ava 1:01.39 Medina Valley
Mitchell, Michaela 46.33 San Antonio Johnson
Seiz, Lauren 47.07 Northside Brandeis
Moreno, Tristan 47.22 Medina Valley
Schlueter, Morgan 48.40 San Antonio Reagan
Carrico, Ciandra 48.60 San Antonio Johnson
Snelgrove, Allie 48.84 San Antonio Reagan
Pullin, Kelly 50.42 Northside Brandeis
Gathecha, Naomi 51.02 San Antonio Johnson
Rosado, Isabella 51.42 San Antonio Johnson
Koudelka, Avery 51.85 San Antonio Reagan
Norris, Rowan 51.90h San Antonio Lee
Williamson, Graciela 52.19 San Antonio Reagan
HERNANDEZ, ROSALIE 52.25 Medina Valley
Wilson, Alexandra 52.28 San Antonio Reagan
MORENO, BROOKE 53.08 San Antonio Johnson
Zambrano, Angelina 53.5 San Antonio Madison
Ruiz, Railli 53.87 Medina Valley
Francis, Emerson 54.20 Northside Brandeis
Adair, Miya 55.27 San Antonio Johnson
Ardilla - Silva, Amber 56.43 Northside Stevens
Montanez, Kiara 57.00h Northside Stevens
Zinsmeyer, Riley Addison 58.41 Medina Valley
Villalpando, Leslie 59.40h Northside Stevens
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
MAKENZIE, MOORE San Antonio Churchill
Lombardi, Alana Medina Valley
CAROLINA, LOPEZ San Antonio Churchill
Ramos Campos, Kate Medina Valley
HANNAH, HARMON San Antonio Churchill
AUBREY, CAMPBELL San Antonio Churchill
Dietrich, Kira 11:19.90 San Antonio Reagan
Garza, Mikaela 11:23.78 Northside Brandeis
Frankel, Avary 12:10.91 San Antonio Reagan
Cantor, Sofia 12:34.17 San Antonio Lee
Jackson, Addison 12:39.13 San Antonio Reagan
Agee, Felicity 12:45.28 Medina Valley
Svatek, Jordan 12:47.62 Northside Brandeis
Glosser, Theone 12:48.85 San Antonio Reagan
Salas, Mia 13:07.66 San Antonio Johnson
Albino, Kira 13:17.03 San Antonio Johnson
Liddell, Claire 13:34.85 San Antonio Reagan
Agundis-Perez, Stephanie 13:41.48 San Antonio Madison
Stevenson, Lauren 13:44.52 Northside Brandeis
Martinez, Mariana 13:51.38 Medina Valley
Grimme, Daniela 14:02.11 San Antonio Reagan
Pina Cervantes, Sofia 14:15.23 San Antonio Lee
Berlanga, Sarah 14:29.71 San Antonio Lee
Sotelo, Mikaela 14:43.26 San Antonio Madison
Brand, Ayla 15:23.42 San Antonio Madison
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 41 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valle, Kristiana Northside Stevens
Barboza, Elisa Medina Valley
LOCK, JENNA San Antonio Churchill
NOBUKIYO, SAKURA San Antonio Churchill
Rodriguez, Catalina Northside Brandeis
Granhen, Agata San Antonio Reagan
EMERSON, PRATER San Antonio Churchill
Brownlee, Kayanna Northside Stevens
Cervanetes, Araceli Northside Stevens
Ware, Payton 1:01.68 Northside Brandeis
Pinto, Trinity 1:01.77 Medina Valley
Taylor, Brianna 1:02.65 San Antonio Johnson
Fonseca, Kayla 1:02.97 Northside Brandeis
Zink, Vivian 1:03.63 San Antonio Reagan
Smith-Harris, Leila 1:04.17 Northside Brandeis
Stevens, Ashleigh 1:04.28 San Antonio Johnson
Barrera, Kate 1:04.35 San Antonio Reagan
Patterson, Camia 1:04.78 Medina Valley
Wagoner, McKenzie 1:05.09 Medina Valley
Garcia, Mikaela 1:06.20h San Antonio Madison
Plata, Julia 1:06.31 San Antonio Johnson
MUNN, MABRY 1:06.33 San Antonio Johnson
Martinez, Alexis 1:06.65 Northside Brandeis
Sherman, Rachel 1:06.68 San Antonio Lee
Willoughby, Marianna 1:06.90h San Antonio Madison
Altman, Lauren 1:07.29 Northside Brandeis
Beleno, Justine 1:07.31 San Antonio Reagan
Sosa, Brianna 1:07.79 San Antonio Johnson
Westenskow, Gianna 1:08.26 San Antonio Reagan
Ostrander, Alicia 1:08.40 Medina Valley
Perez, Briana 1:08.55 Northside Stevens
Nweke, Adaora 1:08.86 San Antonio Johnson
Ruiz, Alexandra 1:09.22 San Antonio Lee
Smallze, Eliza 1:10.41 San Antonio Reagan
Cuellar, Annalia 1:11.00h Northside Stevens
De Bourgues, Valentine 1:15.32 San Antonio Lee
Kunz, Brooke 1:16.90 San Antonio Madison
Lovett, Skyla 58.78 Northside Stevens
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 47.80 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 49.10h Northside Stevens
Relay Team A 49.44 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 49.44 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 50.11 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 50.56 San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A 51.16 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 52.00h San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 52.50h San Antonio Madison
Relay Team A 52.81 San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A 54.16 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 54.94 Northside Stevens
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Northside Stevens
Relay Team A 1:40.74 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 1:45.00h Northside Stevens
Relay Team A 1:45.35 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 1:45.50h San Antonio Madison
Relay Team A 1:45.74 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 1:46.66 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 1:46.66 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 1:46.75 San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A 1:47.12 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 1:51.00h San Antonio Madison
Relay Team A 1:51.72 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 1:53.87 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 1:57.70 San Antonio Churchill
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:53.11 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 3:53.11 San Antonio Reagan
Relay Team A 4:05.69 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 4:12.27 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 4:12.27 San Antonio Johnson
Relay Team A 4:14.09 Medina Valley
Relay Team A 4:23.02 San Antonio Lee
Relay Team A 4:24.58 Northside Stevens
Relay Team A 4:27.00h San Antonio Madison
Relay Team A 4:28.69 Northside Brandeis
Relay Team A 4:39.46 San Antonio Churchill
Relay Team A 4:40.02 Medina Valley
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Girls 800 Meter Run 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanchez, Jazzlyn Northside Stevens
KEMMEL, ISABELLA San Antonio Churchill
Suter, Annalisa Brooke Medina Valley
Williams, Magdalana San Antonio Johnson
Ardilla, Marissa Northside Stevens
MIKAELA, ORTIZ San Antonio Churchill
MIZELL, MAGGIE San Antonio Churchill
Campos, Kaylynn Northside Stevens
AUBREY, KELLOGG San Antonio Churchill
JILLIAN, HEYMANS San Antonio Churchill
Garcia Hernandez, Victoria Medina Valley
RYAN, CURRY San Antonio Churchill
Surratt, Riley San Antonio Johnson
Mathias, Ada 2:25.03 Northside Brandeis
Ostrowski, Violet 2:27.07 Northside Brandeis
Plata, Julia 2:27.75 San Antonio Johnson
Barrera, Kate 2:28.04 San Antonio Reagan
Kroon, Alexa 2:28.30 San Antonio Reagan
Lessner, Virginia 2:28.59 San Antonio Lee
Glasgow, Lillian 2:29.18 Northside Brandeis
Hakim Montemayor, Alexa 2:29.77 San Antonio Reagan
Garcia, Jazlyn 2:32.14 Medina Valley
Fritsche, Alaynah 2:34.26 San Antonio Reagan
Benne, Brooke 2:34.42 San Antonio Reagan
Avalos, Jasmine 2:35.32 Northside Brandeis
Byers, Rhys 2:35.50 San Antonio Reagan
Stephenson, Erin 2:37.98 San Antonio Lee
Pinto, Trinity 2:38.00 Medina Valley
Huntley, Delilah 2:38.39 Northside Brandeis
Flores, Paloma 2:41.24 San Antonio Johnson
Cuellar, Annalia 2:46.00h Northside Stevens
Nweke, Adaora 2:48.95 San Antonio Johnson
Maldonado, Amaris 2:49.17 Medina Valley
Ngaruiya, Esther 2:53.38 San Antonio Johnson
Medina, Mayah 2:54.34 San Antonio Madison
Pobanz, Helena 2:55.56 San Antonio Madison
Kunz, Brooke 2:56.15 San Antonio Madison
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Girls Discus 38 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wright, Madison 110-6 San Antonio Lee
Boggan, Alexandria 105-8 Northside Brandeis
Chilton, Lila 102-8 San Antonio Reagan
Salters, Jera 102-0 San Antonio Johnson
DAILEY, SARAH 97-8 Medina Valley
Jehl, Annabelle 96-7 Medina Valley
Vargas, Carolina 94-4 Northside Stevens
PEREZ, ALISHA 94-2 Northside Stevens
LeBleu, Elizabeth 93-0 San Antonio Reagan
Trapp, Ariel 92-2 Northside Brandeis
Salazar, Mariana 87-6 San Antonio Reagan
Carmona, Eunice 84-3 San Antonio Johnson
PAYNE, ANNA 83-3 San Antonio Johnson
Mcneill, Jaedyn 82-3 San Antonio Johnson
Hardin, Emily 81-2 San Antonio Reagan
Saucedo, Sarah 78-2.5 San Antonio Reagan
Reeves, Gabby 74-6 San Antonio Reagan
Medley, Grace 74-5 Medina Valley
MUNN, MABRY 68-6.5 San Antonio Johnson
PETERS, BRIDGET 67-6 San Antonio Johnson
Etienne, Natalie 46-8 San Antonio Madison
Crittendon, Kira 37-3 Northside Brandeis
Roach, Reise San Antonio Madison
Ingram, Cyani San Antonio Madison
Ramirez, Savannah San Antonio Lee
Sherman, Dani Northside Stevens
Galvan, Natalie Northside Stevens
Silva, Harly Northside Stevens
Adams, Krislynn Northside Stevens
Evans, Royalty Medina Valley
REESE, KRAUSE San Antonio Churchill
STELLA, ANDERSON San Antonio Churchill
Martinez, Anisa San Antonio Churchill
VANN, KARMYN San Antonio Churchill
BROWN, MACEY San Antonio Churchill
MARY, KELLY San Antonio Churchill
Lightsey, Makayla Medina Valley
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Girls High Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mitchell, Michaela 5-3 San Antonio Johnson
Ruiz, Mireya 5-1 Northside Brandeis
Ajuzie, Divine 5-0 San Antonio Reagan
Sherman, Aryiel 5-0 San Antonio Reagan
Clark, N'riyah 5-0 Northside Brandeis
Burleson, Audrey 4-10 San Antonio Madison
Dunn, Jaclyn 4-10 San Antonio Reagan
Bailey, Nadia 4-10 San Antonio Madison
Garcia, Cara 4-10 Medina Valley
Hernandez, Isabel 4-10 San Antonio Lee
Gathecha, Naomi 4-10 San Antonio Johnson
Thienpont, Daryn 4-10 Northside Brandeis
Stewart, Mia 4-8 San Antonio Madison
Madrid, Ella 4-8 San Antonio Reagan
Perez, Kiyana 4-8 Medina Valley
Taylor, Brianna 4-8 San Antonio Johnson
Primm, Sydney 4-8 Northside Brandeis
Van Horn, Jody 4-6 San Antonio Reagan
Sosa, Brianna 4-6 San Antonio Johnson
BOEDDEKER, DALILAH 4-6 San Antonio Johnson
Cuevas, Truly 4-6 Northside Brandeis
Dodd, Nevaeh 4-4 Medina Valley
Campbell, Kimberly 4-4 Northside Brandeis
Domenech, Tessa 4-2 San Antonio Reagan
Fleming, Mikyla San Antonio Madison
Williams, Destiney San Antonio Madison
Villalpando, Leslie Northside Stevens
Cuellar, Annalia Northside Stevens
Cervanetes, Araceli Northside Stevens
Smith-Armstrong, Cadence Northside Stevens
Ostrander, Alicia Medina Valley
CYRENA, STEWART San Antonio Churchill
VARGAS-MEDINA, JANELLE San Antonio Churchill
ELLIS, SERENA San Antonio Churchill
LOCK, JENNA San Antonio Churchill
SCHULTZ, MADISON San Antonio Churchill
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Girls Long Jump 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriguez, Alyssa 18-5.5 Northside Brandeis
Tyler, Jada 17-5 Northside Stevens
Mitchell, Michaela 17-5 San Antonio Johnson
James-Crumsey, Sydney 17-3 Northside Brandeis
Stewart, Mia 17-2 San Antonio Madison
CANTU, DANIELL 16-10.5 San Antonio Johnson
Madrid, Ella 16-5 San Antonio Reagan
Valdez, Ania 16-4.25 San Antonio Reagan
Valdez, Haley 16-0 San Antonio Johnson
Schlueter, Morgan 15-10 San Antonio Reagan
Abernathy, Kalia 15-10 Northside Stevens
Cuevas, Truly 15-10 Northside Brandeis
Burnett, Katie 15-9.5 San Antonio Reagan
Hernandez, Isabel 15-7.25 San Antonio Lee
BEAL, ABIGAIL 15-5 Medina Valley
Sivills, Arianah 15-3.5 San Antonio Madison
Bagley, Chelle 15-1.5 San Antonio Reagan
Tenorio, Ariana 14-7 Northside Brandeis
Center, Shelby 14-6 Medina Valley
Altman, Lauren 14-6 Northside Brandeis
Thienpont, Daryn 14-0 Northside Brandeis
PAYNE, ANNA 13-11.75 San Antonio Johnson
Stokes, Andra 13-11 Northside Stevens
ADAME, AUDREY 13-3 San Antonio Johnson
Ostrander, Alicia 13-2 Medina Valley
Breland, Breanna 12-3 Medina Valley
Hernandez, Alyssa 11-8 San Antonio Lee
Kusi, Sheanna San Antonio Madison
Valle, Kristiana Northside Stevens
Bir, Nicole Northside Stevens
Wagoner, McKenzie Medina Valley
THOMAS, TAYLOR San Antonio Churchill
Knickerbocker, Kymri San Antonio Churchill
PAVLICEK, MADELINE San Antonio Churchill
Vega, Kaila San Antonio Johnson
SCHULTZ, MADISON San Antonio Churchill
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Girls Pole Vault 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
CANTU, DANIELL 12-0 San Antonio Johnson
Taylor Fuentespina, Lauren 11-6 San Antonio Johnson
Aldridge, Madalyn 10-9 Medina Valley
Ruiz, Mireya 10-7 Northside Brandeis
Vera, Jace 10-6 San Antonio Reagan
Holman-Mathis, Olivia 10-6 San Antonio Reagan
Neal, Sloan 9-6 San Antonio Reagan
Winslow, Jordan 8-0 Northside Brandeis
Francis, Emerson 7-6 Northside Brandeis
LAISSLE, SYDNEY 7-0 San Antonio Johnson
Ryall, Madison 7-0 San Antonio Johnson
Fuller, Kylie 6-6 Northside Brandeis
Aquino, Isabella 6-0 San Antonio Reagan
Salling, Jenna San Antonio Reagan
Truong, Laci Medina Valley
Hernandez, Mia Medina Valley
Perez, Kiyana Medina Valley
ELLIS, SERENA San Antonio Churchill
ALEXIS, MARTENS San Antonio Churchill
DEAL, NATALIE San Antonio Churchill
SCHUBERT, GENEVIEVE San Antonio Churchill
Garza, Natalie Northside Brandeis
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Girls Shot Put 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salazar, Mariana 38-2 San Antonio Reagan
Vargas, Carolina 35-6 Northside Stevens
Wright, Madison 32-9 San Antonio Lee
Molina, Azavel 32-1.5 San Antonio Reagan
Boggan, Alexandria 31-11.5 Northside Brandeis
Mcneill, Jaedyn 31-9.75 San Antonio Johnson
Salters, Jera 30-11 San Antonio Johnson
Jehl, Annabelle 30-10 Medina Valley
Del Rosario, Zahra 30-5 San Antonio Reagan
PEREZ, ALISHA 30-5 Northside Stevens
DAILEY, SARAH 30-3.5 Medina Valley
HARLOW, KELLIE 29-4 Medina Valley
Isaac, Kariden 29-2.5 Northside Brandeis
Sherman, Dani 28-11 Northside Stevens
Wollenzier, Emerson 28-9.25 San Antonio Reagan
Fasan, Ireayomide 27-11 Northside Brandeis
MUNN, MABRY 27-8 San Antonio Johnson
Carmona, Eunice 26-5 San Antonio Johnson
PETERS, BRIDGET 26-0 San Antonio Johnson
POLLARD, LILLAIN 26-0 San Antonio Johnson
Trapp, Ariel 24-11.25 Northside Brandeis
Etienne, Natalie 23-11 San Antonio Madison
Hardin, Emily 22-4.5 San Antonio Reagan
Crittendon, Kira 20-5 Northside Brandeis
Roach, Reise San Antonio Madison
Ingram, Cyani San Antonio Madison
Ramirez, Savannah San Antonio Lee
Adams, Krislynn Northside Stevens
Galvan, Natalie Northside Stevens
Silva, Harly Northside Stevens
Medley, Grace Medina Valley
Evans, Royalty Medina Valley
REESE, KRAUSE San Antonio Churchill
ANAYA, ROLLING San Antonio Churchill
ARGUELLO, ILIANA San Antonio Churchill
VANN, KARMYN San Antonio Churchill
ELIZABETH, PRUSKE San Antonio Churchill
BROWN, MACEY San Antonio Churchill
Lightsey, Makayla Medina Valley
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Girls Triple Jump 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carrico, Ciandra 36-0.75 San Antonio Johnson
Tucker, Sa'Naa 35-8 San Antonio Reagan
James-Crumsey, Sydney 34-0 Northside Brandeis
Valdez, Ania 33-10.5 San Antonio Reagan
Center, Shelby 33-8.25 Medina Valley
Sherman, Aryiel 33-5 San Antonio Reagan
Sivills, Arianah 31-11.25 San Antonio Madison
Staples, Emily 31-2.75 San Antonio Johnson
Kusi, Sheanna 30-9 San Antonio Madison
Tenorio, Ariana 30-8.5 Northside Brandeis
Van Horn, Jody 30-3.5 San Antonio Reagan
Peeples, Ellie 30-2 San Antonio Reagan
Hernandez, Isabel 29-4.5 San Antonio Lee
Ostrander, Alicia 28-9.5 Medina Valley
Vega, Kaila 26-4.5 San Antonio Johnson
Wagoner, McKenzie Medina Valley
BEAL, ABIGAIL Medina Valley
GABRIELLA, GARCIA San Antonio Churchill
CYRENA, STEWART San Antonio Churchill
ISAAC, SIENA San Antonio Churchill
Ornelas, Kaila San Antonio Johnson
Bartlett, Sarah San Antonio Churchill
Altman, Lauren Northside Brandeis
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