Week #13 | Week#12 | Week #11 | Week #10 | Week #9 | Week #8 | Week #7 | Week #6 | Week #5 | Week #4 | Week #3| Week #2 | Week #1
Monday 11/9 - Today was another rest day, so we got to sleep in and wake up for study hall at 9:15 which was awesome!! Shoutout to Bryce and Morgan, Bryce got me coffee because I woke up late, and Morgan bought Payton, Coach Brevard, and I donuts for winning state! The rest of the day I finished up on make-up work from Friday, and went to the movies to see Spectre which was a 10 out of 10!
Total miles: 0
Tuesday 11/10 - This morning practice was at 7:30, and it was just a simple recovery run to
shakeout our legs from state. We ran 5 miles at 7:15 pace on our local city trail. Brevard didn't bike with us today because he forgot his bike so we went with Coach T. When we got back to the track we ran 6 x 150 meter barefoot strides, and stretched.
Total miles: 6
Wednesday 11/11 - Today practice was back at normal time, 6:45, and workout was a 6 mile EPR with 2 x 1 mile surges. We warmed up with a mile, then started the run, the first half of the run was good, then I think we can all agree it went downhill from there. We ran a mile barefoot cool down and stretched. After we finished, we went to the weight room to maintain the strength we built up at the beginning of the season. We did squats, bench press, jammers, core, and power cleans, each with 3 repetitions of 4. Then we went inside to get ready for SIGNING DAY!!! Payto and I (distance) signed with the U of Arkansas, Ashton (distance) signed with A&M, and Ian Braxton (sprinter) signed with Baylor. Then I stuffed my faces with cake and cookies before going to fail my statistics test.
Total miles: 8
Thursday 11/12 - This morning I woke up to a phone call from payto at 6:44… practice was at 6:45… I made it there in 10 minutes and only missed half a mile of the run. We had a recovery run with a big group of girls, and a few of the guys. We ran 7 miles around Parker Square then stretched really well when we got back to the track. Tonight I took an ice bath, so that my legs would recover a little bit before our hard workout tomorrow.
Total miles: 7
Friday 11/13 - This morning we had a tempo workout at unity park. Warm up was 2 miles to the park, then drills and stretches. We ran 2 x 2 miles at 6:10 pace and then 1 mile at 5:45. Cool down was 2 miles back to the track then stretches. At the football game that night, our varsity girls got recognized at the beginning of the game for our state championship. Then I stayed for the rest of the game until all of my friends left except one, so we ditched that and went to get hot coco.
Total miles: 9
Saturday 11/14 - Practice this morning was on our own but us girls scheduled practice at 6:45. Our run was just an easy 7 mile recovery run through a course we call "summit". I snap chatted the entire run as we jammed out to early 2000 pop music, it was an extremely fun run. Afterwards I went to the AAU regional cross country meet, to cheer on my boyfriends little sister, and the rest of the lake cities kiddos.

Total miles: 7
Sunday 11/15 - Today I woke up late and went to church with my mom, then my friend, Miciah and I went on a 4 mile shakeout run. The rest of the day was spent doing homework and watching the season premiere of Keeping Up With The Kardashians!!!
Total miles: 4